What do you fellas think of LeafyIsHere? He's a pretty funny Youtuber...

What do you fellas think of LeafyIsHere? He's a pretty funny Youtuber. He pissed off a Jew who tried to backstab him but the Jew couldn't Jew him out of the Youtube world. Leafy's still going strong, he's a great guy.

Leafy isn't politically correct and that's why normies hate him. Ledditors hate him, SJWs hate him, SomethingAwful hates him…

But Holla Forums doesn't hate him, r-right? Leafy did nothing wrong but when he does do things wrong he apologizes so just chill. ( o ʖ o)

Leafy is one of the most entertaining Youtubers of all time. Leafy is a big guy. He's crashing Jewtube with no survivors. ( o ʖ o)

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for fucks sake, the lennies wont display correctly. I think israel did this

I don't watch Leafy because he is fantastically funny or clever per say. He definitely has his moments, though, and he's energetic enough to keep me awake when I get up at 4:30 am for my dogshit retail job every day.
As for the SJW thing, that does earn him plenty of points in my book, but he did and continues to take down the videos that generate the most butthurt.
He'd be completely based if he manned up and kept those videos going, maybe even getting friendly with people like Milo Yiannopoulos in the process.

Get out of here Leafy, you don't belong

Pic unrelated I assume


this. although i cant really blame leafy for taking down some of his videos considering SJW's are literally swatting him

u r pathetic, delusional retard. Jews dont control the world, theres no conspiracy and u r not cool for siding with the edgemaster u perceive leafy to be


Fuck you faggot. Leafy did nothing wrong and im not saying that every Jew is a faggot but the majority are so fuck off even Ledditors are smarter than you faggot fuck.

OP didn't say shit about a Jewish conspiracy, or Leafy being edgy. He just alluded to Leafy standing up to H3br3wproductions, and succeeding despite the legion of triggered Redditors that subscribe to them.

2/10. Made me reply





Calm down, faggot. You can make fun of kikes abd not be a stormfag.

This would be a stormfag.

kys halfchan

His mother is jewish, look it up on wikipedo if you don't believe me. Nice projecting by the way

I never implied otherwise. How am I projecting?
Being a Jew doesn't invalidate you as a person, stormfag.

According to the jews, goyim have no reason to exist other than serving G-d's chosen. Think they care about who you are as a person?

Not all Jews believe the same thing, faggot. Not all Jews are Jewish in faith, if they follow a religion at all. Take it from a Jew.

this tbh

It's some of the worst popular channels I came across. Boring commentary with repetitive CS surf gameplay videos and his creepy voice just made it even more horrible. But I guess if I was 15 year old I might find it appealing in a way.


he was cool at first but as time went on it started seeming more forced and stagnant, just repeating the same gimmicks, but damn it was funny in the begging. after the controversy part he seemed to have become self aware of his popularity and really is trying to milk it which isn't cool (around the same time it started feeling stale) i can't watch em anymore, maybe the old ones, but you can sense a little bit of full of himself he's clearly just appealing to a lower class denominator now, that tends to happen when a You tubers' audience gets big, expect that's strangely not the case with the game theorists they seem to have gotten better and settling into a niche that i think is gonna be something really cool


he's an unfunny faggot that thinks acting like a retarded fifteen year old is cool and smart. i know this thread is pure bait but it still annoys me, even ironically

Shut the fuck up. This isn't ironic. You're the unfunny faggot here. You're like the SJWs who say every Trump supporter is a troll, that's exactly what you are doing right now.

Take your SJW claptrap out of here. If you get so annoyed by one of the funniest Youtubers of all time then you're a retarded cunt. KYS faggot. If you think he's unfunny now like does that's fine by me everyone has their own tastes but when you say every Leafy supporter is just being ironic that's when I will brush you off as the smarmy assrag SJW you are.

"lool everyone who supports trump is probably ironic XDD"
"lool everyone who thinks leafy is funny is probably a shitlord or being ironic XDDDDD every single one of leafys 2.4 million subscribers is just being ironic cuz my SJW mind cant handle anyone disagreeing with me"

Fuck you. KYS.

wew led


wew, just


One day you might look back at this thread and cringe.
I hope so, cancer nigger.


Fuck off Leafy you cunt

Nice damage control there, but nobody believes you

leafy is love
leafy is life


Leafy is a no talent faggot. Buy an ad you cheap bastard shill.

Why the fuck would I watch a CS:GO money hungry faggot who calls out people for who they are? Why don't I just start a JewTube Channel and play the same game in every video while reviewing hospital footage?

I refuse to believe anyone over 14 watches this guy.

It does. Our interest changes with age as our brain develops.

Apparently they do

Also, nice argument XD

Because you're probably a boring, unlikable faggot with an autism voice

I'm 21 and I watch him every day.

That's sad. At that age you'd be able to think for yourself and not be drawn to some 15yo's kid sharing what little wisdom they had. Guess liking leafy is an indication that you're not getting anywhere in life.

Lol what are you trying to say, buddy?

Got a car, a girlfriend, a job, and I'm working on a college education for a trade. lel

Can we have at least 1 thread without jews, thanks.
This site is so full of cancer and 12 year olds now It's so sad honestly. I've noticed, especially since the bird spammer stopped bombing so hard; much more cancer posting. Anyone that has been around since early halfchan would realize how edgy, cancerous and retarded leafy is. Every single one of his videos have a stupid click bait title and is practically the same thing every time. EX: THE CRINGIEST KID IN THE WORLD!!!!
but the single worst part is that stupid 'I'm whispering so my parents in the next room don't hear me and come in a beat me' voice

Who could be behind this post?

gr8 b8 m8

Edgy is a buzzword co-opted by SJWs, stop using it dumbfuck. Sage is not a down vote either, stop using it dumbfuck.

You are cancerous. You can't handle the fact that anyone could like Leafy so you sperg out and use three stupid fucking buzzwords in a row. I don't even mind those words, just the way you're using them right now is retarded.

If Leafy is so retarded why does he (probably) make more money than you on Youtube videos? His click bait titles are funny as fuck, mostly because they trigger normies like you and Pewdiepie.

it's not b8 m8 i genuinely like leafy's videos you bully.

He's pretty cancerous. His video titles are probably even more cancerous


Even if I was, it's true. You can't deny it.

The only cancer on YouTube is social justice. Reddit kikes like h3 have co-opted the site, and tried to force their faggot morality on others.
Leafy is the cure.

the lowest form of entertainment

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Nice argument ;^)

Basically, in this modern Marxist society, if you're not "edgy", you're cancer.

Repetition is how youtubers get popular. People like to watch things for the routine. It's comforting.



this whole fucking thread

Yeah, because fuck morality and moral, what an useless thing that is.

Leafy is literally Hitler amirite reddit?

What bad did Hitler ever do?

Nothing. :^)

He's an occasionally funny guy, but his content is lazy and redundant. Plus he has the status quo horrible fanbase that every hyped up gaming channel on Jewtube gets.

That's about it, really. There's not much to talk discuss about Leafy outside of all the drama he helped to spur on.

It's certainly not useful when it comes to humor on the Internet, especially if it's SJW morals.

normies love leafy retard he has 2,482,585 subscribers as of right now have fun watching your normie trash

fair enough fam

Pick one

Well, it's his job. I don't know about you but I don't come to work and yield maximum productivity every day.
Like all artists, you have the widely known products that everyone likes, and then everything else

get off Holla Forums and go hang out with niggers

fuck you you lazy cunt i was using it ironically you stupid fucking piece of shit fuck you. KYS.

He is a normie, but not a bad normie.
It's like hanging out with a black man vs hanging out with a nigger, or being a jew vs being H3h3.

go watch leafy and hang out with his cancer fanbase faggot

I'm doing that right now, though. Lol

"Normies" also love water and the air you breath in. So?

Kill yourself or you're a normie

I wonder…

This got out of hand fast
1/10 made me lurk less for a shit thread

He is like a gateway for normie to anti liberalism

Thank you for the bump. Your efforts are appreciated. Hopefully more people will see this amazing thread and realize LeafyIsHere is a top-tier Youtube channel. Thanks a lot mane! :^)
-t. smug leafy fan

I like him. Good background noise for when I'm working, occasionally has some funny or insightful commentary, and his anti-PC attitude takes me back to a time when every other person wasn't an SJW.

I do wish he'd chill out a bit and make more story/gameplay videos, though. He can be a really chill dude at times.


Aliases: LeafyIsHere, LeafyIsSleepy, Leafy
Name: Calvin Vail
DOB: 8/18/95
Address: 91 W 2250 N, Layton, UT 84041
Cell Phone: 801-336-7019 – Sprint, Mobile
Old Home Phone: 801-773-1409 – CenturyLink, Landline
Last 4 of Mastercard: 1093

Emails: [email protected], [email protected]

Snapchat: GhostCoffee

Twitter: @LeafyIsHere

Twitch: LeafyLive, LeafyIsHere

Skype: leafy777z, layyyn99

Mother: Regina Lee Vail
DOB: Oct. 13, 1966
Common Username: vail123cs
Mother's Emails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Mother's Facebook: regina.vail
Mother's Skype: regina146079
Studied at: Weber State University

SWATTED: ksl.com/?sid=39182143&nid=148


sage goes in all fields


leafy is ok i guess. hes not as kool as his asstard followers like to think he is. hes no spider man. hes just another web crawler like the rest of us.

Fuck off you SJW.

he needs to diversify his game play footage a bit. other than that though i couldn't care less about the guy. leafy's channel is on its way to becoming the 21st century circus:

he is a good ringleader but I come for the show at the end of the day.

used dragon dildo sent.

I can taste the acid from your butthurt

Interesting parallel

Fuck off you SJW.

His old content, which was stories and experiences, was really the only reason I subbed back then. Now it's just "WTF cyberbullying is a joke"
And "look at this fuckboy faggot"

Leafy has his days, some videos he posts are really funny but then there are some videos were is kinda bland and boring.

Retarded clickbait cancer.

He's ugly and his videos are obnoxious and h3h3's is a qt but his videos are boring as hell

He's pic related


Also there is no god

You say that like it's a bad thing. It's a great thing to wake you up every morning.

Nothing wrong with clickbait, and you haven't demonstrated that it's retarded or cancer.

This is probably the first time I actually think it's the actual YouTuber asking about the general opinion of him online, pretending to be some fan.

You're acting like a literal fucking sheeple.

He's an annoying fuck.
His jokes aren't funny, and he comes off as a condescending little prick.

I never understood the whole "roasting" shit on youtube. It's fucking dumb.

Like yeah no shit retards are fucking retarded.
Good job Leafy, you've contributed fucking nothing other than your jokes that are trying way too fucking hard to offend people.

And that's basically 90% of his videos.

I'd tell him to fuck off, if I had any presence as a popular youtuber.


when did Holla Forums pull a 180 and start sucking e-celeb cock. This is like if Holla Forums started to play video games, or Holla Forums started supporting Israel. Even worse its this dipshit wannabe troll. This guy has a similar audience as Pewdiepie ffs
