really makes you think
Really makes you think
Dronald Flumpf.
Was robert de niro really the influential in film? I can get sort of the others obama picked like spielberg
Bump for /sudo/ bitch boy here.
drumpfcucks btfo
this is obviosly edited. portia de rossi was the one who got the presidential noble prize
This is our """"""""""culture"""""""""" now. Also, out of all the recipients, Obongo only got choked up when giving Ellen Degenerate hers.
I can't wait for Trump to order the FBI to take down Hollywood's pedophile rings. Most of the government is corrupt, so Trump would have to create a special group like the Untouchables. Storm Hollywood mansions with helicopters and armored trucks. Swat teams versus deranged democrat cultists. It's going to be bloody.
1. 95% of people in the military never see any action whatsoever. Most "vets" are clerks who jerk off behind a desk in bumpfuck kansas for a few years before getting bored and retiring.
2. It's kinda hard to give someone something if they're dead
Dead soldiers and dead cops is okay.
People should protect themselves.
Mentally retarded.
Soldiers and cops aren't human. Merely limbs of the state. Their deaths mean less than nothing.
Who told you that garbage? Michael Moore?
One of the most corrupt organizations in the government. And that's saying something. Hundreds of disabled veterans have died after being put on a VA death list. Obama's illegal aliens get better healthcare than veterans.
Do you have a point, statist?
I've never liked a single film Deniro starred in that wasn't directed by Scorsese and I've never liked a Scorsese movie that didn't have Deniro in it.
Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK has happened to this place??? I had to take a break because of the overt racism and I have to say it's even worse than it was than I left. You guys sound fucking retarded. When did this place become /tvpol/?
trump won
Must have been one long ass break. Holla Forums has been like this for a long time now.
What about Heat? The Godfather II? The Deer Hunter?
It's the current year and you still can't meme right.
Could you be any more of a pleb? Jesus Christ.
I always thought of Paccino as the star of Godfather 2, but I guess he did have a pretty big role in it too. I liked The Deer Hunter when I first watched it, but looking back it wasn't that great. Same for Heat. Haven't seen the other two movies.
drumpfcucks btfo
Race card.
Cuckchan or Holla Forums-MuhPR pls go
It's just some retarded yuropoor samefagging.
Take a look at each post in every thread bitching about his "/sudo/cuck boogeyman".
Holla Forums used to be funny but now it's just a bunch of dumbfuck LARPers who can't even trigger anyone, so they have to samefag over and over again.
All it really tells me is that Holla Forums is a bunch of degenerates.
/furry/-/erp/ spambot pls go
Nice rebuttal
Too bad you can't change the facts
Who gets triggered about anything on Holla Forums? Everyone is immune to the shit after years of hearing every possible variation of bait/insult etc. Only ones I see that you can get any kind of half hearted rise out of anymore are the really spergy /a/utists and waifufags. You can still harvest some salt from them by turning the normalfag dial up at them but even they just seem like they are going thru the motions by now.
Nobody. That's why the samefagging is so obvious.
He's basically roleplaying with "VILE! NO!" unironically in every thread and then replying to himself, setting up his retarded as fuck boogeyman and reinforcing his mental illness.
No, I had both parents in the military. If you really think the millions of people in the US military are all fighting terrorists and living in fox holes you're seriously diluted. Most of them are doing jobs no different than private sector jobs: accounting, nursing, ID photos, etc. Many of them don't even leave the country, their lives are in no bigger danger than anyone else.
Don't get me wrong, if someone likes the military life then good for them, but I think the false sense of grandeur many americans ascribe to the military and its employees is unfounded.
Maybe if the US had better health care to begin with this wouldn't be a problem. It's funny how american's love socialist medicine, but only for "vets". Reminds me of starship troopers.
Are you jelly that your bait never gets a response?
Foruntately, I'm not "baiting" and/or roleplaying like the retarded yuropoor I'm describing.
And I don't need to constantly samefag in every thread, posting the same retarded faggotry over and over again.
It's like poetry.
all shit movies especially the first
All four of you pls go
The same time this country went to shit: while you were asleep.
amazing you actually made this good
gtfo nigger you belong in gulag
race traitor
Sleep snug, smug
What the fuck?
If we were in the same room I would pee in your butt. Not for any sexual purpose. Just because you seem like such a little bitch that you wouldn't do anything to stop me. I would make you my property, bitch boy.
lol amerifats
Dunkakino, amirite?
I'm so glad this autistic fuckwit will never be BO.
I imagine he'd be worse than imkampfy.
donald drumpf
The president of my college got that reward from Obama for graduating more minorities than any other college. This college hosted Bernie and Hillary rallies and constantly sent out emails telling students to vote, listing all of the requirements (but not the one saying you must be a citizen since there are a lot of illegals here and the vast majority of the school is Hispanic). Once Donald Trump won the election, there hasn't been a single word of acknowledgement at all even though for the entire year the school kept talking about the elections non stop. Eventually we got an email along the lines of "We know times are rough, hang in there and we can make it through together"
I almost wish I was back in college for this election.
He knows everyone else is aware of his faggotry.
Why did you quit replying?
That star needs to be put on a background of Yotsuba blue.
Because the cuck gave up and everyone else lost interest.
Yeah, maybe I'll change it.
Fueled by antagonism, are we?
You mean the retarded dipshit who samefags in every thread with retarded "VILE! NO!" back and forth to reinforce his mental illness?
The Democrats are out of touch with most Americans who voted for that party.
trumpcucks eternally wrecked
Sleep snug, smug
I guess. It's just funny to me that the mere mention of Trump drives this sperg up a wall. He's pretty much a guaranteed thread derailing device.
See a shit thread? Give praise to Trump and watch the shitposts flow.