When do you think it all went wrong?

I'd say things started going way downhill after 2009.




it never went wrong
it has been right
and it will continue being right
and white




Also it will go jap, they fought valiantly.




when the Jews had Charles II of England overthrown and installed their puppet on the throne



Moment he attacked russia.

that was curtains.



this. the only reason why the japanese lost so horribly was because the americans stole german scientists


stop living in the past, nostalgia fags are almost worse than sjws




Nigger we had this thread before. We all agreed it was 2007 when everything unequivocally fell to shit.

Pretty much the entire 20th Century.
Instead we got millions of dead for no reason, communism, and multiculturalism.

RIP civilization

After 9/11.

they don't call it The Jewish Century for nothing

They do - outside of Holla Forums I mean?
Also, who are "they"?

Yuri Slezkine is the inventor of the term

Hear hear! The scum will be cleansed. It's natures way.

Iron curtains!


when Barry Soetoro became president.

Itt: autism and Holla Forums



S.S.St.Louis anyone?

winter 08




1920. Women's vote granted. It's all been downhill since. Now we've driven right off the cliff.

this! All other answers are false.

can you guess why? take a guess what happened around that time?

Obama fully got his claws around global influence, started with pandering to blacks with some fake "civil rights movement" women saw and wanted in, and woke 3rd wave feminism, everyone saw and wanted in, and shit became the oppression olympics, the world saw and as America is the hip/trendy thing to follow it spread through the globe and now rapefugees are concurring countries etc… all thanks to this insecure faggot who was jealous of MLK JR. good news is when he's gone and if trump or bernie take office it will die down, they won't pander to anyone (hope bernie doesn't) and america will set example again of normalcy (relative term these days lol) the global stage will want to fit in and follow and we should be right where we left off. so as long as hilary is not crowned

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965

when i was born. it has been a steady decline ever since.

