They're making an esports film
Can documentaries be kino?
I don't believe Will Ferrell has ever played a video game in his life.
Unless this movie is filled with people calling each other niggers and faggots it doesn't capture the essence of digital sports at all.
What did he mean by this?
For what purpose? Are they trying to find out how stupid a movie can be before people stop paying?
It means he's an autistic user who made it for other autistic anons.
Is esports a real sport?
Truly, this the "Hearts of Darkness" of our generation.
I don't know, but it's far more entertaining.
thats not even funny, hearts of darkness was fucking amazing chris chan is some retarded sperg who is famous for being a retarded sperg lolcow
What an original role, I'm sure I haven't seen it a thousand times over already.
Yes you have. He was in Semi-Pro and Blades of Glory, and he was also in Talladega Nights. Maybe you just don't remember them.
Who will play Chris Chan in the biopic? And will they be dedicated enough to cum into a cup of orange soda and drink it?
Yeah user that was the joke user.
And Francis Ford Coppola isn't?
Don't forget Kicking and Screaming.
Get your sarcasm detector calibrated faggot.
and doge ball
o w8 nm it doesnt have will ferral i thought we were just listing sports movie comedies
Francis Ford Coppola is famous for being a skilled filmmaker.
There should be a Gamergate movie by now.
Where is my fucking Gamergate movie, Hollywood?
Return of Redchanit when?
Why make a comedy of e-sports when the real thing is already a joke. I accidentally caught one playing on television. I think it was League on TBS for Counter Strike.
It was synthesized anti-fun placed on the TV screen. Limited to two maps and forbidden to use certain items, they had like, I think, best of 16 on a round ant it was best 3 out of 5. That episode alone had to at least be playing for 2-3 hours and it was the same repetitive shit with fake sports commentary with trouble haired girls shown between it all. No sane normal person would intently watch an e-sports show. Chess is more stimulating to watch than that.
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It never left.
sick burn
but its 2016
now if they could do something like dodgeball it could be bearable
Starcraft 2 was pretty fun to watch during its golden years
especially with Husky commentating. whatever happened to that guy?
kek what a bunch of pansies
eSports is a joke to begin with, so the movie writes itself.
the movie is going to have this exact scene
lol whoever plays ASSFAGGOTs can suck my dick.
Go click on shit, faggot.
That's a CoD player though.
Then go press buttons when you see the duck fly into your crosshair pussy.
behold, the only good e-sports event in all of human history.
I wonder if he still does that shit.
That's how you can tell literally nobody in the audience has ever played online in their lives.
One hour playing an online game will expose you to enough shit talking to make a frat boy blush.
all online games now have tools in place to silence anything you don't want to see. it's also very likely these fags just have a low attention span and have been trained to act as they do Pavlov style.
I was mislead by your OP, niggerfaggot. Kill yourself and get out of my country.
Voice communication is thankfully not commonly used in PC games in Europe, or at least it wasn't a few years ago when I still played online.
Are you retarded nigger? The link isn't about OP's video.
His films weren't that great tbh famdingo. Very little substance and the visuals often seemed to be at odds with the plot.
I disagree.
tbh this was awesome
Not really surprising that current year games have shit like that I guess.
All any game needs is a fucking mute option though.
You can still see heinous shit in the chats, and I know yuros use that shit because krauts limeys and frogs are always shitting it up on certain servers.
Like what?
Someone called me a mean poopie head once.
So Grandma's Boy 2.
Literally any trigger word that would set off sensitive tumblr cunts.
Even if shit like "nigger" or "spic" is censored people will find a way around the filters to talk shit.
If you're really not already aware of this then you don't even play games in the first place and should fuck off if you can't handle bantz.
meh, there's no difference between e-sports and sports. Who would fucking watch a golf or a tug of war of getting a ball through a hoop or net an hour or more? Same shit principles.
It's better if you just experience the tension/trash talk yourself rather than watch someone else's game to have fun in it.
and it should also have a blue whale for the lulz.
He's a comedian, i'm sure he played lots of games back in the early 90's.
tbh I'm really excited for more tekken 7 but it probably won't have a decent scene like street fighter
I refuse to watch this movie unless they have a role for top cuck Adam Sessler like in the 2012 smash hit movie Noobz
I hope Will Ferrel the gun control advocate does this and alienates a huge chunk of his fanbase in the process
Why Will Ferrell?
because he's a washed up hack who's desperate and willing to work for peanuts.
So basically, for them esport= Counter-Strike and LoL?
Even some DOTA2 players are older than that.
plz b tru
There's no way a movie can capture the autism and real race boundaries esports is made up of. Also at 1:12, which one is supposed to be swedish because all I see is a sand nigger and an yellow man?
did this even get a theatrical release?
ebin. sauce on will ferrel being a hoplophobe? its not that i dont believe you, its just that i want a reminder to not see his movies.
also i feel bad for casper van dien
oh good. now we're making up words. that's fucking fantastic, now we can be treated just like victims of a hate group
i fail to see how its any less real than any other word, nor how it does not accurately describe pinko's rabid fear of guns.
there arent as many people afraid of guns as you think. theyre afraid of the people who own them
Will it surpass this in cringe?
Your logic is even more retarded in that case.
You must be afraid of everyone who owns a knife, or a car seeing how people who own those two objects are responsible for more deaths and injuries than guns (outside of wars, obviously).
Zero4 got fourth place this year and he's 32.
Honestly, I bet the real reason esports people usually quit before 30 is that they get a real job and maybe a gf or wife and can no longer justify wasting a thousand hours per year on video games for borderline-free. If you look at salaries in esports only the very, very top dogs actually EARN money. Do the math assuming a player will practice at least 3 hours a day, real salary is fucking nothing unless you win tournaments every year, in a game that is currently popular.
*fourth place in QUAKE LIVE DUEL
Come on son. Don't tell me you really follow this esports shit?
There should be a law prohibiting entertainers from making PSAs.
We already had the Pure Pwnage movie. The first half was good.
Fuck your site hotwheels/jim
Hotwheels is dead at this point. Jim dumped his ass and stopped paying for his rent. Hotwheels is stuck out on the streets and has no way of going home.
HW is living on Jim's welfare. When HW officially stepped down he is now technical supervisor or some BS position. He was on some thai prostitute podcast thing that Jim occasionally appears on recently. The truth is that HW sold us out to Jim and his autistic son can't fix a site worth shit but spends as much time as possible on figuring out how best to take over the site without making it as overt as possible. Jim himself rarely posts anymore after Holla Forums chewed him out for being worthless and the opposite of transparent. HW couldn't care less and stopped acting on his ideals and just wants to live up whatever kind of existence he will have left.
I don't blame him. Admins tire out and with imageboard communities it's bound to take a toll on your mental health to the point you have to stop giving a fuck or else you just lose it.
Fuck him. He sold us out.
He owed us nothing tbh. Let him fuck ladyboys.
Hotwheels has a lot on his plate and he'll most likely die at a young age. Cut him some slack. Let him live The rest of his life in as carefree a manner as possible, he deserves it.
You seem to be forgetting all of the good things he did, this site was great when he was in charge and he was a very active admin, he actually communicated with the userbase. He provided a safe haven from 4cuck and he wasn't a faggot hotpocket who felt the need to over moderate the community.
Where would you be posting now if not for cripplekike?
I also don't understand all the hate for Jim. I don't keep up with site drama can someone explain what that's about?
Its really hard to blame him
He is sick, he just wants to use life while he still can
Will Ferrel is probably the most unfunny actor there is.
This is the DS2 word spoiler list.
for what purpose was this made?
I'm not with the times but it's probably due to the take over too. Another conspiracy which is kind of logical. Watch Internet aristocrap/Metikor's video about the takeover of Jim.
Another reason could be the VPN thing or we're less secure under Jim. Yeah, I miss that cripple kike.
Mental illness.
He's an autisti obsessed with cartoons like Holla Forums. More so than James where James just nostaglias over cartoons he's watched as a kid while mike religiously follows that cartoon shit.
Mike really seems like the kind of person who's horribly depressed and borderline existential when the cameras are off.
He's always jittery and look at the bags under his eyes. Dude is definitely fucked in the head.
My take is that esports will only grow. The only problem hindering it right now is a games's longevity. The more sophisticated the technology is related to a game, the longer I think it'll live. If there's a game where we could put our conciousness in (IE Sword Art Online/Legendary Moonlight Sculptor), it would revolutionize esport as a whole and it'll become viable.
However, everyone knows that real sports started even before the jesus meme was born. Esport only arrived when? When video games have two player modes 30-40 years ago? Only for a short amount of time and it already reached this state?
That could be a huge factor but you could also factor in the age. It's just reality that age will reduce our mental faculties or physical abilities.
I don't follow esports and sports. In fact, I see them both as a shitty hobby to watch. It's not different from watching a youtube video of a person reacting to a video. I'm only here to shitpost.
China however is creating an anime related to esports. They're encouraging more chinks to get into that market. Vid related.