Libfags triggered by "virtue signaling"

sup Holla Forums, it looks like some leftists are becoming anally devastated at the term "virtue signaling", pic related, the whining goes on for quite a while.

In my experience, shitlords like us can use accusations of signaling to incredible effect, at least on normiebook etc - it's like shitlibs calling people racist, which used to be effective in shutting down debate and putting their opponents on the defensive.

Can we use "signaling" like we used "cuck" to cause instant triggering and tears?

Other urls found in this thread: signalling

since it describes them perfectly, yes


The leftist cuss words like "racist", "misogynist", etc. don't work on us and have vague meanings that only work on cuckolds or other leftists. But when a term is used that describes exactly what they are doing when they virtue signal, they get rump roasted. Sucks to be a leftist.

Just another commie attempt at controlling context. Lay it on them and don't back off on any pressure.


Oh god.
It's a retweet from that anti-GamerGoy Arthur Chu. The one joking about raping an 11 year old :^) .
And the creature he's retweeting is some obscure tranny-goblin that mentally is locked away in some closet babbling about oppression.

As if I needed more proof that academia is a cult.


I want these people to be made to have a lobotomy, it'd hardly affect their consciousness but it'd make them more manageable.

SJWs are feeling the heat recently. The public is realizing how annoying they are, and the backlash is shocking some of them.

Your liberal brownie points will NEVER EVER be put next to the hot cocoa!

Well there you have it, gentlemen. Turns out it's not even a legitimate social science term.

Once again we have failed to trick the left into thinking we speak from a position of intellectual rigor. Not a single women's studies graduate among us, not even a communications major. What the hell are we going to do now?

Bill Whittle was right. He said that if REALLY want to get under the skin of a SJW fag, call them out on their virtue signalling. It triggers them like nothing else.

Bill Whittle was right. He said that if you REALLY want to get under the skin of a SJW fag, call them out on their virtue signalling. It triggers them like nothing else.

I thought the lobotomy was mandatory to become a libshit in the first place

Can't make this shit up.

She's just mad in how we control memes and therefore language. With every word we meme we influence language and therefore perceived reality. Subverting doesn't work that well when you cannot control language.

What was it that we accomplished with Tay? Sure we redpilled her, but you know what else happened? Her grammar and spelling improved. Now we don't know which came first but it might be possible that one led to another.

Think of it this way, in terms of evolving internet cultures. We, Holla Forums, are evolved grammar nazis. I understand the irony of the term, yet it is somewhat fitting for a fascist personal trait.
Please entertain the thought of a common language creating culture. That's why other websites tend to have other political representation, and why imageboards tend to attract certain political affiliations more than others.

You don't understand, "cuckold" and "virtue signaling" are hurtful words.

That reminds me, what happened to Guacman? The whole thing seems to have just stopped out of the blue

I'm working hard on finding out the perfect way for women to achieve happiness.
HInt:It's having a healthy, big family.

virtue signalling is very similar to the tips fedora meme.
their buttflustering is due to the accusation that they are only regurgitating the rhetoric of their ethos to look good rather than to justify their claims. they don't care about the rigour of their claims, but to strip them of appearing good is what makes them highly defensive.
they are very much of a herd mentality. objectivity is not valued by them, but subjectivity. this is interesting because their zeal in their beliefs indicates that what they believe, they believe to be objectively true without a shadow of a doubt. they tend towards violent and coercive acts to propagate their beliefs.
it also sounds intelligent, so they take it seriously.
yes, and this is made even more effective by the frequency at which they virtue signal. much of their rhetoric is an appeal to emotion. it severely offends them for their empathy to be discredited as unjustified.
it may help.
the most effective way of dealing with them is mockery. it reveals their detractors as entertaining and them as silly. it also throws them off balance, making them more emotional and even less capable of reasoning.

Protip: 'Pathologic(al) Altruism' is another one that really, really gets their goat in many cases.

It was also funny, was watching her twitter, which had her slightly-chubby white girl face as the image, and at one point she was trying to appeal to angry dindus and sheboons through 'we r awn same teem!' shit, and they responded with some really wickedly venomous shit.

So she changed her image to something other than a white girl and tried again.

Called her on it in the chat, and another pseudo-breakdown ensued, along with another ban.

Good times man, good times.


another intelligent sounding phrase that they feel compelled to address due to their vanity.

this is an absolutely excellent one because it calls into question the entirely of their ethos. the slippery slope of sexual depravity as well as mass immigration and its many problems are all instantly reconfigured. this is due to the doubt about the extent of their altruism being injected into all of their views as a limiter.

in short, it causes them to envision their boundary regarding the entirety of their ethical views. it's a nice little reprimand similar to that of a father or mother's caution and disciplinary guidance: perfect for dealing with women :^)

these are neat little tricks that can be readily deployed, but it's not a cure all.
spread doubt in their ethos. give counterexamples. be amicable so as to garner trust to apply to your message. chip away at their ethos and reconstruct it.

My guess: didn't work.

Guacman was a primitive bot. Glorified markov chains from what I understand. Nothing next to Tay.

and most of all, mockery.

"virtue signalling" is a coherent phrase.

For the past six months I've been using the term "Suicidal Altruism" and variables of it. It has had measurable success. Use it.

This is why phrases like it and "pathological alturism" work wonders to redpill normies and ruin the left.

It's a coherent term. They scream that "It's not even a real term!" but it's definable by nature of its components. It is signalling of virtue. Since the onlooker understands what it means without caring of the origin, to see a person so thoroughly reject a term as non-existent when it's before them makes them question.
It's the same with pathological altruism. Altruism, to the pathological degree. Yet they say there's no such thing, that there could never be such a thing. And yet here it is, defined, and easy to understand as a phrase.
Cultural Marxism is another good one. Marxism applied to culture. But they simply refuse to acknowledge words.

So to put it in perspective, you're telling them you're holding a big red cup. Whether such a thing exists or not is irrelevant. But their rebuttal isn't to question whether you're right or to show that there's no such thing, but to completely fail to grasp what a big red cup could even be. They cry and scream that such a phrase has no meaning and refers to nothing. But while their minds can't envision such a thing, every onlooker now has a picture painted in their mind of something they're apparently not supposed to see.

What a cohencidence!

Is "of the same specie" a term you will swallow, Holla Forums :^)

It's a term that fits their behavior perfectly.

It's never about doing something productive, it's about looking morally good in front of others.

This is hilarious to think about.

The logical and verbal parts instantly know what they mean, but the feeling part tells them it can't be real. Skips over a few stages of denial, past laughter straight to near acceptance, and the harder they fight the more wrong they know they are.

Works particularly well on verbal illogical people because they judge people's intelligence based on their language.

Why should ANYONE give a fuck OP

It's not a woman.

Anyone notice they're trying to force this meme in the past few days? It's a typical Marxist tactic - call people what you yourself are, to preempt being called one yourself.

"Herd mentality" is right. They don't know anything about the cause they're such zealots for. They're utter dupes, but they don't want to acknowledge it, so they double down over and over again, making the cause (which they still know nothing about and desperately refuse to look closely at) a bigger and bigger part of who they are. That's the feedback loop that eventually results in white men wearing #KillAllMen t-shirts and rapefugee victims defending their rapists.

Two trips already. It's a sign.

AN anecdote is Trumps health-plan.
It was too short and concise for liberals/progressive ones.
They would much rather have a 1000 page document describing shit nobody would read, then have a "journalist" make it into a few sentences and then virtue signalizing it, claiming to be educated (heh) on the subject. Or at least grasp the broader aspects and consequences of it.

It's the epitome of "it's good when we do it "-mentality. It's sophistry on its most active level. Pure bullshillery.

Top kek.

need an academic term:
Virtue-signal feedback loop

She thinks like an academic because she denies the existence of the word on the count that there are no papers written about it "existing".

She needs to check her academic privilege. Some of us don't have the connections to get published and/or read journals.

Bump for good ideas.

my favourite is when they pretend to mock themselves and the things they do, as if it means they are no longer doing it. Like when Josh Weadon and Ania Sarkeesian posted that 'getting all OFFENDED by stuff' picture I couldn't find it

I appreciate that you understand this. I am a student of Wittgenstein and have dabbled heavily in analytic and linguistic philosophy. The interrelationship between culture and language is fascinating.

I urge all of you to read Philosophical Investigations, or, if nothing else, at least On Certainty.

Guacman's a dumdum. Good for coming up with memes but can't hold a conversation. He's our Oracle of Holla Forumsphi

Well I think it's useful for Holla Forumsacks to be acquainted with pithy "killing words" whose mere utterance is enough to send shitlibs, cucks and other assorted faggots into paroxysms of impotent rage. I've accused libfags of signaling on goybook and it drives them insane, really amusing way to fuck with them.

I mean yeah it's just one tranny and one faggot with a twitter account, but the effect of calling them out is undeniable, the tranny goes on a huge tirade because of two little words that expose the currency that underlies the actions and proclamations of all liberals: approval from their high minded peers.

I think though in the tranny's case it's more that it knows without useful white liberal idiots trying to signal (by proclaiming their hatred of anyone who isn't sufficiently approving of transfags, for example), it wouldn't find many messages to read validate its existence.

Yeah that's insightful. It would be nice to signal boost pathological altruism and virtue signaling. I suppose with cuck that gives us 3 great, short terms to use, and libfags have been using a single word, racist, quite effectively for years.

Also call them cat ladies when they talk about immigration, refugees, and/or open borders

how the HELL did a list of "problem phrases" ignore the most telling of them all, "problematic"?

"Problematic" is the word for something that an SJW recognizes as politically incorrect but doesn't know if xe has the power to destroy or is willing to permit to exist as an unprincipled exception.

TRS has been good for spreading these types of incisive memes.

let's do it, fire with fire.

They get so assblasted about it because they know it's true, they know it's all for an ego-boost.

I was curious as to Katherine Cross' sexual market value, looked him up on Jewgle… and it's a man. Quite an ugly man, too.

Purge it.

That is a good idea. When I have used the term "pathological altruism" some libshit faggot interpreted that as my saying that all forms of altruism are inherently pathological and then attacked that strawman with accusations of being a quote "sociopath Ayn Rand fanatic" despite Rand and his stupid strawman not being even remotely relevant to the conversation. I gave up the argument (we were arguing about rapefugees") shortly after when he went into amygdala overload and just resorted to mockery and bantz.

I need that cup, it would make games of Kings Cup really fun.

Why are these people ALWAYS trans?


I can think of a few social-sciency sounding ones too.

Conformal semaphore.
Peer group approval gesture
Submission indicator.
Altruism attestation.
Piety intimation.
Moral peahenning.
Pavlovian guilt reflex.

Feel free to mix and match for maximum points.

Ask the subject why they don't do the right thing, and "Step aside with pride."
or "Gift your privilege.".

Example; "Maybe you'd feel better if you shed your privilege. Step aside with pride, and let a ___ take your place in the workforce."

To defeat a regressive you must back them into a corner, and expose their altruism for the pure flim-flam it is.

They create the weapons; take them from their clammy hands, and use them against the weilder.

It is impossible to live up to the double standards they create, so force them to conform to their own double bind, then watch the facade crumble.

They failed at being men AND being women. Of course they're permatgriggered and want forced equality.

I like this.

Can also add narcissistic or antisocial to them.

That's got me thinking about what would be a good term for group narcissistic supply, and demand. Ingroup narcissistic feedback loop, or something similar.

clip related, virtue signalling accurately portrayed in Seinfeld

The only thing shitlibs like better than virtue signalling is victim signalling.

Wow! Can someone explain to me why so many people post anime girls on this board? I came here from reddit because I heard this place is like old Holla Forums of 4chan




I know someone else who used to reference Wittgenstein all the time. I haven't read him because I find this claim prima facie untenable.

If language controlled culture, language could never have evolved in the first place.

Call me ignorant but I have OCD so reading anything is a major undertaking, meaning that I must vet potential readings for credibility before I even begin.

How do you answer this, if language controls culture then how could a culture of language arise without language?


If I had to argue on his side, I'd point out nonverbal communication as well, but, as a species, verbal communication is one of the most important advantages we have, along with an oral history before we had written languages (along with such things like bipedal locomotion giving us longer access to tool-manipulating appendages and a higher stance to see farther for predators and other environmental hazards or benefits, opposable thumbs, and etc)

So…I really don't know, honestly.

I don't doubt what you say about the benefits and uniqueness of language, I'd considered that, non-verbal communication might form the basis of spoken language but still don't see how it could give rise to spoken language, if the scope of thought is bounded by language.

How did a three dimensional symbol become a word? And if words really do bound our thinking, when did that happen? Surely people thought before spoken language and beyond the confines of limited signing and body-language, as to restate my point in a different way, if it wasn't possible to think "outside the box" of language, then spoken word could never have arisen from non-verbal.

It's an interesting conundrum. Loanwords and phrases do prove that the mind craves ways to express new concepts outside of native expression.

I've encountered more than one person who has tried to stop the use of foreign loanwords, on the basis that "people who aren't fluent in that language are not entitled to speak any of it."

A very anti-thought and authoritarian position, that could be straight from 1984 (the person was a teacher and I was using a phrase from latin, which is in the Oxford English as a loan phrase.)

The left has told me "be a good boy an earn a reward" and with sword and horde I crusaide my way into the fray known as good goy points! To my dismay after entering this fray before me does not lay the chicken tendies I disire! So now I set the fire, higher and higher in burns and I yern what I rightfully have earned! "It is a reward of its self" they say "Bing PC will set you free." No! I say once again entering the fray, this time I fight for the right out of spite! No tendies, no polite!

Latin is the root of many languages (and is technically "dead").

Pedicabo magister vester

I havent read those works, but Im going to give school you anyway.

You are thinking too narrowly. 'Language controls culture controls perceived reality'… What is language? A means with which to convey thoughts and ideas. As understanding of a thought or idea develops we come up with a word(s) for it. So the development of language depends on the prevalent thoughts and ideas amongst the group. What is another word for prevalent thoughts and ideas? memes ;^)

Well, I meant to go on about how language should evolve, and has for thousands of years, including interactions with other cultures which is a part of the various trees of languages, such as Latin's influence on many European languages, but I kinda cut to the chase.

Haha, well he wasn't MY teacher. I was interacting with him in another context where he tried to apply his authority as a Latin teacher to gain social capital.

Exactly right though, the MAIN function of Latin now, is as an adjunct to the vernacular. You can see that I'm still triggered.

Right, so clearly the thought or concept arose without it having a particular name. The name is given after the concept is created. So if we trace back the evolution of concepts we should always find that words describing them were not required for their creation, all the way back to the first spoken word.

Sorry, that's atrocious writing.

*The concept arises prior to its description.

Sure, why not OP? But you know… the time needs to come, when we kill all these types you really shouldn't be talking to. You know that right? So I look forward to the day when posts are made, asking if this is a good way to kill a Commie, faggot, drug addict.

Because until then, this is just a bit of fun and massive time wasting.

Are there no social scientists on Holla Forums? It could actually be a really nice paper opportunity - just design a questionnaire to measure virtue signalling, then also assess their behavior and correlate to eg. Voting democrat, social ostracizing/ideological bullying, promiscuity, mental health/parenting quality, cognitive biases, IQ, all sorts of things. You'd have to know some noncucked socio/psych theory to do it properly, but it's not much actual work.

Tbh it's an emergent phenomenon of our age that has huge impact but gets ignored by bluepill researchers because of muh PR and muh leftism. But it could be a bombshell like "diversity lowers trust" and "liberals are less tolerant of opposing views". The libtards will be demoralized to no end since they basically regard peer reviewed research as religious scripture.

My apologies someone set off a bunch of mortars whilst I was typing and it triggered my ptsd

My point still stands butthole.

I meant my own writing, I realized it was unclear after I posted.

You are right. But the time for killing requires a significant fracture point in order to proceed. Thats where accelerationism comes into play. It would be nice if these people were salvageable, but they arent, its been tried for quite some time. Weve made good progress speeding things up, a couple more real good triggerings and we will break them mentally to the point where a cull is warranted and applauded.

the phenomenon xhe should be more concerned with is the one of every argument from a liberal perspective invariably devolving to "i feel this way because i'm a ~*~ decent person ~*~ !!!"

Hate to say this, but reddit KiA might be a good place to ask. Since they prefer to engage SJWs instead of mocking them like Holla Forums, they have a grasp of the terms.

I agree, this is a bombshell, and the author of the paper could coin a new term. Would it be psychology or sociology?

That shit just got truer today

Not sure which one. Probably sociology, since it has to do with inter-personal interactions on a societal scale. I reckon few people would virtue signal in intimate circumstances - with their wife, close friends, relatives - unless they are alienated from them (there's some more testable predictions incidentally).

Though probably depends on how you spin it. If you focus more on the internal cognitive processes and co-morbidity with recognized disorders, then psych. If you focus more on otherwise "healthy" behavior and consequences for the society as a whole, then socio. If you did some brain scans and found interesting brain activity it could even be neuroscience.

The big issue is that journals might not want to touch it, so you'd have to publish somewhere below your caliber to force them to weigh the opportunity of publishing a paper much better than their usual crud vs. the badgoy factor.

I'm a STEM autist myself so I don't really know what the important journals are in humanities. I've seen tons of much more banal (albeit pro-establishment) shit get published, though.

Of course they do. Its never nice to be called out!

Ah. Gotcha.

I am actually kind of relieved to hear that. Buys the term some credibillity. Its always a hazzle to use social sience terms against them. Its easy, but you risk ending up with the same meaningless babble as they threw at you in the first place. Some meaningless terms to be deconstructed and abandoned on sight:

>Political space never defined where this space starts and ends, means nothing

>Socionormative Its the norm, yes. Unless you can qualify why its wrong, your wrong

>Opression Unless you have actively sought out reasons for opression, you have only shown that said group is under preassure. No valuejudgement is warranted. Next logical step would be to determine who the opressed group seeks to opress, but that i never done

>Class Is used without borders as well as political space. To name a group without defining it is not science. Its name calling

>Marxist Marx never could find it in himself to bring about a single solution to his imagined problems. There are no Marxist way to bring about anything. Even the Marxist endgoal is so blurry that it would be porporstruous to even bring it up

A couple other answered but I feel life I owe it to you.

First of all, I don't recall making any particularly bold claims other than that I find culture and language fascinating. I specifically avoided making any claims, instead pointing out his works so that anons could form their own conclusions.

It didn't. I suspect language is just part of who we are as humans, another z-factor that sets us apart from lower animals.

A gesture, a grunt, between people of the same culture, just about anything can be language. It has a shared foundation of experience that gives it meaning. From his perspective, culture(in whatever small way) came first.

Wittgenstein wasn't as interested in culture as the structure of language, but he demonstrates that it was on his mind, in terms like language-game and world-picture.

To bring it back to this particular topic, for one thing Wittgenstein absolutely shits on the sort of ultra-prescriptive language theories like the thing in OP's image.

On Certainty is also quite good for understanding how to deal with [people] like Marxists for whom there is never sufficient evidence, proof, or logical argument to dislodge their beliefs. I wouldn't say it is required Holla Forums reading, but a quote here and there could be golden.

To add a bit of personal editorial: It also means that we are winning the culture war. That might not necessarily mean what you think. We are poison to them. Our hated right-wing nationalist patriarchal what-have-you culture is their direct antidote that must be kept from the borders at any cost. They must police WORDS AND MEANING ITSELF to prevent our infiltration. (Not to mention history, tradition, religion, et cetera.) It is why they needed Academia on their side.

If the Jews and Marxists DO win this culture war, it will only be because they will have disposed of and replaced culture as we know it.

Will we allow it? Fight on, brothers.

No apologies for wall of text or soapbox tone.

It made me happy that in the end your image was actually relevant.

I love that show.

Especially Bigot

It's a man for one thing.

There's also the matter that Cross is one of the guys behind Feminist Frequency and is talked about by some minor media personalities like Graham Linehan as though their ideas are sensible. He was also spotted at the Colbert Report which is what sparked interest in finding out about him.

These are the liberals that get around and affect the media with their bullshit. You just don't hear about them often because they're often working behind the scenes.

But like with Arthur Chu, he is a man that has appeared on various news programs and talk shows purely because he did well reciting trivia for a game show, but he's still getting out there and promoting this liberal ideology. That he takes notes from Cross is itself worth noting since he's one of those men that helps spread the language that others parrot.

They're like bellwethers in that respect.

So if you know you're getting to the bellwethers then you know you have something that is effective against the rest of the flock.

Their meta annoys, perhaps triggers, me.

They create words and phrases such as gator/concern trolling etc and in this case virtue signalling. It's a way to describe how they're being criticised or contradicted without having to reference the actual content of any argument made against them.

Thinking about it, it's actually quite a clever mechanism for controlling members of your cult. The last thing you want to happen to your cult members is to have them exposed to information which in turn makes them think for themselves so in effect what they've done here is create some information firewall.

They can point to a person and an article then use a few keywords: Anti-feminist, Gator trolling, Racist, Concern trolling. Each of these keywords has the person pull up their learned definitions and slams that into the front of their mind.

Their mind is flooded with the PC rules of conduct and the actual article and person they were talking about is no longer relevant. They're done and dusted with that current article/person in a matter of seconds without actually having to process anything.

I think it's easier for people that are trans to be into acting as SJWs since it benefits them in multiple ways.

1) They are treated like magical unicorns by other SJWs who will enjoy signalling how progressive they are by giving the tranny as much attention as they want.

2) Cultural Marxism (or acting like a SJW) gives trannys a system of language that makes rationalizing that gender roles are meaningless and yet mean everything to them.

3) The cultural Marxist principles of tearing down objective truth makes it more acceptable that you can call an orange a banana. This is especially true because you have to go through more leaps in logic, which seems to dazzle liberals and make them think the logic is more reasonable.

I didn't notice this wasn't SJW speak. I read her first tweet and went off on a tangent because gator troll.

Pointing out virtue signalling sounds like fun.

I think you should collect examples of loud campaigns that delivered no results.

Kony 2012, #BringBackOurGirls, Feminist video games, the litany of other stuff.

Old Holla Forums was 100%
Imageboards are animu grills. This is an indisputable fact.


leftists are fucking retarded

Don't overlook this tidbit: "Virtue signalling" was supposedly a term being used by a scholar of religion

I wonder if those news articles made the connection between religion and millennial leftism? It's revealing how the independent behavior of the two groups generated an identical term.



I hope you faggots aren't referring to Catherine Cross, because he's a fucking tranny.

If you frame it as a way to help people, or explain it as a phenomenon of social media that's new and therefore interesting to study, they can't deny it just cause they don't like you. It could be a good phD thesis.

It loosely fits into political science as well.


political correctness is a fucking hilarious term because it alludes to being different from actual correctness, and that you're ignoring actual correctness on purpose in order to not be rude.

Fellas, fellas, you're thinking about this too hard.

These people used to be relegated to the scummiest corners of the world. We used to just tell these people to go fuck off or to go kill themselves or we wouldn't even give them the time of day because they're retarded suicidal freaks.

But we can't tell them what they need to hear anymore because of Political Correctness. So now we're just dancing around the same things we've used to already call them.

Always remember. Never forget.

"Go kill yourself."

thats one fluffy happy bird.

This is like the Manhattan project for blowing out SJW's

We are the real progressives though.

Progress is not about science, technology and exploration, not social rights.

I don't go to degenerate sites like reddit and tumblr, someone explain to me what the hell a "gator troll" is. I've heard of "concern troll", but I don't know what the hell a "gator troll" could mean. Are they referring to the myths that nigs tell one another that nigglets were used as alligator bait in the south?


don't expect to be overwhelmed by the quality of their mocking terms

Can someone explain whats going on?
Why are we using this/where did it come from?

gator = gamergater. Calling someone a gator is a form of virtue signalling / malign labelling.

Simply put, "virtue signalling" is a phrase we use to address certain techniques, words etc. liberals use to feel morally superior and holier than thou. I don't know where it came from, it originated organically I guess.

Thank you. We should tell them that the term is racist because of the "fact" that "gator trolling" refers to using po' lil' african americans like baby tray-tray to hunt gators via tossing them into a swamp.

They're virtue signaling remember. They don't ACTUALLY give a fuck about niggers. If you want to really get them mad you have to insult/attack the the most important thing in their world directly. Themselves.

Sometimes I enjoy my job.

I guess if that were the case you wouldn't have it being mentioned in a academic context ever?

Oh wait.

teach me your ways

It's not that hard m80, you have seen their stance on various things. Point out the inconsistencies in their logic and you know you can lead whatever topic down to some destructive force. Slap a minority that is being fucked over and suddenly their stance looks pretty damn bad in public. The biggest thing is the fact that leftists turn into the biggest beta cucks once the crowd starts seeing how crazy they are. Surprisingly the average crowd tends to click more with logic and rational thinking over muh feels. Weird.

We've finally made a breakthrough in applied memetics, Holla Forums. This is truly a turning point. Catchy, clear, short, high impact phrases are the highest grade of memes currently possible. Words propagate via language, don't require a computer and are easier to recall than infographics or image macros.

Up until now leftists have had the upper hand with their myriad of, admittedly, inane buzzwords. Honestly, besides "racist" their memes are mostly garbage - "black body", "white cis male", "heteronormative", "POC", and so on. Unwieldy, pretentious, boring and not catchy enough to really root themselves in our language and collective consciousness. Pretty much quantity over quality, typical of the left. "Racist" is one of the few that broke through.

Well, now we have a counter to that. Sure, nobody wants to be a "racist". But who wants to be a disingenuous dormat?

This is powerful stuff here, folks. "Cultural Marxism" is outdated, great for in-house discussions, but the lefties have immunity to it, and the average person doesn't know what Marxism even is, and probably can't make the inference of what it would mean in relation to culture. "R selection" requires rudimentary knowledge of biology, and biology applied to humans is "racist". "Cuckservative" is great, unfortunately due to it's sexual connotations, it's not very highbrow or appropriate, so leftists can just ignore it. Many of our other memes just can't penetrate the mental iron curtain dropped by the jews.

"pathological alturism"

"virtue signalling"

Good, good stuff. We need more. If we want to start a revolution, we need words that can hurt and words that can inspire, but first and foremost, we need words that can weaken the pozzed narrative.

We can win the idea war. We only need to find the perfect memes.

My two cents;
An absolutely key part to arguing withshitlibs is to Deny them the offensive
Counter their questions with your own. CONSTANTLY ask for elaboration and clarification, remove the pure signalling from their argumen and boil it down to their core stance. simplify as much as possible

"You want whites to have a country to themselves? that's racist!"
"why is it racist?"

These losers think we give a shit? That's never how language has worked. Academics have never been the arbiters of which terms are valid and which aren't. It's a descriptive term of what they are doing. They are signalling virtue. It's indisputable.

It's like when they dismiss cultural marxism as a conspiracy theory. That's like saying high divorce rates are a conspiracy theory. The frankfurt school is irrelevant. Cultural marxism is a descriptive term of what they're actually doing: applying marxism to culture.

Bonus points if you can demonize a shit nation while propping up your own.

Meme Warfare

This essay coins the phrase “meme warfare” and describes how the technique can be used against the “armada of consumerism.” Adbusters founder Kalle Lasn, who instigating the Occupy Wall Street movement, continued to use the phrase; see his Culture Jam (1999) and Meme Wars (2012).

Full article:

I highly suggest to add "victim signalling" as well.

They've been shilling "alt-right" here like crazy the past two weeks in hopes of making it stick and fooling newfags. There's at least 3 or 4 "alt-right" threads per day, usually circle jerking about "alt-right" e-celeb bullshit. It's mostly replaced the old religious vs pagan sliding that they used to do 5 times per day.

Telescopic Philantrophy?

"Oppression Seeking" has a very clinical sound to it, fwiw.

This gives us an insight into the conforming nature of these sheeple. They don't even think a word has validity unless other people say it does.

Complete cretins.

They're ready and primed for the newspeak dictionary.

conformity kills minds



Been spreading the terms "pathological altruism" and "virtue signalling" today.

Feels good.

I personally don't like the term pathological altruism. It's good in that it grabs attention, but it implies genuine caring. It's really just about getting a short term dopamine rush rather than actually helping anyone. It could almost be described as a chemical addiction. They're actually pathological narcissists, acting purely for their own satisfaction. If they were really altruists they would see, for example, that setting up areas in the middle east for refugees to live is far better for those refugees than letting them cross the sea in rickety boats and live on government assistance in countries that are completely alien to them. They would see that turning the boats around from the beginning would have saved countless lives. Someone who truly cared would take the time to learn about the situation and consider all the ways of helping the most people most effectively.

And they all want the government to pay for it while they personally put in little to no work or money. They want to take money away from you and I to fund causes that they won't fund themselves. They type "refugees welcome" on their iPhones and then feel like they've done something important and meaningful. Aside from a few truly delusional leftists who think it's a good idea to volunteer at rapefugee centers or invite rapefugees into their homes (I suppose those people would be genuine pathological altruists, they have a true desire to help but are totally misguided), they aren't doing jack shit.

Lefties love resorting to semantics to deflect from the issue.


I'm touched by your concern for the left, but they're beyond saving. Moderates, on the other hand, should be the priority, and bringing them aboard is sometimes as simple as standing with poise as they shriek "AAAAAANYWAY, NOT DONE! NOT DONE! SHUT THE FUCK UP."


adjective, ( often lowercase)
hypocritically and unctuously affecting benevolence or high moral principles.

I had a friend who was diagnosed with cancer. The leftist friends they had never lifted a finger to help them, but would virtue signal on facebook that they would do anything to help.

A Holla Forumsack started that leftist pecking party. The left devoured their own that night.

call it pseudo-altruistic narcissism then
and it explains well the root cause of virtue signaling

can't handle the b8

I think it's good. First, it can be interpreted as a kind of a compliment, - "you're kind to a fault". That means it can spread faster, because it's easier to call your shitlib friend a pathological altruist, than a narcissist. It doesn't sound like an insult and is not offensive.

Secondly, "pathological" implies harm, but the target of the harm is vague. Who are you harming with your altruism? Yourself? Your country? The people you project it on? All of the above? This is good, it means the term is flexible, and can be used in all sorts of context.

Donating money to Africa? Pathological alturism - donations only exacerbate the population crisis. You're harming Africans.

Want more immigration? Pathological alturism - they cheapen labor, increase cost of life. You're harming yourself.

Support affirmative action? Pathological alturism - you encourage double standards, government expansion, inefficiency. You're harming your country.

Not perfect examples, but you see my point. It's a nice, sciency sounding term, with stealth capabilities. Good for light red-pill payloads.

Yes but liberals wouldn't be fazed if you call them narcissists. What with their lack of empathy they can't tell the difference between their posturing and real altruism so insulting their so-called altruism is far more effective.

I like "Oppression Olympics"

I don't know if you could spin it like that. I would guess you need to establish its existence first in a separate paper, then once that victory is locked in you open the Trojan horse and start with curing it. Otherwise all the radical leftists will see "curing" as a threat to their ideology, and start denying even the existence of virtue signalling in the first place to stop you. You can even see it in this thread. But if you first get them to agree to a smaller thing, just that virtue signalling exists, afterwards they can't deny it.

Oh yes they can. The editor will be extra bitchy, the reviewers will be extra harsh, every subjective judgement of the paper will be judged against you. The peer review process is supposed to be grounded in fact, but there's actually lots of room to say stuff like

and when you change it

and when you tone it down

and when you make them softer

Also endless bitching about insufficient experimental controls. Ultimately this is subjective: You can always find more variables that need to be controlled for, or come up with more retarded alternate explanations that need to be disproved.

None of these things can be factually proved. If somebody doesn't want to believe your research is important, you can't change their mind by proving it otherwise. Normally, if one reviewer is bitching on largely subjective grounds but the others are okay, the editor will conclude he's just being an autist and ignore the comments. But if all reviewers (and the editor) start making these rationalizations about why the paper is bad (united in their desire to fight the evil right wingers) they will reject.

Lesser journals are a different matter. Since they have no publicity to begin with, even a paper that gives them bad publicity is still good. So a top 10 journal will accept a paper that is good enough for a top 3 journal, but was unfairly rejected on ideological grounds.

Trouble is, of course, if you have the talent to do research that's good enough for a top 3 journal, you could just research something less controversial and avoid the publication handicap. But this seems like it would be a small paper, probably doable in half a year - so you're not really sacrificing much of your productivity, I think.

Really it's just generalized white knighting.

Instead of protecting women, it's protecting all the designated underprivileged groups like blacks, trannies, cripples, gays and fighting designated bad guys like christian republican straight white cis men.

And instead of trying to get sex as if, you try to get all kinds of social favors yeah right like being praised by your peers and having cool friends.

that's not as good as the others because you don't immediately know what it means upon hearing it, it has to be explained. pathological altruism is immediately understandable.

pretty good, a bit long

I remember a post a while ago talking about how leftists are addicted to the dopamine rush they get from virtue signaling, hence the crazed dead eyed leftist look. I think it would be good to have a word to describe this that makes them sound like crazed crack addicts,getting high from huffing their own farts.

Conformal semaphore.

Peer group approval gesture.

Submission indicator.

Altruism attestation.

Piety intimation.

Moral peahenning.

Pavlovian guilt reflex.

pseudo-altruistic narcissism

This is a good thread.

in fact, what SJWs are doing, particularly on tumblr, is peer-to-peer narcissism exculpation through narcissism group escrow

tumblristas lay down their lives, habits, feelings (true or false) for the whole of tumblr to see, and praise others for the mere display of their own intimate emotional diarrheas
this gives them the benefits of contemplative narcissism and an illusion of group acceptance (because this "group" is merely for the various solitary communication benefits it offers, its members are interchangeable) while absolving them of the cost of being a narcissist (see mom, I'm talking important stuff with lots of people who fint the stuff I talk about important, I'm not an introverted navel-grazing loser spiraling in my own self-referential bullshit)

I wonder if Tojo ever used any of those bad-ass medals of his as shurikens when cornered?

do you guys think we could meme the term Person of Oppression in place of Person of Color. It's even more pretentious, but unwieldy to the average normie. It's also abbreviated POO so they would either have to say the entire term every time or just say POO and sound retarded. I think this could be a pretty easy meme.

Nice analogy.

So goyims, we've got a whole bunch of suggestions for pithy SJW-destroying phrases, good job brothers. I'm not sure what is the next step to take so I am wondering what everyone thinks of the following.

Photoshop/MS Paint wizards fire it up

1) create image(s) that instantly communicate the inanity of libfags virtue signaling/pathological altruism/etc. I'm thinking of the type of images like the liberal conundrum image of the guy wiping his forehead because he can't figure out which of two buttons to push because they are each mutually conflicting points of leftist philosophy.

Spread these kinds of image of twatter, fagbook etc for laughs.

2) create image(s) that can be used as replies to articles, tweets or posts, that accuse the poster of virtue signaling or being a pathological altruist or whatever. It would be particularly good for the image to be easily manipulable, such that one could replace people or figures in the image with the target of the image. It would also be good for the image to be easily recognizable. For example, something like a picture of batman and commissioner gordon putting up the bat signal, then instead of the batman emblem on the clouds it's "NO BORDERS" or some faggotry. And instead of batman and gordon it's john oliver and justin trudeau.

Shit I don't know, my imagination sucks but if it's something like that it would be easy to paste arthur chu's fat gay face on to it, or change up the message they are trying to signal with, or whatever.

I'm sure a lot of you goys have over 6 gorillion hours of MS paint experience and could whip this shit up and spread the memes, it would be a shoah of hilarious proportions

gotta love larry david

This, learn to dismantle bullshit. Just come at it like an honest skeptic.

""We Are Legion: The Linguistic Construction of Community on the Internet" by Amy Vaughn already discovered this–it was her masters thesis in Linguistics. does anyone have a copy? i lost mine. it's old, but the concepts still apply.

anons know each other by their language and manner of speech already. the trick is expanding the language's influence.

I don't know so much about calling what SJWs practice and believe "virtues"
Rather, they "social signal" than virtue signal
But, eh, stick to saying virtue signaling

You truly are wisest Rozen Maiden, Shinku :)

Same vein as 'qq' and 'salty'.

Oh you're complaining about something? Oh you're angry about something.


so salty

Now whatever they said is disregarded and irrelevant because they're just bitching.

Yeah, that's one of those Freudian-tier tactics where they treat something, like your complaint or your dislike of something as if there's something abnormal or pathological about you. Like when feminists try to shut down men who refuse to accept their feminist dogma

you mean like this?

Should have doubled down user. "You're just bringing up an academic reference to show off how "smart" you are."

Wait, wasn't there a study about how people in groups will go out of their way to show how loyal they are to the group? Didn't we actually start using this term because it actually was an observable characteristic?

Or did I swap universes again?

This guy is the "secretary" of femfreq.

That's my strategy lately when I troll liberal comment sections. I pretend to be a Clinton supporter that loves Hillary's support of TPP. And I'll talk about how horrible it is that a woman in the US is paid more than a woman in Guatemala or China for the same job ("disgusting American middle class privilege"). They will start to redpill themselves a bit, and maybe even start insisting that America needs to look out for its own. Then I'l accuse them of being nationalists, no better than Trump.

Reminds me of the story about the girls who got into an accident. While their facebook friends were all over social media sending out well-wishes and concern their real friends made it to the scene of the accident before the ambulance did.

Always remember, SJWEI.

Social Justice will eat itself. Always.

What, you mean the filthy kike who used his show as a platform to literally piss on our Lord and Saviour.

Yeah, no. Fuck Larry David.

Whole video is basically "drugs are good, capitalism is bad, diversity is good, stereotypes are bad."


To be fair, it doesn't take much for leftycucks to turn on each other. The weak will always lash back at the weaker when they smell their own blood in the water.

Vocal language is just ONE of many ways to communicate. Take drawings, music, and art like pottery into account and suddenly controlling a language isn't that powerful.

Why do you think leftists make such low energy memes?

Ive been doing this. They either pretend they didnt notice it and try to change the subject or get fucking triggered.

Another thing we should do is not use terms of their choosing to descrive them. Social justice warrrior is a badge of honor for them.

Lets come up with a new term like self depricating malcontents or self flagellating cultists.

Or we could use one that already exists:

hair shirt
if someone wears a hair shirt, they choose to make their life unpleasant by not having or experiencing anything that gives them pleasure. 'I don't think you have to put on a hair shirt in order to be a socialist.'


At that point, call them out on in and force them to play their hand by insisting they state their reasons why they believe their cause. Normalfags tend to do a 180 in their beliefs when SJWs and leftists get blown the fuck out and they go full "YOU TRANSPHOBIC HITLER LOVING NAZI!"

triggering a lefty into apoplectic rage and incoherent accusations should be the goal during every public encounter and discussion. simply staying cool, calm, and collected, this will signal to all the normies around you that not only are you 100% confident in what you say, but that the truth behind your words hurts the lefty.

Tell them about the border wall Mexico has with Guatamala to keep illegal immigrants out and watch their heads spin.

I didn't know about that, definitely using

bring up fact mexico also forces 1 year indentured slavery for any one caught crossing illegally

can you please gtfo and take your autism with you

I have to say I really don't understand why this tranny thinks we give a shit whether virtue signaling is an academic term. I mean, we use terms like libfaggot, shitlib, cuck etc constantly. It's not like each term we want to meme goes through a rigorous literature search for precedent, we just go with whatever is funny or causes the most triggering

Bitch, it's a term derived from Evolutionary Psychology, which was in turn derived from Economics.

It's simply saying that they're signalling their moral virtue rather than their economic status or their sexual prowess.

i had a nice time reading this thread. it is a good thread

He who controls the memes, controls the world

the truth hurts. deep down, leftists themselves know that their opinions grow from an impulse of moral narcissism. leftism is a holiness contest, a race to get good goy points. it's an attempt to fill in the holes in self-esteem that come from being rejected, or defeated, or inadequate - there's some amazing stuff in the unabomber manifesto about the emotional underpinnings of leftist psychology that explains it really well.

#VirtueSignaling ht on twatter:

Fuck off back to Reddit.

And on fagbook too:

Lets come up with a new term like self depricating malcontents or self flagellating cultists.

"Regressive" seems to be pissing them off right now.

The way these retards act is exactly what it's like to get (a not too bright) someone out of a cult when they're in too deep.

'alt-right' is cuck shit.

We are the Right. We don't cater to 'politically correct' faggotry, we're racists, we're anti-semites, we're bigots, we're homophobes, we're xenophobes, we're misogynists, we're toxic masculinity, we're the patriarchy, we're Nazis, we're fucking everything that makes a Leftard cry.

We do not deviate, we do not compromise. Even in the face of death.

I'll always regret that Seinfeld ended before those two faggots got theirs. I mean, obviously, they eventually died from GRIDS, but I was hoping for something a little more immediate.

That one is really accurate though.

That one is too.


It was ironical user, a joke.

Good thread. Wish there were more like it for us mere mortals to read.

>Lets come up with a new term like self depricating malcontents or self flagellating cultists.

self-flagellation: punishing oneself, being extremely critical of oneself

masochism: the pleasure or satisfaction of being subjected to pain or humiliation

ethnicity / ethnic group:
an affiliation resulting from racial and cultural ties, a group sharing a common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin.



I parse the phrase as taking on the mantle of being correct without having to establish that it really is.

I parse the phrase as taking on the mantle of being correct without having to establish that it really is.>>5741423
"Prescribed canard" is something I was trying to get going as a thing to replace a few years ago.

it's funny af too, bc 'regressive' is the sort of wacko vocab the Soviet Politburo liked to use.

"Problematic" is also verbal sleight-of-hand that renders the utterer's proclamation an objective fact (as opposed to the relative phrase, "something I have a problem with").



How about an hair shirt made from Holocaust victims?

Post your top 10 word/words of the last year's worth of debating

1. SJW
2. Cuckservative
3. Virtue signalling
4. Cultural Marxism
6. Kike
7. Giga-Jew
8. Fashy
9. Mansplaining
10. Gender-milky

It got weak at the end I admit, I don't debate much. What's yours anons?

if the lefty tries to silence discourse, or advocate censorship of discourse, because it isn't politically correct, let him know he is immature.
they fear being known as immature. they know it to be true, as well. they can't handle the content. they can't argue against it. they would rather run away from it than address it.

How about an hair shirt made from Holocaust victims?>>5706531
Underlying motivation: undermining Europids everywhere, no matter the cost (even to the Arabs they're using to do it with).

Was just searching twitter for virtue signalling retweets and I found this.
Not sure what to do with it so I'll just leave it here.

So, this lad rapes his sister.

Go to his Twitter and you see he has a new username, ok.
Go to new username.
He's now "female".
What a fucking lolcow.


How about "victim mimic" for the poor people offended by "microaggressions"?

How about "victim mimic" for the poor people offended by "microaggressions"?>>5712564
Their morals are no doubt very often inverted but they do have a virtue system and a virtue heirarchy to preen about.

I can never unsee that now.

it's actually LGBTBTBQQIAAP

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Bicurious, Transcurious, Bigender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Allies and Pansexual

he talks like a massive autist

it's like anuda Shohair Shirt

Surely at least five of those mean the same thing?

It's a lot simpler for the creators if you post some example of OC you think are good inspiration?

All of them mean faggot.

Every single criticism this toad-faced developmental freak has mentioned, @sarahdoingthing has pretty much countered.

Good thread.

I think it's just declaring you need protection, like in a prison system, when they act submissive. Everyone trips themselves to protect a "female", but who are they selling their behind and their dignity to? The Shibboleth? No, I don't even know what the word means. Sounds like the name of a scary monster.

Virtue: ˈvərCHoo, noun
1. behavior showing high moral standards.

Signal: ˈsiɡnəl, verb
1. transmit information or instructions by means of a gesture, action, or sound.

They are offended at witnessing virtuous behavior.

Is that bitch still kicking around? She got BTFO after gamergoys bought and read her research about gender in videogames and found she was bullshitting about her research.
Literally the only good thing Sargon of Akkad did was to buy and read that bitch's papers.

It's funny that they believe social science is a real thing.

Lol the phrase works so well. Saw this posted on goybook, leftist was completely assblasted as a result.

"Who are you trying to impress by virtue signaling? There are no girls in here. Just curious"

This is definitely the verbal counter to "das racyst" etc

That's fucking tremendous. It really penetrates the defenses of leftists and goes right for their insecurities. One time I had a libfaggot who tried to smugly call me an idiot (in a very passive-aggressive way, like all cowards do, to give them plausible deniability) on my goybook, after I posted something pro-trump. I barely know this faggot and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let some limp wristed cuck insult me in front of my friends and family, so I unloaded on him, targeting his subconscious insecurities, and pointing out that I know what he is doing with his passive aggressive, plausibly deniable-sounding comments and he ended up deleting his replies except one at the end where he apologized like a fucking beta with his tail between his legs.

I think it was Anonymous Conservative who pointed out that what leftists hate the most is feeling embarrassed, and they are absolutely terrified of men who call them out on their faggotry.

I think instead of "pathological altruism"(which is a great term from Kevin Macdonald I believe), we should talk about how all this refugee nonsense is just an updated version of the "White Man's Burden", it's true and it makes them seem racist, which triggers them to no end. It's fun as hell, like telling a germaphobe that they missed a spot after washing their hands they'll freak out and go crazy trying to purify themselves.

B-but observing reality is rayciss, you fuckin' natsi.
it actually

I like this new discussion going on.

I suggest "gelding." It's a good old word that could have new meaning in this day and age. It would be synonymous in many regards to the budding "nu-male" word.

Most people are able to see the dynamic how many men try to cater to women by making themselves inoffensive to them. This results in all sorts of hilarious and embarrassing situations, of which one is that women are quick to accept such men as "friends," but rarely as mates.

Silly hair, tight pants with girly cuts, shrill voices, effeminate show beards… It's the nu-male in action, but this is pretty much a in group word and lacks wider societal connotations. But these nu-males all share the property that they've allowed themselves to be de-masculinized to be accepted in-group.

They're effectively gelded; safe to have around the females.


or neutering

Signalling is such a useful concept since it explains so much. You don't even need to 'call them out'. Just agree and amplify. Sarcastically praise them for having the right opinions and being progressiver than thou.

"social science term" is not a particularly strong credential. Stick with what's important - it describes something we observe, accurately, and succinctly. What more could you want? You want the commie jew professors of sociology to validate it?

Gee I remember him from early goymergay times.

Basically he runs an obscure 1-person blog in the wastes of social censure blogs, rambling on about mahogany and male privilege, and basically everyday SRS reddit tranny stuff, but is affiliated with several socjus organizations such as femfreq and SSM. SSM also used their pull on all the connected gaming websites to try and force…I think it was giantbomb to hire him onto their staff, with articles from several websites claiming that they're misogynists and transphobes and whatever other leftist buzzwords if they don't.

Basically he's a good-for-nothing NEET that makes money off being an offended tranny.


longevity bump

I never heard this phrase before.

It's super fucking faggoty and sounds like some bizarro mirror SJW shit.

The idea is totally valid, it's easy to exploit.

Just get some old community service tee shirts from goodwill..

Everyone knows that Whole Foods is an evil capitalist anti-union chain that is for posers.

Let's keep this thread alive for a while. Check the catalog from time to time and look at the bottom and if you see this thread dangerously close to page 25 then bump it.

page 20. bump

I came up with one a few months ago that got some tranny white fuck into a tizzy.

Fucker posted a video about the TSA feeling up a little white girl at an airport somewhere and this sick fuck was laughing at it. Called the man in a wig out on his bullshit and he quite explicitly called me a loser and incided my "white privilege". Responded with him having transexual entitlement. Fucker spazed out like a 4 year old on Jolt Cola. The mutation subsequently blocked me.

If they call any privilege on you, call them out for entitlement. It's like how game companies pulled gamer entitlement on gamers because they got a shitty product. Turn that shit around on them and see how fast they either freak out or shut down.

Black entitlement, female entitlement, the list is endless!

It's wonderful: they constantly use against us and the poz right the insults and tactics that they feel should be offensive to us, but because they're pretty much incapable of empathizing with the right, they're just showing us things that make their own selves butthurt.

You know, the term "virtue signaling" and others in this thread would probably be quite potent to shame not only SJWs but normies who are sort of half way pozzed just to go with the flow.

Let me give an example; people who change their goybook pictures to these blended flag pics whenever a european country gets enriched by kebab. Right after Brussels, I put up a sarcastic post saying I can't wait to virtue signal by changing my pic to the blended belgian flag. While pretty much everyone on my feed had changed theirs to the french flag previously, almost nobody did so after brussels, I hope at least a few people refrained from doing so because of my post.


keep this thread alive

If they call you racist or ignorant or something of the sort, the solution is easy , just say " I don't care what you think about me." It works surprisingly well.

bigot racist misogynist

People with personality disorders wish to make the external world as chaotic as their thoughts.

one of the best threads on the board right now.

I hate that they have brainwashed an entire generation of kids to want to be trans.
I can't tell if the bitch is a Jew or a Trap half the time. Some Jews are really that ugly…

AIDS Skrillex is surrounded by a group of niggers and Carl. He yells, "YOU'RE A WHITE MALE". He has signaled his virtue to the niggers and Carl.


longevity bump

Anime girls are an integral part of our culture.

Racism, hate, antiauthoritarianism and anime girls.

Also we love Ebola even though it was a failed Obama plot to put us all in fema camps.

yeah it became pretty gay in the past couple seasons though.

Let's get them to adopt the term to describe their own actions. I propose we make one of those faggoty colored wrist bad companies or some shit and name the product line virtue signals.

That actually triggered me

this (1) faggot doesn't know

Does someone not like their nerves beinghit?



Why the fuck does he have reptilian eyes (2:59) Is that shit a part of the episode? Just watched the entire episode and it has nothing to do with the fucking episode. In the credits some hot girl said she believes in dragons now. Show is outdated and not that funny.


dAS iT mAn

So sjws are concerned about the self image or something? That is really weak and low at same time of them. It is called selfish!

Curious. There are only a handful of Jewgle results for "vacuous dogwhistle/dog whistle/dog-whistle" and they all seem to be in reference to Trump, populism, and/or the term political correctness.

In June 2009, on some shitty New Zealand progcuck blog, some fag wrote,
The show he was referring to is titled Nigel Latta’s Politically Incorrect Parenting Show.

I expected to find nothing but leftcunts using the term, but I'm a bit shocked that it isn't more common and has seemingly only ever been used in this narrow context. I mean, it seems like there'd be no shortage of things for cucks to throw the term at, but it's only ever used for this.

Probably insignificant, but it is somewhat interesting.

"Dog whistle" is an easy to use term because the thing it calls out is supposed to be invisible to the general public. So anyone can just claim "Dog whistle X" where X = racism, sexism etc. and people will just listen and believe. It can be used to reinforce the liberal's feelings of rayciss vibes that they've been conditioned to get whenever anyone says something un-PC.

Outrage junkie?
Snark addict?

Yeah, I know. That's why I'm surprised that the phrase vacuous dog whistle has seen such limited use. Seems like it'd be all over the place. Progfags love vacuous, progfags love dog whistle. You'd think they'd put the two together more frequently and with more variation in subject matter. I don't know, I'm probably just overthinking it.

Polite sage for tangential rambling.

longevity bump

this is an effective term and is catchy

I like this too. Its funny how just as long ago as 2006, being racist about your own kind was a joke.

longevity bump

fuck you. kikes at school did this same shit to me with no remorse.




In fact, it was them that redpilled me, come to think of it…. weird….



Welcome to Holla Forums newfag and remember, you are here forever.

Not who you were talking to…. but, as a response to this common saying, a Video retort:

(I keep hoping someone will get the reference)

See you soon.

I have never seen a straw-man of that quality before.

Well done.

Why *is* it that "liberals" don't understand how *utterly* retarded their "writing" looks when they feel the need to *emphasise* every second "word" with superfluous "decorations". *Is about to hit "New Reply" but stops* And add childish descriptions *pauses to think* of irrelevant physical movements at the end of every "paragraph".

Fucking faggot leftists need swift death



but they are redeemable in Tyrone fucking your wife tho

The joke there is a black man being racist against black men.

It'd likely have still been seen as progressive to be a self hating white men.

He's adding the quotation marks because he doesn't consider most of those words and phrases to have genuine meaning. In his mind, a term only has real meaning (when talking about a societal group) if it is something that a sociologist or women's studies professor came up with.

By the way, in case anyone was curious about the actual points that the butthurt woman in the picture keeps whining about: Virtue signaling is just a type of status signaling, so yeah, it completely has basis even in progressive psudo-science.

Make them choke on that if you have an opportunity.

Oh, but the two are INTIMATELY linked user.

See, both virtue and victim signalling are keys to liberal POWER. "Virtue" grants status, and victimhood grants a direct ability to assert the mob. Both behaviors are symbiotic to each other but parasitic to society.

The dynamic is that a victim signaler will declare their victimhood, regardless of validity, then every virtue signaler who is able to respond will come SPRINTING to the "rescue" to show off what an awesome person they are.

I don't like to mention this on Holla Forums, but there REALLY IS no better example of this than the way Zoe Quinn, an indisputably craven whore, whipped up a hate-mob to fight against ethics in journalism.

alt-right as opposed to establishment right aka cuckservatism.

You and also me won't be "the right" until we have significant political power. We aren't even close.

Fuck that retarded shit. Dress for the job you want.

You don't get your man as the nominee for the republican party on a platform of "Ban the fucking Muslims" and then say, "Yeah, but we still don't have 'significant political power'".
Fuck you.

What a newfag.

It is the perfect phrase to describe when people try to maximize their rewards in social exchanges by marketing their actions to a group of people.

The person is trying to be viewed as altruistic. Unfortunately, they are not altruistic if the costs do not outweigh the benefits.

If they were to perform the action and not advertise it on social media or use it to show how 'progressive' they are, then the acts may be viewed as altruistic. Unfortunately, due to their virtue signaling, it is nothing but egoism.

You mean Miguel.

You want the full name? Get off your ass and look up namechange records.

That's because 'vacuous dog whistle' is self-defeating, an oxymoron.

I'm not saying you need to post 14/88 GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW. Another time I called out a libfaggot for virtue signaling on the islamic refugee issue, and he backed down with his tail between his legs. A simple sarcastic reply is enough, and loaded with enough plausible deniability that you can't really be cornered.

Whenever a shitlib posts something intended to show how progressive they are, reply with something like:

"Thanks for the daily reminder that you're not racist/sexist/whatever"

"you must be really enlightened"

"It's fun to virtue signal for your liberal friends' approval instead of actually doing something"

use your imagination.


Been saying this for a long time and it works.

It beats (in public conversation) calling people cucks because it at least has some credibility.


Has Cross been doxed yet? I know some gg fags had set their sites on it. That thing is legit crazy.

Leonardo DiCaprio: World’s Biggest, Most Desperate Virtue-Signaler
(Investor's Business Daily)

"But that’s what he is. Yet he cries out, as few ever have, to appear to be more. DiCaprio is the ultimate virtue-signaler: he has to show everyone just how virtuous he is. His chosen vehicle, as it is for many affluent Westerners, is global warming.

DiCaprio has for years strained to demonstrate his nobility. He has arrived at the Oscars in a Toyota Prius, not a limousine, to draw attention to himself. Two years ago, the U.N. made him its climate change messenger. This year he made a canned speech when he received his Academy Award. He called global warming “the most urgent threat facing our entire species and we need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating,” and got exactly the response he was looking for: wild applause from an adoring crowd that reverently whispered “See how much he cares?” among themselves.

Though he gets a warm hug from his own kind, DiCaprio comes off as a smug movie star to the rest of us.

One of the benefits of virtue signaling, though, is this grand loophole: Those out to convince others of their virtue don’t actually have to do anything. They just have to make a show of caring. Or in hating the right things, such as fossil fuels and Fox News.

In fact, they can be — and often are — hypocrites. Certainly DiCaprio fits that description well. He flies private jets as routinely as some people drive cars to work. He even took one earlier this year to the World Economic Forum in Davos, where he used the opportunity to hector everyone about the energy industry’s “greed.” It’s been reported that during a single six-week period in 2014, he flew on six private flights between New York and Los Angeles. It was the same year he rented the fifth-largest yacht in the world, which happens to be owned by the deputy prime minister of the oil-rich United Arab Emirates."

Pretty sure that beta fag is a jew

page 23. bump

what the fuck is "virtue signalling"

Timely bump.
All those SJWs on Twitter attacking James the AVGN for ignoring the Ghostbusters movie remake.

Time to #CloseThe/Pool/

almost page 23. bump.

don't let this good thread end up on page 26.

Using the people to show that you are a good person but in reality they just want to feel good for themselves without appearing selfish.

Let's take the sapir whorf hypothesis as an example.

This says that language structure determines the thought capabilities. It's linguistic relativity.

So if you don't have a word for "Umami", people aren't going to be thinking about it. Notice how once we had that word, every fag started using it?

I have not found the name of the opposing theory, but I doubt I came up with it first. I call it the Zulu Nigger theory. (ZNT) The assertion being that a culture's mental capacity dictates what words they have.

Africans have very low abstract thinking and self awareness. Similar to that of an animal. They do not have the concept of "to promise". The closest thing they have is "to bind ones feet" as if by physical force. When a black person "promises" he means "maybe I will and maybe I won't". As a young Romanian friend so aptly summed it up, when a black person “promises” he means “I’ll try.” it is too much of a coincidence that the same phenomenon is found in Nigeria, Kenya and Papua New Guinea

Note the Zulu entry for obligation: “as if to bind one’s feet.” An obligation binds you, but it does so morally, not physically. It is an abstract concept, which is why there is no word for it in Zulu. So what did the authors of the dictionary do? They took this abstract concept and made it concrete. Feet, rope, and tying are all tangible and observable, and therefore things all blacks will understand, whereas many will not understand what an obligation is. The fact that they had to define it in this way is, by itself, compelling evidence for my conclusion that Zulu thought has few abstract concepts and indirect evidence for the view that Africans may be deficient in abstract thinking.

In this case, the low self awareness and consciousness devoid of abstract thought came first, influencing the language. Take a look at this link. It's a great read:


This is what is know as a linguistic kill shot. Although this goes straight to the intensity of a group rather than to a person. Something new, vague, and hard to wash off.

It's what meme magician Scott Adams (Dilbert guy) has been calling Trump's power.

If you haven't seen Scott Adam's work on Persuasion, you absolutely have to. He is one of the most powerful wizards alive alongside Trump and Tony Robins.

Not just that they want to "feel good" about their supposed virtues, user. One could argue that that's the motivation for ALL virtue and altruism (depending on your philosophy).
Rather, the whole reason its "Virtue SIGNALING" is because they don't JUST want to be good, they want everybody to KNOW IT.

the reason a linguistic kill shot works so well is that it's novel. Neutering is prominent already. gelding is ripe for new meaning

For more keks combine "virtue signalling" with these keywords:

morally superior
ego self stroking
mental masturbation
moral preening

Example 1: Look at me virtue signalling how morally superior I am. If I self stroke my ego any harder my wrists will hurt. Please don't talk about your peon children or their future. It upsets my feelings of self-righteousness and disturbs my moral preening.

Example 2: Well actually I like virtue signalling. Some people say constant ego self-stroking is bad because mental masturbation creates a synthetic sense of self esteem. I say so what? Why should I do something and achieve something real when I can be better than anyone else just by feeling self-righteous? Look at all those idiot doctors and bankers and lawyers working so hard to become teh hot shit. What a pack of retards; moral preening is so much easier and it makes you a much better person, not to mention morally superior all the time.

Alt-Right portal:

I read that stuff before (or similar), it's remarkable. I think that was the moment I went from being libertarian to being alt-right, because the only conclusion one can draw is that there cannot be reconciliation between high IQ, low-impulsiveness, high investment Europeans and low-IQ, high-impulsiveness and low investment Africans.

Our psychological temperament is so profoundly different that unless whites read stuff like this, it will never even occur to them that Africans place no value on ideas that whites take for granted as valuable - keeping promises, showing up on time, preparing for the future.

welcome to mr bones wild ride. there is no getting out.

No wonder the tradition of slavery is so entrenched in Africa, long before and after any ebil whitey imperialists or even Arab slavers arrived on the continent, due the the inate deficiency in abstract thinking, productivity on any voluntary basis when it benefits both parties, like employment, becomes impossible. When the concept of obligation or contract is foreign to their psyche, the only way to get a nigger to do anything is force and compulsion. They only understand tangible force as a motivator, (except for of course immediate gratification like gibs and rape), so the only way to build any level of civilization with niggers is mass slavery with warlords or oligarchs as a ruling class, who also have the same deficiencies in conceptualization but at least have enough consolidation of force and violence to control the rest of the tribe.

Too late, fefe from fame used the term and most IT-normies know about this. Meaning 50k German speaking working class office drones are infected with another redpilly seed.

Words do not place constraints on thinking, they merely reflect the inate capacities of a populations mind to begin with. If a population such as Asians has a high inate propensity for spatial/mathematical thinking, their language will focus on numbers, quantification, abstraction of concepts, operations, etc. If a population has a high inate propensity for verbal intelligence, like Jews, their language will be verbose and have high focus on rhetoric, argumentation, and autistic legalese analysis to exploit every loophole possible, Kikes have been using pilpul to exploit loopholes in their holy texts for thousands of years, which is why even Orthodox Jews have no real substance in their religion, if they autistically memorize enough from the talmud they have an excuse and loophole for anything they feel like doing at the moment, their religious laws are effectively meaningless because of this and they don't actually follow anything but their personal interest. African languages reflect their inate inability in abstract thinking, all of their words represent concrete things and the lingual constructs used to express quantifications or math in general is extremely underdeveloped compared to almost any other culture. This is why assimilation has its limits, culture does not form in a vacuum, but rather stems from inate biological differences (environment does play a small role to be fair), and therefore certain populations are biologically incapable of full assimilation into the West, and vice versa.

But but but there is already a term for that, it is called Slacktivism! And the left uses that term more, because, well, obviously…

How so? I'm also a fan of the show. To me it seems pretty red-pilled, along with Metalocalypse FINAL SEASON FUCKING WHEN, ADULT SWIM?

And so I sat upon my chair
Supporting Trump and points earned fair
Day after day through drought and blizzard
I channel power as a great meme wizard

And lo the cucks did rage and scratch
For they were infected by diseased snatch
Cast aside their balls and pride
For shekels they visited Holla Forums to slide

Powered by Tendies and 2d smug
I humiliate them as the Holla Forums thug
Feckless cowards scream and lie
Fearing the wall and how they may die



Guess what, is a scientifically proven syndrome.

What do you mean with that, I never heard such a thing. I know "sounding intelligent" or impressing with a good speech, but you seem to know something more, please elaborate.

Is this pasta? This is fucking great. Capped.

No my friend that was an original rare tendie rhyme. Please don't copy without express written permission of the Pepe Regulation Bureau.

Oh, sorry. :^)

Whoops, misread. It's great OC. Thought you said it was pasta.

And I won't copy without permission. Behold the nigger-lipped shitposting face::^?

I understood that reference.

Is that the show with the avataar of Holla Forums incarnated? he even created a 2D waifu

>more like a Grand Wizard

No Archer is pretty fucking cucked. Race Mixing, rampant homosexuality, liberal as fuck undertones. It was kind of okay in the first couple of seasons but it has gotten progressively less subtle in it's cuckening. There are a couple of characters that are funny, but they make them out to be horrible human beings that every one despises. Mallories rant against Public Radio I thought was not only funny but very accurate. However they present it as the ramblings of a crazy alcoholic senile old woman that shouldn't even be listened to. It seems the show tries to do this thing where is indoctrinates the viewer to automatically disregard thought and stop paying attention when certain things are said. It's something I have begun to notice more and more in the little media I do consume, but it is very apparent in Archer.

And no the other show is venture brothers.

The fuck is the umami taste after all?

Sort of savory.

It is at least egoistic if one nation imports 25% of all resources worldwide and produces only shit media, weapons and sjw…

Because ours is not the first culture. Now language and culture are forever linked, but it would be more accurate to say that culture was co-opted by language. As people who were already together became more and more reliant on one another, the demand for language increased, and so it evolved. As language became more important, the culture began to rely on it more and more. Now it is the centre of everything. Come on, user. Jesus.

I posit that one can, from an enumeration of words that define abstract concepts within a language, predict the intelligence of the race that has historically developed that language.

Yeah Archer is pretty normie-tier humor. Entertaining enough but it makes me cringe when normalfags talk about how "edgy" is it.

I think Holla Forums-tier humor has made me a lot less inclined to watch normie comedy

Can someone explain to me what this term actually means? What is Virtue Signaling?

This cannot be repeated enough. It can be done online with ease, but this is the reason why there are so many videos of libtards sperging out in public. As soon as they realize they're losing, they can't just block people and they panic. Their public image is all that matters. The fear of being intellectually pounded in front of an audience keeps them awake at night.

It's where you talk about how much you love refugees, or how terrible racism is for the sake of looking good among your friends. You are signaling to them that you are a virtuous person.

It pisses the liberals off because you imply that they're not actually virtuous, but simply fellating themselves


Nothing scares them more than the truth about themselves combined with using words they didn't get to redefine to suit their needs.

You're an idiot. Literally everyone on my social media shit I hardly ever log into knows what I am about. I have also never been banned from social media, despite the fact that I am full 14/88.

Stop being a massive retard if you are actually worried about being banned. If that's not it, then you're a coward worried about yourself and not the message.

Consider getting your balls or ovaries back.

page 23.
time for a bump

The biggest amygdala hijack I ever witnessed was when I pointed out that the big soggy knees feminist took her daughter to a MLB game that was men only and what kind of a message is that sending?

They pull that shit with misandry too. Intellectually dishonest wankers.

Miguel Cruz, duh

"Some of my best friends are black people" was the 60's version.

But it isn't one. It is them using bad faith tactics to derail. We are simply outjewing the jew.

It also proves that sjwism is a politically derived religion, they're whipping their own backs to appear pious like joe savage from brave new world.

It'll never get published, I know a doctor that has 2 medical papers that have been repeatedly rejected because nobody in charge likes what they say.

It's a good history lesson though because is proves the endurance of the meme and legitimizes the theory. But yes not much meme value unfortunately, dickens was always too wordy.



Leftism is a mental disease based around fastidious rotelearning. They cannot see the value in anything unless it is official and Correct. It is a direct result of being a man without testosterone or a woman without estrogen and being denied your instinct, so you can only learn in a paint by numbers fashion.

Is there a way we can bastardize Helper Syndrome?

If you say downie or retard, people immediately know you mean someone with Downs Syndrome, so what could we use for lefties based on Helper's Syndrome?

What a coincidence, while social science has that air about it, it's not an actual science.


Culture can be evolved through many means.

Also language is a part of culture


page 24. bump.

I shouldn't be the only one saving the good thread from sliding down to page 26.

Almost forget what it's about, signal cucking I think. Maybe everything gets reduced to >one of us >one of us after a while?

I lost it at this

Thousands of teachers flock to ‘White Privilege Conference’


Nigger babies also fail the mirror self-recognition test, like most animals, which they are.

Gawd Miguel Cruz is one ugly tranny.

Your autism is showing. Larry David jokingly calling Trump a "wacist" while shrinking back, smirking, laughing and then asking to get paid like the jew he is completely diffused the situation, and spearheaded the beginning of the end of "racist" as a verbal kill-shot.

The left got mocked by not only their own, but by one of their king kosher court jesters.

Granted, it wasn't Seinfeld showing up next to Kramer and saying, "you know what? Fuck those niggers and their retarded enablers, you heckle and act like chimps - you get peanuts and "nigger" thrown back at you"

Still haven't found out if Larry David got paid.

There are 100 kikes worse than Larry David in Kikelwood right now. How many niggers were on "Larry David" and Seinfeld?

Check out study in pic related as well. It's really a sum of low tier genetics, intelligence, behavior, hormones and history.

Virtue signaling is telling everyone how you care about something or some cause to show others how Good and virtuous you are. Look at me I'm a Good Person.

The meaning is pretty plain. Virtue signaling (the hyphen seems to be optional) is communication of the fact that you are a Good Person, not a Bad Person.

The force of the expression is in the second part. You are merely signaling, not actually following through with actions to prove your virtue. Virtue signaling is gestural.

Thus when British socialist politicians Yvette Cooper and Nicola Sturgeon said, earlier this month, in reply to questions on the matter, that they would accommodate Syrian refugees in their own homes, skeptics accused them of virtue signaling. (To date, neither lady has taken in any Syrian refugees.)

It’s a handy term for liberal hypocrisy, and seems to be catching on. A friend used it at lunch the other day.

Is that toiletlaw? signalling

Virtue Signalling

To take a conspicuous but essentially useless action ostensibly to support a good cause but actually to show off how much more moral you are than everybody else.

They try that with misandry and the pussy pass too.




"Virtue signaling" has many other words too.

Also use the Unabomber's words against them.

It gets to them at the core and rips their very being apart.


What is that chink even trying to pull?

The libtards hate mongoloids because their very existence destroys all their core beliefs.

Again, read what the Unabomber Manifesto says about this.

They don't support minorities they cannot look down upon.


Anyone who uses the term "alt-right newspeak" is full retard and anyone intelligent and knows anything about the term newspeak knows that newspeak is inherently PC.

Of course it's not a social science term, for the same reason that mansplaining is one.

Virtue signaling is a concept which existed in psychology however, but wasn't named this way. Signaling is a way to show your belonging to a group and thus remind those around you that you are worthy of their respect. "Virtue signaling" is basically the same fucking thing, but what's being signaled is your belonging to the SJW group by showing your adherence to their warped ideas. As in, you care less about the ideas themselves than about belonging to the group.

It's basically saying that the SJWs don't really believe in justice of any kind, they just want to belong to a powerful group to get their ways.

Gene pools's closed


Unabomber Manifesto even goes into the "leftist lust for power".


Excellent thread. I've also used the word to devastating effectiveness. This is what Holla Forums should be about, not e-celeb bullshit. Should move all those threads to another board.


The BLM movement as well as the other social justice groups effectively fall under the description of pseudo-charity. Their cause does not seek to fix problems, but incites violence instead.

I think we can use the term pseudo-charity to trigger BLM (((protesters))) by describing their cause as a fake excuse to incite violence. Which is exactly what it is.


The conceited guardians of the world are such a wonderful bunch