Here's What George Lucas Reportedly Thinks About Star Wars: Rogue One

Fuck off shit, no one wants you fucking garbage.

The jews almost killed him after that previous interview, you can hardly blame him for not wanting his shit fucked up by the kikes. He's too old to win that fight.


Doesn't excuse him for pushing his crappy space fantasy prequels onto the market in the first place. If it wasn't for the prequels, we wouldn't have TFA to begin with.

When he sold out, Disney probably added something like
So not surprising he shills.

Pick one.

He just wants to chill on his wineyard get drunk and remember the 70's, but instead they keep threatening to kill his negro wife if he doesn't keep praising Disney's rape of his retard baby franchise


What this means is that it has a pretty background. Since George is autistic he doesn't pay attention to people talking or plots in films, but in the shiny things and moving objects.

One thing to just read that he liked it, but it's another thing to hear him say it himself.