When TRUMP becomes President
how many tumblr fags do you think
will kill themselves?
When TRUMP becomes President
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not enough
i want to believe but i dont theres any way trump wins that
Maybe but regardless of how it all turn out it's going to be fun trolling the shit out people :^)
Just passing here to remind everyone that my daughter Ivanka will gonna have a beautiful jewish baby and no other candidate loves Israel more than me.
OK, thank you for you time.
Oy vey!!
None. He will never became president.
Found one hahahahahaahahahhhahh
came here to post this
I'm willing to bet money on it do you user? Willing to put up two hundred?
What are you faggots gonna shill when Donald Trump goes back to being irrelevant?
Do you even know the quantified physics of your reality?
Do you know what is when it isnt?
As much as I loathe that man, I am gonna miss him after he goes back to firing washed-up celebrities on a schlocky reality television show.
Trump will never get elected. He's just in it for his ego and to make Hillary Clinton look better. He'll get blown out (9 points in the mcclatchy poll). Even against Hillary Clinton he'd lose.
He has a 70% unfavorable rating which is pretty shit tier.
sensing a pattern :^)
Wait another 20 years for someone that is willing to speak there mind instead of trying to be as inoffensive as possible. I don't agree with everything he says but I support him because he has the balls to say it.
A living wage
Nigger I'm a Hillary supporter. Fuck you, Trump, and Socialist Sanders.
Tip Top Kek, please tell me your reason to vote Shillary
the answer is not enough
Because she is the establishment. Voting for her will continue the country's inevitable decline. An establishment candidate needs to be in office when it happens for the lesson to be learned. Also I'm in the national guard.
please help me spread this
Wait, so you vote for her to make people will learn how shit the establishment is ?
fair 'nuff
BAN Tumblr
Wednesday, November 9th, 2016.
A day that makes America great again.
And you thought the Chicago riots were bad.
We try to make america great again, and that requires you to leave
Or if it's legal
Piers Morgan is even shilling for him. And he pointed out trump will compromise with leftists. Cruz is the actual conservative
it's becasue she has a vagina isn't it?
BAN the Internet
Ugh. Pls user, I was eating.
**Even Holla Forums has to have some standards you know…''
Ugh. Pls user, I was eating.
Even Holla Forums has to have some standards you know…
7 and a half. That's my guess.
a moist hillary snatch on your face
bon appetit.
But I don't eat raw dry goods user.
Especially diseased shoe-leather products
see if that changed under comrade sanders
Libshits threatening suicide in a POTUS election is and has been normal for ~2.4 centuries.
I'd be surprised if more than 1 ends up suiciding themselves.
BLM terrorists murdering people and cops fixing the problem is another story.
He probably wants the free training and rangetime so he can defect when the fire rises.
The SJW salt will be delicious
i had no idea the national guard would let in someone as retarded as you
Can't really say but I sure as fuck hope they record it somehow so I have something to laugh at
Those are words spoken out of the Trump's mouth. Check it out.
But whatever, you dumb retards don't believe in reality you believe in whatever pleases your fee fees, just like tumblr.
No shit. We all know. Also;
Oh well that is totally different, you should have said so.
he's barely a match against hillary, and sanders wins even higher in polls against him
and it's a constant thing over the last couple surveys
all this trump shilling is so pathetic and cringeworthy, just stop it already
even if it's meant as a joke, it got stale a long time ago
Chicago had a riot over Trump holding a rally. Imagine the assblast when he gets elected. Chicago is going to wipe itself off the map.
When Trump loses, how many Holla Forumscucks will an hero?
stupid commie polls don't mean shit they're wrong almost all the time if you have the exact same poll on salon and fox you will get totally different outcomes.
internet poll don't mean anything, real polls use a random sample
At least 3/4th of the Tumblr population will kill themselves when Trump becomes President.
Pretty sure you're Holla Forums tier butthurt over Trump's support of Israel friend. Mostly no one here cares, but feel free to cry moar.
i say three or four
Shillary pls. She won't stand a chance against The Don come the debates this fall. If by some amazing turn of events Bernie got in then yea, it would be some substantial debate. But
A) He can't even win the primaries against Shillary
B) The country as a whole isn't quite ready to turn red commie just yet. Trump would still win the elections against Sanders even if he somehow lost the debates.
Trump's gonna get fucking jobbed at the convo and you know it. The GOP is gonna run Mittens again.
Oh as in asking random people on the street….depending on where the street is located you will get completely different results….or maybe you meant calling random people on the phone? again N/A because people willing to take a phone poll and not hang up requires specific psychological profile.
Polls don't mean jack shit
Poor The Don. Never has known a single pretty woman. Even his daughter is just a simple, homely fugly.
Austfag here, I got called as part of our poling. It was an automated system that asked me which of the two major parties I supported, as I support independents I quickly googled which of the major two was least shit and in that time it hung up on me so I never got to give my answer despite wanting to.
Next you're gonna tell me that Justin Bieber doesn't suck dozens of dicks, how is being that naive and actually surviving working out for you, that is a real miracle
I don't know OP. Maybe a few holdouts who have dreams of someday making it big with The Donald will stay the noose.
If only Trump had the names, addressees, and private numbers of several thousand beautiful women, he wouldn't have to spend his nights so lonely.
Lmao! that's the funniest comment in days
Isn't that banana man?
Not enough.
Only the Great Habbening can save us from this wild ride.
I think most people will just die of laughter.
faggot alert
Those are fantastic titties
Absolutely 0 because all of them are just all talk.
Here, your favourite breakfast fam.
The official MAGA hats are US-made; those are knockoffs from eBay sellers.
How unfortunate for American workers to waste their time on ideology as trite as the fabric it's made of.
Wow so many Trumpfags in this thread!! Hahaha shill much??? LMAO you guys are all just jealous that Hillary's gonna win, because of how progressive America is in 2016! GET WITH THE PROGRAM. There's not enough of you shallow racist angry white men in America to actually get him in office, let alone enough delegates to support his candidacy, sorry :)) not sorry. Have fun when neo-feminist post-America holds a 180% income tax on you cucks just to stay in a chastity cage
Wow user thas like so deep XD r u an poet LOL
U shuld like write a book kuz ur so smart :)
there are no women on the internet
1) He won't become President.
2) No SJWs would kill themselves if he did.
SJWs and Holla Forums are one in the same. The best thing that could happen to an SJW is Trump becoming president. Just like the best thing that ever happened to Holla Forums is Obama becoming president. They both just want something to bitch about… which they think is something to 'fight for.'
Dude, I can't stand Holla Forums's autistic shit, but you are even worse.
How can you make that claim when all you know about me is I hate Holla Forums and SJWs. Are you saying that you hate people who don't have extreme ideologies? Because that's most of the world.
Yes, Holla Forums and SJWs are two sides of the same coin.
but yes & yes tho.
doesn't make any sense tbh
Holla Forums wants to bitch and feel like they're fighting the power. Obama being a black democrat is perfect for racist rightwing nut jobs to complain.
I have nothing against the Jews, but niggers need to go back to Africa. Same with the Muslims.
Muslims were never in Africa, tho.
I meant back home, though there's been Muslim's in Africa for quite some time now, especially in Egypt.
why u do me like that, nigga?
Not sure if uneducated or troll.
Muslims started migrating to Africa when Muhammad initiated the first Hijrah.
There's Mosques in Africa dating back from like the 7th or 8th century
general knowledge of the average Trump supporter
every time I see that smile I think that old fuck should get his teeth done. Now go home socialist faggot.
Neither you massive faggot way to straw man
Zero, all they have to do is convert to Islam and Trudeau will let them in.
Back to reddit Carl
Holla Forums FAILS AGAIN
I fucking hate you, user, but that 'Magic card' you posted is so bad I just had to fix it. It doesn't make any fucking sense. What the fuck is "white guilt" in magic? The card doesn't say what it is. Why is he a fucking 2/2?
Here, this one makes so much more sense. He's white, which but only helps nonwhite creatures (just like AIDS Skrillex). His subtype is knight, so he's a "white knight." I made him from the "beta" set, don't think I have to explain that one. This wasn't that hard to do. Who ever made the card you posted was an idiot.
you actually play "magic"
bahahahahahahahahahahhaahhaahhahhahhahahahhhhhhhhahahahahahahahhahahhahahahhaahahahahhaahah…..fucking kill yourself hahahahahahahh
severe autism
The shitstorm when he becomes president will be magnificient.
You know what? Makes more sense if it's just all nonwhite creatures.
Historically, general election polls are inaccurate until both nominations are made.
Trump's American Nationalism is stronger than his philo-semitism.
I'll bet you $50 in bitcoin that you're wrong.
Shill for Empress Ivanka.
He's in this because the only way he can satisfy his ego now is to create a great legacy. There's nothing wrong with that. And same bitcoin bet offer to you too.
We don't have a country. There's nothing left to conserve. Once we ship the illegals out and re-create some semblance of a nation-state, then and only then should we worry about conservatism.
I'd like you to prove he's a racist. Go ahead, post me something here. I'm waiting.
Nice OC, friend did you make it yourself? Of course not, I can see very well that your halfchin 'OC' is not 8chin tier please remove your image and delete your post thank you! :)
-Internet people
What would you accept as evidence of racism? Would a series of race-based generalizations count or would if have to be something like "fuck niggers"?
muh feels
It was claimed there is no evidence Trump is racist. Establishing the standard for evidence, is that something you really want to dismiss? You're embarrassing yourself.
Your micro aggression's are triggering me you're obviously a racist.
it's going to be glorious
I hate posting on this website. The comment box is white, so it must be racist.
Something more than zero, and less than 18 billion OP.
When HILLARY becomes President
how many stormfags do you think
will kill each other?
we won't be staying
we will be moving to germany for free higher education and to kill the enemy on the front lines
we will be back to take control after the war and help rebuild all of the cities destroyed under Clinton's war leadership as commander in chief
As if the first target of our aggression is going to be ourselves. Nice try.
"fuck niggers" is racist?
huh. the more you know.
Wow, that's a great point user. Well said.
A glorious Don to a new day for our country, and for the entire world user.
That's some bomb ass tactical nihilism my nigger.
That's some bomb ass assertion without evidence/strawman my nigger
I love the post modernist faggotry leaking from this thread, I can smell it from Holla Forums.
1488 of them at least
Daw… little Holla Forumsposter got butthurt
leftypol will be so triggered
Why are lefty memes always sooo fucking bad?
Because commie faggots don't have a sense of humor
you have a point, they are gutless faggots after all
Yeah Im a bit of a leftie myself but normal Holla Forums is at least 10X funnier than those cucks
You don't even have free speech here, and our leftist government would hate, even ban or jail you.
Saved… you're still a fucking cunt for liking that shit anime.
RIP zodiac killer & time-traveling real JFK assassin
lol you removed chairman sanders brain, very accurate to reality.
berncucks dunno that while speaking out against "big banks" and "wall street," yet he betrayed everybody in the audit the fed bill by pulling out of the vote last minute and essentially betraying everybody's efforts at holding a private world banking industry (federal reserve) accountable. im afraid berns is fruad.
remember every dollar the fed prints, it loans it the government with an interest rate, that eventually trickles down to the poorest people making them into debt slaves for the banks, and they dont even own their homes or their cars. all of this plus heavy regulations put the smallest families down and prevent them from setting up almost any business without the government getting cut from it.
bernie sanders, contrary to popular assumption, is actually quite an open war hawk(just not the sjws they never mention that), pics related.
you have all been rused by this sly old devilish commie wannabe who is really all for the tyrannical elite globalist usurpers who wish to rob us of our self determination.
first pic ..his fucking face! hahahah
dat rosie mounted head doe user
salt bump
He supported military intervention in Yugoslavia. He voted yes to bomb Kosovo (one of his staff members resigned over it).
He voted to fund the Iraq War multiple times.
He supports the war in Afghanistan and voted for it.
Supported the coup in Ukraine and voted to give $1 billion towards it.
Supports aiding Al Qaeda in Syria and calls them "moderate rebels."
Voted to invade Libya. Bernie was a co-sponsor of the war resolution.
Voted for sanctions on Iran and Libya.
Pro drone strikes.
He’s an imperialist.
He supported US interventions in Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Liberia, Zaire (Congo), Albania, Sudan, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia.
He supports Saudi Arabia bombing Yemen and denies that Saudi Arabia is backing ISIS.
His only vote against a war was Iraq, however many Democrats did that simply as a symbolic vote against Bush. Bernie voted to fund the war and had no problem with it after Obama was in charge. He also supported the sanctions that killed hundreds of thousands of children.
He was against impeaching George Bush and called it impractical.
He gutted the Audit the Fed bill (the night before it was voted on).
He voted for several NDAAs.
Calls Assad a dictator.
Total and complete support for Israel. He told people in a town hall meeting to shut up about it.
He complains about corporate welfare, but supports the largest corporate welfare of all: military interventions. He supported the F35 program which was jointly built with the Israelis and cost $1.5 trillion (so far) to build an aircraft that doesn't even work.
And here are all the links www.sanders.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/vermont-senators-support-national-guard
you sound Russian.
Bitch asked for proof. Not my fault there's TONS of it.
Whar if trump gets a bunch of physikcs together makes himself in to the first god emproer and take man kind all the way into the 39,000AD but then, some stuff happens later.
He has said before that he votes for things because there is something good in them.
Honestly that was my only worries about Bernie. That he would not keep up our hegemony and he would bans muh guns.
So this is turning out better than expected.
California is still up for grabs. this is still a fight. California!
dammit, those were
I'll never understand why people think this is a smear against him.
you dumb shit $1.5t is the total projected lifetime expenses of building the things and then flying them for forty years. it wasn't jointly built with the israelis either. they're a customer. they paid their money and in return they get jet fighters. buying a burrito from taco bell doesn't make you a joint restaurant-owner.
thanks for this
that pic….fucking creepy
Hillary is going to be the next president.
You Trump supporters are idiots with micropenises.
wow even after all that information right in front of your face and youre STILL berncucked holy shit there is really no hope for you until death.
Silly user, that's not how you spell
looks nothing like MAGA hats you see him wear
Hopefully President Trump has the FBI take down Tumblr's servers for inciting hate crimes against whites.
Holla Forums salt bump
I hope none, because people committing suicide is bad
Most of them will convert to the right, the extreme left will probably go insane from all the triggering.
salt bumppp
Hopefully, probably not but HOPEFULLY, all of them.
more winning
In a perfect world, all of them.
Our futiue has NEVER been clearer than this!
That's what I thought dammit
That's obviously a trick question since he will never become president.
fake and gay
What a completely dishonest image. It's pretty blatantly telling that you know how completely worthless Democrats are, and what complete garbage everything you claim to believe is based on the fact that you have to outright lie about events.
See you in November Shillary.
8 years of Liberal Tears! I gotta trademark that or some shit.