Am I the only person that hates Jimmy Kimmel?
Am I the only person that hates Jimmy Kimmel?
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Eh he's pretty inoffensive although that aspect might piss others off. The most trouble he got was for calling out people who watched let's plays as faggots.
btw he's hosting the oscars.
is he a jew?
all late night talk show hosts are pure cancer. every single one.
I liked Carson and Ferguson.
From what little I've heard on radio and podcasts he seems ok. Doesn't really seem funny at all though.
Kimmel is a Holla Forumsirgin?
No. He's a smug, doughy unfunny faggot.
All of them, except Fallon on certain occasions, are complete shit-tier.
isn't he the faggot who bashed on people who had legitimate concerns about shillary's health?
that guy is pure cancer tbqh
Conan is okay though. Also check that suit fit on the fat retard.
Guy is depressed as fuck, give it a few years and he'll do a Robin
I want to beat him to death with a bat.
Or a tire iron.
He sucks ass, figuratively and probably literally too.
Kill all the Jimmies!
I used to despise him because he's not funny at all, but then I found out how literally every other active late show hosts are massive cunts and now he seems like a cool guy in comparison.
I still don't get how he became famous though, because he truly isn't funny in the slightest.
Johnny Carson and Craig Ferguson.
people were easily amused in the 50s
And I still think the whole reasoning behind that was fucking stupid. To use a Holla Forums relevant comparison, it's basically the same thing as calling those who watch movie reviews, or those who have the movie and decide to listen to the commentary track "losers" as they're not having a first-hand experience.
Of course, when you marry someone like Jewfridge you sort of lose any power or respect you may have had as a bachelor. It's an unwritten rule.
The bit about the Jews at the end was funny though.
Hillary Clinton supporter. He sold his sold to the jew. He went from the Man Show to full Hollywood cuck.
He's a freemason.
Correction. Sold his soul.
Corporate Comedians.
This. Here's Kimmel shilling for the Hillary Clinton campaign.
Odds are slim, user.
I miss Ferguson. His was the only late show I watched.
As for Kimmel, he's alright, but I actually like just listening to Adam Carolla's podcast. Carolla is the better of those two, IMO.
I keep your mouth shut if I were you…
He may suck but he's the only one I don't hate with a burning passion…
I don't either, but I guess college students and their parents find him hilarious if Thanksgivings are anything to go by. Though I don't really see people at my college talking about him often.
he gave the world windy city heat. i can forgive his cucked politics
Craig Ferguson was the only modern Late Night show host that was entertaining. He was chill, he was aware of the format and his show flowed freely was wasn't jewed to all hell. He also had some surprisingly cool monologues, plus he always managed to flirt with, and be flirted with by, his female guests.
Replace 'Ferguson' with 'Kilborn' and you're correct.
I love how literally millions of idiots get their """"""""""news"""""""""" exclusively from these hacks, and then go on to complain on Facebook like they're actually informed or something. I mean, the "information" is presented as complete fact and the only "comedy" comes from mocking the opposing, a.k.a. wrong, view. Then, when they get presented the actual facts, like when Molyneux did a presentation debunking Oliver's Drumpf thing, they say shit like "IT'S JUST A COMEDY SHOW, IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE JOURNALISM! WHERE'S YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR?"
If you get your news from comedians, don't be surprised when your opinions are a joke.
That's it's intended effect. It's not truthful, it's not often that funny, and it's not even any good at building a coherent narrative, but it's like hardcore heroin to the liberal's smug sense of superiority. The fact that it pretends it's smarter than just watching CNNBC despite it having the exact same narrative as the MSM just more condensed is proof enough.
Brits just don't know how to dress. That aside, that picture is suuuuch a sausage party. It's time for some change, you know.
I can see Kimmel becoming a Bob Saget later in his comedy career.
He's been toeing the line for years now. Afraid to be truly offensive, but still willing to occasionally take a jab at SJWs and "millennials" now that it's cool and edgy to be insult those hyper-sensitive fucks.
This faggot went to bat for Lena Dunham. He's a retard. I don't know how the other guy from the Manshow ended up so redpilled.
That shit is hilariously painful.
They're really trying to sell CurrentYearMan to the public. We already have Steve Coogan. Why are you here?
that's cringey af
I can't wait for this to bomb.
alright, i like this guy.
He's an asshole. His response to being called out on pre-opening Hillary's pickle jar was just mocking the idea that anyone would care about a pre-opened pickle jar.
When women point out the obvious absurdity of having men almost dominate the entire late night segment, it somehow becomes misandry? All she was doing was satirising the odd fact and suddenly she's a man hater? I love how men on the internet love to mock trigger warnings and the PC generation but in a sense having this cognitive dissonance when it comes to the same thing but only aimed at them.
The only thing absurd is ever taking a woman's opinion about anything seriously.
I would be fine with more women on talkshows if they were funny. But everything I've seen about it from past and present talkshows with women hosting (Samantha Bee, Chelsea Handler, Nikki Glass, etc.) or standup comedians, women are painfully unfunny.
it's more the fact that she's painfully unfunny
I don't value the opinions of children either.
I always thought Aisha Tyler was funny and charismatic.
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Wehraboos BTFO.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
le millenom girl
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Not him, but I do that all the time if I've got something I need to break up into multiple posts.
Either I elaborate on something I didn't think of at the original draft, or I might have under 4,000 characters, but want to break it into paragraphs or other discrete chunks for a better flow.