i want to put my tongue in a black girl's asshole
I want to put my tongue in a black girl's asshole
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Go for it, OP.
I've been with a few nigresses but never went down on them.
I'll only eat white
Eat shit and die.
they dont look so clean.
Gonna get a swollen face
implying any girl would want you to lick their asshole
I understand your frustration
You are either
a. a girl who has never had her asshole licked
b. a skittish virgin boy.
You should. Its sweet and pink inside, much like the watermelon they so enjoy
I have been with two black women. One was a friendly pity fuck. We made friends on WoW, she was really sweet and funny, and like 400 lbs. Things didn't go together remarkably well given her bulk, but she sucked cock like a champ.
The other was a girl I met doing a temp job who was ex-army. Fit as fuck. It was just a one time thing but god DAMN. The girl moved in ways I didn't know possible.
I've had some magnificent white girls as well, two of which remain my top two of all time (both were crazy). But the ex-army negress was an easy 8.5 / 10.
Nigger anus is the best!
Niggers tongue my anus
My tongue, nigger's anus
what girl want their asshole licked by a virgin neckbeard?
My GF loves it.
nigger lover
You don't have high standards, do you user?
The ones who know how good it feels tbh.
My gf can cum from anal stimulation alone. Feelsgoodman
You were an accident.
You're missing out
All lewd/cute niggers are just whites/asians with a tan.
No pink socks?
Why do right-wingers live such miserable lives?
Oh, fug yew
It's like tongue punching a white fart box,user.
Asshole is asshole.
confirmed for not knowing nigger-musk
Sour grapes, autism or legitimate preference difference.
Either way, more for the rest of us. Its asinine to try and convince another man to go for more of the women that you yourself want to fuck unless you're going for a god-tier bisexual threesome.
Source on first qt from the left fam
That's generally how I roll. God-tier bisexual threesomes are some of the best sex I've had
I think that's the entire point OP is trying to make.
That biologically makes no sense. She's faking it.
Just Funny Chan
Maybe she has a vagianus
fuck off please
The jews posted this
her weight was pretty high if that counts
boys are better
Kill yourself faggot. Either that or inject testosterone
What are you talking about? You either have no idea what the fuck you're saying or you're purposely telling him false information.
Many women can cum from anal.
Find some raw sewage, stick your toung on it. You're getting the same experiance but without the hassel of having to deal with a nigger.
That's not gonna make him straight user, also it could be a her
Why a black one? What's wrong with white ass?
They are all pink on the inside
Just like watermelons
yes or na
Well ain't that just the cutest little nigglet.
nigg nogg