This skinny faggot is getting pussy

This skinny faggot is getting pussy.
Why aren't you?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because it's 10:30 in the morning and I'm hung over.
All I care about right now is coffee,nicotine and shitposting.

Because I'm not a skinny faggot. All women that aren't bible-pounding tradwives who will refuse to date you if you have ever looked at porn are basically lesbians with dick fetishes at this point.

A faggot fucking a Jew, nothing to be jealous of here

I'm a skinny faggot and I am getting pussy. Pic related, it's me.

Yes you are ;)

W-why are you crying, user? ;_;

My ass.

uncut or mutilated?

Go on

get this shit off my thread you buttfucking faggot

The lady user doth protest too much, methinks



I cry every tiem ;_;


Becasue getting pussy is not about not being a skinny faggot

Let's face it. Fat people are fucking disgusting. That's why i have to pay hookers to fuck vagina

Fuck off kike

Anybody with a social life can get pussy.
The quality of pussy depends on your looks.
Even the ugliest people get pussy, all you need to do is go out and fucking do something.
Study, get a job, meet with people, get friends, get together with friends, friends will invite their friends and you'll have parties together and there's always pussy for everybody.

It's that fucking easy.
I personally hate partying so I sit on the computer all day at my apartment and skype with my internet buddies.


OK… You've got the two first stages down already:
1. Denial
2. Anger

Next up is Bargaining

Come on, at least acquaintance yourself with the topic you are trying to bait.

It sucks living in SoCal though when all the women are either supermodels who are way out of your league or niggers

his face looks legit like a girl's, the word here is either feminine or androgynous faggot, this has nothing to do with being skinny

Because I'm fat and balding

I like you.


I have many reasons but among them are these two.



because my dick is small and i'm fat.

see also: why i'm going to kill myself

… fat and balding unite?

Along with those 2 reasons I've rejected women since all they do is prevent ascension.

i did, several times, different partners

currently, for a few years actually, i don't find interest in it

only virgins are so thirsty for pussy that they actually try to get some, when you grow up you just take chances as they come, that is if you want to

i want to fuck that guy in his asshole

As a bisex this gets me in all the right ways.


Because my face.

Source on the girl or fuck off OP


"le wite ppeple have 3 inch dikk XDDD muh hoarse caulk"

Are we living on the same planet?
No woman is attracted to feminine men unless they have a ton of money or a ten inch dick.

Lesbians, if he has a feminine penis.

Lesbians prefer masculine vagina, everyone knows that.

Kill yourself faggots, there are only 2 genders, and gender and sex are synonymous.

Not the lipstick lesbians :3

feminine vagoo?

Because he's big, charming, sensual, doesn't believe in a lot of bullshit, cares about her enough to form a stable relationship with another person and ultimately… is not a fucking 4channer.

Personally, I wanna fuck both of them, probably have his cock in my ass too.

That "skinny faggot" is quite attractive actually

nigger eat some pasta

nice bait

What bait you fucking faggot? I'm not evne the guy you answered but you HAVE TO GO BACK


Because my gf lives 3 hours away

I'm going down to see her tomorrow though :^)


nice, Holla Forumsro.
a little more definition would look better, if u can be bothered to work out properly. I would recommend it if you get into a meaningful relationship.
you >>>/Ana/ ?


1) I'm not white (not fully at least, half mexicant)
2) I don't know how to talk to girls
3) My dick isn't that big
4) I'm also a skinnykunt
5) I have no idea where to find girls that would actually want to talk to me
6) I wear glasses
7) Socially awkward and not in a cute way
8) Can't read social cues
9) I spend majority of my free time alone at my computer and apparently that's not a normal thing
10) I'm pessimistic and have a negative outlook on life

The only way I could get pussy is if I paid for it, but I don't value it enough to actually do that. People are disgusting anyway.

Periods of isolation and living on the internet has turned me into a weirdo.
Also because I don't have the gall to converse with random females in a manner that is conducive to us forming friendships/relationships/casual fun/fucking. It's not even gall really, I just do not talk much at all.


you're underestimating how desperate some girls are.

Feels good to be a white weeb. JPG

-still sad I can't have my waifu and can only stick it in 3dpd trash-

I'll cum too fast because it's my first time since I was 13


Any 5/10+ girl who is 'desperate' can easily get a boyfriend without much effort. Because of this most girls around my age are already in relationships; even if they don't like the ones they're currently in. I think they actually enjoy the drama of a crappier relationship anyway.


pussy has no value

because, my good sir, i don't consider "getting pussy" to be a productive use of my time. i can watch some anime or play world of warcraft. i can go hang out with my HEMA buddies and practice 13th century Danish axe fighting techniques. i can watch philosophy and science videos on youtube from such mental giants (who you've undoubtedly never heard of) as carl sagan and richard dawkins. that's right, i'm an atheist. get over it.

these lesser pleasures might be enough for someone like you op, but i have evolved beyond mere basic human understanding and discovery. i have ascended.

His post itself is bait, retard. And you just ate it up.

Also this:

Only 2, 7 and 8 might lead to problems. the rest either doesn't matter or is easy to change.


This is the shittiest amateur porn Ive ever seen.

That dude looks like a little faggot and the girl isn't even enjoying it.




Shouldn't you be watching cuck porn somewhere you skinny white faggot?

Cute teens links…

you are the pussy man

but i am.
i really am.


I'm poor and I don't want STDs or some pregnant fat/ugly/stupid/possessed bitch calling about child support.