Redhead Fiery Cartoon Party

What's with redheads?
All I know is I love 'em…

Other urls found in this thread:

Its been too long since Ive seen Ruby.

So many choices…

I remember someone once asked a question about superheroes and relationships and I realized all of the ones I had listed were redheads for some reason.

You get your more kismesis shit like
On the subject of Bruce Timm redheads I feel people forget about Plastique pretty easy.


Same reason diamonds are considered valuable, I guess. Gingers are the rarest phenotype.

ruby gloom is too perfect for this world



She'll never appear again, killer

She a horse lady?
Bro, those don't even count. At least, at the very least port 'em in their true form.
See? It's not that hard.

Take your pick, Holla Forums.

If your favorite redhead isn't here then choose the one that you like the most.

i want ruby gloom, all 6 of those are shit compared to ruby.

I don't like Frankie with lipstick, why'd the artist have to go and ruin her?

Funnily enough I said the same thing with Vicky lacking lipstick as well.
The artist is Tapioca by the way.



Nothing western counts :)

On the subject of lips, Kim Possible always bugged me.
I could only see a mustache on her face.
I have a general dislike for big pronounced lips and see them as one of the biggest failings of all the gwen redesigns.
Women do have them though so I see the reason for them and some characters do look a lot better with them than without, but most of the time I'm just not much of a fan.

Mary and Sue are the only reason I watch.

To me in Kim possible it always looked like she had her mouth open. Like she is constantly going uhhh

Here's some vintage-flavored red fuzz.

Susan and Mary are literally Mary-Sues. I'm not saying this to piss people off, I'm pointing out their names literally form Mary-Sue.

Ruby is the cutest readhead.

Can we have a Ruby thread instead? I'd rather have a Ruby thread.

mind blown

i could have swore i had a picture of ruby in a wedding dress, but i cant find it now

I have never seen a pic of her in wedding dress, i guess you just slide in to this universe now user :/

What can I say? its a Big Black universe after all.

then start drawing it


Dr. Eggman is technically a redhead

Diamonds aren't even that rare, there's enough stock stored away to plummet the price of diamonds by half if it ever were to be sold.

He was originally a brunette, but I've nothing against him being a redhead.

Well, then my analogy is bust. Are you happy now?

hes more of a pinhead

meant for


It isn't because diamonds are rare. That other guy is trollan for malicious purposes.
I mean, he's right: diamonds are abundant and the scarcity is completely manufactured and artificial, but in practice diamonds are rare and that makes them valuable.
If someone had a massive cloning laboratory in a secret island and they produced millions of perfect baby girls all with red hair each year and never let them abandon the island and the world wasn't allowed to even see them, someone could say "technically redheads aren't rare because there's an island full of them, so it's not the rarest phenotype acktshually"
But in practice in our societies and everywhere except the island they'd be rare and therefore valuable and hot. Don't let the autistic troll troll you.
Now I'm sad because I imagined that island with the perfect baby girl clones and I wanna live there.
Maybe I can just move to Ireland?

user, I can be your girlfriend tonight.


it is fine, dont worry.

Focus Iris!

I was distracted.

Sod, she a QT!

Yeah, very cute, shame she is not a redhead, well Ruby is in this one to.

I love this artist, I hope he draws more Iris though, and more creepy Suzie, I also hope he never get's arrested.

A cat is fine too

What about a dolly?


Isnt Ruby a Doll too?

They really don't say in the show,
but some fans thought it be funny
if Ruby were a rag doll.


good times


not posting the animated version

rag dolls can be so spooky

That Island exists, user.
It's called Ireland and its full of sheep and drunken sods

Your fake anime cunt is an inferior and a lame.
That fabulous red hair is wasted on such a terrible character.

That's so cute it gave me a boner.

cute is the new sexy

That's almost uncanny valley. Spooky.

i'd put my dick in that uncanny valley

Hypothetically, if you were a cartoon character, right?

i never speak hypothetically when i speak about cunny


Well, what do you prefer a sweet, loving and caring wife you can cuddle with after a long day of work or some slutty cunt that cheats on you daily?

Going for the cuddly that made the bed.


i pick the cute


Just asking you to explain your process and procedure.

It was nice whenever they did her hair different.


that was a fun thread.


you should see what it turned into over on monster

we got some one to actually make a possessed doll shit was so cash

I would totally cuddle with Ruby.

Step aside, posers.

jessica is a slut



I'm interested, how did that go? Sounds like it would end up just being a bunch of roleplaying.

This counts, I think.

she's not bad, she's just drawn that way

Take the hint.

"cough cough" /rubygloom/ on Holla Forums exists.

It's a shame Herny isn't a fan of the show, otherwise we'd have alot more sexy Rubies.


Do you got more of Wendy, preferably in an art style that isn't the actual show's?

Yes, but I know what you're really after. You want to gain my trust so you can touch me later.


These count? I know that's not hair, but it is red.


Sorry, I can't because the designs.
I hear the show is actually good.

Every romance needs that scene in the clouds.


The monkey counts?


accidentally posted best redhead of all redheads.


I think you meant Carter
fucking degenerate.

Wrong. First of all, he's magical trans and identifies as a he. Also, Ranma isn't the best.
Shampoo is the best. Too bad she ain't a redhead.

Nothing transitioning, not trans. Ranma is fully male and fully female.

Also, Shampoo isn't a redhead, you dense chinese waffle.


Nigga please.

Oh no, seriously?
Maybe that's why I said, in perfect English
Shampoo ain't no redhead, but she sure is best Ranma.
I know, right? He thinks it's a curse, but I'd see it as a blessing.
I wish I could turn into a hot Asian teen with big tits.

Low tier Ranma right there!

Objectively correct.

Say the degenerate that wants to fuck the cat.

OK, but you have to consider female Ranma can't be for sexual, because that's make you a gay.

I don't wanna fuck Shampoo in cat form.
What you think I am? Some kind of weirdo?


Patty isn't a redhead.

so close

What if Patty had dyed her hair, just a little?

Ruby already likes skeleton punis, user.

Well, it's still going on. With pictures still being taken. And said dollanon claiming he's working on getting something to properly record video with. You can look through these threads to see what supposedly happened:


she doesn't like the BONE that way, the bone likes her but shes kinda oblivious to it.

skullboy is in the friendzone.

they're trailer trash, and want to bait the eds into alimony.

Drawing leads to tumblr.

Not even once!

but user, ruby wants you to draw her like one of your slut girls






I don't even know whether or not I like the art.

I like the porn but the Lovecraftian mythos of that game seems interesting as well.


Wait, what show is this? Seems familiar, but the name escapes me.

Die Schule der kleinen Vampire. It's very good for sexual in my opinion.
Specially Gruftine.



You know nufin' about weird cuteness.



Why did they change the design from cute to cancer?

I dunno. Have a picture.



Mermaid Suzy.




fug damn
never realized how many of my favorite girls were redheads


They're real as fiat currency,
and that's pretty real.

Why are gingers so insta-boner inducing? What is it about them that puts them so above other hair colors/phenotypes?

Gingers always have the best most laid-back personalities.

Reminder: They don't have souls. :^)

That's an old ass meme nigga.


That's true, there's a disproportionate number of redhead tomboys. It's an excellent combination.

I should know, I dated one.

BFD, my dad dated one, married one, and I was born from one.
I have a soul though.

You even know this one?

(kismesis? Get out homostuck)


I love how she just pops up and grabs him even though Timmy lives on the second floor.

Vicky isn't even that great of a design but she's still my favorite redhead because she has the exact personality one needs. Truly the Lina Inverse of the west.

Dubs of truth confirm it. Really need to see Vicky cosplaying as Lina Inverse.

Gingers are redheads you cuck

Tell your father he is an inspiration to us all.





I like Mimi's design (the hair in particular) but I'm not sure about the cartoon itself. Should I give it a try?

Everybody in America called them "redheads" until South Park started pushing "ginger," and many still do.


Any other redheads from comics worth knowing about?

Leave him be, son. His logic centers were burnt out by the uncontainable power of his autism.

That French teen witch?

This one?

That one.

Listen faggots.
Would your call someone with yellow hair an orange-head? Yes, because you're fucking retarded
I don't give a bloated airborne shit about how long fuckwits have been using this retarded term. They don't have red hair, they have orange hair. Unless someone has red hair they should be called a red head.

There is literally no such thing as a natural redhead if you're going to be that assblasted over a term that predates your pathetic existence. Just kill yourself nigger.


Seriously… their anatomy doesn't look like young girls but rather women who lift.

What's wrong with women who lift?


That's kinda hot, actually.

Oh… My god!

Remember the hot teen viking from that Asterix movie?


She's got several pantyshots in the movie.

I deleted my Abba reference pics, damn. I also drew 34 of the third one once.

Are there any qts in the CGI movie - Mansion of the Gods?

I don't bother with it, and neither should you.

Stumbled about this hottie from a German cartoon just now.

This cartoon is 3D btw, did a good job making it look 2D.

I've heard it's good and from what I've seen, the 3D looks great.

Asterix is one of the few cartoon series which can actually improved with 3D, due to the dynamic movement and the action sequences. The movies weren't animated that well until the newest two 2D movies compared to how dynamic the comics were drawn.

I rather watch the CGI one than the crappy live action movies. Their humor is… well… too French.


ruby gloom is boring, uninspired, poorly animated, Canadian flash garbage

it's also not Holla Forums

sauce me that


Not Holla Forums.
For now…


My nigga

Are there any decent lewds of her?

Why is she so perfect?

is thisbguy making yet another webcomic?

blame it on Barbucci and Canepa

It's up to us to make 'em.

It's German, based on books. 4 1/2 Freunde (4 1/2 Friends).

Watch it here:

You won't understand a word, most likely, but about time we get porn of it. COUGH Fuchur… oh wait he doesn't draw anymore.

Character design for his Lovecraft game

I hate how Lovecraftian lore is becoming the new zombies…

well you know how it was:

First zombies
then vamps/werewolves
then fantasy kiddy books
then fantasy epic books
then superheroes

i assume it was time for Cthulu and friends to get on it

And in the end they'll get it all wrong and end up becoming an NGE knockoff.

I suppose the nice thing is Lovecraft isn't around to see what they will try to do with his work. Nor will any of the people who try to emulate his style or jack his lore ever be able to portray it right… well, unless they want to get crucified by our current society.

I wish the meteorite came sooner and put an end to this wretched planet once and for all.

Wow, Iris kinky.

Just my kind of girl.

I wanted to post some Mina from Mina and the Count, but I can't find enough quality art.

there's not all that much

Dude, we are the meteorite.


Canuck user here, you nailed it on the head and I always wondered why Holla Forums liked it.

Are the girls really that cute?

Mostly Ruby and Misery.