Why Kek indeed? For practical purposes, what can we have in common with a little known deity of ancient Egypt? Why not Thor, Odin, or the Greek gods? Surely something of that caliber would immediately be recognized or spark us up. Furthermore the notions of an ancient, truly ancient and Aryan Egypt might present themselves as the cause of Kek's outreach. But this is a long shot and I doubt that this is the case purely due to my latter interpretation as to what has occurred. Despite the lesser presence of Thor and Odin within various undercurrents of alternative religious thought, it is my belief that as extremely well known gods and having Jung's interpretation of Hitler in mind, these can only emerge under complex and well-developed circumstances. Furthermore, lesser and little known deities or ideas grow in obscurity and can be noticed only be those who themselves are at the "edge" of civilization or are outlaws. People such as us.
So, why Kek? Here's what I assume might be why. The first interpretation is quite mythical. In old stories, the knight or hero is often helped by an old man, a witch or a being from the "old and now gone" world. In short, a force from the outside of the known world which the hero inhabits. The strangeness of this helper intrigues the hero and adds credence to the messenger due to his or her exotic nature and the truthfulness of his or her interaction with the hero. Naturally such an interaction presumes the existence of a force much higher than the little deity/helper (and it is correct in any case). The Absolute cannot manifest to a mere man, ergo messengers.
The second interpretation is especially delightful. What did the white man do when he saw temples and statues of ancient civilizations, and Egypt in particular during the 19th and early 20th century? Across the whole wide world, us Whites were eager to know and to understand these old religions and gods, and we dug up the ancient temples, restored as much as we could and sought to understand the mysteries of everyone ranging from Quetzalcoatl to Ra to Kali to Shiva. Our relationship with these old cultures was always one of respect, admiration and even love. All that while the inhabitants of those lands usually didn't care or actively destroyed the ancient temples and holy places. Furthermore they were usually completely incapable of understanding any spiritual teaching those old cultures had, and had no recognition of their beauty.
But we did, and do. We have in fact studied everything we got our hands on, and our admiration grew. We wrote entire libraries dedicated to the old cultures, and actively enjoyed them.
The old gods had no more use for worship, and they were no longer active (I assume). But in some deep layer they slumbered, either as mere ideas (memes) or intelligent forces. They slumbered, and were content to slumber in peace. We spread them across us and across the globe, but they had no demands and no need of anything. But I believe they were happy, either as intelligent beings or as an idea/virus is happy while it spreads (inherently and without consciousness but fulfilling its purpose). In short, the old gods love us or have an affinity for us – the only humans that haven't forgotten them, and who while not worshipping them kept their holy places grand and beautiful. We're the only ones they have, and since most of these gods are also benevolent, their slumber has been disturbed by the savages who break their statues and destroy their temples. Above all, they probably want to be UNDERSTOOD or have their wisdom passed on more than anything. And once more only we have even attempted that.
The old gods are waking up, and they are beyond furious. They are our allies who feel that they owe us something. They demand no worship, but just as Hesiod had said "In the Golden Age man walked with gods." Acknowledge them in some manner, but don't worship them as such. They too serve the Absolute. And we're in this fight together.