Balkan/pol/ nr.2

Balkan Holla Forums nr.2 All ex-Juga minus šiptarji edition.
General bants, news and regional discussion.
Polish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian bros also welcome.

Other urls found in this thread:ć–Serbia_relations Moves to Speed up Issuing of Work Permits to Non-EU Citizensşirme

Kako je djeco?

Dobro zaenkrat. Precej šunke in pirhov ter 4 vrste potic.

general threads are cancer, britpol is enough containment wise, we dont need more of these sliding the board.

V Sloveniji vse mirno. No new fakefugees, calm Easter feeling. How are things in Croatia?

Dobro je, ne palim TV.

You do realize this isn't a "slide thread"? This is a thread where we keep ourselves informed on the current state of events in various countries because lugenpresse doesn't.

Vesele velikonočne praznike. Ste zadovoljnji z novim premierom?

Moram poceti da pratim domace vesti vec sam dva anti-nato protesta propustio

Moze biti i gore.

Odlična novica. Tole z Srbskim vstopom v Nato je popolna bedarija. V kolikor se da se izognite temu, prav tako vstopu v EU.

Odlična novica. Tole z Srbskim vstopom v Nato je popolna bedarija. V kolikor se da se izognite temu, prav tako vstopu v EU.

Mr. Fish head is an EU puppet.

Odlična novica. Tole z Srbskim vstopom v Nato je popolna bedarija. V kolikor se da se izognite temu, prav tako vstopu v EU.

Mr. Fish head is an EU puppet.

Post detected site discarde


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Nice. Moja najljubša BG Sindikat pesem
Already been to Zagreb (beautiful city), need to visit Beograd too

Hvala, but I'm phoneposting atm

Any ultras present? Delije / Grobari / BBB / Torcida ?

Their political stance? Here in Slovenija GD got fined 10.000 € for displaying a kolovrat. Also viole fined 12.500 for displaying an anti fakefugee banner. Cuck NZS and uefa



bosnians not invited? :(

Bosanci ste dobrodošli.
Bosnians welcome.

attention balkanians

Hotwheels let me fucking post

non-muslim Bosnians are OK

Niš se ne događa, al bolje i to nek da nas religija mira streli i raznaša ko v Kurcsellesu.

Drage mi je čuti, nadam se da ne bute pali v ruke NATO-u kak mi.

dobro vece momci, jeste svi zdravi i zivi?

Vse ok. Mi balkanci, Čehi Poljaki Slovaki in Madžari smo trenutno najbolj varen del Evrope.

Meanwhile in western Europe…

Big reminder that although a major cuck, Slovenian PM Miro Cerar brought upon the closing of the balkan route.

Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian , Bosnian bros may thank us. Because even wit left cuck gvt. Slovenija is still saving all of your asses.

I wouldn't be so sure about that, Cerar is a major lefty cuck and will break under kikes from Brussels. Also, that fence we put up is an embarrassment, I could jump over it while drunk as fuck.

Though it all played better than I expected so far tbh. We desperately need a Nationalist party.

While we have our fair share of SJW fucks….

₩e're Poland styling on your asses

I'll say this about Cerar. He is a leftie. But he 8s the smartest leftie I ever knew.

Yeah, which still means he is fucking dumb because he did nothing to prepare for the scum and we bought our fence from fucking China, instead our people making it.


The only reason some bosnians talk about islam is just to piss off the serbs. In reality we drink alcohol and eat pork all the time when our parents aren't watching and are pretty much atheists. We are tired of religion and war, and want peace.

I promote for all the bosnians (if there are any in this thread) to:
Oppose islamists
Oppose cetnik serbs
Oppose croatian separatists
Oppose pedercine
Oppose zidove
Oppose the concept of "herzegovina"

Promote bosniak ethnic secular nationalism in bosna.

Pic related: A recent rally there was in bosnia. Its the BKNP movement here. In bosnia beeing neo-nazi is completely acceptable and OK.

Clasicall praise goes to Orban but what did he really do? Besides doing his job for his country.(admirable and respected). Cerar on the other hand, shut down the Balkan route and told Merkel this is the end.

BPNP movement i mean.

It means something like "Bosnian National Pride Movement"

Lol can confirm that, there were two Bosnian workers who I worked with in construction and when one of them was missing, the remaining one didn't have a problem with eating pork with us.

I have to throw away all pork hotdogs when my mom comes visits my home. Because i am ashamed of what she thinks, but my dad doesn't give a crap, he eats it too (secretly when I'm not watching).

Outsider and all-in-all newfag here. What's wrong with herzegovina?

It the same problem dynamic as with serbia-vs-kosovo. Kosovo belongs to serbia. And Hercegovina belongs to bosnia. Simple as that. You don't see anyone forcing serbia to use the name "Serbia and Kosovo" do you?

So lads, with the upcoming elections in Serbia, what are our options? Typing in English for our Anglo friends lurking.

Thos tbh. Normalni Bosanci so ok.

On je razmišljal.

Meanwhile in the balkans.

Ah, I understand. Thank you.

Also, went yesterday to the first congress of First Congress for the Serbian Royal Society, ask me anything.

Sorry friend, Croatia and Serbia are going to partition Bosnia. Republicans Srpska for the Serbs and Herzegovina for the Croats. You can have what's left, if you can keep it…

Daily reminder that Bosnia is not a real country

You are welcome to try to take it. This time we will be ready.

Tko da ugotovili smo nekaj stvari tukaj. Bodite Ponosni na svoje narode. Srbi.Hrvati. Bosanci. Makedonci.

Mi Slovenci tko al tko smo. Kregat se ne rabmo več / preteklost.

Skupaj smo lahko močnejši kakor kadarkoli. Na osnovi poštenega sodelovanja in narodnega ponosa.

Why are you using the hungarian eagle on that emblem?


You're outgunned and outmanned on both sides, friend. You're not going to stop us from taking what we view as rightfully ours.

Next you will tell me that Tomislavgrad is Bosnian or that Banja Luka isn't Serbian. Laughable. You're better off just joining one side or the other, deep down you know you're descendent from either Croats or Serbs

Because Bosnia isn't a real country. It's a fake Ottoman construct.

Aaaaaand, here we go again!

Všeč mi je, da je Slovenec prevzel vodstvo nad temi threadi.

Povsem iz radovednosti. Za koga bi pa glasoval? Jaz sem za Cerarja in sem se opekel.Res da ni naredil 10% od tega kar je obljubljal. Edino kar mu gre priznati je to, da je zaustavil balkansko pot in odjebal Angelco. Sicer pa ne vidim nikogar, ki bi bil vreden mojega glasu, tako, da izjemoma, ne bom šel na volitve.

Za nobenega in ravno v tem je problem. Nimamo nobene alternativne stranke, ki bi res želele delati za dobro naših ljudi. Vse kar sem jaz volil, so bili referendumi in za župana. Ostalo je itak vse en drek.

And what are you going to say next? Serbs are turks? Croatians are italians? Macedonia belongs to Greece?

What ? We want to use nazi symbols, were did you get Hungary from ??

100% delusional shitpost.

Either Seselj or Dveri.

What's it about?

To je ogromen problem. Pri nas so si politiki zaupali vse zaupanje. Tudi izbira med slabim in slabšim ni več eligibilna
Zapravili so si vse zaupanje
Ampak zdrava kmečka pamet. Tega ne gre podcenjevati. Naš narod je pametnejši kot si vladajoče podgane mislijo. Šenčur, Matija Gubec, Slovenija Zavaruj Meje so prve tri asociacije, ki mi pridejo na pamet


Our Serbian, Croat, Bosnian and Macedonian brothers need to stand together. I as a Slovenian am glad to be able to make this thread and encourage that path.

What about that Radulović? A lot of my ex-Dveri rightist friends seem to be for him now.

Anyway, the Congress was about the state of the nation generally, and was dedicated to King Peter II's rejection of the Axis offer on the 26. of March. Theoretically, it would have been a good thing, as we went as a group and it was my mom's first redpill (that Peter didn't steal the gold from Yugoslavia, as the commies claim).
The heir, Alexander, gave a short speech at the beginning. He still can't speak the language worth a damn. The speech was mostly about his father and shit. What amazed me most was the number of people in the room, I'm guessing around or even more than 500 people.

Now, the bad parts. The event started 30 minutes late (no reason given). The whole conference looked like a fucking LARPing convention. The crowd started all fired up, but was obviously bored by the end of it. No important issues were discussed at all. The event that was supposed to solidify my belief in the Royal Institution convinced me that monarchy was never ever coming back to Serbia, at least not with the Karadžić family.

All in all, a pretty low-energy event used to help bring in tourists and create a feel-good atmosphere without any real substance to it.

Yes i agree. We should have a South European Council. Perhaps a Ex-Yugo council or something. We have so much in common and I don't want more blood to be spilled across our nations.

Tko da 2.4 bo na Kongresnem Trgu shod. V koikor nimaš kaj drugega v planu, priporočam da prideš. Jaz bom mel druga obveznosti (Tekma v NM) sicer bi se ga udeležil tudi sam.

The nazi eagle is sitting straight, the hungarian eagle is mid flight. It's also way older than the nazi eagle.

Please tell me what constitutes Bosnia? What historical legitimacy does Bosnia even have?

Answer my questions: Is Banja Luka Bosnian in your mind? Is Kupres Bosnian?

How can you even argue against the partitioning of Bosnia? What makes a city like Banja Luka Bosnian?

Meni se zdi, da se večina teh podgan tega zaveda. Zato pa, če si opazil, mediji in izobraževalni sistem demoralizira naš narod konstantno, da smo samo hlapci itd.

Konec koncev pa tako kot zdaj dolgo več ne bo šlo in jaz osebno mislim, da jo bo naša država v prihodnje kar dobro odnesla v primerjavi z ostalo (še posebej Zahodno) Evropo.

Če mi ne bi ta jebena država tok dnarja cuzala z vsemi možnimi davki, bi že zdaj lahko začel z akcijo, tako bo pa treba počakat vsaj še pou leta, za kaj resnega

So nazis stole hungarian eagle symbols?

Do you think macedonia belongs to greece? Same type of argument can surely be used to say Macedonia belongs to greece, no?

Probably not, they just liked the stretched out wings as opposed to the wings of the regular german imperial eagle.

Klasika. Torej RTV nam poskuša prat možgane ampak pri tem niso najbolj uspešni. Mene osebno je vladajoča leva opcija poskušala in celo uspela podtakniti preprodajo droge. (nikoli v svojem življenju tega nisem storil model!) Tale vlada ima zelo kratek rok trajanja. Naprej bomo pa videli. Vsaj trenutno ne vidim nikogar, ki bi bil vreden vodenja države.

I'm testing your resolve and knowledge of history. If you can't adequately defend yourself against my attacks on the legitimacy of your nation, then you don't deserve your nation.

So tell me, what makes a city like Tomislavgrad or Bihac Bosnian?

Ne morem verjet, da sem bil obsojen brez dokazov. Zdej razumem kaj je Janša doživel. Svinje ne bodo več solgo časa na oblasti..


In tudi na krivo obsodbo sem pripravljen iti do Šrasburga.

Going to Strasburg.

A si imel s kriminalisti probleme? Teh se pazi, so zmožni vsega. Mojega kolega so (posredno) na urgenco spravl, ker jim ni hotu povedat kar so želel.

Kakorkoli, drži se, vso srečo v NM!

Ja. Tl:dr Moje priimek ni najbl košer z trenutno levo elito. Nisem angel ampak tega nisem delal (torej preprodaja). Hišna preiskava 2012, ničesar niso najdl, leto 2016 obsodil so me sicer pogojno brez dokaza. Tko da leva mafija je še kako aktivna. Hvala, OFC on tour, nove 3 pike

And i'm testing your resolve and knowledge of being logical. If you can't defend yourself against my attacks on your logical flaws, then you don't deserve to even participate in a dissection of history.

So tell me, what makes your critique any different from the one of macedonias independence? Why should macedonia be independent and not Bosnia? Do you also think that austria shouldn't be part of germany? or should it? Should Bulgaria be part of turkey? Should Crimea belong to Ukraine? Perhaps you think that turkey should have claims on all of southern europe too? (since they have historical claim?). What makes your claim of Bosnia any special? What other results does your logic result in?

I am sure the logic of the international legality and law goes before the controversial and arbitrary interpretations of history, no?

When we have settled your logical framework for what constitutes the right for independence, we will be able to talk about the historical "right" for claim of Bosnian soil. Apparently the entire world thinks bosnia should be independent but not you, yet you want me to agree on your terms of what constitutes independence and then somehow magically satisfy you on the bosnian claim of its soil?

Lov na čarovnice. But this is beside the point as this thread isn't about me

Nadajmo se da debili u ovom threadu neće nastavit postat nakon 700 postova ka u prošlom. Nadajmo se da barem vaša drkica u krug neće bit ljena i da ćete napraviti i treći thread nakon nekog vremena.

For all the balkanbro's. Look at this.

Look at how much we have in common, in our genes!

No glej, tretji thread zagotovo bo. Vprašanje je, pa če se boš tudi v tretjem jokal.

There will be a third one. Vprašanje je pa, če boš še jokal v tretjem.

Britpol posts 800 threads and nobody complains
Balkanpol posts 2 threads, and its at once a regional circlejerk.


Beograjčani. Tko da ne bo glasbene diskriminacije )


Advice (is cheap)

1. Srbi: get rid of fish head an say no to nato / eu
2 Hrvati: You dun goof'd now we're in this shit together. Piran bay is OURS
3. Bosanci: Remove Saudi radicalisation
4. Makedonci: Don't change anything







What ever came of that FISE group (or something similar) pressuring Estonia to be more multicultist or else?

What ever came of that FISE group (or something similar) pressuring Estonia to be more multicultist or else?

In this moment I am euphoric.Not because we're in EU (that shit sucks). But because I can roam my land kebab-free. We Balkanci are glorious a lot of things but we don't take shit from anyone quite alike Poles, Czechs and so on.


fuck I wanted to say that we Czechs are Germans but then I read this without any major problems and just exhaled and went back to work..

Toto mě kurva sere, proč rozumím Slovanským jazykům lépe než jazykům Germánským? :/

Poles are very skilled in the removing of kebab plumbing field.

They even export their knowledge to other countries such as Sweden

czechs r serbs with speech impediment
what r u talkin bout, nigga

Is this the famed "everyone is a serb" shill?

Czechs are awesome. You're affiliated bros

who might you be, nigga?

Nejsem si jist kde jsi vzal ten nesmysl, že jsme Srbové, ale pobavil jsi mě :)

nigga, you need to see a speech therapist
pull out that tatranky and speak like a normal person


Well gents, time to make Europe great again. Endorsed by Češka, Poljska, Slovaška edition

You can czech the Czech mass in the beginning.


Pisal sem knjižno zato, da če koga zanima lahko vrže v g
Translate. Kva ti ni jasn?

Če imaš problem z knjižno Slovenščino potem se obrni na kakšno drugo institucijo.

Čmaliborčan lahko ti omogočim tečaj Slovenskega jezika, morda pa ti ne bi škodoval tudi tečaj angleškega


Ups, je bil mišljen zate, slavistek mladi.

Če se že imaš za reinkarnacijo Jožeta Toporišiča, se vsaj potrudi biti slovnično pravilen.


ah nice to see
bring on greek pol number two


Based Vojislav Seselj and based Zmago Jelincic

The absolute Madmen
they are right though

Italians work for us.

Note the Bosnian lad.


FK Željezničar, no less

We pasta nao


Ne sekiraj se zarad našega "slavista"

Post detected boatd discarded

Post detected board discarde



Dal uopće ima kojih dobrih črljenotabletnih stranic na internetu koje su na nekom ex-yu jeziku?

Dal uopće ima kojih dobrih črljenotabletnih stranic na internetu koje su na nekom ex-yu jeziku?

Židokotači daj mi da postam

Slavs are not white btw

You posting this from Tel Aviv of from Riyadh?


ne pratim balun nešto strašno


This is correct.

We have to take care that our blood is not tainted by inferior slav blood.

everything should be Dalmatia :^))))

that's what I have been shilling for months on Holla Forums now, Bosnians and their form of "islam" has nothing to do with what the sandniggers and kebabs do. Beeing "muslim" was the official ethnic group the Bosnians belonged to during Tito times. Also compare european muslims from the caucasus area with the shitskins and camel jockeys and see the difference.

The recent happenings with in Bosnia and Sandzak region in southern Serbia (since the 90s) began when Saudi camel jockeys saw their chance to export their wahabism into the balkans. They sent arms and supplies to Bosnian militias to widen their wahabi sphere of influence. Even today the wahabi scum are buying up whole villages in Bosnia and bullying out anyone who does not live like they tell them to live.
I am sure there are good chances that the above posters hate the wahabi scum (vehabije) too, just like many ordinary Bosnians.

fucking based

I am serbian myself btw

oh yeah I forgot,

kako ste momci, jeste mi zdravi i zivi?


So New Turkey?

Bosnians are quite alright. Can confirm. They have nothing to do with kebab that needs purging.

t. Slovenian

How to get balkan gf? I'm germanic btw but i do have a sizeable portion of eastern germanic heritage aswell on the paternal side

Don't bother. They're loud, obnoxious cunts.

Držite se Bosanci. Together we can remove saudi sandy camel shit

Pretty ez m88
>Be Catholic. pravoslav etc

You now have a super faitful womyn and are blessed for the rest of your life. Also you will never need to cook again. Except for roštilj

nasmejal si me

jebem ti zivot


dabs, momci


to german user, play her this. girls love ana

Saj je nekako res )

Ajde grem spat. Keep it bumped boys.

oi oi oi

bump, cigani

najbolja hrana

Don't bother I see problem glasses everywhere these days.

found the article. Can anyone confirm or disprove?

I'm sceptical about this, because no other sources.

Seselj oslobodjen.


Čestitam Srbi.

Not Hungarian eagle, Luftwaffe eagle.


Se pridružujem

Seselj is free.

I didn't see that one coming.

party in Srbija
rage in Croatia

Sounds about right.


Yeah, they bought Croatian SIM cards and used them to communicate.

Haag bump

Interesting. I thought your secret service has things under control. They seem to be very efficient listening on Slovenian diplomates at least

As a Croat, I'm not really upset, but I don't doubt this is some kind of jew play to get us to fight each other again, so they could flood with sandniggers easier.

This. (((They))) just want to make tensions rise again.

Same thoughts. But the article doesn't imply Croats are involved rather states the fact that they (the attackers) were using national sim cards and called back to Croatia. That however is worrying because it implies terror cells…I remember Tomislav Salopek, completely unrelated but fuck.

just a headsup on who is promoting the so called "atheist bosniak nationalist movement"

This same scum was crying with joy when ISIS was doing bombing attacks all over Europe and saying Islamization of Europe is a good thing.

99% of Holla Forums probably doesn't know his name but that enraged me beyond belief. It got personal then

I hope his wife and kids are taken care of / set for life. They didn't deserve their father being taken from them. He went to Egypt to provide a better life for them and put food on the table.

Anything more complicated than speeding tickets is too much for those poor fools, my friend.

Anyone apologetic of these fucks deserves a 50 cal instant message.

entertain me, cigani

Well, that granny WAS asking for it.

Kaj naj ti rečem četrtek je, prišel iz službe. Lazy af. What's going on in Srbija cigane? Celebratin Šešelj's release or business as usual?

A je Marinovič.še živ?

I think one of our sportists said that when it comes to our neighbours, rule is the dumber they are more retarded movements/organisations they produce and BNP is prob the most retarded shit considering its neo nazis + ISIS put into one movement and playing the victim card at the same time

Here is another picture of BNP member from Sweden and some funny picture about bosniaks who claim they are not turks or turk lovers ;)

No d&c but I think this is relevant to the thread.

Sadly I've witnessed (some) bosnians getting radicalize and pulled into the vahabit sunni saudi jew shit. Immediately cut all ties with. It's a shame really because they are dragging their country in the mud. Normal bosnians are ok and I mantain that

For instance Bosanke never weared burkas/ hijab. The lads had their belief but also drank rakija and didn't fucking shove their religion down anyone's throat. Nowadays fourth generation is going full retard. I doubt their mothers and fathers are proud.

Remember these two? Their parents were refugees from war and migrated to Austria.

Instead of living like secular bosnians they have fallen under the propaganda of bosniak regime in Sarajevo and started going to mosques in Vienna and sending their children to imams for "religious teaching", both of the girls wento to Syria as volunteers and when they got there they became sex slaves for ISIS members. Both of them were pregnant when one of them said in message that she wants to go back home and if i recall right the other one died in bombing attack.

Not all of course, I don't want tp generalise of course. But the ones that are cast a bad shadow on the majority. And they're doing their country a bad favor.


Yeah I do. I follow regional news. The girls had everything going for them but insted they fell pray to some fucking ahmed isis shit pimp. They're both dead now.

Do you actually believe this story?

Do you actually believe this story?

*fell prey

They didn't use to. I fucking went to school with girls who fled war in Bosna. All humble and decent people.

it was even in mainstream media and in Austrian media

maybe not in Slovenia but in countries where there are mosques with those zealots they can easily turn young people into islamic fanatics

How delusional

Afaik, they were both gangraped by isis fighters even in front of their own children. Then executed. There's no curing stupid. This is a good insight of what sunni radicalisation is bringing to Bosna

I think you're under the impression that we disagree. Quite the opposite. I think we both know what the general plan behind Saudis building mosques in Europe is. I just mantain that it's in our (and Bosnian for that matter too) interest we stop the sandy merchants.

You dont see the full picture because you are away from them and barely see them not to mention media isnt reporting on it at all but they are reporting rightwing protests as "neo nazis"

Other people in Europe will realise what has happened but only when its too late.

Why are you saging to be honest? This is relevant discussion

Trust me however I do know Bosnians from brainwashed Bosnians. I don't hang out with them but the difference is crystal clear.

I'll give you I don't have "hands on" experience with them which you might have so the change is proxied/ delayed. However It's very clear. All of the sudden

We gave you shelter how the fuck do you dare even try to badmouth us

Meant for

i am saging because i dont want to give attention to main topic on thread because it attracts one of the worst shitposters from 4chan and this thread serves as their valve to vent frustrations rather than discuss real politics

And yeah i know few normal bosnians both here and abroad aswell but sadly their voices can rarely be heard because of loud islamic majority that is spreading fast and trying to reach to other secular bosnians who are naive about that whole thing.

i didnt know muslims are already trying to cause shit in Slovenia i thought you would be safe from that for atleast 6-7 years, usually they start doing that shit in western countries like France/UK/Germany then other smaller states in EU are being pressured to accept that.

You're maybe a Serb and to blinded to see. But let's just say our opinions differ. You think all Bosnias are evil, I don't. History will prove one of us right.

i never said all bosnians are evil i just said majority of them are getting brainwashed into the whole wahabi/sunni/taliban bullshit and for some reason they think thats a good thing while the normal minority are trying to get away from it

Saudi/sunni attempts have been detected. And then we have this fucking shithead (Zoran Jankovič) who is a Serb by the way endorsing and trying to build a Saudi backed mosque. Words escape me.

For this there is a phrase which we may all be familiar with: Bože baci ciglu I molim budi precizan.

They are being brainwashed and taken advantage of, quite honestly

i doubt a Serb would build a mosque, he is prob the communist kind who declare themselves as yugoslavs, same type built shitton of mosques in Yugoslavia under Tito under the pretense of Brootherhood and Unityć
Pozdravite ga ko se vrne na obisk

it seems he has alot of corruption scandals just like the other commies

Opportunistic scumbag who only wants to line his already fat pockets. What is worse he declares himself a proud Serb and spoiler Slovenian

yes the did till 1945..

Among other news Slovenians voice their support for Trump at an anti commie anti fakefugee anti antifa rally

is he from mixed marriage?

Article related, poorly writtwn but gets the point across.

Here's a more factual one. Slovenia is backing Trump.


Article related, poorly written but gets the point across.

Here's a more factual one. Slovenia is backing Trump.



here have a song, janez

i hope it will boost your morale

Luka (((Mesec))) vaš čas je minil. Kako kaj vladno stanovanje? Mislili da boste lahko zganjali teror nad 3/4 Slovencev z svojo patetično antifa, no zmotili ste se. NaKotnikovi ste se pa tudi Sovi identificirali. Odjebi v Nemčijo, v Sloveniji za vas ni več prostora.


i am not even slovenian, also

If any of my board anons'd like to pay Slovenian antifa a coffee - being the nice pro Europe fellows they are let me know.

Igor Bricelj is a genuine gentleman for one. Will update..

names that end on lj are of valachian origin

Don't want to slide other threads, but stay tuned…


jbt gdje god da se okrenem u ovom Sarajvu prašinari ne mož čoek normalno dihat

Andrej Pavlišič another fellow who's pro Europe

imas li cakiju?

looks like a cuckman

More soon…
This thread might get a bunch of reports all of the sudden from our "pro European friends". Mods Kindly disregard.

why so paranoid

eh vidiš nemam, ne tražim nikad belaja pa valjda me belaj neće ni spopast



only reason hitler invaded Yugoslavia was to save Italy's ass in Greece, and Yugoslavs had a moral obligation to defend Greece. "Bosniaks" (term invented by Tito commies to divide Serbs), and Catholic Stokavians "Croats" (people who even Ljudevit Gaj agrees speak Serbian not real Croatian a.k.a Cakavian) are Spineless quislings to foreigners. In the war in the 90s Bosniaks were Puppets of Jews like Madeliene Albright, Richard Holbrooke, Wesley Clark, and George Soros.

cakija je dusa bosanca
slicno kao sto je katana dusa samuraja

Pretty good, these will come in handy. Keep them coming.

They did nothing wrong, unfortunately Mussolini had to invade Greece and fuck up/divide the Balkans.

This fellow is so pro European, he even organised his left uni student fellow minded fellas an airsoft course and full military training campaiming to overthrow rightfully elected government, no less. Jaša Lategano

More to follow.

Pfahaha like those cucks could handle real guns.



absolutni ludak

Here comes the Serbia Strong shitposter

absolutni ludak

Absolute Cuck, I suggest you post on leftypol instead you anti-European abomination. Srebrenica didn't happen, Seselj Proved it.

koliko nas je ovdje?

jesi ti meni glup
stotine masovni grobnica
naredbi za ubijanje Bosnjaka
i telefonski razgovora to potvrduje
Pravda ce doci na ivici maca smrdo

Here comes the "Bosniak" (Muslim Serb) cuck. Why do today's Serbs who've abandon Serbdom, or unterserbs as I call them, become bigger Muslims than the Sultan or bigger Catholics than the Pope? No spines.

Btw Bosniaks voted for pro-Serb Fikret Abdic but the Jews and their CIA intervened and replaced him with ultra-islamic Alija Izetbegovic.

Just two or three dudes switching VPNs

Just a couple of our pro European friends. Make sure to buy them a coffee if you run into across them. More will follow..

Kill yourself. I'm not even Bosnian.



evo ga usrani Tuzlak


Well you're fucking retarded then posting on Holla Forums against a Nationalistic Socialist country like Milosevic's Yugoslavia was for things that it didn't even do.

Forensic, genetic, and skeletal remains prove otherwise.
The men living there were not combatants you Turk, they were civilians.
You have no proof of your claims and you throat should be slit just so that your blood can do something useful, make green fields more greener. Because as we all know that Serb blood is equal to cow shit.

All lies. You invaded Bosnia, which was a sovereign territory. RS is as legitimate as ISIS.

Milosevic was a communist, and his ideals were the ones of a socialist.

They dont listen, everyone proved that bosniaks bombed themselves at Markale just to pin it down on Serbs in media during the already going demonisation but Bakir and other wannabe turks ignore that and just continue with their daily routine

For example just look at this idiot

Even after the most retarded liberals proved that Srebrenica numbers were inflated and were being increased each year for MUH VICTIM complex he is still playing on that card

This is just blatant shitposting at this point. You're the equivalent of that "German" guy that only talks shit about Poles and taking back Prussia


veri najs :D


sta se stalno svadjate

It's all fucking true you in denial retard, the Muslims in the 90's were a tool of the secular globalist Jews. I linked evidence you baby-brained marxist pinhead, all sides agree that only SOLDIERS died that day. I'll crush your Turkish quisling skull you fucking Jewish slave pussy

Jebem ti sad mi se jede roštilj.

What the hell were you talking about, an average of 1000 artillery shells were fired on our city, why would we bomb our own, and with what?
All lies, the numbers are not inflated, they are not still accounted. They have recently discovered mass graves in Tomasica, which didn't even make it into trial.

Zato jer su Srbi retardirani idioti.

As soon as they turned of the cameras they started treating the people like shit and they have stolen the candy they were giving the children earlier on when they got there.
Your evidence is Serbian shit tier propaganda, go back to the steppes you Turkic dog.
You Serbs are nothing but pussies and dogs, you couldn't even beat a country with no army.

Plenty more… Afterall have to give the pro European fellows some recognition.

Can we all agree that Grease is responsible for everything wrong with the Balkans?

No, Turks are.

pic related is what happened in Bosnia and dumb little goatfuckers like you are still butthurt because even with arabs that were in Bosnia you couldnt do shit other than kill civilians and hide in UN protected zones like User Oric

Bosnia was OUR Territory which Seperated ILLEGALLY. Bosnia was a majority-Serbian land before WW2, before the Serbs were genocided, and the Term "Bosniak" was invented by Tito to divide the Serbs in the 1960s.

Bosnia was only legally allowed to separate if all the nationalities agreed to separate, MILOSEVIC OFFERED ALIJA IZETBEGOVIC THE YUGOSLAV PRESIDENCY BUT HE DECLINED LIKE HIS KIKE OVERLORDS TOLD HIM TO.


But Byzantium split slavic kingdoms against eachother and brought the turks in.

Sure why not

You're like a reverse Fredi

You insecure shitposters who come onto nationalist forums and inflame and antagonize for the sole purpose of making yourself feel better.

Projecting much? Are you him or one of his butt buddies like that hungarian jew?

Stay mad.

We succeeded legally with the referendum.
Lie, before the reforms in KSHS Serbs owned less than 10% of the land.
The name Bosnjanin is more than a 1000 years old.
Srbe na vrbe m8

The Byzantium failed, and thats its onyl sin.





this is what i meant

Your logic is nigger tier logic.
Nah mate, you Serbs are sad little cunts with down syndrome.
Go suck my dick you slave.

Kill yourself faggot, we got problems, the third world scum invading us, the debt, the White genocide, and you come into thread shitposting about muh greater Serbia, Serbs dindu nuffin, everyone is actually a Serb, but Bosnians are still Turks tho even though they are Serbs somehow also

It's fucking disgraceful, you piece of shit d&c kike

why would i be mad, you are the one acting like a turk when confronted about armenian genocide

Your goatfucking mind has been brainwashed so much you cant tell a truth from a lie.


It's literally nigger tier logic regarding Egypt.

Burger here.

I do contracted work for a Bosnian from time to time. My only question to Srbs would be: why didn't you finish the job?

Because they can't win wars, also, suck my dick you fat american piece of lard shit.

The UN court's official videos are not legit proof? Were they made with some Bosniak photoshop magic?

yea Domagoj Turboustasic the evil serbs and their great serbia imperialism is whats wrong on the Balkans

So it is the hungarian jew cunt, always those projections.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA werent you retards the one who claim about that shitty hill in Bosnia to be a pyramid?

Heres another picture of them "muslim civilians" our little retarded bosniak is talking about, just look at them marching for peace

Bosniak Pyramid magic is too strong, quickly call Momcilo!

Allahu Ackbar fellow roachkin.

Lmao, you're a paranoiac! Look buddy I don't know who it is that's stalking you online, but it's not me, you fucking retard

Lmao, you're a paranoiac! Look buddy I don't know who it is that's stalking you online, but it's not me, you fucking retard

Let me post kikewheels



I didn't know the founders of Zionism were from Serbia and are buried in Belgrade

Lol i caught you in the act and you cant even write correctly from all the anger

Marko Kopricanec say hell to that fag pig fredi on Steam ;)

How cute, meanwhile in real world Franjo Tudjman was a jew and majority of ustase from WW2 were either zionist jews or married to jews like Pavelic

I have to say i admire your retarded mentality, ustase killed jews in camps and you support ustase today, only someone deeply retarded can support someone who torched/butchered his ancestor and that takes some skill i guess?

Paranoiac is a word, idiot

I also don't know what the fuck your talking about, steam buddy I don't waste my time playing games, I work for a living

Wew lad, get it together m8


How cute, how red is your face right now?

my picture got eaten by Hotwheels

Also denied the Holocaust, so there's that. Would a Serbian ever deny the Holocaust? Or do you rely too much on "muh Holocaust" victim narrative? If you denied the Holocaust, you wouldn't have anything to demonize Croats with.

Also denied the Holocaust, so there's that. Would a Serbian ever deny the Holocaust? Or do you rely too much on "muh Holocaust" victim narrative? If you denied the Holocaust, you wouldn't have anything to demonize Croats with.

Let me post kikewheels


This brief article aims to remind people of the friendship that has lasted through the centuries, the friendship between Serbs and Jews.

Perhaps you didn't know, but Serbia is one of the few countries in Europe where Jews were not persecuted by the natives (Serbs) throughout the countries history, only by invaders, who also persecuted the Serbs too.

Another country that has never persecuted Jews is Georgia, Jews were only persecuted and suffered in Georgia under the Tsarist government in the second half of the 19th century and the constant military conflicts and invasions by Timur, Ottoman Empire, and Muslim Persia.

Ottomans, Germans, Albanians, Croats and other Nazi or Muslim scum committed many atrocities against Serbs and Jews.

Throughout history, Jews have fought alongside Serbs against many enemies, including Muslims and more recently during the second world war, Nazis.

Many have given testimony to the Serbian - Jewish heroism demonstrated throughout Serbian history, especially during the Second World War.

Heroic Jews also fought alongside Serbs during the war in Bosnia, 1992-1995, against Bosnian Muslim terrorists, and in 1999 against Albanian Nazi Muslims in the Serbian province of Kosovo.

This is link to a Serbian wartime song, which was made during the war in Bosnia. The song is about the Serbian hero commander, Mitar Maksimovic, who is in the middle of the photo. On the far right side of the photograph you can see his a Jewish member of his military brigade, with the star of David on his uniform.


What is up with this Serb-Jew love fest?

ne kaze se cakija nego mobilni

trying to divert the attention from topic again ?

We dont need to demonize croats, croats are scum who commited crimes against humanity that even the nazis were frowned and disgusted about.

Not even nazis had death camps for children.

Btw keep shitposting with that, your butthurt is hilarious and interesting to watch, your face is prob red as crab right now from all the anger.

Calm yourself, you delusional scum. I don't know why you keep posting pics of yourself as If it's relevant to the conversation

president fish lip deserves to be gassed

Serbians are Shabbo's greatest goyim. I read they were some of the first countries to recognize yidistan when it was established or something.
Serbians also believe that the kikes are their greatest allies (just like the burgers do) but sadly the kikes bombarded them in 92 and 99.

i am posting your pictures thats why you are shitposting and raging like a child

puppet government of fish lips is fucking us over with jews

When it comes to Israel the story is much different

Only us on balkans voted for recognition of Palestine while the Zionist puppets on Balkans were ordered not to.




Feels bad man


Lmao, I wonder how many kikes fought for NDH? (Hint: Zero)

this israel/internation jewry split also seems interesting. They outsource all the global politics to burgerland and can fuck up the whole world using the burgers as their proxy and nobody will see through it. Officially yidistan can claim they are neutral while their brainwashed burgers do all the dirty work for them.


Funny how you ignore how many zionist jews were in ustase and that Pavelic was married to a jew

i guess you really needed that divertion of topic to something

Prove it

your frantic and angry posts prove it enough, tell fredi he is autistic fag pig and then go to sleep, you have school tomorrow

You're so butthurt that you're embarrassed now, saging the thread, lmao

Jesus Christ dude, I know so many Serbs in real life, all fine and normal, then I go on Holla Forums and one idiot shitposter makes me re-evaluate my friendships with them. Naw, I know the majority of Serbs aren't idiots like you, you'll never spoil the good opinion I have of Serbs as much as you try

i dont want to keep thread with your garbage post on front page, i saged when i entered but dropped the sage when slovenian asked me to

By saying you know many serbs do you mean you know all those catholic serb cucks who jerk off to hungarian jew like Tudjman ?

I know enough to know that you're not a Serb, more like a D&C like

And yeah, I understand why you're saging. The posts I make ruin your retarded narrative of "Serbs dindu nuffin, Serbs fought the Jews for national Socialism"

You're such a faggot it's unreal. You don't want to recognize that we all got played by kikes in the war in the war and did their bidding. You're shtick is that Serbia dindu nuffin and the rest of us were ZOG pawns, lmao, it's fucking ridiculous

And then you tell me you're not a d&c kike, when all you do is is act like a retard pretending to be a Serb to get others here to either hate Serbia or hate everyone else.

You focus the hate and make us hate each other, instead of us focusing on kikes and how to make our countries better and cooperate better as white, Christian countries in a mutually beneficial union of independent states

Pic related, it's you

Fuck you, kikewheels

Gee i wonder where i already saw the jew accusing normal people tactic before …


Oy vey! White genocide you say? Nonsense, what's most important to me is taking over my neighbours! Fucking working together against the Jews, id rather make everyone hate each other again and sew conflict and division. That's way more important than the ongoing third world invasion!

And even though that's my goal, im still nott the d&c like, you are!

Seriously, just kill yourself you fucking shill

I told you, letting Seselj out was a jew play to heat things up between Serbians and Croatians, he's been out for less than a day and you good goys are both falling for it.

Good serv

Good serv

they had night land navigation courses

Mr. Fishead is not pleased.


post moar nationalist / traditional lolis

Does anyone have ave some Vujičič memes since he is the human fiah


Why did you guys vote for this disgusting mongoloid? What was the normie appeal?

Not being the other party.

It escapes me too why they would vote for such a cuck jock as serbs are not known exactly as without backbone. Now he's leading them into eu and nato which we know are disastrous

Sure, they're pretty brave for helping the Ottomans not get destroyed in 1402.

Couple of years ago based Delije and Grobari demolished the gay parade. Ah the good old days.

what has become of you?now you have fish head and are pro gay

Its amazing how fast things change.

What exactly happened? I just don't understand. From being based as fuck, anti degeneracy to current situation. Have they poisoned Serbian water/ meat supply?

It was the same in Croatia for the first few pride parades but then the fucking prime minister decided to start attending, that's how the poz started with us, don't know about the Serbs

Not balkans, but lots of resistance to the poz in Ukraine at least, even in 2015

Interesting. Meanwhile in Slovenia…

Faggots btfo.
Yeah they still exist but know not to fucking flaunt it

It's all western degeneracy to be honest. We have our values and they are trying hard to corrupt them and make us good cattle.. But Balkan bure baruta. They didn't quite calculate that in. Jebem jim vse. Merkel nwo btfo

I must admit I don't watch alot of Croatian tv not enough time and such. But the level. Of. cuckery I've seen on Glas(the voice) and such makes me cringe. it's like Croats have become good goys and americans pt 2.0 (not in a good sense). Nvm endless adverts for fucking useless shit but it seems like they've sucked the soul out of you (germans and the like) where are Klapas where is your culture /rant


Western degeneracy m8. They push it on the young. American "popular culture" becomes more fashionable and in style than our traditional culture because everyone wants to be like the Amerikikes. They don't realize their flushing their heritage away.

Just look at this retarded shit from Bosnia

"Bosanska Končita", I couldn't even believe my eyes. How can this be popular in Bosnia? Is it even popular or just media lies? What the fuck (pic related)

Good job slovenia, we did the same a while back

kikewheels let me post

dobro vece momci, jeste li svi zivi i dobri?


T..t..Tito's that you?

naravno sine,
vidijo sam da me treba moja zemlja pa sam odlucijo da cu se vratiti
sve ja njih dobro posmatram

What I find hilarious though we took their nigger monkey music rap and made it 10x times better

Vse dobro šesto pivo crew

Hope you have some belgian brew in eternal hunting grounds

I will come back, just give me some time

Make it so memetics elect Trump and bring Tito back again


Let's just wait for an american Tito guys.



Vucic mora da je ocajan cim trazi glas penzionera.













Samo u Hrvatskoj!

Steven Seagal granted Serbian citizenship

Kaj da ti velim, ja tim niškoristima ne verujem da bi mogli uvest neki red v slučaju da se neko sranje dogodi. Ak moraju napravit nekaj kompliciranije od pisanja kazni za parkiranje il brzu vožnju ni otec ni sin ni duh sveti im nebi pomogli. Jemput sam se zapital kolke zapravo serijskih ubojic smo imali il još navek imamo al da se za njih ne zna niti ih se bu ikad vlovilo.

fug i know that cuck, silly student socialist

Institute for Historical Review

Revisionism in Croatia: Croatia's President Rejects 'Six Million' Story

Nice chap isn't he?

You can't commit crimes against humanity if the enemy isn't human, such as gypsies, chetniks, and the bolsheviks.

kme harder.

If Germans had one bit of resolve that of the Croats, they've would have ruled the world. But they wimped out.

Croats, on other hands, would level down Dunkirk, and wouldn't help incompetent Italians, but focused on Moscow.


kme fuckin harder and rile up that tractor

sadly the germans have always been cucks like they are today

Check comments for lulz

don`t believe the hype, i know most of em, they might be filthy lefties but sure are not any type of organized militia, most of them are out of shape hipsters, who smoke too much weed. playing aisoft in the woods means nothing :^) the article is way off but funny if you know them

Cheers. Having know how "tolerant" Metelkova antifa junkie squad is, I wouldn't put it past these cucks actually trying something. Iskra isn't antifa, however, nice to hear a personal perspective. antifa bitched out bigtime, not enough balls to come to Šenčur - it's not that far @way

also what is the deal with FDV professor supporting radical leftism?

infoshop black block antifa are authoritarian as fuck under a veil of anarchism, funny to watch from afar. Iskra are true believers, most of them subsribe to marx and his contemporaries, the professors on FF shill hard that. resisting oll the leftist propaganda on FDV was hard, most of the faculty skews to the left and actively promote activism. both institutions should be burned to the ground, it`s anti academic, and anti science.


Yeah FF is openly and actively supporting radical leftism terrorism and we call ourselves European. I wonder which other college in Europe fucking does that. Black bloc fraction would get fucked massively on Kotnikova if it weren't for the police. They've openly brought fighting gloves, wood batons and katanas to the march what did the cops do? Nothing. If the opposition came carrying these you know what would ensue.

it`ll backfire eventually, it`s gonna get very interesting in the next few months

Checked by kek. Agree. If this whole situation was good for something it was good for opening our eyes.

EXCERPTS from the book: "Wastelands – Historical Truth ",
By: Franjo Tudjman
Original title: Bespuća – povjesne zbiljnosti,
second edition,
Nakladni zavod Matice Hrvatske,
Zagreb, 1989



Tu špinavou africkou verbež je třeba střílet, stejně jako cikány.






Never read the book, so are you for real?
Are these really the writings of a partisan general?

Former Partisan general. These are the words of a Croatian patriot and father of the modern state of Croatia

Radical Islamists have found a new refuge in Bosnia. They recruit fighters, promote jihad and preach a fundamentalist interpretation of Islam – just across the border from the European Union

Bulgaria Moves to Speed up Issuing of Work Permits to Non-EU Citizens Moves to Speed up Issuing of Work Permits to Non-EU Citizens

Slovenc uporablja meme oklepajčke.


"We will take complete control".



Koliko li sam najebao ako vucic pobedi?

Ne sekiraj se. Probably random shit. Although coincidences….

BIA at work?

Siguran sam da je bila (((cista slucajnost)))

jel planira ko ovdje u vojsku? ja bi volio čisto da izbijem autizam iz sebe, ali ne bi da me šalju da umrem za ž.


A month ago ex-head of our sec agency added me on fb. He's a patriot though from what I gather. Pretty sure they're tracking all of us.Don't sweat it.



Srbi potvrđeni kakovi

its simple, you dont. the whores of post-modernism are not worth any effort you may put in.
Tbh ful je teško bit nacionalist i bit konzervativan i to sve kad ti je ženska populacija hrpa glasnih cajkaruša…

nemoj me jebat di si to naso?

tu se glasa

interaktivno je

Ja tbh. Savšeno sam zdrav i nisam totalno retardiran tak da mislim da bi se ok snašo. Isto šta kažeš nebi htio bit topovsko meso

Also, this map is refreshing

Ak već ne bi štel da vmireš za naše (((prijatele))), ojdi kampirat. Jeftinu opremu moreš nabavit od stare vojne opreme i ak ti se ošteti (npr. ak ti se šator na jenom delu predere) lake se to zašije (a i navčiš se šivati onda). Ovo moderno smetje je od mikrofibera il kojeg god kurca pa ak nemaš nekog da ti popravi jebal si ježa v leđa, ak se i malo predere moreš ga mam hitit v smetje.
Ak oćeš pucat nabavi si lovačku dozvolu i deri po čem oćeš (ne doslovno al razmeš kaj mislim), ak ti je to preskupe kupi si zračnicu i gađaj ptiće il kajveć.
To ti bu razbilo 'tizam iz tebe.

hard to believe tbh

Pesem zelo jebeno relevantna
Pjesma vrlo jebeno relevantna
song very fucking relevant

E vidiš pametno.

it is probably one of the beset choices you'll ever make. Go and do it

Question for you guys:
Did your country try to amend the constitution/make any kind of laws that would give military some of police powers and make it possible to extend "emergency conditions" for 1 month with possibility of further extension?

To je najbolša alternativa ak nećeš v vojsku. Moreš započet dost lagano i turistički, al pametno je nabaviti knjige o preživljavanju, biljkami, gljivami itd. Ne bi bile baš najbolše da se otruješ mam prvi put kad kampiraš, al nakon par godina iskustva, il čak manje ovisno o tome kolke put buš išel kampirat mogel buš preživit čak par dana, nebitne o tome kolke si zalih pripremil.

pametan si ti međimurec/slovenec

Ja sem žaba prigorska.

izvinite gospodine, ovde tajna sluzba, samo smo hteli da proverimo dali ce te za nase politicare da glasate na izborima

god why do we have to be eternal commies
this is why we will always be the africa of yurop. Croatia progressed well. Their highways are full of decently-looking cars whenever I am there. As soon as you cross the border you see the krntije that serbians are driving.
Poland reduced its unemployment to 7% (from 22%) simply by getting rid of minimum wages. We as a nation however still don't understand basic things in economy and we will never make progress into more affluence.


bumpety boo

nice touch serbro

That's not an edit

i hope youre right.

go back to playing chess on your flag


we used to either break every single pride parade or cancel it with violence threats

but when Vucic became prime minister he literally spent 1 million euros on security by pulling shitload of police men from central Serbia, special forces and even some parts of army in full battle gear, you couldnt do shit even if you crossed the street near the place where faggot parade was supposed to go they would arrest you and accuse you of being part of some extremist movement so you would have to spend 48 hours in jail until judge meets you in a hearing.

he wasnt a partisan he was an ustasa kike (hungarian jew origin) who wrote shitload of propaganda during communism and took part in destroying Yugoslavia by starting a war (there is even audio of him saying that war wouldnt happen if croats didnt want it to happen and one among others where he says croat policemen should sacrifice woman and children in urban war vs Yugoslav Army so they could have greater propaganda effect in media)


I mene su zvali dva puta iz napredne stranke i jednom iz tadiceve stranke. Rekao sam im svima da me ne intersuje sta god da prodaju. Mislim da nece biti nista.

Olimpija Ljubljana head coach calls player "Black idiot" after celebrating goal and wasting away precious minutes for a game winner, hilarity ensues, keeps job, lugenpresse goes beserk

Also Black Guardian idiots fail to recognize we've won many titles before and will many more


Двери до краја. Сви осим ДЈБ су контролисана опозиција, укључујући СРС и Глишићев Народни Савез. ДЈБ није чак ни пријављен за сад, нити ће прећи цензус ако буде био. Осим тога, ставови Двери су свеједно више по мојој мери.


Shit, I thought this thread has passed beyond the bump limit, so I made a new one. My bad.

Treba nam Istocno Europski thread, a ne balkanski.

Svaki put kada neki sajt sa vestima objavi tekst o tome koliko se mladih ljudi seli u inostranstvo, ja napišem komentar da je to što pišu licemerno, jer svake godine generacije djaka iz unitrašnjosti odlaze na studije u Beograd, i da se retko ko vraća da živi u mestu u kome je rođen. I naravno, da niko nikada ne piše o tome.

Nikada mi nije objavljen komentar.

Jedni "potiću" jebo vas jezik ljude da se iseljavaju iz zemlje, a drugi da se presele u Beograd.

Toga je puno vise u HR medijima. Ovdje svaki dan nesto takvo izade.

Rijetko viđeni degenerizam. tbf-ovci su amerikanizirani bijednici. doslovno razina afro-amerikanaca.

got some material on the guy/stuff? books and so on, i find those "amateur youtube documentaries" quite unwatchable




Are Croatians white?

obvious gypsy, Croatia has them. They're usually begging/stealing from tourists

I thought gypos live in Romania

They do but they're spread out over white countries like the jews.


Ima li koja stranka da hoce da olaksa za gradjane da dodju do oruzija? Gledao sam po ovim izbornim programima i niko nista ne spomije o tome.

Je še kdo tuki iz Slovenije, ki mu kaže da je Holla Forums offline? Zgleda so ga začel še v slo. blokirati. Jebote komunisti.
Endchan in sta ok.

For the rest: migrate to the above mentioned chans. Holla Forums has become cucked beyond comprehension. There is a nice thread there were we are posting wallpapers for the non-cuck chan.
Kebab removal and slavic symbols anyone?

Can you fags tell me anything about the Janissaries or where I can read up on them?

Or is this just a shitpostin ggeneral like the others?şirme

If you are interested, you can read this book (it is based on some historical facts and figures)

And yes, this is just a shitposting general.

Bugger off



Izbori sutra. Ko mislite da ce pobediti?

vucicu pederu

Kje ste p**ke? kajse dogaja?


Upam da Šešelj, ne pa jeben Vujičič

Vujičič je pička

Ko nije glasao, da se pokupi ovog trena da zaokruži Dveri.

Samo da Vucic ne pobedi

i srbi, jel se u 8 zna?

*Note that HateFree = Soros

Tad se zatvaraju izborna mesta. Rezultati su kasnije.

pomoje kučan ni lih nek heker, veš.
serverje na 8chanu zmerej vn meče, ne samo na pol-u

Ja glasao za Vojvodu :D

Znam da je kontrolisana opozicija kao i Dveri, ali ce bar da make mad all.

Izbori su namesteni tako da pobedjuje sigurno. Pitanje je samo sa koliko procenata.

Blic je najvece cionisticko govno od medija u zemlji.

Do 18 časova je izlaznost bila 47,68%, do kraja 50,9%. Opet jedva pređeno 50%. Siguran sam da su morali malo da poguraju, da im ne propadne cirkus.

Na osnovu 18% glasova, rezultati su sledeći;
52,60% SNS
12,90% SPS/JS
07,40% SRS
05,50% DS
04,70% LDP/SDS/LSV
04,60% DSS/Dveri
03,20% DJB

U Vojvodini vodi Savez Vojvođanskih Mađara sa 31%…

Naravno, ovo je tek nešto manje od petine glasova. Možemo da očekujemo promene. Bilo bi dobro da je većina SNS glasova već prebrojano.

Jebem mu mater, pa budale kao što si ti rasplinju glasove na debile kao što je Šešelj. On je najobičniji cirkuzant. Dveri su barem jedini koji nisu bili na vlasti, a i imaju jasne ciljeve. Šešelj želi da nastavi sa neoliberalnim ekonomskim modelom koji rasparčava Srbiju stranim bankama, MMFu, Americi, Jevrejima, i drugim parazitima. Ako preživimo do sledećih izbora, pamet u glavu.

Beda i propast

Na osnovu 56% glasova:
51,50% SNS
12,40% SPS/JS
07,70% SRS
05,40% DS
04,80% LDP/SDS/LSV
04,70% DSS/Dveri
03,70% DJB



Dveri su se prodale, a i usli su u koaliciju sa DSS, nema razlike izmedju njih i Seselja, samo sto je Seselj zabavniji. Izbori su i onako namesteni, jedino sanduci sa oruzjem mogu promeniti bilo sta.


Dveri su budale i americki placenici a ona Sandra se pre par nedelja zalila na RTS kako je ljudi manje postuju jer je zena, nije joj palo na pamet da je ljudi ne vole jer je uzasan lider bez ikakvog samopouzdanja.

Ozbiljno sam razmisljao da ne glasam za SNS zbog vucicevih feministickih ispada, ona glupost sa smenom gasica zbog nepristojne sale i fond za razvoj "zenskog" preduzetnistva.Ali kad sam u izbornoj kampanji video kakvi su klosari svi ostali, ipak sam glasao za SNS

Bar ces uzivati u Ahmedovom kurcu kad udjemo u EU.

Zelim ti puno zanimljivog TV programa!

Jel može ko od Srba da mi kaže koji je Šešeljev problem?
Nekako učinio mi se kao da bi bio srbo/pol/ov izbor.

Au kakav mamac leptejebo.
Al ako nije bait samoubi se

Seselj je malo klasicni liberal, Dveri su vec svetosavski nacionalizam i mnogo su blize ljoticu od crvenog vojvode. Al svejedno, glasao sam za Seselja

Nisam siguran točno koji mu je kurac, ali sam 100% siguran da je njegovo oslobađanje neki židovski trik da opet posvađa Hrvate i Srbe.

Problem mu je njegova politika, jedino sto u je doboro je nacionalni program posle toga sve postaje gore i gore sa mozda jedom ili dve dobre tacke.

Cuo sam da se svetosavski nacionalizam spomnje nekoliko puta al ne znam skoro nista o njemu na pimer koja je razlika izmedju njega i obcinog nacionalizma.

Obicni nacionalizam je onaj uvezen iz Evrope u 19. veku, tu isto spada konzevartivni patriotizam i klasicna desnica. Seselj je svoj program napisao devedeste kao antikomunisticki i otad ga ne menja niti napreduje. Po stavovima Seselj uopste nije ektreman ili radikalan na politickom spektrumu, ekstreman je samo u izjavama prema Hrvatima.

Svetosavski nacionalizam je nacionalna tradicija Srbije sa korenom u srednjem veku, krunisana idejom Kosovskog zaveta i posvecenosti srpske nacije Pravoslavlju. U njemu se bastine tradicije organskog drustva, vera, monarhija, zadrugarstvo, otacastvo, junastvo itd. Kod obicnog nacionalizma je sve to u tragovima, zato obicno postanu najobicniji politkanti.

Na ovom linku imas tri besede Vladike Nikolaja na tu temu, to ti je najbolja sumacija teme, a ako hoces sire citaj Ljotica, imas sabrana dela na netu.

Videcu da procitam sad za uskrs.

Hvala momci, iskreno ne znam što se moji vječno ljute na njega, pogotovo kad ni sami svoju povijest ne priznaju. Činio mi se nekako anti Europe i direktan pa zato i kao očiti izbor.

Btw mi bili kraljevi prije vas.

Mozda ste bili kraljevi al mi smo bili carevi :^)


So Fish Head it is,
EU when?

Svetosavski nacionalizam je doslovna kopija Cionizma (Onog Izraelskog, ne globalnog). Odatle i mit o "nebeskom narodu" , Kosovu kao "Srpskom Jerusalimu" i sl.

Njega drze kao rezervu ako stvari krenu drugacije nego sto su planirali, da opet "zakuva" na Balkanu. I u Hrvatskoj se ponovo raspiruje mrznja prema Srbima (vise nego inace).


Ne morem na Holla Forums brez VPN-ja. Sem pa na Telekomu.
Zgleda je ga je Cerar končno potegnil Merklovi.

Looks like germs are occupying slovenia once again.

Zanimivo, bom poskusil kasneje

Ne verjamem da bi Telekom blokiral. To bi bilo dokaj čudno

Upam da je to mišljeno ironično.

Še pred nekaj dnevi sem normalno dostopal iz Telekoma


EU kad?

deluje normalno

Kebab to visit Croatia:

Jealous cancerous Kike detected

Yeah, sure, like we'll ever willingly join the good ol' Ottoman Empire.
Time to buy some more rope.

cockroach kebab needs removal

Jutri je dan boja proti okupatorju. Kako ga boste praznovali?

How much salt did this cause?


Okupator je EU.

Kdaj bomo politike poslali v Kanado? :^)

Pripremaju nas za novu invaziju izgleda.

Pogledajte kako je Čed Muhamedović osvojio Hrvaticu.

ko bi le bilo tako preprosto.
Držali bi pesti da jim bo dostop do Jadrana in srca Evrope mamljiv.

Seveda pa ima svoboda visoko ceno, postali bi nekakšna severna koreja, tako izolirani in odvisni od Rusov.

Edina alternativa temu je pa da se ves Sorosov kolovoz sesuje, in se iz ruševin EU oblikujejo neke nestabilne republike,
v upu da tisti prašiči na drugi strani atlantika nebi imeli kakšne "intervencije",
ali pa da se nebi vrnili v začaran krog, ker bi tale madžarski jevrej samo plačal lokalnim vojnim poglavarjem da se mu pokorijo.

Kakorkoli že, žalostni smo mi Slovenci.
"Za hlapce rojeni, za hlapce vzgojeni".

Praznujemo dan upora proti okupatorju, dan osamosvojitve, in tako naprej,
a dejansko pozabimo na bistvo teh praznikov, na to za kar so naši dedi umirali in se bojevali;
svobodo, biti na svoji zemlji gospodar.

Ampak tako kot mi so tudi oni pokončno zrli nepremagljivim silam v obraz, in imeli čast ter pogum za upor.
V teh težkih časih, zavitih v navidezen blagor kapitalizma in "demokracije",
smo Slovenci znova zoperstavljeni enemu največjih izzivov v svoji zgodovini.
Boj bo zahteval mnogo žrtev, tako med vragi kot brati, a še vseeno bo boj,
četudi neuspešen in porazen, vendarle časten in v spomin našim dedom, ki jim sledimo,
ter v nauk vsem sinom Slave, ki bodo prevzeli orožje iz naših mrzlih rok.

Preden greš spat preberi zdravljico, ali pa Naprej zastava slave,
Slovenskega naroda sin ali pa kakšno drugo, lahko tudi partizansko,
konec koncev me ne briga ozadje za temi pesmimi in svinjarije ki se jih držijo,
pomembeno mi je sporočilo, ki je pri vseh enako. V enem stavku:

"Naj kdor koli kdaj te vpraša, kdo živi na zemlji tej,
vedi: zemjla ta je naša,
tvoji dedi spijo v njej,
zanjo bori se naprej!"

Nasvidenje v naslednji vojni

Ko bi le bilo tako preprosto-…

…EU in NATO sta zapor narodov.
Če bi hoteli ven bi bilo isto sranje kot ko so Madžari hoteli iz Varšavskega pakta v 50ih.
Samo da bi bilo vse skupaj veliko bolj "moderno".
Bi uni hibrid hudičev od Sorosa tako napravil.

Edina šansa da se znebimo okov bi bil nek geopolitičen čudež,
kjer bi ena posebna stranka (nekako brez Sorosove in EU odobritve) zmagala na volitvah,
z večinskim deležom v parlamentu, in zelo hitro razdrla razne pakte in ostale okove Slovenije,
in se pri tem branila raznih petokolonašev in izdajalcev, da nebi bilo spet kakšne Makedonije, Srbije, Ukrajine, Sirije, Libije, ipd…
in ko tiste opice od NATA pripeljejo tanke na mejo pa hitro Rusom poslat prošnje da baze postavijo tukaj….
Držali bi pesti…

Оtvоrеnо pismо Srpskоg pоkrеtа Dvеri člаnоvimа, simpаtizеrimа i glаsаčimа SRS-а.

Pоštоvаni rаdikаli,

Sа pоslеdnjоm izјаvоm Vојislаv Šеšеlј је dеmаntоvао sоpstvеnе rеzultаtе iz izbоrnе nоći u kојimа је јаvnо rеkао dа је listа Dvеri-DSS prеšlа cеnzus i dа imа 6,62% pоdrškе grаđаnа Srbiје.

Srpski pоkrеt Dvеri izrаžаvа čuđеnjе dа sе Šеšеlј pridružuје Vučiću u prеkrајаnju izbоrnе vоlје grаđаnа Srbiје i dа su, оčiglеdnо, tаčnе višеmеsеčnе pričе dа Vојislаv Šеšеlј svе vrеmе rаdi u dirеktnоm dоgоvоru sа svојim mlаđim učеnikоm – Vučićеm.

Pоsеbnо је uvrеdlјivо dа nаs Šеšеlј оptužuје dа Аmеrikаnci stоје izа gurаnjа Dvеri i DSS u Skupštinu Srbiје. Rаzumеmо dа bi оn vоlео dа budе јеdinа (i оmilјеnа) оpоziciја Аlеksаndrа Vučićа u pаrlаmеntu, аli grаđаni Srbiје nisu tаkо htеli, vеć su pоdržаli ulаzаk i Dvеri i DSS-а u Skupštinu Srbiје uprаvо zаtо dа bi mоglо dа sе čuје višе pаtriоtskih glаsоvа.

Оrkеstrirаn i sinhrоnizоvаn nаpаd SNS-а i SRS-а nа listu Dvеri-DSS, kао i nа оstаlе оpоziciоnе listе, kоје sаmо žеlе dа sе ispоštuје izbоrnа vоlја grаđаnа, pоkаzuје kо zа kоgа rаdi.

Pitаmо pristаlicе, člаnоvе i glаsаčе SRS-а:
- Kаkо је mоgućе dа u tоku prеbrојаvаnjа glаsоvа izbоrni štаb SRS-а dаје 6,6% listi Dvеri-DSS, а nаkоn Vučićеvе izјаvе dа su izbоri nеrеgulаrni Šеšеlј nаpаdа nаs dа nаm је rеzultаt upitаn i dа nаs iz Аmеričkе аmbаsаdе gurајu prеkо cеnzusа?
- Šеšеlј је nеkаdа izјаvlјivао је Vučić rаdi zа Аmеričku оbаvеštајnu službu. Kаkо tо dа sаdа i оn i Vučić tvrdе dа smо mi аmеrički lјudi?
- Kаkо mu nе smеtа Vučićеvа pоbеdа nа izbоrimа, а smеtајu mu Dvеri i DSS kојi su vоlјоm grаđаnа Srbiје dоbili dоvоlјаn brој glаsоvа dа imајu svоје nаrоdnе pоslаnikе u Skupštini Srbiје?
- Dа li misli dа је bоlја Skupštinа u kојој imа vеći brој pоslаnikа kојi su zа ЕU i NАТО? Gdе је tu intеrеs zа Srbiјu?
- Dа li Šеšеlј znа dа bеz Dvеri i DSS u Nаrоdnој skupštini Vučić imа dоvоlјnu 2/3 vеćinu dа mеnjа Ustаv i dо krаја zаvrši izdајu Kоsоvа?

Zasto je Holla Forums uvek u pravu?

Klapa bummp


Republička izborna komisija objavila je noćas najnovije podatke o broju i procentima glasova koje su partije osvojile na izborima. Na osnovu obrađenih 99,45 biračkih mesta, SNS je osvojio 48,24 odsto, DS 6,03 odsto, SPS 10,96 odsto, SRS 8,11 odsto i Dveri-DSS 4, 99 odsto, čime je ova koalicija za sada pala ispod cenzusa za ulazak u parlament.

Prema novim rezultatima samo 1 glas koaliciji Dveri-DSS ne dostaje da uđe u Skupštinu Srbije. RIK je utvrdio da ima 3770695 važeća listića, a da je od toga koaliciji Dveri-DSS pripalo 188534 glasa, a da bi se prešao cenzus od 5% potrebno je bilo osvojiti 188535 glasa.

Nakon objavljivanja novih rezultata, lider Dveri Boško Obradović prekinuo je sednicu psovkama i vikom, nezadovoljan skorom svoje partije.

On je predsedniku RIK-a Dejanu Đurđeviću rekao da treba da ga bude sramota.

Inače, RIK je tokom noćašnje sednice doneo rešenje o ponavljanju glasanja na 15 biračkih mesta na kojima su poništeni izbori. Glasanje na ovim mestima biće ponovljeno 4. maja.

Glasački listići biće bele boje, a kontrolni listići biće svetlo ljubičaste boje, za razliku od prethodnog glasanja, na kojima su bili kontrolni listići bili svetlosivi.

Republička izborna komisija prethodno je anulirala rezultate na 11 od od 99 spornih biračkih mesta. Ostala mesta su verifikovana i rezultati sa tih birališta uneta su u konačan zbir.

RIK je anulirala četiri biračka mesta u Nišu, po jedno na Zvezdari, u Bačkoj Topoli, u Adi, u Opovu, Jagodini i Knjaževcu. Ponovo su se prebrojavali glasovi sa biračkih mesta 8 i 39 u Grockoj, na biračkom mestu 37 u Vršcu i na biračkom mestu 15 u Surdulici.

Jedna od najvećih nelogičnosti utvrđena je upravo na izbornom mestu broj 15 u Surdulici, gde je došlo do preraspodele glasova. Naime, posle ponovnog prebrojavanja glasova na tom izbornom mestu u Surdulici SNS ima umesto 217, 278 glasova, SPS umesto 308, 249 glasova, SRS umesto 5, 15 glasova, koalicija LDP-LSV-SDS umesto 0 sedam, „Dosta je bilo“ umesto 0 tri glasa, SDA umesto 0, 1 glas.

U pojedinim delovima sednice dolazilo je do rasprave predsednika RIK-a Dejana Đurđevića i nekih predstavnika opozicionih lista, koji su bili protiv verifikacije rezultata glasanja sa biračkih mesta sa kojih nije bilo zapisnika, kontrolnih listića. . .

Đurđević je rekao da je zadatak RIK-a da utvrdi kako je narod glasao, a ne da „navlači ili spušta cenzuse nekim partijama“.

„Ne vršimo uvid u džakove da bi radili posao biračkog odbora, već da taj podatak i zapisnik unesemo u bazu da bi mogao da se sabere. Ne želim da se bavim ni navlačenjem, ni spuštanjem cenzusa, već da utvrdim rezultate glasanja“, rekao je Đurđević.

Dodao je da je cilj opozicionih predstavnika da, iznoseći formalne razloge za anuliranje rezultata izbora, se održi postojeće stanje, prema kome neke liste prelaze cenzus.

Inače, Republička izborna komisija je danas popodne oko 18.30 sati završila ponovno prebrojavanje glasačkih listića sa 99 biračkih mesta na kojima je konstatovano da je prilikom sprovođenja izbora došlo do teških grešaka.

Kako nam je nezvanično rečeno u RIK, radi se o glasovima sa mesta na kojima nisu prihvaćeni zapisnici zbog teških nepravilnosti.

– Sa druge strane, sinoć su prihvaćeni zapisnici sa 63 biračka mesta i rezultati sa tih mesta će ubrzo biti uračunati – navodi sagovornik „Blica“ i dodaje da će biti anulirani glasovi sa samo jednog glasačkog mesta.

Kdo je to? (slika)

Cudno da im nisu ukrali vise da izgleda legitimno.





Basically NWO (using their puppets NATO/US (clinton) UK etc) used classic tactics in the balkans to advance their bigger agenda. Firstly they used media deception when BBC was filming inside a refugee camp through the fence some people who were outside on the farmlands, they inverted the position and reported as if they were filming prisoners inside a concentration camp, this was reported widely around the world and the public in NATO nations was being acclimated to accept an attack on Serbia which the NWO picked as the worst-off-loser, ofcourse there's no winners, only the NWO is, an average Croat does not benefit from this in any way, You can guess why Serbia was chosen, first it was an ally of Russia, and it has strong self-defense culture with a lot of patriotism, they didn't spend time hating others, they celebrated their own music and food, etc.

Sunni jihadists (afaik) were brought into Albania, started mixing with Albanians and invading into Serbia through Kosovo which was later pretty much stolen, you can clearly see the NWO bias, the EU/US/UK (the West) countries were predominantly supportive of independence, but when it came to Crimea, which was part of Russia longer than USA even existed, was such a different story, the clearly scripted Russiofobia is strong in the EU mainstream media and is much more subtle and more sophisticated than US MSM, US MSM doesn't have to be with a more stupid population hah (fluoride (HFSA) is a big IQ dropper)

Wait…. see the grand divide&conquer, the Albanians are not at all the beneficiaries, not at all, they just keep using this idea they're allies, that's how ECB and other banks work, they pretend they're everyone's ally to help. NATO brought in Albania massive drug trade that has destroyed the culture there and promoted the anti-serbian sentiment.

Also, on the Croat side, it wasn't really the Croats, the Ustasha was probably CIA group or similar at the top, the followers don't need to be, they're told another cover story, they ofcourse acted like they were for Croats by the Croats to get the Croat public to hate the Serbians, now the football hooligans only add fuel to the fire, they keep it going now, so the NWO only had to spark the engine, yes maybe the Serbian hooligans have a moral justification to hate back but ofcourse both are unfortunately only helping the NWO plan, some guys who could handle this without getting killed should kinda research this and make a big report, make prints, approach both sides carefully, and then expose the real culprits and explain, doesn't have to be that deep, if they end up blaming Clintons and NATO and ECB it's enough (no need to go david-icke level) and if this unifies the core fuel droppers it could also pave the way for the public to start following suit, but the public isn't really fueling that much, they're easy to lean either way anyway, in this case it would work in our advantage. That's how this would be refersed, But with hooligans it would probably take some time, maybe if one side was given the info and explained and stopped hating, the other one could be shocked and might stop hating as well, but it's a stretch.


NATO then bombed serbian News Station, which is such a war crime, not only when they couldn't hit the tanks they started just randomly killing civilians, just shooting up a train full of people, but this was the plan, that's NWO's mission accomplished. But the Serbians had right to defend themselfs, who knows how many invadors were reported as "civilians". And the whole Srebrenica thing is more shady than anything.

I am not defending all actions Serbian politicians and generals did, I do not know all the details myself, they may have killed some civilians, or POWs, as usually happens in any war, but from my research it was many times exaggerated probably most of it, just like Syria and Libya.

This also means I'm not defending nor agreeing with what Serbian politicians want even if they weren't guilty, like Seselj, I don't see the need to create Greater Serbia, I would only be for retaking Kosovo, and maybe serbian side of Bosnia, if everyone agrees, I just dont see the need for Macedonia and Montenegro, so even if Seselj is completely innocent, I don't agree with their Radical Party, I am not even sure myself if all the Serbian leadership was completely honest, I wouldn't want to put someone that's as criminal as the NWO to take over Serbia in an effort to go against NATO, it would be another staged game, so I'm not for another criminal just to fight other criminals.

The Serbian leadership probably didn't even knew how sophisitcated NWO attack they, maybe they took shortcuts that the NWO could exploit, also, you can't blame the serbian people if some of individuals did some war crimes on their own without military commander approval.

Balkan bure baruta skloni smo anarhiji

Dosadni ste kada popijete!

This pic sums up the bombing of Serbia (Yugoslavia)

Fucking hilarious tbh fam

Recimo da je seselj kontrolisana opozicija (zato ga izgleda i pustili iz haga, samo da pokrade glasove ostalima, jer nije hteo u koaliciju sa njima), kakva su onda ovde misljenja o djb (dosta je bilo) i dverima?

I jos jedno pitanje, sta se desava ako manje od 50% gradjana izadje na glasanje (ili manje od toga, ili hipoteticki niko bas), da li se onda uvodi vanredno stanje, i sta dalje?

Radulovic je Americki covek, a i Dveri imaju razne "adviser"-e. Glisic je ostao hardkor, zato su ga i izbacili. Sta ce, nije mogao da izadje na kraj sa karijeristima.

Po ranijem zakonu bi se ponavljali izbori sve dok ne predju 50%, ne znam sad, mislim da su to ukinuli.

Sve u svemu, koliko para - toliko glasova. A zna se ko drzi kljuc od kase.

sve u svemu srbi su pokazali da du top kakovi i da su pedercinu opet izabrali da im razprodaje drzavu.


Ak si Hrvat nismo ni mi niš bolši, stalne izabiremo jenu te istu HDZ-SDP kamarilu i svaki jebeni put se sve svodi na to dal je tvoj ded bil Ustaša il partizan, stvari koje su se dogodile pred 70 let.
I sad mesto da se nekaj napravi jedino kaj vidim sad kad je kradeze na vlasti je gubljenje vremena jer ezdepeovci i ostali petokolonaši idu naokolo i seru o "Ustašizaciji" i "fašizaciji" i "krelikalizaciji" društva.

Svi buju viseli.

Good! Eto TLDR w.madsen: Nato je kontrapcija da se evropske države potegne v kupovanje dragega ameriškega orožja.

Morate obrazovati neuke ljudi u Srbiji, da je nato pot v to što se je dogodilo u ukrajini itd, ..a sad vidim ovo - interesting development !

Have you taken the Mike pill yet, mateys?

it's a pretty easy pill to swallow! The Mike pill was founded in 2015 by Sir Joseph Bezrukov, a tripfag who made an impressive amount of shitposts on Holla Forums while behind seven American proxies.

Forget pink and blue pills, Mike pills are the way to obtain supreme confidence and the ability to make effective shitposts.

Picture related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!

Swallow the Mike pill today! pink pills are for budenovka fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin Holla Forums maymays, this one is the real deal.

Nemoguce je obrazovati nase seljake jedini nacin je mozda da se preuzme kontrola nad medijima posto oni veruju svemu sto je na TV-u.

Na izbore je izaslo oko 50% glasaca, a za Vucica je glasalo oko 50% od tih. To bi znacilo da je za njega onda glasao svaki cetvrti ili peti covek u Srbiji.

Zivim i radim u trecem najvecem gradu, i ne poznajem ama bas nikog ko je glasao za njega, kako je to onda moguce?

Kolega iz omanjeg obliznjeg mesta (Bela Palanka) mi kaze da su ga zvali iz Tadiceve stranke (predsednk opstine im je iz SDS) da glasa za njih, a oni bi mu platili zaostale racune za struju. Jos kaze da su takodje i njegovoj rodjakinji nudili da joj otplate kredit u banci od preko 50 hiljada dinara (oko 500 evra, vise od prosecne plate u Srbiji). Dalje tvrdi da je vecina cigana prihvatila slicne ponude (djurdjevdanski jagnjici, radna mesta) pa nisu smeli da presavijaju glasacki listic kako bi se tacno videlo kog su zaokruzili kad ga ubacuju u glasacku kutiju.

Koliko li se oni tek onda nakradu na vlasti, kad imaju pare za tako nesto, neverovatno.

E sad, ko zna sta i koliko je Vucic tek onda nudio, pa je vrlo moguce da su mnogi i prihvatili te ponude, a sad lazu ili nece da priznaju za kog su glasali… jebem li ga

Srbi gledaju najvise televizije u Evropi (6 sati dnevno u proseku). Na svakog od nas koji ne gleda TV uopste, ima neko ko bulji u ekran 12 sati dnevno…

To penzioneri i seljaci ne odvajaju se od farme i ostalih reality gluposti.




Sve se to radi sistematski, izracunali su oni vec ROI (return on investment). Potrosis par miliona da potkupis stoku, i posle zaradis milijarde pljackajuci i tlaceci ih.

Problem je u izbornom zakonu, a sama cinjenica da ga ni jedna stranka ne kritikuje dovoljno govori o tome da su prakticno sve kontrolisana opozicija.

jupol ==> jewpol


