A worse echo chamber has never been found. Porky kicks them in the jaw and steps on them again and again and they still think it is jews and muslims that are orchestrating their suffering.
Holla Forums rulefag thread
Other urls found in this thread:
They blame wages and poverty on disadvantaged youths while allowing guys like trump to step all over them.
Bernie, Donald, they are all the same cloth.
They really believe that if they just ban "jewish" and "leftist" opinions that they will have a good discussion board.
They also believe illiterate people from warzones are coming to invade them.
You are not a proletarian, you aren't in the vanguard, you're a petit bourgeoisie SWPL working to promote the interests of races (the underclass is almost entirely nonwhite) who would happily wipe you out.
Keep being a cuck fam
leftypol is just butthurt because Holla Forums took over their backup boards…hahha keep crying commie faggots
which backup boards
id like to go there
go on
They're just different names for the same thing, friend.
porn, u fuckin cunt. Porn.
she looks better with less make-up, cuz then her skin is uniformly pale, instead of just her face having that orange tan hue to it
Into the West
Rebuilding a Nation
The Early Years
Appeal to the Nation 1932 - Unification
The Will of the People
You Holla Forums, you were then one who left. you couldn't handle debate so you fled and created your very own echo chamber.
Far left and far right are both garbage.
all btfo
That really doesn't matter when they can just make /leftypol2/ /leftypol3/ ect.
Which makes me wonder why they're butthurt about it, especially since they still have the main one.
The user's guide to dealing with our Altright neo-Nazi brethren.
Is fucking Awesome the other 2 I already have them.
Because we did absolutely nothing to deserve this over some idiotic e-politics.
There is simply no justification for attacking those boards. At points I do think it might be just better for me and comrades to fall back into half-chan´s /lit/, after all that is form where we originated.
Friendly reminder
i liked polc when it was active
I agree but surely losing a few nearly dead boards isn't gonna send you running back to halfchan?
Not even commies love censorship that much.
I don't get the point you're trying to make
on halfchan spamming that shit is bannable
The one on the far right was made by Joshua Goldberg.
Porky is the jew.
P.O.L. means pooping on lolis
fucking faggots
who would poop on a loli?
Other lolis?
well that's fine then
as long as all lolis consent
Porky is Holla Forumss plagiarized merchant.
Holy fucking shit, whoever made that image is a whole new level of retarded
holy fucking shit, saved
Have another, you deserve it
If you're not a Holla Forumslack you're welcome to fuck off and keep your opinions to yourself and let Holla Forumsacks run their board as they see fit, right or wrong. What? that's mean? well too bad, "muh opinions" isn't a valid argument. If you have unpopular opinions it's possibly because the board is dismissive of those opinions already and is tired of reading faggots with the same argument over and over again. At some point we just get tired of debating the same thing over and over, that's what "Lurk moar fagget" was always supposed to be, lurk more and don't pretend like you're relevant, because you're not.
You can't go to Holla Forums and tell them Neil Gaiman is a hack with no imagination and then get pissed when they tell you to fuck off and ban you for broadcasting your shit several times over. Hiding under the guise of "it's unpopular and that's why they hate me the rulecucks!" is exactly a way to prove that you ARE a shitposting cancerous faggot. You can cry "ecochamber!" all you want, but at the end of the day you're just being deliberately contrarian to board consensus with your bullshit.
Your complaints would be valid if Holla Forums was a new-ish board, but let me remind you we've been forming for years out of the muck that was halfchan /new/ and whinning over "stormderp" invasions isn't going to change that fact.
If you STILL think you're in the right, then you're all invited to make your own version of a Holla Forums board and advertise it, if it's better then it will surely replace the current board.
Get over it. We're here to stay, we're allowed to express our opinions just like you're allowed to. Don't like it? Go back to cuckchan.
I hardly ever see an unjustified Holla Forums derail anyway. It's usually someone else starts it somehow like bringing up Trump, the holocaust, "stormfag LARPers," etc. Basically posting Holla Forums bait. There are exceptions (and yes they are annoying as fuck) but you've got to be overly sensitive or new if everybody agreeing that you have shit taste bothers you. Go talk about it somewhere else if nobody here but you liked it.
seriously, why do these tards keep bigging up their little piggy meme? It's an alien idea to just about everyone outside of their own board. Meanwhile, every motherfucker just about knows what the Happy Merchant is. "Porky" doesn't even have its own KYM page, it's all condensed into one Holla Forums general which the general consensus is negative. I mean, KYM is an absolutely shit way of discerning what could be considered a "meme" and what isn't due to the biases of the scum-sucking fanbases that dwell on that cesspool. See MDE's page which got deadpooled as an example. But still, if it can't even make it as its own page, it's pretty fucking hopeless. Did I mention it essentially serves the same purpose as Happy Merchant?
In addition, there's a big difference between hating someone due to their practices (hypocrisy, silent genocide, devil worship), and hating someone due to their circumstances (rich, affluent, materialistic). Not all of Holla Forums despises those of a different racial background. Just look at Ben Carson and Bobby Fischer for two examples. Some do, that's just the way they are, but a lot concede in certain cases. I'm willing to bet Holla Forums makes no compromises whatsoever in determining who forms their "bourgeoisie" scum class. If you're rich, you're gonna get fucked, no matter who you are and what you've done.
I'm also willing to bet 90% of Holla Forums don't even know why their uprisings are referred to as "revolutions". At the end of it all, everything's back the way it was. That's not what you want. But it always happens. Even China and North Korea are fastly approaching that route.
Pix related: A small sample of the lulz we've harvested from Holla Forums just yesterday, when a grand portion of the board admitted their homosexual desires to an ordinary-looking guy.
listen child if you don't like a board then don't go there…nobody gives a shit.
>>>Holla Forums
Stop bumping this shit thread, you autistic Commie Jew fuck.
You only said that so people WOULD keep bumping the thread. Your bait worked.
Nazis and commies are the same thing, both faggots trying to control people because "we know better". Marx was a hypocritical cunt who never worked a day in his life and Hitler was a pussy who gave up at the first sign of trouble.
fuck pol
pol rulefags are hypocrite faggots
There is nothing wrong with this opinion.
there is everything wrong with being a piece of trash thrown by the winds
all those colors still mix into shit…
fuck off and go live in brave new world all you commie cucks
NONE of them ever lived up to that.
all communists are liars. everything they say is just a workaround farce to all their true goals.
Bolshevik and Kike go hand in hand.
you simply just dont know enough to realize its all a lie.
im telling you user
…will you ever know enough?
b-but its the capitalists
Look at this man's post.
He is a faggot.
but why
redpilled Holla Forumssteers walk that lonely road
You KNEW this would happen - and yet you do nothing!!
What an absolute faggot you are
(((Average CEOs)))