looks like Dobson is finally giving up.
1,000 likes on his status for suicide?
looks like Dobson is finally giving up.
1,000 likes on his status for suicide?
Other urls found in this thread:
Truly 2016 is a new turning point.
He didn't do it last year when he outright stated he was contemplating suicide. What's going to make it so different this time?
If only he'd stay down for good this time.
Part of me feels bad for the guy because I don't think he ever realized why no one liked him and why he never got anywhere.
David Bowie sacrificed himself so that 2016 could be the year where it's the end of retards like Dobson.
Holy shit.
I'm the one of the guys who fucked him up.
or at least think about quitting.
I legitimately wanted to be friends to him
I sent him recommendations on drawing and told him to look up "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain"
He insta-blocked me.
I thought I could try to get him to understand, to redeem him
Oh well.
What an asshole, let him burn.
If only…..
I honestly don't know how I feel about this.
Dobson is practically an institution by now.
a living example of what not to be.
in a weird sort of way, he kind of motivates me to improve myself. Just seeing his status makes me want to pick up a pencil and start drawing
You can't be friends with a guy like that. He is the kind of person who would only hang out with you if you jerked him off day and night about how good of an artist he is, and any other kind of feedback would be considered trolling.
That's absolutely fucking pathetic.
Good riddance on my part then.
Can't say I didn't try.
I saw a tweet of him moaning about how he doesn't have many friends on Miitomo. with the hashtag #Depression
Gee fuck, I wonder why.
Again, he is a retard.
I have seen so many people approach him in such a friendly manner and have genuinely tried to be his friend, but as soon as they trigger poor ol' Dobby, he doesn't hesitate to block them for not being as enlightened as he is about life and inflation porn
Then he will go on a marathon of complaining about how no one likes him. He's an idiot.
There's a reason not even SJWs of all people have shunned him as well. You have to actively try to get on their nerves if you want to get excommunicated from their cult, and they threw out Dobson like a piece of trash.
David Bowie sacrificed himself for the good of man
I wonder how he would act in PERSON if you tried to approach him about it.
I want to confront him in person.
Believe it goy!
Seen some videos of him at conventions. He is really anti-social, and at his booth, he doesn't even look people in the face, just kind of nods at them.
Trust me, you don't want to be friends with him.
Don't play it off like he's being 'bothered' about it. Life as a lolcow was not forced upon him, he had countless opportunities to get out. He chose this.
First Homosuck ends (at least formally) and now this. Both are reminders that even the greatest cancer ends, but not without lasting damage to its medium.
What the, I thought he had facial hair.
Is he really THAT fat and bald? Holy shit.
This is. wowie.
Nice try, but we already know you fucked up, Dobby.
I've met some really fucking autistic people in my life, I'm sure I can at least strike up SOME kind of conversation with hi,
Where does he live?
It's the end of an era.
My time has come
He does have facial hair, I think you can't see it because of his hand.
He keeps saying that, so it's likely this is just a ruse for more asspats.
The catalogue has graced me with a vision of the future.
Please, Dobson will never quit. He's just fishing for pity. As he was tweeting that, he was probably having visions of a million people chiming in with "NO! YOU'RE SUCH A TALENTED ARTIST! THE WORLD NEEDS YOU!"
That said, I think if we pushed hard now, he's probably vulnerable enough to take a bath with a toaster. Something to keep in mind.
Eh, I already got blocked from his Twitter. I've done all I can do.
Besides, there's no point in pushing him that far. I'd rather he continue living so he can eventually come to the realization that no one has ever liked him and that he is a gigantic retard.
But I doubt that day will ever come.
When did Freddy Kruger get that fat?
He went into dobson's dreams but they depressed him so much that he got an eating disorder.
He says this about every five months, he's desperate for attention, he wants people to respond with compliments. and pity because it's all he ever got from his parents. It wont be the last time he says this, it wont be the last. Last time he began drawing himself as a blue bear, maybe this time he'll, I dunno, become a fatass disgusting tranny and draw himself as a tranny blue bear.
*It's not the first time, I meant to say. Don't drink and post kids.
Alight, see you next week Andrew.
By the way, does anyone have that one comic with Dubson and that one brown girl in yellow? I want to make an edit of that comic.
How many times has he "quit forever" now?
You know, sometimes I have pity for that kind of people.
I'm not sure if they have brain problems, an education problem or both, but I think maybe, just maybe, ignore them for their own sake? They already have it hard to live a normal life.
I mean Dresden Cumsock does nothing but shitpost on Twatter all day and still recieves Patreon shekels each month so I guess Plopson figured he may as well do it too
Things won't be the same without Lemmy and Bowie
I still think you guys are being assholes by spending so much time trolling this guy, but reading the fact that he wants to censor other artists, I guess he deserves it.
We wouldn't hate him so much if he was only a bad artist.
If he wasn't such a cunt to people who tried to help him pull his head out of his ass maybe I'd feel bad.
But I don't.
I think I'm starting to get why you guys enjoy mocking this clown.
Stronger rope
If this is true, it's only the end of his drawing, not Dobson himself. Remember, he's trying to work the Let's Play market now, so he'll probably try as hard as he can to become the next Markiplier or Game Grumps.
He'll fucking fail spectacularly, but we're not quite done with Dobson cancer yet.
Shit, he made the Formera books? I think I have one of those
In my defence, I do small press myself, so when I go to cons I try to buy stuff from all the tables nobody else is going to, because I know what it's like.
Also, I bought it at a UK con, as, as far as I know, he's only done one UK con, it must have been "that" one. I ought to have stood around with popcorn and a camera.
I wanted to buy the Formera books.
Is there any way to download it? I think is out of print, and due to Tommy boy attitude, is probably he will never find another book of his being published.
I just noticed Preston finally got a Tv tropes page for his webcomic.
I'm getting too old to give a shit about these lolpigs anymore. They all need to be reduced to the level of Chris- chan so that we can move on with our lives while they continue to not move on with theirs.
Let's all remember the time Dobson lost his girlfriend because he couldn't stand a single night of Hanukkah for her.
He's like Holla Forums in real life.
If that was enough to make me quit I never would have started drawing in the first place as a kid, the act of drawing itself was never fun.
rip in piss
This is the 6th time he's "quitting.", but like a good faithful and lazy lolcow he is, he comes back to the milking meadows soon anyway.
>But she's a Jew, which I secretly hate, but if Anita ever finds out, I'm fucked
>Retard announces we're heading to her parents' place for the first night of Chaunnu Hawnnaku Jew Christmas
Not even Holla Forums is that shitty.
I don't believe it. He's probably just fishing for pity and patreon money.
I think you're just trying to troll that person, but I actually agree with your point.
Not even good artists would just flip an artistic 180 because some random person told them to do things differently. Seriously, take any artist, even one you think is amazing, and there are people who think they should be doing things very differently. Sure, you would say it's good the artist doesn't listen to those people, but the point is, creators MUST filter who they listen to. You can post a picture of grey and half the people will say it should be darker and the other half lighter, nobody can possibly listen to all criticism because it's often directly contradictory to someone else's criticism.
I'm not saying Dobson doesn't suck, but I think people are too caught up on the problem being exclusively that he didn't listen to everything anyone ever told him to. No artist does that. No artist can do that.
So what this is like what the third time he rage quit?
You keep trying to get those pity points Dob, I'm sure the 5 people who follow you on Twitter unironically will give a shit.
The other problem with dobson is that most of the things he says are factually wrong.
How is he gonna earn patreon bux then? By doing more shitty minecraft vlogs?
I'm sure there are patreons willing to give him money to do absolutely nothing. That's what they kind of do already.
He makes less than $100 on Patreon for his 'art'. If he quit it would probably torpedo even further
Nevermind, I found it. And made a few edits. :^)
Dobson might Jewwario himself this year
To be honest, she sounded like just as big of a cunt. The kind of psycho that thinks anyone who likes yuri or whatever is fetishizing her race of people. Although, I'm sure Dobson is retarded enough to confuse shipping with SJW shit.
That's really fucking sad that he's losing what little drive he had (God knows he had jack shit inspiration) because le evil bully misogynists!
He's a humongous faggot and deserves most of what comes to him, but I can't help but feel pitty that he has such a lame existence that he can't even find any inspiration or motivation do draw shit, he's a fat autistic fuck though so its not like he can go outside, make more friends and find motivation elsewhere
Well done, user
its like nobody gives a shit
He did permaquit again, wew
Promices, promices, promices…
Oh, I missed those
I really wish to visit this event one day
You're absolutely right, but most posters on Holla Forums are armchair artists, they have no idea about anything.
Just like Tim fuckly, Dobson's fame comes mostly from people hating them
Would be surprised if he isn't just tantruming for attention/sympathy/hipster welfare. It's not like there's anything else he can do with himself.
That did get a bit old, I think it ended up being the same pics every time. But hey, pisses him off.
If THAT causes him a PTSD, its obvious he's never had any real hardships in his life. Probably spoiled to obesity since the day he was born.
Considering his track record of giving up, I think he's going to give up on giving up.
We can only
he finishes the job this time.
And nothing of value was lost. Now maybe you bums can start focusing your attention on shitting on Handstab.
You make it sound like we can't multi-task our contempt.
Dobson is a waste of resources and time. He's lost everything, including his fans so he can no longer spread his toxic advice to others. DA still has just as many artists like him that need to be shat on before they achieve any sort of fame and do as much damage as he did. Handstab right now is the closest thing to Dobson at his sickening prime.
Dobson is a waste of resources and time. He's lost everything, including his fans so he can no longer spread his toxic advice to others. DA still has just as many artists like him that need to be shat on before they achieve any sort of fame and do as much damage as he did. Handstab right now is the closest thing to Dobson at his sickening prime.
Dobson has always been more of a pathetic figure than anything, not really a threat like Anita.
getting BTFO on twitter
Maybe you should've grown up instead of being crazy.
Is her avatar one of those "realistic" (fat) Disney women? Even people like that think he's a moron
Looks like it's probably just herself with the mermaid outfit.
Even fat tumblrtards hate him after all the time he put into licking SJW boot.
I see we have both made/found edits of that comic.
Giving people ptsd is never funny. :^)
Sauce for the last panel?
I think Dobson has done damage, to the naive children who foolishly believe that he is a respectable source of artistic knowledge. I just hope any dumbass kid smartens up and realizes that all that "it's okay to be mediocre" drivel only turns you into, well, Dobson.
he hasn't blocked me on twitter yet. should I send this to him?
You can't hurt people who don't exist.
He blocked me for having a profile pic that said "Make America White Again," even though it was obviously satire. I think it's gotten to the point that he's too paranoid to talk to anyone even remotely suspicious.
Well, to be fair, Paige is a smug cunt.
Have you seen her twitter? Is basically her complaining about anything.
Also, she likes Naruto.
She is trash.
so there's a third gender now? or is japan just not know a single thing about wymyns
Okay, this is actually really fucking mean. I can't believe this bitch is getting likes for this.
Hey, asshole.
You can't say I didn't try.
He's fucking dobson, I sent him a link, HOPING he would at least give it a glance.
It was the entry book in /loomis/ for god's sake.
Though, knowing dobson, I knew he would just plug his hears and block me.
A sane artist wouldn't do that.
They'd either ignore it, or say something along the lines of "I'm good"
You seriously can't defend this.
At least, not in THIS situation.
This is the artist who literally drew himself throwing art books away, so I should have seen it from the get go.
Not my fault.
No sane artist would block someone for making a lighthearted suggestion.
Fair Enough.
this is the best edit i've ever seen
To be fair, you really can't blame the guy for that, though. Tumblr has really joined obsessive shipping and retarded SJW shit into an unholy matrimony of cancer. Pic related.
He does, but of course it's nothing like the comic version of himself before the bear.
Nu-male faggots like himself love to grow pathetic little patches of facial hair and then draw themselves as having decent looking beards.
"Artists" like Dobson get fucked with because they act like gigantic, festering cunts.
If he didn't act like a faggot the worst he'd get is a handful of people straight up telling him his art sucks and that he should improve before they proceed to fuck off to do whatever.
He deserves every ounce of shit he gets, he brings it on himself.
God, how disgusting.
You know, a Sonic reviewer once made a video wondering why furries are popular. He said is probably to avoid this kind of shit.
Yeah, men can't enjoy things, right?
Your pic made me mad.
Good, one less piece of shit pushing an agenda.
They did it.
Holy shit, they fucking did it.
They made mettaton, NOT sexy.
Made by user :^)
Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it. If I had a dime for every time an SJW said they were "Quitting [insert thing they get attention from here]" I'd be able to buy myself an expensive steak dinner.
Like any SJW the only enriching thing they have in their lives is the attention they get from their online presence. He'll be back at it within a month, TOPS.
I was reading about MK Ultra programming and a thought occurred to me: what if Dobby is piss scared of carnivale masques because they remind him of one of those Eyes Wide Shut parties he was forced to attend as a kid?
What if your a fag because I snuck into your bedroom errynight when you were a kid?
Were you wearing a carnival mask at the time?
Enjoy your Hillary.
What is so terrible about Dobby anyway?
His comics aren't good, but neither are they terrible. There's way worse shit floating on the internet such as Goblins.
He's a cunt, but there are way worse people out there such as Tarol Hunt.
Dobson is geting way more shit than he should be geting.
It's fun seeing his reactions.
he's become a lolcow
There was a point where he wasn't a lolcow?
The point where he wasn't a lolcow.
No he's not.
Dobson's defining characteristic is that he is a total glutton for punishment while being completely unable to handle it.
What faggots like you don't seem to graps is that is Dobson himself the one carrying this attention to himself. All he had to do is to ignore the shit being thrown at it but the fag has to constantly make journals, twitter updates and bring attention to those nasty mean bullies because he loves the pity he gets.
When he was known as cattyN
Indeed. He responded so poorly for so long that now he can't do anything to stop his situation. He could have prevented everything.
Judging by the art, he was a lolcow back then too. People just didn't know it.
I have this one too :^)
Oh, they did. When the fucking inflation fetish community shits on you, you know you have reached a milestone in your life.
It wasn't always that way, though. Back in the day, he just did his thing and you could actually see him improving his work over time (colors getting more vivid, techniques were developing and getting less flat, etc).
Nowadays, the community holds CattyN as like a cautionary tale, because he tried to go straight in like the worst way (burning bridges when there's so much fetish money to make off us and instead relapsing his development to make unoriginal comics.) I swear to you: if Dobby had continued making girlie balloons and getting his rocks off, his art would be so god damn great (comparatively, duh), he would make a lot more cash pandering to weirdos, and probably most importantly, he would've stayed in internet obscurity and not be an internet punchline.
Was he right, or is it coincidence?
Coincidence. He was just lazy. Plenty of people who went to same college as him got to work on Disney movies as animators.
bravo dobbo
he's gonna draw a comic later where he beats up this guy
oh thank fucking god.
i dont want to like anything that he likes.
Shia Lebouf summons his stand.
You mean this one?
It's never enough. SJWs have no definable goal for how progressive a game needs to be. They are simply never satisfied.
That's because they're hipsters constantly warring for "cred". They're all in a race to be the most progressive faggot on the internet.
Really? No one thought this might explain a whole shit-ton of Dobby's behavior?
Imagine how I felt since I liked Undyne Fish bitch simply because I easily fall in love with characters who refuse to give up on a fight no matter the odds. I never thought I could get something corrupted to the point I loathe it by Tumblr but it fucking happened unfortunately.
Let me translate that
okay bud
Who would actually want to work as a peon for peanusts with zero creative input? For creative people, it's better to be a plumber than an animator.
so you can finally tell that hot girl at the bar that you're an animator while she gives you blank stares.
That would be implying she even knows what an animator even is, it would be better if you said you liked to draw or were an artist for a living.
Was Holla Forums not enough for you autists? Why don't you discuss SUfaggotry instead? At least that garbage is relevant to the board.
I don't want any tumblr tier faggotry here, keep that shit on 4/co/
These are great.
Someone I know actually changed their video card without turning off the computer. How the computer didn't shut off during that and to this day still works is a mystery.
It's because they're cultural Marxists. The deconstruction and destabilization of Western civilization is more than just a popular fad. It's their raison d'être.
Okay, I mean if you insist
Dobson is eternal.
Oh boy, here we go
People should stop calling them that, none of them could handle the logistics of shipping people to the gulags.
There was quite literally a panel at GDC about how Maxist ideologies can be applied to videogames.
Denying the presence of cultural Marxists is pointless, shill.
Yeah, I was going to say this. There's nothing more blatant than the people in nerd culture straight up admitting it.
I read somewhere he uses a Mac and refuses to use anything else. I would assume he's using either Wine or Virtualbox with WinXP.
One of the stretch goals for his patreon is get a new mac
Fuck. I laughed at these.