I'm fucking sick of the down-hill slope this site is on. Plus I always wanted to make my own chan with its own features anyway. pic related is what I've started with, plus a back-end that just lets me add & delete boards so far.
Anyway, read the comment in the pic and give me your ideas for what you want in a chan.
Oh boy, just what we need. Another dead site to fracture the anonymous community further.
Why don't you spend some time working on the Holla Forums code if you're going to waste all that effort.
It's open source, you know.
Landon Cooper
And put more patches on the patches? Fuck that. HW can use my code if he wants. It'll also be open source, you know…
Eli Morris
I don't get the "other boards" thing. Wouldn't that allow someone to spam multiple boards with the same thread?
Luis Bell
Owen Gutierrez
People already spam multiple boards, that's what mods are for. And spam filters.
Brody Gomez
except mods don't work on Holla Forums
Robert Hughes
It's for threads that can be relevant to two or more boards, like Holla Forums and /lit/ for example for those Holla Forums reading material threads
Xavier Taylor
Nope, they don't. That's why I want a chan that I can run my way with some fresh ideas
Camden Powell
right, I understand it's utility
just seems like it could be easily abused
Dylan Torres
Oh, everything that can be abused will be abused. I know I'll have to set limits on how many boards something can be shared to. Plus BOs will need to be able to set their own limitations on things.
There will always be bugs to work out of anything.
Half of Holla Forums has already migrated over here. No captcha,no post errors and it's fast as fuck.
Mason Ward
good luck m8
Juan Johnson
i like it. How long has this been up? And who's running it?
thx. I'm going to bed, here's to hoping this thread survives till tomorrow.
David Clark
unless the Australians flood the board it's quite likely
Lucas Murphy
Literally all we need is a board that has more freedom than 4chan, but unlike Holla Forums actually works, and unlike masterchan isn't an FBI honeypot filled full of pedos.
Just make: /r/ - random, just to fuck with oldfags who want a "chan" community /removed/ - nonillegal threads from other boards get moved here if they are "deleted" from the others. /politics/ - general politics board with user elections for moderator /rightypol/ - nazi hugbox containment zone with their own authoritarian moderation and so on Holla Forums - commie hugbox containment zone /libertypol/ - libertarian hugbox /g/ - games; new Holla Forums type board /retrog/ - retro games separate to prevent bitching /tg/ - traditional games board like here /qu/ - quest board for tg /bitch/ - meta board for complaints /straightfap/ - porn board; no faggotry /faggotfap/ - faggot board /denialfap/ - trap porn boad /wtfap/ - porn board for weirdo fetishes /gun/ - new /k/ /niGGer/ - new gamergoy board Holla Forums - same as here /NEET/ - new r9k type board /OC/ - what r9k was supposed to be originally - authoritarian moderation and algorithms make sure there is OC only /upboat/ - special retarded board with upvotes and the ability to fuck with each others posts /mu/ - music /li/ - literature /cyber/ - cyberpunk board /i/ - invasion/raid board; not catalogued. Holla Forums - like here /cow/ - like here /religion/ - religion debate /baphomet/ - again /x/ - again /a/ /bane/ /sp/
And then you have all the boards you need. Make sure to gas all pedos. Always. Holla Forums is being investigated right now because of them.
Mason Cooper
I think this is a decent idea btw. Just take the plunge and make it fully and we'll tell you if its shit in practice.
Matthew Williams
at least you're honest
Camden Gray
Or just merge /bane/ and /fit/ into /bigguys/
Jordan Anderson
it will probably last all month
Brody Carter
OP here again
I don't know about the /upboat/ thing specifically, but it hits on another idea that I plan to incorporate: unique board-specific functionality.
For example I'm thinking of organizing all the porno boards hierarchically. There will be a general /porn/ board where you can see everything posted in all the other porn boards, and you can post to it directly, and sub-boards like /wx/, /hentai/ etc. Plus you'll be able to further refine your search with tags. I'm a data junkie so I'll have fun with that.
Pedos…good moderation of course. But I'm also interested in software solutions. Like storing the hashes of all deleted pedo content so they can't be reposted. But they only need to resize the images or watermark them to give them a different hash. So I'm trying to think of a poor mans version of image recognition software that can help out. Maybe something built from this: synaptic.juancazala.com/#/
Christopher Gutierrez
You'd better be writing this in Common Lisp, you utter plebeian.
Joshua King
Most of those board suggestions look like bullshit filler. Why divide an already small community to different boards for each political view, each type of porn, and different game type boards? It's fucking idiotic. Just have one board for politics, one board for games, a random board and that's basically all you need.
Jace Martin
Because HW doesn't want a fucking working site. He wants a circlejerk with his own dysfunctional code despite better, and actually functional alternatives existing.
Evan King
Nice blog. Nice tags.
Ian Gomez
I can make general boards & just use tags for all the different subcategories. Like I said, if any tags become especially popular they can be turned into boards if that's what people want. But you're right that we don't want to subdivide a small community. Boards need a certain critical mass in order to get off the ground.
I believe you. Can't post on Tor hidden service any more. This place is crashing and burning like Kali Yuga. 8ch.pl looks like the next migration point, but who the fuck runs it? I'd like to know more about it. My paranoia-meter is off the roof on this one: HW lets this site turn to shit, and then there's this brand new, super fast Holla Forums just waiting for us?
Isaiah Ramirez
My Little Ponny with actual moderators that ban any of topic thread and posts.
to keep MLP safe form neonazis.
Elijah Martin
Is very sad to see HW letting Holla Forums die I thought HW launched Freech.
Noah Flores
If your serious OP don't be retarded and have a million boards just have the basics plus a couple others i may have missed Holla Forums-Vidya Gaems Holla Forums-Politically Correct Holla Forums-Technology /n/-News and Current Events Holla Forums-Comics and Cartoons /a/-Animu and Mango Holla Forums-Random /h/-Hentai and Lewd Anime Girls /xxx/-Pornography /baphomet/-Raiding and Dox /furry/-Furfaggotry 101 /pony/-Horsefuckers Holla Forums-Television and Film /bane/-Big Guys 4 U Holla Forums-Marxist Circlejerk /stormfront/-NatSoc Circlejerk /art/-Visual and Graphic Art /jobs/-Careers and University /tg/-Traditional Games /k/-Weapons /pizza/-3D Lolicon /food/-Cooking and Cuisine /cuteboys/-Cumslut (Male) /monster/-Monster Girls /r9k/-Robot9000 /fit/-Fitness and Health /cow/-lolcows /int/-International /his/-History /christian/-Christianity /x/-Paranormal /operator/-"X"chan Staff Questions and Answers
Austin Martinez
this those niggers need containment
Jeremiah Richardson
Not sure I like the tags idea. Seems very vulnerable to spammers and shills.
I'm with . Just need the essentials and containment boards. It will suck to lose the small, comfy boards found here but the 8ch system does not work at all when it comes to replacing big boards.
David Cooper
I'm currently spread out on 5 chans, 4 of which get very little traffic. Another one will add to the serious discussions. Go for it dude
Wyatt Hill
A site with 5 possible pictures per post, with the option to spoiler individually
Video support mp4, webm, flash
With no request to exterior sites, only to have ads to support the site
Auto update is a nice, that only this site has
The amnesia to forget all the ips except for the banned ones in 24h
It could be considered to have the option to have id's just as a protection to spam, but if the site can filter them somehow it shouldn't be needed
But even then it would be enough for boards to be on test for a couple of months to see if they can stay alive, or just exist as a thread in another board
Containment boards shouldn't exist, if a jerk wants to self raid, he is not chaotic or edgy, he is a fool or a shill, that shouldn't be allowed
The option to have infinite pages is a strong protection to spam, but the mods would have to delete stuff from time to time
Joseph White
Clearly I am the only one who believes OP so I'll ask. What are you doing for a webhost, OP?
Have you found one that is not only affordable but will put up with endless DMCA letters and kitty porn links?
This is why we need a self-sustaining, self-financing sort of community: so we don't get pushed from place to place to place. I've considered this in the way I've planned out how this chan will work.
I want it to exist both as an eepsite on i2p as well as a website on the clearnet. It's too early yet for me to be buying a webhost. You wouldn't believe how long it takes to code the most trivial features. I'm still in the development stage.
For a webhost I'm looking for a company that's outside the jurisdiction of the DMCA, doesn't need to know my name, and preferably accepts bitcoins. I'm sure I can find something like that over on Black Hat Forums. I'm also considering using a .bit domain.
The tags will be anarchic. The boards will be moderated. Each one is a trade-off. I think of tags as the primordial soup from which new board ideas can emerge. Certain tags become popular enough, I make them into moderated boards.
Isaiah Brooks
Pretty much everything that Holla Forums has except for all of the broken shit that doesn't work.
Srsly, WTF hotwheels?
Parker Reed
Evan Adams
Im working on an 8ch alternative as well! I call it Instant Noodles.
HAHAHAHAA this is fucking retarded. Look at finalchan; they have a tiny number of boards that's actually proportional to the userbase. This is how sites work, not with this bullshit where every board is dead and there's too many.
This site was originally made as a test website for the creator… They did some advertising but for some reason, gave up. At this point, the site is free open land for anyone to migrate to.
Nolan Thompson
OP here one last time before clocking out:
Just something I want to say about 8ch.pl
I don't know how significant this is, so take it for what you will. I have a board on 8ch.net and I just claimed the exact same URI over on 8ch.pl. My board over on 8ch.pl automatically has the same banner as my 8ch.net board. So, you know, they have some level of integration with 8ch.net.
Also wanted to ask before clocking out, do any of you remember a thread over on Holla Forums a few months back called "Secession from the Internet"? The thread lasted for about 4 weeks, it was what inspired me to start my own chan and it's also the reason why I want to set up a darknet version of it.
Anthony Clark
if one is making a new chan they should attract new users, this would allow this chan to not only have users but a growing culture from new blood.
Jaxson Gutierrez
Yes, but we
A: don't have enough users to fill the custom boards
B: the octillion custom boards are part of what's breaking the site.
Just make 50 good boards with containment variations and be done with it. Holla Forums can be better for freeb speak not make ur own board.
Nicholas Mitchell
A: spurdo disappeared from the site and two of them are at the top dancing around the TOP MEN bit
B: This appeared at the bottom: We have not been served any secret court orders and are not under any gag orders. Obviously, they couldn't actually tell us if they had received gag orders so HW is using the reverse message to give us a secret hint. The Feds are in charge now!
Jeremiah White
Nobody is going to go to your chan.
Nobody cares about freech Nobody cares about endchan Nobody cares about finalchan Nobody cares about 3chan Nobody cares about 69chan (even though it fits the idea of moving shitty threads to another board, like suggested, but it's still just as dead as the others) Not many people care about lainchan Nobody cares about dreamchan Only /fringe/ cares about fringechan
This is going to be just another ghost town while we all stay on 8ch because we're all too stubborn to leave this shithole for another one. Several of the above chans could have been plenty accommodating if it wasn't for how little anyone had heard about them and how inconvenient they all are to migrate too en masse. Just like the 20+ failed Holla Forums replacements here on Holla Forums.
Jaxson Hernandez
To be fair, most of those have their own specific themes and aren't actually designed to be an "all encompassing imageboard", you know? Lainchan is a more tech based community, Finalchan is a small comfy community but with a small amount of interests and aren't interested in being a big chan. Freech? Fuck me, what even? I seriously never looked into it. Rip. Endchan? Even endchan isn't comfy enough on the software side. Anyway, I think if we get a really good concept going and actually PROPERLY implement the software, we might be able to do this.
Jace Sullivan
Elijah Torres
We need a rich guy who can afford 10,000 bandwidth.
Gabriel Russell
Leo Allen
why are there no richies helping us anyway?
fucking porkies in league with the kikes.
Brody Rivera
build it
Wyatt Thompson
this is autism
Landon Perez
That's Actually accurate.
Gavin Reyes
Nathaniel Cook
Hitler was too cucked by industrialists tbh, and (((they))) poisoned Stalin for realizing the problem was Jews.
Not this time. LibertAryan Monarcho-Communism soon brother.
Nolan Stewart
Nice collection of Oxymorons you got there, my friend.
Adrian Cox
i wanna upload 1000000 photos and webms at once in 2 secs, as well as every flash game.
Aaron Phillips
Nothing wrong with killing the Jews, blacks, muds, bourgeoisie, and all state officials so we can live in white communist anarchy guarded by a non-interventionist monarch.
Jeremiah Turner
Pedos and spambots can be defeated. We just need a site with accounts, and real name profiles, tbh. Like some kind of university year book.
I wonder why no one has done that yet?
Blake Morales
That was a joke, right? That was definitely a joke. Good job.
Gavin Stewart
I see I zuckered you into taking my bait
but not you
Jack Howard
The real answer is to invent some kind of brain reading device and identify all pedos and gas them in real life so that no more pedos exist to infest the internet.
Joshua Diaz
Jordan Wood
Pretty sure he was joking though. For that reason, I completely doubt any attempts at backpeddlin'
this tbh fam
Jaxson Collins
thanks for backing me up fam
if I was a girl or a faggot I'd let you bum me
of course im straight so fuck off
Gabriel Lee
user, if you were a girl. I still wouldn't bum you. =). Oh, and you're welcome!
Jonathan Nguyen
Easton Rivera
I understand your frustration
Adrian Roberts
User boards are why Holla Forums is failing.
Luke Diaz
talk to drybones
Connor Reyes
If you're serious OP, one word…
Documentation!! Heck, even document the documentation.
Oh, and a bugtracker, something like Bugzilla or LaunchPad or whatever. To my mind that was one of the biggest fuck ups with InfinityNever. Genuine bugs were getting reported all over the place, some on 8ch.net, some on beta.8ch, new threads started for reporting already known bugs, all in all a fucking farce.
Josiah Foster
Here's what my plan was: an imageboard that is technically a textboard because it relies on pomf.se clones for images. It would basically look lik
User boards are the only reason most of us are still visiting this wreck of a site.
Asher Cox
What's wrong with endchan's software?
Gavin Torres
Fuck, the end is missing.
[…] look like a regular chan except it would ask for a pomf.se link in the image uploading section. That way you'd save a lot of space in the server, less information to manipulate too, it'd be lighter and would support the user board system without crapping itself. I'm too lazy to do it but if you're gonna develop something, you should try to make it as light as possible.
Charles Scott
Remove 503
Dylan Sullivan
No one uses them, and all the big ones are copies of halfchan boards because it turns out that people don't like choice and freedom, and it just wrecks the site code anyway as more and more useless boards expand.
Probably we need a system where you donate to create a board.
Connor James
I didn't know there was a /furry/ or a /hebe/ board on 4chan. Anyways, user boards are useful and should be free, it's the whole point of the site. The moment they remove that, a lot of people here will migrate because this site is becoming unusable.
Christian Turner
Gabriel Barnes
The whole point of the site is that we could discuss things that were banned on 4chan.
Carter Ward
You got a github going? If I want to help out, where do, wat do?
Luke Brown
add /jp/ and I'd say it's a good idea.
Hunter Gutierrez
This site existed before Gamergate and Cripplekike himself said at several occasions that this site was not all about Gamergate. So fuck you, user boards are great, if only they managed to make a system that actually doesn't break the whole imageboard…
Juan Wright
/tg/ and /jp/ are necessary for a chan for me to visit.
Michael Jackson
To people posting about creating a chan with static board, there are already a shitton of those. Make a system that works with user boards and you have my attention.
Gabriel Perry
Ayden Carter
why don't you visit >>>/killyourself/ you weeb fuck
Parker Williams
masterchan is not an FBI honeypot. It's an INTERPOL honeypot.
Nathaniel Kelly
I understand your frustration.
You know a bigger problem right now than software? Hosting. Are you rich?
Matthew Diaz
1chan has this, kys, faggot
Nolan Sullivan
OP here
Would you trust him? You'd all think he was a shill anyway.
We'd have our own porkies if we didn't think of money as s dirty thing. My ideas are way bigger than just another chan. We need a separate economy if we want to be self-sufficient and immune to outside influences. That's why I'm primarily interested in doing this on the darknet (i2p).
I'll set up a slightly more innocuous version on the clearnet if I can find a host that meets my requirements but it will clearly advertise the darknet version of itself. (aka the cooler one).
I want "entrepreneurs" to be able to do business on the chan. One of the boards I have planned is called /bitreon/ & it's a way to incentivize artists, writers, etc to produce OC for the boards & help fund hosting at the same time.
I'm not just building another passive chan in the hopes that "they will come". I have things I want to do & plans on how to do them.
I think you miss the point of imageboards
Users can make all the tags they want, browse them & post to them as if they were boards. But I won't make them into boards until they have some longevity and develop some trusted community representatives, like gamergate did.
That way if the popularity of a tag dries up, the tag 404s until people start using it again. No stagnant boards hanging around.
Alexander Johnson
I actually have some faith in you OP. Why don't you stick around? We should chat more.
Lucas Davis
opinion_discarded.png And you're wrong, from what I've seen lainchan (tech based), finalchan (quality based), and freech (Holla Forums's home) have managed to sustain small little communities. I do agree in that nobody will care about OP's imageboard though, he entered the game with a lack of good ideas too little too late.
Dylan Price
Might as well chip in. This is something I'm working on; and I already have vichan + tinyboard, etc. set up but I'm stilling making changes and looking into hosting.
Isaiah Adams
OP here
I'll be around. I keep an eye on any threads I make about this until they 404.
Too little & too late for what? Is there about to be an exodus from the whole Internet?
Haven't even entered the game yet. It's still in development. And besides, you don't know what ideas I have beyond what I've posted. You don't throw gigantic walls of text at people if you expect to get anyones attention.
But since a few of you have posted your board ideas…here's a few of mine. And keep in mind that I'm not leaving out popular boards like Holla Forums, Holla Forums, etc. But these are some unique board ideas that I've thought of:
/alpha/ - pretty much the opposite of r9k /bet/ - A board for betting on world events. Similar in concept to bitbet.us/ /bitreon/ - A place where draw-fags, writers & other creative types can get crowd-funding to create OC for the boards /book/ - a place for scanning & digitizing books, sharing tips, uploading scanned pdfs, making requests, sharing links /cure/ - home remedies, eating healthy, discussion of medical treatments that are suppressed by big pharma /delete/ - collection of anything & everything that gets censored or deleted from anywhere else on the Internet /diy/ - tutorials, life hacks, how-tos, and a place to ask questions on how to do anything /end/ - Everything about the apocalypse. Post-apocalyptic fiction & art, preparation, discussing apocalyptic scenarios, etc. /femanon/ - grills on the Internet (it's worth a shot) /fiction/ - user-contributed fiction /mach/ - Machievellianism. Heard of Robert Greene? Discussion about power, seduction, war. /missing/ - Missing people, investigating the shady underworld of human traffickers and pedo networks. /observe/ - keeping an eye on powerful & influential people. The elite want to watch us all the time, so we can watch them too. /phone/ - Same in concept as smsreceivefree.com/ A place for people to share disposable phone numbers for registering to websites /scrape/ - A place to coordinate the scraping of entire websites, and making their content available in an organized format for other people to use. Basically the pirating of websites to (I hope) the darknet. Sharing tips and scripts for scraping websites. /thrift/ - how to be a cheap bastard /ux/ - Urban exploration /xchange/ - Discussion and trading of alternative currencies. Cryptos, game currencies, ven, prepaid cards, etc.
Alexander Long
Caleb Collins
do they exist?
Problem is even /fem/ is a bunch of larping guys.Women want a place to indulge their narcissism as much as we indulge our autism, so they want a place where they can post selfies & status updates & "likes" and all that shit.
I don't think there's ever going to be a 50/50 ratio on the chans. That's why there has to be a whole entire board, /fem/ just for whatever girls might happen to lurk around.
Lincoln Morris
do they exist?
Problem is even /fem/ is a bunch of larping guys.Women want a place to indulge their narcissism as much as we indulge our autism, so they want a place where they can post selfies & status updates & "likes" and all that shit.
I don't think there's ever going to be a 50/50 ratio on the chans. That's why there has to be a whole entire board, /fem/ just for whatever girls might happen to lurk around.
Ryan Jenkins
There's probably never going to be a 50/50 ratio on the chans. Women just don't do chans. Why else would there need to be a whole entire board like /fem/ for all the "girls" who happen to be lurking.
Matthew Sanchez
Does OP have server space and enough rams? This might be our last option given topjew's condition.
What's the new chan name? I think 3's a nice number
Jordan Adams
3 is a shit number. you are shit. you should probably just kill yourself now and get it over with.
Nathaniel Lopez
Juan Rodriguez
Wyatt Collins
Sebastian Parker
Jonathan Gutierrez
Go kill your self, I am not even joking, I literally beg you to put a rope around your neck and hang your self. I have seen some major shitposting and baiting in my days and you top it all, maybe you baited me to oblivion right now, but in the case you are actually serous please consider ending your life and stop being a cancer upon this community,
Oliver Kelly
Evan Cooper
Won't need a hell of a lot of server space or RAM starting off. I remember HW talking about how desolate Holla Forums was at one point: Holla Forums was deleted several times due to inactivity & he could pay for hosting out of his own pocket.
Getting traffic will be a mixture of luck and some hard slogging of promoting the site, finding what people want, etc. But I want to make the site pay for itself, with boards such as the /bitreon/ board that I mentioned, and using fees from that as a way of paying for server space, maintenance, etc.
We have to monetize chan culture.
Who gives a fuck?
Jace Adams
they have a place like that, it's called facebook
Cooper Baker
This guy here
Josiah Allen
Joshua Phillips
Blake Bell
What chans are there anyway? I keep forgetting certain ones, only to have someone bring them up again later. Might as well make a list.
NOT by turning it into reddit culture, and preferably not with ads either. But all these cuck-spaces on the Internet are backed by billions of dollars, and people make their living on these spaces. Couldn't someone make money on the chans? Couldn't we get artists such as Shadbase to use a board like /bitreon/ for crowd-funding? Or even the people over on 7chan.org/elit/
I'm not talking about becoming a financial juggernaut. I'm just talking about self-financing so we don't need ads & we don't need donations. And we get guaranteed quality OC in the bargain.
Gabriel Hughes
there's already enough alternatives
some images boards on tor
and probably a few others i can't think of right now
I'm glad you brought up /elit/. I really enjoy the guys over there and they write amazing content. Slowly, but surely.
Aiden Ramirez
Tyler Collins
Yesterday I thought Jim and HW saved Holla Forums today it looks like its sinking again.
Charles Garcia
Jose Torres
Oh look another dead that's going to have 20 active users with threads that don't get responses for days at a time. There's already so many dead or low traffic chans that making another one is wicked pointless and going to fuck chans as a whole up even more.
If you want your own little low traffic chan there's already tons out there. Here's two bud. endchan.xyz/b/ 8ch.pl/b/
Lucas Anderson
Oh look another dead that's going to have 20 active users with threads that don't get responses for days at a time. There's already so many dead or low traffic chans that making another one is wicked pointless and going to fuck chans as a whole up even more.
If you want your own little low traffic chan there's already tons out there. Here's two bud. endchan.xyz/b/ 8ch.pl/b/
Christopher Perez
Oh look another dead that's going to have 20 active users with threads that don't get responses for days at a time. There's already so many dead or low traffic chans that making another one is wicked pointless and going to fuck chans as a whole up even more.
If you want your own little low traffic chan there's already tons out there.
Easton Anderson
weebs are worse than niggers
Benjamin Anderson
OP here
I was just thinking that this image should have Cthulhu in it as the final state after the Joker. But don't just add him to the end of the list.
First distort the human faces so that they're screaming and bleeding from their eyes. Take those two bitches at the top and switch their heads around & have them laughing like demons. Take that bar on the side with the website logos and replace it all with a vertical column of demonic glyphs.
Then, add Cthulhu & give him a transparent background. But put him up on top or to one side. Something to imply that he stands outside of the whole paradigm of the image, preempting it and super-imposing his own hellish paradigm on top of it.
That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die.
Colton Williams
wow what happened to all the spam
Thomas Barnes
Sounds interesting OP, have my moral worthless support. So long as you include /cuteboys/ anyway.
Justin Hall
We'll start it off as a tag in /porn/ & see where it goes.
Julian Ortiz
Does it have a logo yet?
Andrew Clark
No name and no logo. I'm open to ideas…but I want something sick.
Justin Thomas
Or just make a picture out of this
Justin Miller
If you want to create such free-speech environment, be ready for swatting because mostly, your "free-speech" will result in illegal posting such as drug, pedophilia, and such.
Ian Morales
I'm looking for anonymous hosting providers who don't need to know my name, take bitcoin, and they're outside DMCA jurisdiction. I won't have pedo on my boards anyway, but I want the kind of hosting provider that wouldn't care even if I did.
Ultimately I want to move entirely to the darknet…but I can't start there or I'll be doomed to obscurity.
Josiah Martinez
And just like that your chan is "doomed to obscurity"
Gavin Brown
It's super fast because it's empty
Jason Peterson
as much as i hate pedos and horsefuckers, if you choose not to host "objectionable content" (other than pizza), i'm not interested. once pedos and bronies are gone, what's next? do you end up with this?
Austin King
Aren't these guys could apprehend the silkroad market and most of pedo site on darknet? I think tor is no longer a save haven for all of us. If they want some site down, they'll do it Though I agreed it's better than the clearnet, but the traffic won't be as good as clearnet since accessing deepweb requires more not-so-simple access compared to normal browser.
Michael Foster
Michael Roberts
IIRC, 8ch.pl has been around for probably a year or better. It was originally intended as a Polish fork of 8ch, but the admin at some point decided to change the default language to English. I don't remember all the details.
Keep in mind, Infinity software is open source, so anyone can create their own "Holla Forums." There could be other sites out there running Infinity, but we just haven't found out about them yet.
William Stewart
Slippery slopes only exist when someone or some group is secretly pushing for something in a slow, incremental sort of way.
Besides, who said anything about bronies? I hate them too, but I think they'd rather be molested by pedos than be pedos.
Was this a rule that luggage boy made? Or did that came into effect after new management took over? Totally cucked either way.
I doubt that's gonna be what does me in. They'll lurk, they'll play their innuendo, but I'm not gong to have pedo threads shitting up the boards, either
Nolan Moore
Well, isn't that convenient? But, I guess I shouldn't expect more from someone who appears to be a troll or a meme spouter.
Thomas Carter
More like the opposite. I would kill for a pedo genocide tbh.
Hunter Campbell
Post this on 4chan. from Holla Forums you'll get to 20 users tops and 99% of them will return after 5 minutes
Noah Cooper
This site sucks.
Joseph Kelly
Both of you are semi incorrect the slippery slope is only considered a fallacy if you use it to be an alarmist faggot and use no evidence to support it, its a cheap way to discredit the opponent using paranoia.
Carter Howard
Yeah fuck pedos. baph should fuck them up and I don't mean for moral-faggotry reasons like "protecting the kids." fuck kids too. just do it for cruelty. guaranteed lulz.
Henry Scott
Filled the captcha just fine faggot. Couldn't submit the captcha because of gateway errors. that's what the ten fucking attempts were all about. plus it doesn't work at all over Tor last I looked.
Jason Johnson
Sounds like a personal problem user. I've never had a gateway error occur while filling out the captchas.
Dylan James
It's not a personal issue. 504s and 502s are very common nowadays. They haven't occurred much lately now since Ron and Jim started fixing HW's fuck-ups, but believe me, they happened so much that I couldn't even really browse the site.
Adrian Hill
post proof instead of incoherent rants.
fullchans captcha is a million times better than halfchan's captcha.
shilling your chan,pls fuck off.
maybe thats your own connection,still two words are better than recaptcha.
ever had to try 3 times to post something on halfchan?
Ryan Thompson
I see you are sharpening those edges son, good job, they seem pretty sharp.
Sebastian Nelson
Where is hotwheels?! He hasn't updated any of his twitter pages for days and days.
Isaiah Bennett
Pedo much
Owen Reyes
Soon Holla Forums will be kill and we can go outside.
Brandon Diaz
Damn straight! We need to practice now for when the allahu akbars start flooding our streets. Pedos are the perfect people for us to cut our teeth on because truly nobody gives a fuck about them.
Nope, but I want a hosting provider that sits in a fairly lawless jurisdiction. No DMCA shit, etc. If they're the kind of hosting provider that would allow pedo, they're the kind of hosting provider that would allow anything. Maybe some Russian server? I dunno.
Hope he's okay…any word?
Lucas Brooks
Aiden Evans
Its time to stop This might not last very long It is very probable that it will be revived… But for now this seems like the end. For now
Easton White
Holla Forums is as good as it gets right now, good mix of features and user activity without going to 4chan… Just stick around, we survived Infinity Never, we should survive some minor problems on good old Holla Forums.
Andrew Long
Isn't this just 1chan.us?
Jacob Harris
Oh I was gonna do this anyway. I always wanted my own chan. It's just that all the shit lately has given me some extra incentive to want to build one. It's actually part of a much larger project.
I've got plans that would get me laughed out of the boards right now if I told them to you.
One thing at a time.
Thomas Stewart
The problem with new chans is that they start with lots of boards thinking they'll get users to flood them. No, a chan must start with two boards,one for the subject and other for a Holla Forums, later when the user base and interest in other things grow more boards should be made for those subjects. This would allow for a culture unique too that chan to emerge and help develop a cyber identity for the anonymous users and to an extent hold them. It's a long process might take years but worth it if an user wishes for a stable chan.
There are exceptions to the rule like 8ch but that's because those userbases were build on another chan before hand and if not handled right will lead to a slow erosion to the base taken in. p.s. Watch out for shills trying to stir trouble or pushing an agenda, train your board mods to spot them and weed them out. p.s.s Try to wait until current western chan culture dies before setting up shop, no particular reason I can think of for this but it feels like good advice. p.s.s.s If I don't see any of you anons shitposting on your Zimbabwean imageboards for slingshot gambling after Ragnarok I want you to know, I love you anons with all my heart.
Aaron Davis
This, except just one board. Holla Forums. Let's just all be on one board. Like wtf? Can't we just all hang out together? Except, no ponies. Not one fucking pony, I swear to fuck.
Owen Howard
Why the fuck would HWs use your code above the many other open source chans you stupid narcissist fuck? HWs is already considering using the lynxchan board engine as a potential replacement for viichan
Jeremiah Ramirez
The reason virgins won't lose their virginity to non-virgins (despite being desperate, and ignoring that they couldn't even get a slut to fuck them anyway) is because they are insecure about their lack of sexual knowledge and prowess, and are intimidated by the idea of a girl knowing what is supposed to happen in the bedroom better than they do. Their only hope is to lose their virginity with a girl who has never watched porn or by some other miracle knows less about sex than they do. They also have enough to worry about when it comes to measuring up in a womans eyes when that woman DOESN'T have other males to compare them to.
Ryan King
Because…that's my flippant way of saying that I don't care what other open-source options there are. I want to create something from the shit that I pulled from my own ass and sculpted with my own hands to shining perfection. It tickles my autism boner.
Good to meet someone who thinks in terms of culture and not just code. But I don't really have a problem with "current western chan culture" though. Maybe it's because I'm just as bad as they are.
The tags & shared threads are meant to create more interconnectivity so that no community/board dies out in isolation from the larger chan community.
Brody Hughes
What are you calling it?
Juan Brown
OP is a faggot
OP brings us nothing functional apart from his fever dream and likes to pretend he can build a community around it
this thread serves to do nothing apart from fuel his ego and degrade the Holla Forums community further
i swear this shit right here, where people spend more time thinking of a name for a band or clan ect rather than actually putting any effort into doing anything is the hallmark of people who just like to play pretend community leader
fuck you OP
Zachary Adams
the cancer killing Holla Forums Holla Forums
Oliver Walker
Luke White
the cancer killing Holla Forums Holla Forums
Jose Harris
if it grows exponentially and engulfs and kills the community then it is cancerous
i'm not saying a pedo thread or a meme thread is intrinsically bad
i'm saying that if the userbase is so disillusioned and diminished, and all that is left that ballooned in the vacuum of the community is the pedos, the spammers, political shills and the people saying it is dead / trying to make people feel like it's dead to finish it off / preying on the weakend best to feed their own ego (OP) then it is / has become cancerous.
Landon Fisher
add this to the cancer list, this feminist propaganda shilling
Ayden Brown
If you put in a tool to take a snapshot of a webpage it'd much easier for the OP to make a thread about an article and allow users to have a simple way to read the source without having to navigate to another website.
Anthony Miller
I hope you like wasting a lot of time and money, op.
James Lewis
preying on the weakend best to feed their own ego (OP) then it is / has become cancerous.
Faggots, I've been hammering out this idea long before the latest trouble with Holla Forums. I hope Holla Forums lives long & prospers and sees a new golden age. But most of all I love chan culture, not just one particular chan. That's why I want to make my own regardless of what happens here.
Nice post you armchair critic. I'm coding it, while you sit back on your fat ass and demand instant results. What the fuck are you doing besides shitting on people who make an actual effort to create something?
Jacob Gutierrez
I don't believe you can code shit, without some proof, you're just a faggot.
Daniel Morgan
awwwwww….what do you think the screenshot was you faggot?
I'll show more when it looks good enough to show.
There are already browser plug-ins for that. I doubt it would work though. People are going to want to visit the actual site anyway to verify that it isn't shopped or something.
Asher Ortiz
I want to know what he's going to call it, so if OP does make it, and I miss his shilling thread, I can occasionally probe the internet for it.
Michael Morales
dude you don't just come rushing in the door and announce that you are some sort of chan messiah showing us the way to some promise land and then when people as you, "okay so where is this solution of yours?" you tell us "well i'm kind of working on it, it might be ready in some distant time if i can be bothered to get round to making the effort that it actually needs"
we ask for substance and all you do is admit that there isn't any then ask us instead to for us to show us some substance when we aren't the ones making any grandiose claims.
you are a delusional, egotistical troll
prove me wrong and show me a url to a working site
Jack Reyes
give us a working site or fuck off you attention whore
Michael Bennett
how about worrying about whether it can toast a sandwich or worry about what the name and logo are going to be, why not worry about the above stuff rather than fagging up Holla Forums.
perhaps you could go start your own board on infinity /imamassiveattentionwhorethatisthecancerofb/ and when no one joins in the discussion there and you realise that none cares about your attempt at being a giant attention whore you can go kill yourself.
what? like exactly what you are doing to hotwheels site?
Oliver White
WTF? Messiah? I said "give me your ideas for what you want in a chan." you retard.
Well that's better than bitching. Dude I'm just a self-taught programmer. I code stuff on my own. I don't have a team. The "prototype" runs in xampp on my own machine. You can take that whatever way you want to. I said "give me your ideas for what you want in a chan" and plenty of people did. If this thread stops being a source of ideas it can get saged into oblivion for all I care.
I said exactly what problem I was having with hotwheels site. What did you say?
HURRR OP is an attention whore DURRR OP doesn't have a working site (never said I did)
Fuck off with that faggoty-assed bullshit you fuckin tumour.
Mason Reed
8ch is dead. Long term
I don't know exactly where things went wrong
i agree with another user who said that average IQ on 8ch compared to cuckchan was 100 vs. 140. There's other problems too obviously
Like… not being able to post pics on an image board. an IMAGE board. kek m7
As for your idea :
another edgy chan with 0.5 PPH main board.
I'll still suggest some names :
suggoichan chanchan (get it?)
Rules : only superior, elite human beings should be able to register, not sure how to implement this. I don't think chan as a concept is conclusive to this fundamentally
Thomas White
Christopher Hughes
I know what your problem is user. You were hoping for some Moses figure to come along and lead you out of the wilderness. Now you're all disappointed & butthurt because it isn't me. Grow up.
Carter Edwards
Jayden Barnes
did someone say shitposting thread?
Logan Powell
happens to me everyday
Gabriel Smith
Isaiah Butler
>ability to suggest new boards to make
That's all I can think of for now, there better be results OP.
Grayson Evans
>accounts with email password facebook and subscription fees
do all these, and i'll consider migrating OP
Like I've considered endchan and 8ch.pl… considered.
Caleb Brooks
lololololol…. kekekekekek Neo fag.
Owen Roberts
Looks like there's already away
Ryan Butler
I feel like tags are a horrible idea, also the "sharing a thread across several boards" feature. Imagine a thread on a bunch of boards including Holla Forums, with the Holla Forumstards posting in it without minding the rules of the other boards, wouldn't that cause a problem?