short animations
short animations
feels bad mang
if i was a tumblr user you don't know how many :3 emoticons i would use at this
That dog is cute as fuck.
did they ever make a full length movie?
because I'd fucking watch it
More like animated shortstacks
Came in here to post this
Thank you for being uninspired shits who keep posting the same damn shit in every webm/video thread.
It's all you retarded Holla Forumsfags ever seem to post around here.
thx for contributing, br0
I love student animations.
heres a calarts one from a couple years ago
He's trying to turn this into yet another derailed thread where dumbasses get mad that he's telling everyone to go back to Holla Forums.
Ignore him.
That's pretty good.
I think I finally understood why waifus are a thing.
not sure if should post re-score instead
I came here to post that. So instead I'll post this.
Uploaded on Aug 13, 2010
Danny Perasa and his wife, Annie, came to StoryCorps to recount their twenty-seven-year romance. As they remember their life together from their first date to Danny's final days with terminal cancer, these remarkable Brooklynites personify the eloquence, grace, and poetry that can be found in the voices of everyday people when we take the time to listen.
Published on Jun 10, 2013
David OReilly
English subtitles included
This animator has done some great stuff, unfortunately, I think she's a Something Awful goon.
Mostly this leaves me wondering what killed the pilots while they were inside the cockpits without disabling the bombers and fighters themselves.
The animated film was made in 1944 by the psychologists Fritz Heider and Marianne Simmel of Smith College in Massachusetts, whose paper ‘An Experimental Study of Apparent Behaviour’ is a milestone in understanding the human impulse to construct narratives.
At one level, their movie is just a series of geometric shapes moving around on a white background. It appears to lack any formal elements of story at all. Yet study groups (of undergraduate women) who saw the film in 1944 were remarkably consistent in their judgment of what it was ‘about’. Thirty-five out of 36 decided that the big triangle was a mean, irritable bully, and half identified the small triangle as valiant and spirited.
That’s a striking result: near unanimity on the emotional journey of a bunch of shapes. Then again, how surprising were these findings? Abstract animation existed as early as the 1920s, and experimental animators such as the Hungarian Jules Engel had already shown in sequences such as the Mushroom Dance in Walt Disney’s Fantasia (1940) that very little visual information is needed to create characters and story. So perhaps research was just catching up with what the empiricism of art had already discovered.
unless there's a video with both original quality and hard subs, i think this might be a job for Holla Forums.
[turn on cc]
Gobelins 2002 - Jurannessic
Here's one I first saw a few months ago, from Calarts
All I got from that is that the larger triangle is a retard for letting himself get stuck in the box.
I read enough hentai to know what that which and the octopus do behind closed doors
Have the French short about a little boy who fucks an adult woman who is a magical doll?
Shit dude these short films don't usually give me feels but fuck man
Fuck man I'll be right back man I think I'll give my dog a hug and take him for a walk…
That's not a student film you dumb fuck, that's John R. Fucking Dillworth, same guy behind Courage the Cowardly Dog, this short even has the same style, and he was commissioned to make a lot of those
A classic
I was about to be perturbed that they stole the idea from a comic, then I read the description that says it was based on the same comic.
I used to have a pair of webms for this but I can't find them and I'm too lazy to do it at the moment.
that was some good feels.
More cheesecake
my inner /monster/-lover approves