Fight for survival

Fight for survival.

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Everything worth to fight for died 70 years ago.

You're still living

I don't like this feel








Sharing the love amongst our own

babies are weird looking, i legitimately only feel repulsed.

What if your beloved people just spits at your face because you actually try to inform and save it, calling you a fascist ? Completely brainwashed by TV and SJW speeches.

Ignore all that. Why stare into the abyss?

You are free to become you. Nothing is holding you back. If you want you can save money and buy land in the mountains to start yoru own permaculture farm and have 6 beautiful children.

You can train to be a martial artist or join the military and compete physically with other men for the hand of the fairest maidens.

Yet you act like a defeatist and theres no hope? No ones even attacking you. You have all kinds of resources at yoru disposel. Become a Napoleon. Whats stopping you? Yourself.

I can recommend you some books if you want to get you going.

Anything by Robert Greene, 48 laws of power is a good start.

Awaken the giant within by Anthony Robbins.

The way of the superior man by David Deida.

As a man thinketh by James Allen.

The war of art by Steven Pressfield.

I prefer audiobooks because I get through them so quickly (i get sleepy after 10 pages of reading).

I found this book to be most helpful suprisingly enough. The 50th law by Robert Greene. Its partially based around 50cent and he introduces the chapters but Robert Greene reads it and its pretty much a modern version of the 48 laws of power as its methods and examples apply much more to todays world than the court life of European Royalty centuries ago.

I dont even like rap or 50cent ofc. But as Bruce Lee said "study everything, use what works".



Bruce Lee also trained to perfection. He constantly practiced and emerged with legendary skills. He's what shounen characters emulate.

Pure coincidence, goyim

my advice-

stick with humans, kid

no thanks
I have to have been with something to stick with it.
Look at it this way: You'll have more thirsty young women to choose from when sexbots come out.



Will dump pro-white maymays here tomorrow

iktf user

Are such a "beloved people" really worth saving then?

Enzo is a far better man than you

The white race has the most gays


If killing the white race would mean being with Kennedi, I would make all of Holla Forums's delusions become reality by tomorrow

Do you want boy models? Robbie is cute but Scotty has a better figure

top kek

This photo is beautiful

God damn

nice Kennedi dubs

Collectivism is a mental disorder.
Race wars were shit.
National wars were shit.
World wars were shit.
Culture wars are shit.
It's all bullshit and you're all fucking stupid. I swear I'm going to get a killstreak and nuke you all.



Dear OP, consider this;
I am Polish.
My own people are incompetent drunkards.
I want to live in Germany among efficient people and I want to escape from my own people.
What bullshit are you posting here?

you want to live in cologne among rape people?
is anything you said in your post true?


Fight for cancer.

Nigger supremacist? On Holla Forums? Who would've thought!?

Why don't you? Both is EU. You could just go there.



No they don't.

The only one who's delusional here is you fam




There is no threat to survival for any single race.
There are still many cultures that practice purist ideals concerning marriage and procreation, which is perfectly acceptable, so long as it's voluntary by the participants.
Restricting someone with ideas of supremacy, superiority and tainting of bloodlines will ultimately result in rebellion. Youths, especially, dislike hollow control and obedience.
That said the majority of people are naturally inclined to be attracted to their own race, still, so you need not worry about the destruction of a people.
How about instead you do something great with your life in order to be a shining example for your race, so that you raise the global respect towards it.

honor and survival


On-topic post.


Proportionally, it's american blacks.

You try going it alone when there's a collective around that doesn't see you as one of their own.

I'm white and have a half-asian daughter. You're welcome

I have only one regret about the time i live on user, and that is that i wasn't born during the space age so i could be a space explorer.

Are Italians white?



her vagina must be absolutely destroyed

lol no

one drop rule, nigger

Oh, you mean the same people who want to see me hang because I'd rather be with the girl on the right than on the left? I may be YOUR greatest possession, but I'll just settle for the girl on the right, thanks.

Meh, ill still call them white lol XD

I hope you mean your family because i dont know what kind of retard trust people based only on skin color or cultural similarities.

Dude, our nations was FOUNDED of retards like him. If it weren't for him, RUSSIAN retards would be swarming all over us.

Are you talking about the US, because the US seeks unity in Americanism (damn straight) (USA #1)(no irony seriously USA #1) not race. I mean its a hugely diversified country where more than half the population can easily trace their direct immigration path.

whom do you mean?



just because ur pep pep tells u that u are descendant of TRVE ARIAN VIKING WARRIORS doesnt mean that you arent 33 percent sub saharan african and 25 percent ashkenazi jew.

Right let the Mormons tell you who you came from.


Gee I wonder who could be behind this post.





I fucked your mom pretty fucking hard m8.



There is no survival.

But even after 13 kids, she's still pretty good looking yo. Daddy scored a winrar with that one heh.




Don't you have more important things to do than patrol Holla Forums for threads and posts you don't particularly like? Like maybe, trying to stop the fucking exodus?

The one drop rule only applies to Aborigine and African drops. See pic related



love them


one off
What do you mean

and the zombie bumps never end

What do you mean?








fight like a woman

The future of all humanity - and this entire thread - is foccused on this one question…
When was the last time you took a shit, and didn't need to wipe afterward?

being young and immature must be fun

You would know






Hahaha. Losers.

The only reason you're so concerned about white children being born is so you can fuck them before they reach puberty.

you just got your face raped bro

Minority Over Representation in child sexual abuse

International rates:

The whole American black race literally has white ancestry because whites liked to rape little black female slaves.



Obviously not true, since that would produce no offspring.


Lol. Have you never met a black teen girl? I promise you the only violence involved in slave owners enjoying their slave-girls was when the girls would fight out of jealousy and rivalry.

I mean, the European yDNA contribution to African Americans is 75%! You can't get that high unless the little black girls were not just chasing their masters, but stayed faithful to them.


You don't seem to understand that it isn't just "oh all white people are great, White power"
That's obviously untrue by all the liberal feminist college kids that want to kill freedom.
It's about the fact that they hate white men. If you let them slowly kill off people like you one by one, then one day it'll be just you left to fight against their collectivism. See

that shitposter wont ever respond to you, hes the one that spams threads with porn or Forced spam
ive identified him by posting hours by making threads just like this and observing when he responds

Well, at least he got me fired up to post instead of just lurk like usual.

Yes, but like Admiral Nelson at the Battle of Trafalgar, it did its duty.









It's walking towards you user



This is possibly the most beautiful pic on the net

Just imagine it was your missus and kid, fuck, heavy feels for 8am


I want to have some kids, but how to raise them? Nearly all movies and TV shows have been Jewed and their peer group has likely been sipping these poisons, too. The church is busy either sending food and medical aid to Africa and adopting niggers to cuck themselves with (protestants) or echoing the Pope's calls for globalist bullshit and an unopposed Syrian mudslime invasion (catholics). How do I make good kids today if it takes a community to raise a child and the community is sick?

why would you even raise your kids on movies and tv shows? you answered your own question
make a new community

They can't live in a basement in the dark, they're going to need to interact with media. But there's so little non-toxic media today that I'm not sure where to find enough or if that's even possible.
That would take decades and would at best come too late for the kids I'm planning to have. I'm also not a 'community organizer' type. I do have the resources to raise at least 3 white kids, though.

You have to shape the lens they see the world through. If you do it properly they will be fine.

so minimize it and teach them critical thinking
it can be taught, first of all by avoiding the public education which supresses it and second of all by teaching through the question aka socratic method instead of the right wrong paradigm

then organize with other people if you need to, many think like you
you dont even need to move to the NWF
having nig neighbors and asian and hispanic neighbors is part of the complete redpill



What are you gonna do caveman?

You sound like the type of person that ends up raising a full McIntosh type person because of retarded they were.