It's a: - mpd server - FLAC Internet radio - 12TB of music with many file types (chiptune & SACD files) - Requests / song browsing - Javascript FLAC decoder - https-only, http/2, brotli, no embedded files, cookies, cross-site stuff, or registration - Music streaming at - Direct download at
It's basically my music player that I run publically
this is pretty good it reminds me of my fav japanese animes
what about the boards though?
Jaxson Butler
I thought it'd be cool, "hold up. get this, what if this were also a chan?" so I put it there
Connor Davis
I know its not proper of me to ask but can you make an alternate site that looks "retro" like this [] because the site in principle belongs to the old (pre-corporate) Internet.
Zachary Jackson
It'd be easy for me to do so. Got any specific font in mind?
Jeremiah Smith
Nice user, definitely bookmarking this.
Daniel Harris
Do you have a second stream which specifically excludes any and all vocalshit? If not, then this shit's worthless.
Xavier Scott
you could just request what you want and ctrl+click to queue a bunch of songs
Andrew Moore
What's wrong with chiptunes?
Sebastian Hill
Michael King
They've become synonymous with hipstershit and "indie" posers
I'd prefer something more like a 2002-2005 site like Something that reminds me of the true golden age of the internet, already with most of our modern technologies like XHTML/CSS and server-side languages like Python, Java Enterprise Edition or PHP, but before the internet became an ultracapitalist shithole of attention whoring on social media where Google, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Youtube, Netflix and Spotify control 75% of the entire internet.
Nathan Robinson
I like Touhou and I like your site, OP.
Is it possible to download over sshfs/scp/rsync like
Daniel Torres
Thank you, OP.
Nathan Mitchell
What's bundled in the PNG?
Leo Long
You should put the music first so ffmpeg copies over the tags, the Title tag specifically. Starting with ffmpeg 2.8 the new defaults for webm are VP9 and Opus. Using -shortest doesn't work with VP9 correctly the last time I tried. Because it's just an image using crf VP8 is way faster anyways and has the same image quality. You should use the least possible amount of key frames too. ffmpeg -i "music.flac" -r 1 -loop 1 -i "image.jpg" -c:v libvpx -crf 20 -b:v 0 -g 9999 -c:a libopus -b:a 192k -ac 2 -shortest "output.webm" I'm finally working on updating my webm guide.
What gives you the impression that something's in it?
Christopher Powell
wow this is really fucking comfy booked
Wyatt Fisher
Could you share the source code please?
Andrew Howard
kek, nice bandwidth waster. Even better, a fucking weeb Holla Forums hipster shitposting service.
The sega vgms aren't playing. The GET request is sent but nothing comes of it.
Carson Richardson
Post a link here, I just requested a vgm fine
Lincoln Phillips
someone please xss this.
Angel Butler
do you have any music that isn't ching-chong-pop or jap-cartoon-ost?
Evan Anderson
Holy shit
Brandon Stewart
Noah Powell
good taste thank you OP
Adam Rodriguez
good taste thank you OP
Brandon Garcia
Unless you've got like fucking $200 headphones there's no point to use anything beyond a 320kbps mp3.
Charles Howard
I can't see it, I don't want to. I need to keep believing in mankind.
Brayden Hughes
There is literally no reason to use mp3 in current year pleb.
Austin Campbell
OP, fucking thank you so much for that huge chansphere link list. I spent hours the other day lurking all these sites and basking at such a huge collection of pre-attention whoring media internet sites.
I wanted to share you some sexy Chiruno for that but my computer is fucking shitting itself at the moment, so have instead some sexy beautiful Alice.
Cameron Brooks
Hunter Jenkins
Why. Doesn't it make the job easier, shit more readable and is far more practical? That's fucking retarded. What's the advantage to include everything in one .html file?
Andrew Jenkins
Kayden Ward
This would be great if the music weren't all weebshit. Can you get some demoscene/tracked music on there?
Np, it's actually from a thing I'm working on: It's similar to a webring.
It kind of made my job easier, back when I was changing everything on a regular basis, didn't know what the result was going to be, and just wanted to get it working. It looked like this at first:
They're there in vgm-rip/
Nathan Collins
I'm gonna look past it and just point out you should probably be using exit() instead of fastcgi_finish_request() in most places. There's kind of a big difference.
Jackson Myers
I want the entire script to be ran so that api.txt and index.html gets generated
Owen Lewis
In these modern times where almost the entirety of the internet is Google, Facebook, Netflix and Spotify, these webrings are the way to stray away from so much commercialism. This old art should be revived more than ever.
Samuel Watson
That's probably better done with register_shutdown_function why am I encouraging php
Jonathan Green
Cool, fave'd
Aiden Lopez
So how did you make this? Enlighten us OP
Robert Peterson
ffmpeg -i music.flac -i image.jpg -b:a 128K out.webm This works for mpv and 8ch, and it's bit faster than even minimal looped VP8 encoding. real 0m7.132s vs real 0m9.285s VLC doesn't read the static video track, but nobody should be using that anyway. If you need a fully portable webm, then your way is better. The difference in size is about 105KB in this case.
As an aside, -shortest worked just fine for me with VP9, using your settings. Encoding was many times longer, though: real 2m40.184s
Apologies in advance for low bitrate, but the song is 8.5 minutes. Just picked something convenient to demonstrate.
Logan Cooper
Easton Allen
Your webm doesn't seek.
Lucas Clark
Try encoding something with "-option reserve_index_space 32k". ffmpeg dumps the seek table at the end of the file by default, which is useless for streaming.
Christopher Kelly
Your webm doesn't play in MPC-HC either. Your video automatically used VP9 Profile 1, which is unsupported by older versions of libvpx (which means older video players and browsers) because it's yuv4:4:4p. That's one of the reasons why it's better to use VP8, which defaults to universally decodable yuv4:2:0p. The other reason is speed, as you pointed out.
I tested using -shortest with VP9 again and it's still broken. The video will encode and play fine, but the length of the video will be longer then the length of the song. There will be around 20 seconds or so of silence at the end. You need to use -shortest and VP8 for the video to be muxed correctly.
In previous threads we've tested and discussed the best command to use for webms that are songs with album art. We determined that my command is the overall best in terms of maximizing compatibility, file size, quality, and encoding time. Copy and pasting it or making a small script with it is dead simple.
Jonathan King
Still glad that this is up; figured it would have died well before this time last year. Better than Lainchan and Kommando Radio for casual listening despite the godawful mutated rock that Japan's created.
Oliver Foster
What's the curl command to scrape all this.
Kayden Ward
So how is Dovrack coming, OP?
Jordan Morgan found in Firefox source code
cd ~/Downloads/firefox-46.0$ grep -ri ../security/manager/ssl/ { "", true },
Hunter Watson
wget -R get a fresh hard drive
Daniel Young
Okay if you're going to do actual Jpop
I want
Morning Musume Magnolia Factory Country Girls AKB48 Nogizaka46 Keyakizaka46
Then I would be listening to your music.
Andrew Parker
Austin Ross
ok kid
Colton Adams
I have some news for you. Stop projecting yourself.