Healthy Society

A society is healthy when it is in harmony.

Is it loving to allow a cancer to grow within the body?
Is it hateful to cut it out from the body….
So if you hate a society then your privileges are abrogated.

Most privileges come at a price of responsibility. Being responsible for your society means that you see to it that problems are fixed.
Politics for “democracy” are smoke and mirrors. The real problems are not just left unsolved but often allowed to get worse. A political body that does not see itself responsible to the people but only to some economic ideal is a cancer.
Everyone who hates the goodness of your society is a cancer.

Is it hate to remove cancer?

Other urls found in this thread:


Pick one, faggot.

There are lots of ways to fuck nationalism up.
But also ways to make it good.
Orwell wrote about the negative archetype of the nationalist, a mustread for self-reflectation.

He wrote about government loyalists. Fascism of a type. He certainly did not writeabout a negative archetype of a nationalist because there is no such thing except nonnationalists that call themselves as such.








The only way for Trannies to unite is if you all kill yourself since you all love suicide so much.

>>>Holla Forums





Damn rite, whiteboy!'

at least the real original nazis did try to come up with some bullshit, you just talk lazy out of your ass

reddit go home you're drunk





How is nationalism going to help when the country itself is retarded. Then you just have a bunch of retards who are proud to be retards.

What you need is education, this is the only way for a country to work. This is why germany was a nice place in the best and this is also why germany gets worse with all the refugees. You are importing uneducated people that abuse the freedom we have.

You're thinking of loyalism to the state.
Nation = group of people
Nationalism = love of your people
Nation state, or country, is not a nation
Government exacting national socialism is not the only way for nationalism to work, it is arguably the worst way if the people don't all feel it.

Germany was a nice place because it was German and they started expansion into lands with many germans.
Germany is a shit place because people with shit genetics are being invited to leech off the system and welfare.

You can not educate shitskins.

Racism excuses.


A society is only in harmony when those who are most virtuous are the ones leading the society. Otherwise personal ambition will lead to the ruin of the society, and society itself will be as if run by wild beasts as opposed to men. If you are to consider a society an organism, then the cancer that must be removed is the cancer in the brain, once this is achieved, the rest will fall into place under the guidance of the healthy, harmonious brain. Nationalism is a philosophy of sheep who believe that those who are similar to them would be the best ones to rule them. Again, under your analogy of society as an organism, this would be like muscle controlling itself without the input of the nervous system, leading to a result not unlike death by nerve gas.

Isn't the trany doing the same thing?

Humanity in itself is THE cancer on mother nature's heavenly earth and resources. No individual's national background, genetic composition, language, heritage, culture or identity exempts them from that fact. There is no other animal on earth that will tear down 50 living trees for a cube nest. There is no other animal that enslaves and tortures all others. There is no other animal that fights for ownership of the earth on a piece of paper against other humans that need the same thing. Our overpopulation is, as a species, embarrassing, almost laughable. Our actions and destructions can't continue to pillage our planet mindlessly without an external force to intervene and stop us. Systematic depopulation would be our only means of conserving our biological footprint here, banning pregnancy and unplanned children worldwide by force. Cull the current population to something between 100 and 100,000, then keep it there.

Yeah, you and I and nobody else here has a ticket to paradise island, but it'll still be beautiful for what's left

Every species has an urge to promote itself and thereby destroy others both within and without its species, humans are just relatively successful at doing so. Life on earth effectively has a set end date, and humans are the most likely species to surpass it thus far. The fact that you are capable of formulating an argument against humanism is, in fact, a proof that humans are capable of formulating thought against their own interests, which is something yet to be observed in any other species thus far. Why should superiority be punished? It's certainly not in line with the rules of nature.

The 'superiority' in question is our species' dominant population on earth (99.99% of which we know to be dead weight), that can shift severely at ease, and has proven to do so in history, mythology, and in early stages of human development. Even if we have our chance to multiply exponentially, exhaust all of our own food supply, usable water, landscape and resource, the only source of wealth on a barren, worthless rock hurdling through oblivion will be other dead-or-alive human beings. Mass cannibalism would ensue, reintegration of barbaric slavery would take place, and death factories would employ trillions of happy workers shoveling live humans into Satan's furnace, only to be shoveled inside after a long day's work. Humanity won't spontaneously explode because of staged politics, but actively reduce itself in an attempt for salvation.


Lol - hi nazis. Have you done any POLITICAL CORRECTNESSlately? I BET you have. Why don't you nazis tell me all about it, you nazis? Tell me about all the nazi things you've done, in the name of nazism.

Well no shit, when you're living under the thumb of an authoritarian, Orwellian fucking nation you'll shiver and bend over when a messenger of the government comes to your door. The people who answered to those polls in positive light were either:
a) Retarded
b) Brainwashed
c) Scared

No genuinely sane intellectual could look at communism, let alone that of the USSR and be like "oh hella, yeah it works great". If it was so fantastic, it would have lasted in the modern era in countries other than North Korea or Vietnam.

Holy fuck, underrated post. I like you user, I like you a lot.

The reason that depopulation or culling has never worked on humanity - and every time it has been attempted, humanity has risen above it - is because humans are parasites. And that is not necessarily a bad thing. I've always looked at human society as basically a series of over-sized infestations. Like any disease, sickness, termite or shitstain insect of the ground - we take down natural resources and turn them into things only we can use, that is what separates us from animals. Beavers build dams, but when the dams break, logs flow down the river and either break down over time, get hacked up by wood bugs, and get covered in moss; when a bird's nest breaks, the twigs fall down onto the ground and they too turn into either soil, or are used by other species. Humans make plastic bags, terracotta pots, dry-walled houses, and fucking metallic airplanes. Really, it is impossible for us to exist as society that is kind to our habitat. We exist to destroy, we exist to leave a "carbon footprint", our species exists because we're a bunch of assholes - and that's okay.

What you have decide at that point is: Do you fight for humanity, or against it? If we are rooting for humanity, we need to start colonizing other planets and continue infesting the galaxies until we no longer can. If you are against humanity, let us stay here until we run out of resources and die off with the rest of the biological world.

That's just my opinion though.


you're thinking of communism comrade

you are a faggot, simple
at least tried to make an intellignt proposal

it hasnt even lasted in vietnam
that country is a tourist economy mixed with export economy


Our fate is to make completely "artificial" planets. Artificial only means human made. We will also become artificial through genetic engineering and robotics advancements. It is already in the second phase of this process.

Stupid stormfag cuntlet.

A society is not a body. A society is a fictive construct.

Only hunter-gatherers and subsistence farmers can claim to be "indigenous" anythings. Modern societies are massive anonymous abstractions, and their citizens are all hybrids to various degrees.

Nationalism is not a protective system. The idea of the nation has only existed for 300 years and is associated with aggressive expansion, imperialism and war.

Why do you value "responsibility" to a valueless abstraction over the REAL lives and freedoms of REAL flesh and blood human beings? Why do you value an abstraction over your own life and those of your friends?

Hey cunt. If you love your "nation" so much, go fucking suicide-bomb isis. I fucking dare you.

I'll believe it when there's whites in gas chambers.

White people are THE RICHEST IN THE WORLD, how is that genocide?

Nice list of assumptions comrade!
You're assuming National Anarchism is not a thing!

It isn't. Why would people submit to a SPOOK, without someone pointing a gun at them or indoctrinating them with authoritarian education and censored media? Of course they fucking wouldn't.

Get a load of this faggot. Holla Forums might be autistic, but Jesus you are on a whole different level.

I agree that all those anons are faggots with the exception of the last post. Nazis were scum, but at least they did something with their lives, unlike those of the modern West who go on about "inb4 someone dissing muh third reich lmao xDDDDD"

See you aren't even open to discussion you're just throwing assumption on top of assumption then literally kindergarten namecalling, why don't you fuck off cunt you're wasting only your own time.


wew lad

You niggers have single-handedly ruined a great thread. For shame, for shame.

that user just replied to any post that triggered him with a "faggot" rather than actually looking into the content

while looking into "racial science" is at least interesting, even if i disagree and call it bullshit, modern day "white nationalists" and larp nazis are completely lacking any substance

They all have an admirable time of it when they receive zealous homage. Just observe the nation that is defended by devoted patriots. The patriots fall in bloody battle or in the fight with hunger and want; what does the nation care for that? By the manure of their corpses the nation comes to “its bloom”! The individuals have died “for the great cause of the nation,” and the nation sends some words of thanks after them and — has the profit of it. I call that a paying kind of egoism.

The commonalty is the heir of the privileged classes. In fact, the rights of the barons, which were taken from them as “usurpations,” only passed over to the commonalty. For the commonalty was now called the “nation.” “Into the hands of the nation” all prerogatives were given back. Thereby they ceased to be “prerogatives”:[Vorrechte] they became “rights.”[Rechte] From this time on the nation demands tithes, compulsory services; it has inherited the lord’s court, the rights of vert and venison, the — serfs. The night of August 4 was the death-night of privileges or “prerogatives” (cities, communes, boards of magistrates, were also privileged, furnished with prerogatives and seigniorial rights), and ended with the new morning of “right,” the “rights of the State,” the “rights of the nation.”

In the Revolution it was not the individual who acted so as to affect the world’s history, but a people; the nation, the sovereign nation, wanted to effect everything. A fancied I, an idea, e.g. the nation is, appears acting; the individuals contribute themselves as tools of this idea, and act as “citizens.”

Now the Nationals are exerting themselves to set up the abstract, lifeless unity of beehood; but the self-owned are going to fight for the unity willed by their own will, for union. This is the token of all reactionary wishes, that they want to set up something general, abstract, an empty, lifeless concept, in distinction from which the self-owned aspire to relieve the robust, lively particular from the trashy burden of generalities. The reactionaries would be glad to smite a people, a nation, forth from the earth; the self-owned have before their eyes only themselves. In essentials the two efforts that are just now the order of the day — to wit, the restoration of provincial rights and of the old tribal divisions (Franks, Bavarians, Lusatia, etc.), and the restoration of the entire nationality — coincide in one. But the Germans will come into unison, i.e. unite themselves, only when they knock over their beehood as well as all the beehives; in other words, when they are more than — Germans: only then can they form a “German Union.” They must not want to turn back into their nationality, into the womb, in order to be born again, but let every one turn in to himself. How ridiculously sentimental when one German grasps another’s hand and presses it with sacred awe because “he too is a German!” With that he is something great! But this will certainly still be thought touching as long as people are enthusiastic for “brotherliness,” i.e. as long as they have a “family disposition”. From the superstition of “piety,” from “brotherliness” or “childlikeness” or however else the soft-hearted piety-phrases run — from the family spirit — the Nationals, who want to have a great family of Germans, cannot liberate themselves.

Ridiculous is he who, while fellows of his tribe, family, nation, rank high, is — nothing but “puffed up” over the merit of his fellows; but blinded too is he who wants only to be “man.” Neither of them puts his worth in exclusiveness, but in connectedness, or in the “tie” that conjoins him with others, in the ties of blood, of nationality, of humanity.

I would rather them than communists to be dead honest. I am a pretty strong libertarian, and I am watching the party decay in front of my eyes. We have to many people who say "im a librul and tolerant librateran." It is splitting the whole party in two.

I have come to the conclusion that I am not going to oppose them. They can be somewhat swayed to my cause, and they are the enemy of my enemy so I won't attack. Choose your enemies wisely as they say.

I think the main reason that WN's act retarded and never do anything is because they are afraid to. They can loose their jobs and lives for their believes, and many actually have a family and what not. If they loose their life than what next? This commitment hinders them a lot. There are a lot more WN's than I think anyone would like to admit, but they won't be doing anything soon sadly.

Nationalism does not require a state and at no point is statism integral to nationalism - it is especially a nationalists duty to rebel against a state that does not value the people.

its like the same faggot is posting over and over again

Thanks, mate. There's nothing like a bit of Max to give these wannabe Hitlers a kick in the balls.

*beliefs you illiterate faggot. I hope you and your party die and hang yourself.

notice if you search for antifa vs nationalist on youtube there are dozens of examples from multiple countries of groupie idiots running or getting the shit kicked out of them by nationalists
limp wristed faggots

When are you pussies going to bust the Bundys out of jail?

The state just crapped on you from orbit. All it takes is a helicopter, dynamite, and bulletproof vests. Tip: you can hijack the helicopter.

just as much the other way around
are you seriously going to point at yt videos of your liking to jerk off on how awesome you think you are?

there really isnt any examples of the other way around
how dumb do you think people are?
one two click youtube copy paste
you are wrong and what i said is laughably completely true
people who do nothing but follow commie kike orders have no real motivation to live

Cos only the ones posted by Nazis call Nazis nationalists.
This is my favourite, we had you scum hiding in the toilets for hours!

It is pretty clear that you do not understand what you are talking about in the slightist. Allow me to explain why your argument is so autistic.

Let us say for instance, that you and a bunch of friends are isolated, made to fend for yourself. While you work, you will make jokes between each other, you will experience things together, and you will create stories. You have in essence created culture. Your collective experiences and ideas make up this culture.

Now imagine your isolation with many more people and much more land. You have done the exact same thing as before, just on a bigger scale.

Would you stab a friend in the back? No, and anyone who would is autistic.

HAHAHAHAHAHA he really believes this shit!


100% retarded.

I am a policeman. I watch you retards get btfo on a regular basis. Seriously antifa, you are kittens.

And this contradicts Stirner how?

The point is, you don't have 200 million friends, therefore you don't belong to a "nation".

Also, some of your friends may happen to be white, black, Asian, Muslim, who knows?

why do you try to pretend that all nationalists are german
why do you try to pretend that all nationalists are socialist?

yeah antifa are retarded
all i see is a large group of "antifa" standing around pretending to be tough
in every video where they get beat up you can physically see them running when having superior numbers
lmfao fantasy land

Fucking coward Nazi pig hiding behind shields and armour, you wouldn't dare fight antifa on equal terms. I have seen you scum terrified of a few hippies or ten-year-old black kids, because you are a coward hiding behind your uniform and having your cock sucked by the sheeple.

Go choke on your donut, child killer.

How about this one cuntface, 60 of you getting raped by two Muslims. TWO.

insane child


might be true whereever you live
in germany it's usually a hand full of sad nazis encircled by police, sitting and waiting to get their little parade going while all streets are blocked
if anyone is forcing anything, it's the police to make some arrests, that's really just about it

in other places of europe nazis usually get a good beating and get an escorte to leave

Does your contribution ever rise above the level of shitposting?

Fuck off back to Xbox Live.

do you even know what the word "nazi" means you retarded autist?

are you seriously retarded my autistic child?

Normally we are the ones defending you retard. When the heat turns after you start a fight, you duck behind the police barricade for cover. Personally I wish I could dowse you faggots in teargas. You retards cause thousands of dollars of damage and we get stuck protecting you while you act like children.

I was in Chicago during the Anti-Trump protests, it was almost unbelievable when you retards went around smashing cars, and then hid behind us when people threw bottles at you.






more samefag

you are retarded, stop posting, go to bed

yeah, sure, i don't see why not

Nazi in common usage is a blanket term for far-right white racists. You can nit-pick all you like about whether your own brand of white pride nigger-lynching BS is technically not the same as Hitler's on all its points. You're a Nazi.

Now, are you the same guy who keeps calling antifa commies?

Most antifa are not Russian.
Most antifa are anti-authoritarian.
Most antifa have far less in common with Stalin than you do with Hitler.

I am not samefagging, stop trying to blame you utterly problemattic stupidity on me

look at all these antifa hiding behind a police barrier, this is aaaalways the same image

oh wait
but still, it's always just like that
because i have this video
you can't argue that, it's your own "logic" applied

I am not samefagging, stop trying to blame you utterly problemattic stupidity on me

Nobody would believe him anyway, we all know cops are pathological liars.

Meet the thin piece of polycarbonate that separates you from utter hell.

Also notice in that video how the antifa are properly prepared for streetfighting with masks and sticks, whereas the dumb fascists are walking round with their faces showing.

In a country that gives jail terms for this shit.

This either shows that:
1. fascists are fucking stupid and don't know how to stay out of jail,
2. fascists know that the pigs will side with them and they won't be prosecuted, even when they blatantly bash someone on camera.


This retard doesn't realize that the collor he used to cover his (you) boxes are not the same color as the Holla Forums post background.

100000% autism


what is this nigger doing

it's always the police getting beat up and retreating because they are such pussies

look at this evidence that cannot be refuted, these KKE marshals (red flag sticks) are obviously the strongest people and so hardcore

we have thus conclusive evidence of communists being superior

hurr fucking durr, nazifags

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This is what you call "properly prepared"?

Your guides can be summed down to two things:


RTFM faggot; your own damn manual.

Why? You can't stand and fight.



another conclusive video that shows the inferiority of police hiding behind metallic shields but get overrun by leftists

it makes much more sense to bend over and take a dick up your ass, ikr
is that what they teach you in the Hitlerjugend nowadays? explains a lot

Nice logical fallacy you have there. I bet you feel so good talking over a computer screen.

Have you every been shot? Hit in the face? Stabbed? We have been. We do it on a daily basis.

The only reason we don't break out and beat you down is because you elect the local politicians who call us off. They can call us off because they have us on a leash with our paychecks. I wonder what will happen when your luck runs out.

You won't hit us. You won't come close. By the time you try to hit us, you will be doused with teargas. If we are out of teargas we have sound based anti-riot systems, rubber bullets, and real bullets. You are outgunned on every level imaginable.

except "racist" is a meaningless word like calling someone a "faggot" on the chans


Protip: Fascists are not there to get in a fight. You are.

Just more proof that you are all violent thugs.


The audacity of this retard.

Get a load of these goyim.


Where I live we have a saying, the only thing you can lift is your dick.

typed this just moments before
Have you every been shot? Hit in the face? Stabbed? We have been. We do it on a daily basis.

yeah, if you wouldn't suck at your claimed job you wouldn't constantly get hit like a bitch

Nice cherrypicking faggot

What does it feel like to know that this article was written about you?

now read the context of the conversation and maybe, if you're not a total autistic raging stormfag, you'll see what i was replying to

Unlike you, I work a job.

Still a cherrypicking logical fallacy.


and you guys are suprised by everyone calling you faggots thick and retarded


I am not him, but you are using a few select instances as an example to a broad idea.

This is a cherrypicking logical fallacy. It is not just Holla Forums that hates you. Everyone hates you. Period.




Sage in all fields autist.

you don't work, you suck, evident by your own words
you're not supposed to be the one getting treated like a little masochistic bitch, but that's what you're taking pride in
you are retarded, son

since you're lacking any memory and reading comprehension, read this a dozen times

aware cherrypicked hyperbole against stormfaggots being genuine about that shit on their part

now repeat after me


yes goyim, fight the racists.


No. I take pride in the fact that when I get home every day my wife is safe.

I pity idiots like you who have no comprehension of their actions.

We sage threads we don't like to spare others the pain of having to view their autism.

And you legit just played the Holla Forums card.


yes, your opinions are completely legitimate goy.



B . T . F . O

capped for prosperity

When you say 'WN' I imagine you're referring to white nationalists, in which case I have to say: any ideology that incurs a sort of mob-mentality is not a good ideology. And you could argue that every single ideology is like that, but I believe that people should follow philosophies that allow open interpretation, an exchange of ideas, and minimalistic retardation - something which I believe, white nationalism is incapable of.

pretty nice

Yeah, me too.


You know that the police don't keep their fucking anti-rioting equipment in their basement right? Lol, fuck off retard, no one's buying it.

Yes, just like they won't send cops home with their service pistols so they won't get ki… oh.


Then you are incapable of listening to arguments and thinking critically. Just stop posting.

I didn't respond to any white-nationalist talking point. The post I responded to literally said:

So I'm not sure what the fuck you're talking about. If you have some reasons that white-nationalism is brilliant, I'd love to hear them - but I've seen none in this thread.

maintain a cohesive community
preserve traditions - which exist because they benefit the individuals in society
HAVE KIDS - self explanatory
focus on self improvement that will better your abilities for community improvement - networking is important
why would you practice multi cultism instead?

literally impossible. Out of every single community of people there is a wide variety of differences in beliefs, morals, tastes, whatever-the-fuck (e.g. look at how many different Christian denominations they are).

I don't see how traditions benefit the individuals in society. Law, order, and peace are the only things that truly benefit every individual of a society whole-cloth

oops, sorry I didn't know that it was impossible for people of different ethnic backgrounds to bear children together

I don't understand how multiculturalism detracts from the ability of self improvement that betters abilities.

It seems that you're basically saying that it is impossible to have the basic functions of a society if people of different backgrounds come together - but that's just not true. Take the United States for example, it has it's varying problems but I would say that for the most part, it has been, and currently is a moderately successful country. It's a massive player in the world economy, been home to vast amounts of inventions/technologies, is more peaceful than plenty of countries that are not multicultural (i.e. Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Nigeria), and so on and so forth.

Those who are incapable of putting aside their cultural differences when in the company of others, are incapable of living in multicultural societies; they do not deserve to be treated as functioning adults by any collective group of people. Race, sexuality, religion, whatever, may separate us in certain ways but I love the Chinese woman who does my dry-cleaning, I love the Italian guy who makes my drinks at the bar down the street, I love the fucking Inuit bus driver who didn't mind when I forgot my change one morning. You form connections with people based on who they are, not what they are. If you're incapable of forming those connections, you are either retarded, a child, or a bigot.

we're done.


I can't understand why you're asking if an action is one of "love" or "hate".

If somebody does something, then the consequences and effects are important.

Whether he feels "love" or "hate" when he's doing it, does not matter at all.



A pistol is not a riot shield, retard.

They don't care if officers take their riot shields home, it's literally a cheap piece of plastic.




No, I'm not. If any people were, as a rule, fit to govern themselves, they would organize only when necessary. The only example of this that I've even read about as a possibility would have been what the Byzantines thought of the proto-slav tribes. Generally speaking, the average person needs to be governed, preferably well-governed, and nationality as a concept is a detriment to that need being met in a harmonious fashion. Hypothetically speaking, if the best Frenchman was leading France to prosperity, and Germany was in turmoil under a poor leader, there should be no reason why a good German would not leave his nation to benefit himself and others, and equally there should be no reason why an incompetent German wouldn't also desire to leave his nation and strive to become better in a more prosperous one.

because he wouldnt be welcome elsewhere in any way


Why shouldn't he be welcomed by another nation any less than his own? Even if he would require guidance, he could still likely be put to some use, if he was incapable of work in the traditional sense he could be used as propaganda, for example.

propaganda for what? you must live under a rock
a society falls apart when it is multicultural in the modern sense of various unrelated peoples being enticed to immigrate then forcefully resettled into "integrated" neighborhoods

this keeps tensions high and political organization low so that the rich can secure their status and the ladder of success for the poor is only an illusion

Propaganda for the further integration of neighbors. Ultimately, the foreign policy of such a state would be a sort of passive imperialism. Simply put, everyone would be better off under the rule of the benevolent dictator, and over time, they should come to realize this. Additionally, I'm not entirely sure why you'd think there would be any sort of forcible integration. Unless there was some sort of particularly unusual circumstance, I don't see why people wouldn't be able to live wherever they want so long as it would be in their capacity to do so. Naturally, most would probably choose to live among their relatives, and this is fine. The only cultures that should be integrated or eliminated are those which are detrimental to practitioners or others, like Wahhabism.

You live in a magical fantasy world you thought up to yourself. You are too weak to face this hell reality and even more you are too scared to change it. You imagine some benevolent dictatorship because you ultimately hope a strongman will dominate you and thus increase your happiness.
The current "democracy" "servants of the people" governments are all trash and hellbent on creating a slaveclass while fighting each other to maintain their own little ingroups as the top of the ruling class.

Face the fact that nationalism will cure this world of their parasitic squabbles.


strong message

I don't know what on Earth you're talking about. A "servant of he people" country? Let's take the example of Sweden - a democratic socialist nation that (until recent terrorism incidents) has been massively accepting of all people and very inviting of multiculturalism. This is not a nationalist nation, at least for the most part. What was the result? A country with booming economy, some of the lowest crime rates in the world, fantastic education and overall happiness among the people (the polls man, the polls). I do not think all of these things that Sweden/other Scandinavian countries have accomplished, are strictly due to a lack of nationalism; however, they do lack that over-obsessive love of the "motherland" which nationalism evokes, and are doing fantastic work.

*and are destroying themselves splendidly for the last 10-15 years






Sorry for the wait, thought this thread was dead.
No, I'm basing my premise off of at least 4,000 years of history, possibly more, and the works of Aristotle and Mo Zi. Just because something is a certain way now doesn't mean it always was like this and certainly doesn't mean it is the way things should be.
Not really, the problem is that a corrupt democracy is only fixable following a complete collapse. At least with a tyranny there's only one person to overthrow; with a corrupt democracy, you'll never run out of people to overthrow until there's no one left to overthrow them.
No, I support the concept of a benevolent dictatorship because most people are incapable of governing themselves responsibly. This can be demonstrated by interacting with just about anyone.
This is an accurate depiction of why democracy is a failed system. I'm not sure why you think that I think that the current system is good when I've been arguing for an alternative.
No, it won't, it will collapse in on itself like every other political system in which people act in accordance with their own self-interest.

"Die wohlfeilste Art des Stolzes ist der Nationalstolz. Denn er verrät in dem Behafteten den Mangel an individuellen Eigenschaften, auf die er stolz sein könnte, indem er sonst nicht zu dem greifen würde, was er mit so vielen Millionen teilt."

People who have achieved nothing in their life are proud of something they didn't contribute too. I don't think I have ever seen a nazi who was not totally retarded.

It isn't a political system.
This is how you make it obvious that you've not read much at all.

On the other hand you will be quick to blame whites for slavery and colonialism even though turks did the most in that.

Just admit you're anti white.

I am not anti white, I am not american. Here in Germany we don't have such a thing as anti-white. I also don't like refuges, but people who hate others solely on race are usually not the smartest people out there.

There are good and bad people in every nation. Some nations have more bad people than good, because of that I am against refugees, but this doesn't mean that they are all bad.

you keep usijng the word nation to refer to country, you're either american or you've been learning english from an american so it doesnt matter whether you actually are your language skills are terrible

germany is currently overrun and over 10% of its population arrived within the last 3 years from outside of germany and outside of europe


Any form of the organization of individuals is political. This is how you make it obvious that you are incapable of thought.

Understanding your biology is not political. This is how you semantically make it needless to respond to you.

Who decides what understanding is correct?

Not who.

Empirical data is subject to interpretation. Jesus Christ, maybe philosophical zombies do exist.

Truth is objective, not subjective. It does not change with the times.

You can remove false or correct interpretations by doing more research.
It is like you haven't ever set foot in a lab.

Not always. First, just because something is unable to be tested empirically doesn't mean it's false. Secondly, multiple models can be used explain the same phenomena to the extent to which they are testable. It's like you haven't even opened a textbook.

you would only be able to use multiple models if you filled in the things you dont know with your models instead of with evidence

its like you cant even logic



Really? How about you go ahead and prove/disprove superdeterminism or bell's theorem with your evidence, then.

how about we just dont assume shit we dont know and we move on from that
does that make you fear, child, not knowing the answer?

No, it doesn't, because I'm not under the delusion that empiricism reveals an absolute truth.

except that it does reveal an absolute truth
and working on models and theories without ability to test them is not empirical in the least

No, it's reliant upon observation and relies upon the axiom that the observation is objective, which is simply untrue. All perception is subjective.

your eyes are not deceiving you young leftist

Misogyny and Misogynists
The Bhagavad Gita: "Out of the corruption of women proceeds the corruption of races; out of the corruption of races, the loss of memory; out of the loss of memory, the loss of understanding, and out of this all evil."

And what's doing the seeing? Science is a tool of material progress, not a philosophy in and of itself.

Woops. I had one line to copy…

There is only one race: the Annuanaki bloodline.

*scientistic nationalist, fuck.

"science" isnt a philosophy
neither are your eyes a philosophy
we know why your eyes see certain colors because of the materials that receive the light and stimulate your brain in the appropriate patterns
we can know this because we can test this basic chemistry/physics in a dirty lab
Now as you were saying, we can reduce ambiguity by redoing and modifying experiments until certainty is approached.

Certainty is never reached beyond the cogito. You can't even empirically prove existence of anything other than your own perception beyond its existence as your perception.

reached doesnt mean approached

Why treat an uncertainty as if it were a certainty, then?

if you're a random user that just joined the thread, I wrote:

And my counter-assertion was essentially that the notion of an objective ability to test relies on a priori assumptions about the nature of observation which don't seem to hold water.

and my response was that such assumptions are not implied nor relied on nor assumed
you can approach certainity, in other words increase probability of objective truth, by repeating experiments and modifying or improving them

Not really. In it's purest state, science is the comparison of causative and affected variables. This implies causality is the basic principle on which the universe functions, which may not be correct according to the superdeterminist interpretation, or even the mysticism of coincidentia oppositorum. Science in practice also relies upon the objectivity of the scientist as an observer, and according to classical science at least, it is assumed that the presence of the observer does not in itself effect the phenomena, which may not be true according to quantum mechanics. The objectivity itself is also in question due to bias, potential deceit, and, on a more metaphysical level, the question of being itself. Furthermore, as was my initial claim criticizing you for scientism, the interpretation of the relation "discovered" by the researcher is heavily biased by the individual who has come upon the research in question.

there is no evidence showing otherwise

this is false and you've been watching too many pop science videos

There is no evidence supporting it either. It's metaphysical.

Not actually going to hunt for an academic source, but you're basically wrong according to wikipedia.
The act of measurement, which is the essence of empirical observation, can and does eliminate eigenstates.

>Not actually going to hunt for an academic source, but you're basically wrong according to wikipedia.
You don't need to pretend to understand what you clearly do not. Observing something like you watching a monkey eat a banana does not change its state. Observing an electron necessarily changes it because of the interaction of instruments and particles at that scale, we have no other way of observing it than to bombard it with other particles.



k healthy

Stopped reading there.

OP is a pol poster




I used to think I was a pretty liberal guy, live and let live. But then I hit puberty and realized the health of the state is more important than the rights of the individual.

so you became weak and spineless?






Christianity is cancer. It's a jewish plot to bring the west in line with their culture and manufacture a political ally.

For this reason, I have no respect for most nationalists, because they're all convinced that they aren't the artificial allies of israel.

And pagan germans threw fags into the river.

Jews are disproportionately wealthy, privileged, and powerful. For every one dumbfuck jew, there are 100 dumbfuck whites. For every 1 successful white, there are 100 successful jews.

They score higher on IQ tests. They own more businesses. They hold more seats of political power. They hold more money per person. They make more policy. They have maintained an identity and a nation longer than whites. They are, without a doubt, a master race.

Yep an intelligent race supports islam and then says they hate antisemitism….

Found the jew.


its anuda huah

*a few months rather.

Holy shit this thread is still up, its been here for like two weeks. Fuck this place is slow as shit. Where are the user?

I think we need to talk about jew privilege.

Also this:

"Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence, (I conjure you to believe me fellow citizens,), the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake; since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of Republican Government. But that jealousy to be useful must be impartial; else it becomes the instrument of the very influence to be avoided, instead of a defence against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another, cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on the other. Real Patriots, who may resist the intriegues of the favourite, are liable to become suspected and odious; while its tools and dupes usurp the applause & confidence of the people, to surrender their interests."

George Washington
Farewell Address
September 19, 1796

Intellectual supremacy of jews is a myth, as is white "jealousy". It isn't because of intellect that they succeed. They succeed because they are deceptive, ruthless, and greedy.

Success through crime, corruption, deception, nepotism, treason, blackmail, and terrorism is wholly unimpressive, and actually quite despicable. Being anti-jew is hardly a product of jealousy, but a normal, natural, and commendable, human reaction to despicable jew behavior.

Judaism is a mental disorder containing strong elements of narcissism, sociopathy, and psychopathy mixed with a masochistic persecution pathology. It is the self-declared enemy of the rest of humanity, and must be stopped once and for all… and for all time.

Fuck jews, and fuck Israel. I wish them both a speedy demise.

u are a fagg






live laugh love




u wot m8


he means we're all white


What if every person in the society was depressed and suicidal?
They all AGREE that life is terrible, so they're in harmony. But they're not healthy!

When you open your mouth to speak, do you ever run a bullshit test?

We in Australia love and care deeply about our Nigger mates

do you ever make up retarded scenarios that dont exist?

too bad that went to shit once christianity went militant some time in 300 AD

nice rat


so proud



healthy society requires healthy approach to life



For the better of YOUR future in society, this is now your only choice.





sound relatable?
