Whor & co

Arguing with an acquaintance about the blatant pandering happening with forced diversity in modern comics. Help me out Holla Forums, what's REALLY wrong with Whor and her fellows like Ms. Marvel & others.

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They make me feel weak and insignificant, and I can't use them in my sick twisted sexual fantasies

She isn't so much a character, but a plot device devoid of any characteristics that you can sympathize or relate with on a personal level. She is an unlikable bitch that beats down surrendering enemies, most of her enemies are one-dimensional strawmen that nobody in real life would want to sympathize with. And this is just the problem I have with Whor.

I really want Tumblr to leave.

What's wrong is that they're shit comics with poor writing and poorer characters that have no reason to exist other than to live as political mouthpieces.

It's barely fiction, more like deranged ranting.

Low energy, you gotta try harder than that.

So it really just boils down to really shit writing, not really anything to do with the characters themselves?


Not nearly as much as you are because no one like the character you live vicariously through.

It's just a stupid concept meant to generate controversy.

First off, Thor isn't a title, it's his fucking name. It's not like a mantle that he can hand down to someone else. That'd be like his dad giving him the name "Odin" because he more worthy or some shit.

Holla Forumskiddie triggered hard


It harms female/black characters because it diverts efforts that could have been spent making female/black characters that could wind up actually existing in 5 years after the publicity stunt is forgotten.

Look at Cloak and Dagger (who are actually really old by this point, they were created before I was born. In fact I think they were made before my parents were even married) or Amadeus Cho (who they went and made Hulk for no reason. Sigh) who still pop up because they are interesting enough characters.

Even Holla Forums kiddies are ashamed of browsing Holla Forums kek

Solid meme, friend. You earned an upvote from me! :^)


Weird how this wasn't a thing 10 years ago :^)

I am not even from Holla Forums and this was pathetic. I criticized the character on its own merits rather than attacking its gender.



I think it's either Holla Forums falseflagging real posts as Holla Forums posts so they get their "why do they persecute our poor board so, can't they see how reasonable we are?" message through or just Holla Forums stirring the pot.

It is literally just one guy. People need to learn to stop taking the bait.

Holy shit, why are Holla Forums kiddies triggered by everything

To be fair, there really is no winning. Their goal is to slide the board and if we don't tell them to fuck off they succeed.

They should just get a permaban.

Yeah, he's started playing both sides in other threads as well. Holla Forums stirring the pot confirmed.

I think he's already popped up again in the thread about the Next Avengers. Slippery one, this faggot.

Sorry that your thread got derailed.

What's wrong with Whor is that not only does her origin make no sense, but her book is just poorly written by a guy who doesn't know how to take valid criticism.

Like said, Thor is his name, not his title. Mjolnir is what should be considered the mantle. Others have held the hammer, but they didn't become the new Thor because of that. That would be silly. But Marvel went the silly route because they wanted to generate unnecessary controversy with "OMG THOR'S A GRILL NOW! GRILL POWER YOU MANBOYS LOL!"

And then there's the writing itself. It's not that good. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but since the writer doesn't know how to take criticism, he decides to wave it off as misogyny among his readership, in that they can't handle Thor being a woman.

So he doubled down. And the writing is even more shit.

Along the lines of a female villain character ( who was canonically established as jealous of other powerful women and eager to fight them to prove her own worth) letting Whor win a fight because of "sisterhood" or some shit.

The whole thing is a giant shitshow, OP. That's what's wrong here.

Marvel has so many minority characters that feeling the need to replace cishetwhite male characters instead of just pulling someone out of their stable and sending them on an adventure screams of clickbait. Seriously how hard is it to think of things you could be doing with the pre-existing cast? You could come up with a decent series premise standing on your head

Also if you want to stick a potato up their sjhole then ask why Jane Foster and Falcon and so on can't be superheroes in their own right without them identifying themselves with a white guy


What I don't like about the whole thing is Marvel kept trying to push the "WHO IS FEMALE THOR??" like it was some big mystery, and surprise, it turns out to be the one female character people generally associate with Thor, Jane Foster.

Also Jane Foster doesn't want her cancer cured because she doesn't believe in magic. FemThor could have been nice, but it felt like a pandering message was being shoved down my throat with the strong empowered woman angle. I can't take her seriously now and would really prefer if the cancer actually did it's job.

I think they probably remembered how well it worked last time.

lmao what is wrong with those faggots

mods please ban

I saw a few pages in a story time thread months back.

They really did hamhand the whole thing with villains being mad just because she's a woman. I know they're supposed to be evil, but they force them in now as political strawmen- nothing new about that I guess? But the agenda has changed.

It's not enough to just be sociopaths & bank robbers now- they have to be misogynists too.

Also, I don't bother with it because I like stories with sympathetic villains (like Batman) or unsympathetic heroes (like The Authority).

Yes, please ban, he's even volunteering .

Boards are separated for a reason.

The pandering was the thing that annoyed me the most. I wouldn't say I support genderbends that are genderbends for the sake of being genderbends, but I can understand the mercenary aspect of it and I do believe in capitalism, refreshing a product for coverage etc., but the writing was…Man. All these villains I didn't know were misosoupinists apparently hate women now? Because a woman can't just be a hero, there's gotta be some -ist and -ism aspect to it, same with minority heroes. It's never about heroism, it's always about the fucking 'struggle'. How often do you hear Superman or Batman talking about how they're a straight white male, tackling the issues of being a straight white male, racial identity and so on? Fucking never, because nobody cares about that shit in a book about shining golden god exemplars with flight and superstrength and perfect, chiseled bodies. Nobody gives a FUCK. That's not what we're here for. We want Die Hard and you're giving us Seven Years A Slave.

I like Watchmen and all but there always seems to be a timeline, once something fun gets accepted as 'art' that's when it starts becoming shitty, all these shitbrained pretentious talking heads that washed out of other mediums move in and the useless betas that made comics great in the first place throw open the doors for them because they want to be 'legitimate'. Same thing's happening with videogames. I feel like the only thing that's escaped it is cartoons, I guess because it's a medium run by grown men that's aimed at kids and the guys running that show are way smarter about what will draw eyeballs and make money than the comics and videogames guys, which I get the sense are mostly sad social rejects seeking validation.

Holla Forums please stay, we're friends.

Holla Forums please stay, we're friends.

/tg/ please stay, they're not always like this.

As for people shilling, astroturfing, encouraging suicide (without offering explicit instructions on how-to), or encouraging people to leave- please stay and shut the fuck up and lurk so you understand how to better function.

genderswap of a main, recognizable popular character, and Ms Marvel is a skinswap of another popular heroine.

Ms. Marvel makes sure to remind us she's muslim every 4 pages because she is written so stereotypically like a white tumblrina that most readers would probably think she isnt. It's like that cartoon in Ireland called Punky that is about a girl being completely normal but he she has down's syndrome. Yet anyone who has ever interacted with someone with Downs knows that's not the case. the highest functioning ones dont even come close to acting like that.

Fem Thor is just radfem wish fulfillment. They just replaced male thor with a female character, but gave her cancer just in case it doesnt pan out so they can kill her off later (proof of pandering) most of the stories I have seen so far are the patriarchy trying to oppress her, and GRRRL POWER bullshit.

As her own character, take away the wish fulfillment crap? She'd be fine. Hell, I could see her existing in the Marvel Ultimate universe where everything is rather fucked up, taking the helm because thor gets picked off. As another Asgardian as well.

That's the other fucking issue here. She picks up the hammer and becomes thor. That's not how it fucking works. Thor isnt a title, it's his name. Whoever wrote this shit didnt even bother researching.

Not to mention the Titania letting FemThor off the hook because she knows the struggle of being a female with superpowers is not only monumentally stupid (I'm going to go back to jail because I'm honored to be put there by something with ovaries), it's a major slap in the face to the hundreds of heroines already existent in the Marvel universe. 'I'm going to make it easy for you because you're a woman' is unintentionally patronizing and condescending. This type of writing presents FemThor as some sort of rare breed of hero, having a vagina, showing that whoever wrote that mess does not read comics or desperately wants to appease women to the point of lunacy. Actually, it almost delves into a bit of Mary Sue category, with the villain just giving up because this woman is just so cool and progressive.

It's not even original, it was already done years back.

Tell the mods that, one of them popped up and told us that they just leave him despite numerous reports for 'reasons'.


It's their fault for taking the obviously bad bait,shit head.

Why would you ask the mods to act in one of the most lax boards on Holla Forums?
Are you faggots honestly this fucking new?

OP, if your acquaintance doesn't want to acknowledge it, no amount of proof or reasonable arguments will convince them otherwise.

All you need to know is that Whor isn't a character, she's a transparent editorial edict conceived to draw more eyes onto her comic. Her sales between then and now are proof of this.

Worth noting that Titania is Absorbing Man's wife. Think about that. She allowed a superhero to beat the shit out of her husband and then knock her unconscious because "us girls gotta stick together".

pick one

The writing is utter shit, as evidenced by pic related.

Well, on a personal level, the idea of someone refusing a magical cure for cancer because "hurr it's cheating" pisses me off and is retarded

sorry just used to Holla Forums where we just ban anyone that triggers us.

what the fuck are you doing in a board that you don't like ?
Stay with us we never ban anyone, no even robots

Ah, the birth of an instant classic. So beautiful.

What's the point of going on Holla Forums if you don't enjoy the meme magic and anti-semitism. That's like going to Tumblr and not enjoying the fact that you're surrounded by faggotry and autism every minute you're there.

Just gotta be in a place that you're enjoying.

Jesus, the one spambot in the TFS thread refuses to let it die and instead keeps bumping it for its bullshit spam posting. I wish they'd at least ban that fucking thing.

Solid gold reaction image, to be honest.

Nobody posted this yet? For shame.

She was supposed to be a temporary plot twist, but instead she became a political soapbox in character form.

We knew from the start Thor was getting his hammer back. When we learned it was Jane, we also found out that being Whor was killing her and that she couldn't use the power forever… And then Thor redeemed himself anyways, but she's still around and what's worse is they are trying to force her popularity by having her constantly appear in every book like we're just supposed to accept this really wonky fucked up thing as a superior replacement for a legacy character.

The icing on the shit cake is that she's better at being Thor than Thor was. She's more powerful, can wield Mjolnir better than Thor, she's a natural leader and tactician, she's mysterious, but also loved by all your other favorite characters.

She reads like an elaborate piece of fanfiction and Marvel expects you to accept her because it's [CURRENT YEAR]

She has completely different powers and a different origin to boot (she's an inhuman) which only makes the fact that she calls herself "Ms Marvel" instead of establishing her own heroic identity even worse.

Ms Marvel wasn't even a mainstream, recognizable heroine in the first place, so it's not like Whor where they rode the coattails of the Chris Hemsworth movies to draw normalfag readers to the Ms Marvel books.

This is how far comics have fallen. We've gone from already talentless fanboys to even more talentless PROGRESSIVE fanboys.

It's like Western comics are stuck in a niche universe were they appeal only to the shitty. It's either shitty neckbeards or shitty hipsters, with nothing in between.

Aren't her sales around the same level of nonexistent as that Squirrel Girl comic's?


Marvel makes bank off of licensing movies & merch, not comic books. Those are merely loss leaders to the House of Old Idea.


Keep in mind Whor is written by a fedora wearing neckbeard.

If you're a low test or just generally lacking in the power of imagination, maybe

Why are these people allowed outside?

Speak for yourself, user. I happened to enjoy stronk womyn characters. They fuel my fantasies of knocking them down several pegs.

I even made a thread about it>>552090



Because they thrive on our society's "understanding".

The dialogue makes me want to commit genocide

it was and is part of a current push to replace well known characters with diverse pandering using side kicks or side characters:
Sam Wilson> Cap
Amadeus Cho> Hulk
Jane Foster> Thor
and various others.
All to push a kike agenda.


I enjoyed it in the God butcher/God bomb arc then lost interest because it became mediocre but of course that's just a lie and I'm a misogynist bigot who hates women.

I was not very surprised to find out that "Strong Female Character beats up misogynistic bad guy in the early scene" was also used for Captain Marvel #1. How do people get paid to write this.


Why is Absorbing Man the size of the Hulk?

So this is Absorbing Man now? A raging woman hating retard? After Axis, you'd think he deserved better..

Okay, that's kind of funny.

Also, yeah.. Why the fuck is he so huge?

When did Carol Danvers turn asian?

My guess is some residual effects from absorbing a cosmic cube that made him the size of Giant Man, or lazy ass tumblr writing.

Is this shit intentional?

No, user, you don't get it. See, she's empowered! That means anything she does is the right thing, no matter the circumstances or how rational the fucking white male is being.

guys i have the opportunity to meet this faggot. Should i fuck his shit up?