What are some female character designs that attempted to be both hot and cute at the same time?

What are some female character designs that attempted to be both hot and cute at the same time?
I don't just mean "hot chicks that sometimes act cute", I'm talking about ones where their very visual design is supposed to encompass both.

Betty Boop was originally designed as a dog. Furry waifus are old school.





I'm thinking Kim Possible qualifies as "hot and cute."


I've seen the model sheet. Those guys were actively trying to make her sexy.
Because they a buncha furries. In fact they had to tune it down because they wanted underboobs and other sexy things.
Why are furries such degenerates?



Wasn't Dr. Robotnik on the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog designed as "the world's sexist fat man"?

Why would I know that? I'm not a Chris-chan.

I can't think of any designs that managed to be both hot and cute at the same time, personally. I think they might be exclusive, at least in that a character can't be extremely hot and cute at the same time.

I'd say she's pretty hot, but not really cute.

Fairly cute, not remotely hot.

Babs was definitely more cute then hot. Sometimes she was drawn hotter, but it came at the cost of less cute.

Closest I'd say we've got here to both at once, though she doesn't push either extreme.

The hot vastly outweighs the cute.

I suppose Marinette/Ladybug could be considered hot/cute.



I was amazed to learn her name was Phoebe


Too bad she barely appears in the show nowadays, and even if she does, it will be to either remember everyone that Red Throne happened or just a minor appearance, or both
I love Elementals, and AT being a fantasy setting she fits really well, but they barely use her
But we already have a JoJo thread, so I don´t feel like I should discuss this subject here

Maybe they'll show FP in the background messing with Finn's stuff.


"You deserve a PROMOTION!"

Well she IS made of fire m8, she's not exactly cold

like his heart



Don't fucking remind me, user

I can't believe I'm even focusing this much on a poop joke, but coal isn't what's left over after fire consumes something. It'd make more sense if she said cinders or ash or something.

Best part is at least a few people on the writing staff are aware of how awful that separation was, their relationship is still going strong in a comic AU where they both actually remained in-character instead of Finn trying to instigate fights because he popped a boner over the displays of power or whatever their idiotic reason was to drive a wedge between them and shit on Finn

It's called puberty. Also, Finn is a canon masochist.

To be honest I'm not sure how anyone without welded-on shipping goggles saw that relationship as anything more than cute and doomed. First teenage loves always disintegrate spectacularly.

The joke isn't funny if you think about it too hard.

Tumblr pls leave


So you like the woodburner?

So FP could burn clean natural finn's farts gas?

So, when FP used Finn's bathroom to "freshen up",
did she leave a nice, fresh squeezed diamond in the bowl?

But it's true, user

Kek, that reminds me of the Eldar section in Xenology where they describe how Eldar feces are crystalline

Too bad they didn't get away with more

This looks like a thinly-veiled AT thread…


Wait for a proper thread, you retard

No, it isn't.
Don't be a fag, man.
pic related for the thread though

Who ?
Because I'm sure neither Xayaphone or Jesse regret that, since they are the bigger cucks in the staff

It's too bad about Bimbo. Bimbo started out as a funny talking animal dog and got pared down to a pet dog.

I'm still waiting for that prissy faggot to show up and start saving the day with his ridiculous stand.

Ruby Gloom, always cute and sometimes hot.


Oh, I think the word you are looking for is, FEMININE.

Who the hell is Emilia and why is she wearing Ruby's sexy grandma dress?

Cute and doomed I'll grant but it didn't really evaporate naturally, their relationship was only briefly alluded to in a few episodes that weren't FP-centric and then ends over the course of one episode where he starts instigating Ice King vs. FP fights because watching them go giant-monster to overpower eachother turns him on or whatever it was. Hell, the episode existed explicitly to split them up and then ended with her psuedo-shacking up with fucking Cinnamon Bun, then that comic mentioned that posted a couple pages of shows if Finn didn't get her nearly killed through out-of-character stupidity they'd still be getting along just fine.

i just want to see finn happy for once

Comic writers

Emilia is from Sítio do Picapau Amarelo,
a Brazilian book made into a cartoon thing.

Truly Snafu is an underrated legend.

Ruby gloom was a terrible cartoon with terrible character design.

Waifufags have the worst taste.

Even more underrated is Seaman Hook, which is where this is from.

Cupcake, from
the Fonz and the Happy Days Gang

Don't deny it…

I wouldn't think of it.



but user, cute IS hot.


it was a terrible cartoon but the design was great, the show had a good setting but horrible telling. in short, it COULD have been good if it would have had decent writers, everything else was there, they just didn't had a clue on how to use it.

and don't tell me you would impregnate the fuck out of ruby or iris, specially ruby, shes role-model perfect wife no, i didn't say waifu, i said wife.

Anderson occasionally looks both hot and cute, but that depends on the artist most of the time, so I'm not so sure if she counts

I meant in the regular staff
I know that the comic writers at least aren't as retarded as the show's writers
We need to crash a plane on CN, or a ROAD ROLLER DA for that matter..

That third image is funny when you consider Kaa's gender in the new movie


go back to Holla Forums

Looks kinda cute.

Um… sure, draw as many as you like.

Well at least you are finally learning.

Ruby is utterly perfect

what a way to ruin a perfectly good image.

Perfect 50/50.

If you like furry I guess.


the original cuck

This word has officially lost all it's meaning now.

As all buzzwords fo.

I didn't even know what "furry" was when I discovered her. Well I was young back in the day.


who the fuck eats steak with green peas.

fucking disgusting.

edges aren't cute

Less ambiguous than mashed taters.

I guess Trixie does have her cute moments.


Ruined it, or made it better?

I liked cat noir better.

Also mentionable is Schrodinger from Hellsing, but that's /am+AM+amondo(+a if your taste is shitty)/'s thing

Well, he's a male, but still related to the OP

This seems like a much more legitimate answer than most

I mean yes Holla Forums will masturbate to any drawing of a little girl, I get it, it's not usually the angle the artist had in mind though

think again, pic related

He is the only reason I freaking care about that stupid show.
I mean: You get a black leather cat (a fetish of mine since I was a kid with Black Cat and Catwoman) and a cute shota/bishie (A fetish of mine since I was a teenager)
Cat Noir is basically Fetish= The character.

Lily from the shitty Alpha and Omega movie was cute


Was she the one voiced by Wednesday Addams?

Why can't we have anti-aloha-snackbar cartoons in this day and age? Are our armymen so emasculated they don't need any cheesecake and cheap innuendo jokes at the expenses of some expendable middle eastern muzzie?

It's basically a rabbit with huge eyes standing like a human.
Bunnies are cute, and she definitely doesn't have a hot body.

Betty Boop: The original moe character

She is also supposed to be 16 year old girl.

I don't think so. She's the one that imitates turtles.

agreement, our boys need some real cartoons.

Betty Boop was a tease. She was asking for it.

Betty Boop was a tease. She was asking for it.

The Little Jewish Princess; yeah she wanted it.

The double exclamation points make it.

C'mon, that was half the selling point of that character. The other half was the crazy-hot.

I hate america…

We all do, but furries don't make the top 100 in the list of reasons.

NTRing slut.

alright we fucking get it

Wait, what's that?
Looks kinda bad.

Smokin' hot


I wanna fuck that robot.


I guess this is purely subjective but Cinderella. Though I'd say more mature than hot, but still very cute.
