Can someone explain postmodernism?

Anyone here have an accurate explanation of what it is? Simple googling only turns up articles filled with so many buzzwords they're incomprehensible. I'm not asking to be redpilled, just for a straight answer. Pic hopefully unrelated

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Fuck off with you anime.

What do you have against anime pictures? They're just drawings.
Anyway, thanks for the video, I think it makes sense now.

2 main ideas, the core dogma as it were:
two people can see the same exact event and have mass discrepancies in how they interpreted the events, both of which are effectively true to those who hold their interpretation unless convinced otherwise.
everything is influenced to a certain degree by everything in their environment and circumstances. on often cited example of this is that they say there is no originality in art because whatever the artist makes is the result of the influence their surroundings had on them.

beyond that is basically conclusions drawn from these tenets

It's just a bunch of faggot mumbojumbo that will rot your brain and turn you into a bbc loving cuck like the man in

A perhaps oversimplifies I think of the term starts with modernism. Imagine like the 1950s US suburbs, consumerism, idealism, "better living through chemistry" and the green revolution. Basically the belief that technology can and will solve everything.

Postmodernism reflects how we see things today so it's hard to describe it, it's like trying to describe the feeling of air because it's contextual. It involves a healthy dose of cynicism in outlook of everything and a recognition of complex systems. Like how the average person understands on some level today that making the world a better place will be complicated and that more technology changes how we live but isn't necessarily a holy grail.

I focus on technology but obviously it can be applied in a different way to everything. It's also far from a dictionary definition but it captures the spirit of the term as I understand it.

Yeah, sure whatever. Poast more anime grils

this guy's a retarded faggot
while they are related, they aren't the same.
post-modernism is basically
post-structuralism is about identifying (and often defying) social structures we erroneously accept as the default of human behavior
deconstructionism is a bit more moralistic in contrast to the two others which are accepted as amoral. while the other two were meant to be entirely rhetorical devices for analysis and expression, the deconstructionists see social structures as malicious. social constructs and systems are the great satan, as it were. this is basically the part where Nietzsche turns into Bordeaux.


Its pseudo-philosophical bullshit.

Try the postmodernism generator for funs.

post modernism is the manufacturing process of turning farts into liquid and using it as perfume/cologne



A dead postmodernist? Two tickets, please.





So,the future?
Im so smart

Nigger gtfo my board you pedo scum….
fuck off

dont have one


I'm so meta, even this acronym


postmodernism is the belief that after sleeping around a lot someone will still want to marry your floppy ass cunt

post modernism is the what followed (post) modernism (ditto)
one of its characteristics is to reify ignorance, stupidity and the dull mind. OP is a shining example.