So I watched this series and I gotta ask, what is it with modern cartoons and the "LOL RANDUM!" Reddit humor?
So I watched this series and I gotta ask, what is it with modern cartoons and the "LOL RANDUM!" Reddit humor?
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that particular kind of "humor" requires little to no effort to write for, and kids aka the target audience eat that shit up
Do kids watch this crap? I mean I this shit is popular with 30 year old manchildren but do actual kids watch and enjoy this crap?
Well they certainly seem to enjoy TTGO so I don't see why they don't enjoy this.
More like Kyle A. Cuckrozza, amirite?
There's only one reason why anyone over the age of 18 would watch this show.
The main female character reminds me of a certain anime character, but I just can't put my finger on it.
It's Lina from Slayers
Ya forgot one mang
when is Grimphantom going to post a new pic. And fix your shit cripplegoblin
Wait, this came out?
I remember seeing commercials for it, but not once did I ever actually see it air on television.
Thanks for having my back.
It's like Doozybots for Slayers.
It was a web series with 3 minute episods. I think they're all on youtube. I heard it was going to become a full series on cable, but I think it's just a rumor.
The Internet
Shocked this hasn't gotten picked up for an entire season.
Who even fucking cares, it's just a ripoff of an anime/manga (Slayers) just like how We Bare Bears ripped off Kuma Cafe or SU ripping off every shoujo anime in the past 30 years.
I know and you'd figured CN would eat this shit up and give it the We Bare Bears treatment.
>cartoon are rips of my fav animu
/a/ redditor pls go
Meh, the other stuff that he made was good like MooBeard the Cow Pirate, and i still remember other anons liking it.
It's really hard to put yourself in the mind of you young child, but dumb shit is really entertaining. Combine that with the way that humor has really changed because corporate shills have been cannibalizing meme-humor and reddit for material and you get shows like this.
Part of it is that we've outgrown certain kinds of humor, but the other part is that modern cartoons are really shitty.
I want to fuck Sailor Bird.
How about you contemplate to the fact that cartoons are getting shittier, unoriginal, and meme-filled while anime remains consistently good?
I would call you a massive faggot and tell you to fuck off back to /a/
But it so true it hurts, western animation has entered a new dark age
The Animu industry is also filled with crap, but it still manages to pull out something good every now and then
My only hopes are with the french right now, I just hope Wakfu S3 tone down with the shounen-shit
Hey, that anime after 2007.
Sure you like the same copy and paste two dimensional characters with most of the anime being shit fanservers jokes and actions to fill up the time while putting moe shit everywhere because they know if that put cute gilrs everywhere then you fags would fucking buy it regardless of quality.
Pleases go back to /a/.
Just like how once and while we can find a good cartoon.
Why is Daffy a ninja?
Kids these days don't really watch much TV any more. They get most of their entertainment online wether it be Netflix, Youtube, or video games. TV shows aimed at kids just don't bring in the views any more and networks are getting desperate.
Wow what a fucking cunt, first of all the guy wasn't being rude he was just giving his honest opinion about your show and second of all stop acting like everybody you interact with on Facebook has to kiss your ass 24/7, people are gonna dislike your shit and that's fine, I mean for fuck's sake Kyle grow a pair and stop acting like a spoiled 8 year old.
I remember when CN advertised the fuck out of this game. Grey Delisle is clearly running out of voices, because every time I'd hear it, I thought it was a Bayonetta commercial because she just reused Jeanne's voice.
Shit, too much time on Holla Forums. I meant show.
You mean putting on a British accent?
You can put on a British accent and still have a different voice. It's called voice acting.
But the whole demeanor, the speed and the smoothness and however else you would describe a voice… It's exactly the same as Jeanne's.
Considering each episode is only three minutes long, yeah……