Post ugly actors you like

Post ugly actors you like




Beat me to it.

Ms Potatohead movie when

How can you call this ball of cuteness ugly?

I want to nominate Marcia Gay Harden


That mutt has horrible facial features, bad hair, eyes too wide apart for the race and looks pretty sickly. I bet it smells bad, too.
The dog is pretty nice, though.

yur mom #ownd


Here I made her look better.


this is a serious thread. you all don't really like these actresses at all tbh

You need to roid her out some more, maybe give her some white power 14/88 tats.




What movies did you like her in?


That's Anthony Hopkins you idiot.

Not the poacher, the prey

Gorillas in the Mist

star wars and girls aside, the dude is actually pretty good at his shit

6/10, I appreciate the effort

10/10, saved

I love Maisie:1

but why? what does she do that makes you hard?


Well, she could be genuinly funny and cute, and she is a very good actress. When she was younger, she had a really fun personality, constantly posted little videos and stuff.

This was before her mind and body got corrupted by Hollywood influence. Her talent is still there, but her fun personality got buried under a fake starlet attitude.
And meanwhile she smokes, drinks, uses light drugs, and shills for liberal and gay shit.

Noadays, only her acting remains the same, too bad her upcoming movies are dumb and mostly uninteresting

Oh and I like her face and her huge eyebrows

sage for craniofacial deformity

Maise has a perfectly shaped head.

I never knew you were such a deep guy

sorry I mocked you, bro. keep that Maisie flag flying

Perfectly shaped to puzzle future archaeologists maybe


That's eerie.
