President-elect Donald Trump said today he is establishing the President’s Strategic and Policy Forum...

Disney one step closer to controlling the world

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are they still natsoc?

Thank Jesus for big business leaders!

Holla Forums - News & Politics

How were they Natsoc? The worst Disney ever did was get in on the communist witch hunts and he later realized it was a huge mistake.

Fuck off Holla Forums, outing and blacklisting communists is far too light of a sentence.

The only mistake was that McCarthy was too late and never got the chance to remove reds.

it's /tel aviv/ newfag

Most of the people persecuted weren't even communists you silly fucks.

Gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet.


I don't even browse Holla Forums you faggot.

Protip: That's not an argument.


Disney can't keep getting away with it!


How did your little pink revolution turn out there? Oh right the entirety of the board told you to fuck off and that they hated commies. Trolled the BO into a suicidal state, trolled his replacement into quiting the internet. Left for their own NatSoc robot board. And in the day since a Holla Forumslock took over the board after HipToBeQueer quit the internet almost half the board has returned.

It's almost like the left grossly over estimates their prescence on the internet because all they do is samefag, scream, and shout before running off to their hugboxes to permaban someone for saying they were glad Castro was dead. Communism as is dead as your love life, dork.

He posted on Holla Forums quite recently.

Holla Forums in general is just butthurt and shitting itself everywhere. Its entire catalog is like 30% political threads.

Go look at the /a/ meta board. They are flooding it to try and convince the moderation to delete any discussion of a LN/Manga/Soon to be airing anime series about a Nazi Loli Magic Girl on a mission from God to help NOTGermany win WWII and kill the jews. They are spilling their spaghetti in like the top five or six thread. Hundreds of posts of whining and crying and accusing everyone, including each other, of being reddipol and trumpcucks.

Shit is delicious. Meidos are responding to them anonymously and telling them to fuck off and keep their shit off of /a/ and they still haven't figured it out even when Head Meido told them that he is also a global vol and can see their site wide post histories.



The funniest part about this is that even if you take Holla Forums posts at face value, they sound absolutely butthurt and not knowing anything about them I wouldn't want to help them anyway.

Goddammit. Why can't this board get better writers?



You mean the same mod who revealed posting history of some autist and got another autist riled up about the /sudo/+Holla Forums+/freech/ boogeyman?

Funny how you faggots cheer on hotpocketry that would've been completely stomped out when the cripple actually still cared about this website. Now we just have a pig farmer and his autistic gook son keeping the place on life support.

Your waifu is a drunk bitch.

Seeing as this is the equivalent of a think-tank, I doubt it

Get out tbh

Wow, it's the autistic faggot I was talking about, like clockwork.
Pretty good. Almost like you're the only one spamming your delusional fan fiction in every thread.

Too bad that doesn't change the fact that this site is on life support, a husk of what it once was and promised to be. Forums/displaytable.php?file=tv

Holla Forums barely has a thousand more posts compared to the time when the site was running like complete dogshit at the beginning of the year.
good job knowing how to read stats, champ.
again: on life support, shit site, shit hotpockets and garbage communities that lend itself towards their own little super special hugboxes.
i only need to point to both Holla Forums and Holla Forums to show how cancerous this shithole is.

you can leave at any time

butt hen what would he complain about?

Holla Forums still acting like they matter

Holla Forums is more popular now than it ever was at the "height" of 8ch in 2015. The spike on April 2016 directly corresponds to ChodeMonkey unfucking the Quadratic Tirefire's mess and a massive bot spam occuring. So please tell me more about how Holla Forums is on it's last legs. From the dip that occured at the end of december to the removal of the fucking UIP caching nightmare and captcha clusterfuck in April Holla Forums has reached even greater heights than previously imagined. The combination of French Champagne, growing popularity of Louis Posting, and cuckime autism has enabled Holla Forums to become one of the strongest boards on 8ch.

Bane and Sheev were merely holding us back. Once we embraced the beauty that is BBC Holla Forums became a juggernaut. With the end of the amerifat election cycle we can expect reddipol to die out. Video games continue to fail at providing the most basic of entertainment value. We can soon expect Holla Forums and it's brother board Holla Forums to rise to their rightful places at top of the 8ch hierarchy.

shut the fuck up polreddit

Make me, nerd

I should own Holla Forums for my contributions tbh.

I doff my cap to you sir. You are a scholar and a gentleman.


We know it's one faggot doing it.

Yes they were.

kill yourself nigger

They are surging!

Well I was trying to be humble but you're right it is all me.

BO never ever rulecuck.
We all know you're alone.

What is interesting to note here is how the sudden rise of Holla Forums users is inversely correlative to the decline of users in other boards. It is almost as if, outside of Holla Forumsmblr, Holla Forums users are driving other people away from 8ch.

Walt was an interesting guy. If he didn't suddenly die of cancer the US would have been a much different place, we probably would have had a bustling settlement on Mars by now.

Pretty damned fascinating, fam. Imagine how different the world would have been if the jews hadn't gotten their teeth into the west. Poor Walt's head is probably turning in it's cryochamber.




I posted my graph on /sudo/ regarding how there is a relationship between increased posting on Holla Forums and a sharp drop in posting on other boards and immediately Drunk Bitch user sperged on in demanding I leave Holla Forums.

take your meds reddipol

I know right? The guy is only a billionaire! Pffft what a loser.

Fuck that, only straight white men should ever be president.

so that's why iger is stepping down.

yeah how brave of him taking all that taxpayer money, what a strong leader

thats just a normie meme fag. corrup presidents steal money through far more complicated yet not really methods. for example, look into the Clinton Foundation.