How do you feel about flat chests?

How do you feel about flat chests?

Other urls found in this thread:



flat is justice
still 3dpd though

illegal in Australia

not good for raising children with

but fine to fuck

Flat-chested girls are usually insecure, they're easier to get with than a well-endowed women.

Milfs with flat chests are disgusting IMO, I wouldn't want a flatty as a wife- I wouldn't want my children to starve.



it is cute that she thinks that is cute.


firm > flat > deflated & saging
I'd take flat over saging but I prefer firm 75-ish b's

what's her name?

luv them legal-age kiddie tiddies


Hear, hear!


With both hands

Yeah, I like this guy. Itty bitty kiddy titty committee.

Medical sources say that milk production and breast size aren't meaningfully correlated, so you'll have fed kids without saggy grandma tits.

In other words, they're alright.

indifferent, face and hip:waist is where its at

fucking kek

they're qt

better on 2D

So is literally everything else.

Flat chest is BEST cheat!

left and right are better

She has to have at least enough to wear a bra. I need to be able to feel a boob, no matter how small. I'm looking for a chick, not a dudes pec

Kennedi pls

If she doesn't have tits I'm not interested

flat is best
Sena's only flaw is her large chest. If a flat-chested Sena existed, she would be 100% perfect.


This pic made me hungry

Flat is justice

I honestly don't care, I care more about her face.

But if we're strictly talking tits, nipples are far more important and make all the difference.

The more unique the better for me

The chans need to recruit illegal aliens, we're basically one

would you?

I want to lay my 300 pound frame on her brittle body and compress her into a small bloody puddle of bones and skin.

my first gf was flat as a board

she actually has B cups now

but since then my highest ideal has been a woman that has just enough to roll my fingers over

i love the feeling of small breasts in my hands, you can feel the entire breast and gently tug on her skin, flat chested girls with hard nipples are so hot

i like petite flat-chested girls

the sort of girl you can lift up into the air while she straddles you and fuck her hard against the wall

kobato > sena


This is How I Feel

I think they look better than med/large/deformed, but then again, it makes me feel like a closet pedo

more interested in personality, from what shitty fake media I've seen, flatties are more likely to be a tsundere/kuudere/yandere

Real laifu waifu > 2d > 3dpd porn


holy shit I have more tits than that chick, and I'm a skinny manlet (>6ft)

Why do women have to be so small?

Flat chests are only nice on little girls, once they start to age flat chests are off putting. Its like being lied too, you think you're going to get loli but then you find out its some twenty something with the torso of a boy.

dont' care, long as the pussy's good

boobs are nice to look at. But seriously. Would you be happy just playing with boobs all day. Lets face it. No. If you knew you were not getting the pussy. Boobs would get boring pretty fast.

give me a nice ass and pussy over tits ANYDAY.

only if she's also really short
good, looks fade over time regardless
tsun a shit, kuu also shit but better and too much like me irl, yan is okay sensei archetype da best
Yeah. Real people are only good if they're pure and loving. Porn never is.
Keep up the good posts, user.

I like the extremes, in both directions.


You're asking this on a board that has its own pedo thread.






I like big tits.


They seem alright to me.


Suicide please

B cups are pretty nice. I'm a fan of anything between B and D.

It's like Mick said in Ray Donovan: tits are for babies. Once you get older, its all about the ass.

Only way to live life

i like vaginas

Congratulations user - you have won post of the day!


it depends on the figure.

if she has a mature filled out body with curves, like a woman in her late 20's or early 30's, she can look hot with or without boobs.

if she's younger though like 18 or very early 20's (or looks like it) and she has a really petite body like OP's pic, with tits is hot, but with a flat chest, it feels like i'm jerking off to a kid. its kind of a creepy double edged sword with that body type. with tits = really hot. without tits = makes me feel guilty for jerking off to it.

am i weird for feeling this way?


It doesn't really matter what her chest looks like, as long as she has a vagina.

Sure, boobs are nice, but I can't put my penis inside of them without, like, cutting a hole in them or something.

And I don't want to fuck a stab wound in a boob, user.

This is Holla Forums - don't say that too loudly around here…

who is this





I don't really care. Tits are great but size is overrated.

That's a guy

you can see the piss flaps in the second pic..

I've more often seen better and prettier tits (perky) from smaller or flat chested girls rather than big chested girls

Knew a girl in HS with DD or bigger sized tits. Always wanted to suck on them and feel her up. She was 17 at the time they finally stopped growing those beasts

Recently saw her again (8 years after graduation) and those things are heaving down near her bellybutton

She isn't fat. Most of her weight probably comes from her tits. I'd say she was average weight in HS and a "bit" chubby now

But my God. I only saw her in a tank top but I bet they look fucking gross now without a shirt on when she is nude

That is the curse of big breasts. They look great on a teen but anything after that they are horrible. Only for feeding babies or tit-fucking

But flat chest or small chested girls are generally cuter/prettier and can wear a more variety of clothes and tops which make them look overall sexier also IMHO

I'm more I'd say 80% pedo 15% adult woman and 5% feminine trap

but overall a flat chest just looks so downright sexy
honestly what makes or breaks boobs is the nipples. gotta have good nipples






Flat chest on a little girl is so erotic

A 10 year old with puffy nipples and a flat chest is a God send

Makes me so hard thinking about nude naked little girl children

I only like clothed naked children. And now go to Masterchan.


I know a lot of guys fantasy is a 10 year old who has the tits of a 21 year old.
Which you do see in Murrica due to the hormones in food.

But for me, perfection is a 21 year old with the tits of a 10 year old.
Something you get more in Asia and eastern europe.

How do I feel about flat chests?



why didnt it post?






keep up the good work user

Kleenex is counting on you


This chick did LS magazine when she was younger. or so i heard


With my hands.

as long as they got D@ A$$

pics or it didn't happen

With indifference.
There's nothing there, so there's nothing to worship.
And I assume you mean proper flat chest and not small breasts.


Kacey Jordan's pretty neat

for those of you who like 14 year olds with faces that look like they're ready to suck dick











If I said I liked them would they hold it against me?

middle has the best fuck-me face. Would bang so hard all her teeth fall out.

My preference.

Well it's very hard to be a ten if you're flat chested

all i really care about is the girl having a cute face/eyes tbqh, everything else is just a bonus








delicious flat chest


Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, the pedo thread is two blocks down.

thx bruh



no other posters?

Can a flat chested woman get married and start a family? Or do men who want children only want big breasted women? Also is a B chest alright or too small?

No man ever wants to get married, ever.

But yes I would marry a qt3.14 with a flat chest if her personality and intelligence were up to my standards.

look at the sad small boob girls

some guys love them b-but the other women have bigger ones

Illegal in Australia


Did they ban small breated strippers as well?

Pics or gtfo, then we'll judge.

(With time stamp)

My wife is fairly flat and petite in general, though not as much as many of the women posted in this thread, and she had no problem getting pregnant and giving birth to either of our two children. I wasn't in the room when she gave birth either time so I don't know what her pussy went through, but I do know that a doctor told her she was not going to be able to have sex for a month after the second time, and she wouldn't let me see her naked for a week after that so it probably wrecked her down there. It was fine after just a week though, she did have some bruises for a while after that. I've heard most women's pussies will never be able to fucked after giving birth, though, so definitely for a small woman it's worse. The reason hers didn't get completely wrecked was probably because she's really flexible, though.

women have been brainwashed to think that men only like women with big tits

this is incorrect, just like anything- different people have different tastes.

i don't mind large breasts, but i much prefer small (a or b cups)

i'm not a weird neckbeard either, im a somewhat muscular tall handsome man with options

i like petite girls with small tits. they are my favorite.

you are in a thread full of men with the same preference.

if you have beautiful small breasts- please share them with us

they will not go unappreciated here

Post dick

holy moly



























Small boobies will have their day! Itty bitty titty committee!

You got a source on that?








You're a bunch of faggots. Flat chests are the best, either that or like DD. Nothing else is so hot.

but i like em

I prefer big tits so long as they're not saggy, but some of the women posted in this thread are objectively hotter with their small tits than they would be if they had bigger ones. It's fascinating.

my favorite

i love them. but then i'm a pedo, so there's that

Same here tbh. DFC is the best.


a little bump 4u

You sexual deviants give us who prefer smaller breasts a bad reputation.

mah nigger

Don't be a hypocrite. It's just preference.

Love them

makes em look younger ;D

Flat is only good if it's 2D, but it's not like having A size tits are bad. It's more about shape then size to me most of the time.

One more NSFW chan<

someone tell me who is the third pic

i just want moar of her, more pics

that is, the one with the braces

That's Not Masha.



middle is best if not just for that face

middle is best if not just for that face

my brain keeps screaming at me, like it's a sensor/alarm going off, I don't even have to look directly at it and I know…

It's a guy.

They've either got the body of a young male tranny or that is a young male post-op tranny.

sage for double-post


They aren't, but it matters for fertility. Big boobs = high levels of female specific sex hormones.

That's like saying that strong chins, wide shoulders, deep voices, and narrow waists aren't meaningfully correlated with penis size and therefore don't matter for men so we can all be squeaky girl-bodied neanderthals and marry flat chested bitches and basically re-found the japanese race

Just for a moment, image women raving over men who have the bodies of women and the soft, chinless faces of teenage girls

it's fucking ridiculous

you're all pedos and gays trying to find a way to live a normal life through adult women that look like boys and children

if any of you ever find your "qt" flat waifu, your kids will be worthless degenerate autist spawn.

fat chick detected


Who cares if they may have less sex hormones, like honestly what does that matter at all?

Yeah thats common, girls liking artsy skinny guys with long hair and a brooding look isn't unheard of

I like the feel of flat chests

How's breast cancer goin for ya, honey?

You're not completely wrong tho

I better go kill a bull shark with my fists

Though tbh being a gorilla isn't my dream

Big boobs = high levels of female specific sex hormones.
That's not even true, breast size is almost completely unrelated to hormone levels, what plays the big role in boob size is mostly the girls genetics and how fat she is. Big boob girls are mostly fat bimbos who do shit. While smalltit girls are athletic, cute smart, sophisticated.
Besides, I have a strong jaw, am tall, muscular, can hit an a1 so pretty fucking deep voice, broad shoulders etc, and I have a tiny dick. You think Ron Jeremy is the epitome of masculinity?




Ye olde timey mindset.

Tehcnology makes all this shit obsolete. In 20 years we'll be able to turn men into true-blue birth giving tit having milk producing gals, and it will all be for laughs because in 55 we'll make people in tanks that will make all of us look like monkeys. And then, fucking androids and cyborgs and true AI's. The sky's the limit. All this weird fetish with a Hitlerian quasi-darwinism is Salem witch hunt-tier.

For people claiming to be so interested in the future of the species, Holla Forumsacks seem to away be stuck in the past. Shitty 19th century ways of thinking.

Big boobs = more likely to develop during pregnancy. A desire for big boobs is an attraction towards mothers. That is to say, you sir, are a cuck, since you should desire a young untouched female fresh for ravishing, not some used up piece of garbage that already got knocked up by a nigger.

big boobs = no ass

small tits = nice ass

And that's 70 to 80% follows that norm.

right is the best

New Teen XXX site opened

Right. Men are naturally attracted to slim, girlish, blushing virgins. The gamma attraction to women who have already had children is basically nature's way of saying "I'll be stepfather to the alpha's children if he'll let me have a concubine he has grown bored with."

saving this thread before Jim nukes it from orbit

How do you feel about heart nipples?

Why are you saying this to me?
I'm in the smalltit camp
I'm litteraly maried to a cute skinny smalltit who was a virgin when I met her, I don't get your point.



What the actual fuck? I actually vomited in my mouth, fucking hell.


I started humming it

New Teen XXX site opened



its a guy…


little caprice is gorgeous

What's this?



I like them as long as they don't have a dick.










Liking flat chested women is a excuse for pedophilia and if any of you antipedofags like this shit, hang themselves please.









Honestly I don't mind. As long as they're there, size doesn't matter


It's called photoshop.

The Trips of Truth have spoken.

Flat chested lolis are cute but I prefer large tits on adults.

and now, just like 4chan, tiny tits on adult women are also not allowed

you can't just ban pedos

this is what always happens

mods think that they can can handle it, then they realize that they are too lazy to actually moderate so they just ban and delete everything that looks anything like cp

and this is the result

a chan full of BBC, fatties, and cuck porn

once all of the threads that were created before the fall are gone- there will be nothing good left here at all

Couldn't have said it better myself, for anyone who doesn't believe this is happening read through this thread:

when in doubt, dont ban


they want this to happen

they post cp spam so that the forum will get ruined

first good porn gets banned

then annoying traps or BBC

then ponies or whatever

gotta love the small titties, not really a fan of flats, but they are better then huge breast.

take a look at my ex's breast i found them perfect

The girl on the left doesn't look a day older than 14

I prefer flat-chested girls
you can keep them closer to your heart




















pedo detected

duds confirm






well it was nice while it lasted








Riley Reid is the best




hiding in plain sight

flat chested girls seem to stay prettier as they mature, they don't get those sagy tits which is a huge turn off

get in here niggers :3

36C is best size, but I'd rather less than more.

B cup or a A cup is best.


that your gf or something?

yeah she was

moonface doesn't look too comfortable

dick in her ass


thats a finger, lad

no shit sherlock, just didn't have a pic of my dick in her ass, and it is one juicy ass


But that is not what this tread is about, Titties small and perfect, not asses. So have some more.

When a flat chested girl hugs you she is holding you closer to her heart


Holy fuck thank you, I lost that image a long time ago

a lot of these women aren't even flat chested,
flat is FLAT
b cups aren't flat
even A cups are barely flat

Young flat chested teens age 13-18 is one of my many fetishes but my life doesnt revolve around this loliconshit like you faggots.


WOW who's she?

now this is a proper flat chest


Same. Bolt-ons and regular tits bore the fuck out of me.




cryptopedos pls go.

Really, who is this???!?!?!?!

I feel nothing