WoM: Dejah Thoris - Problematic version

Hi there Holla Forumsmrades. You are here for a treat.
I was the user who storytimed the Warlord of Mars comics lately in this board, and I recently got hold of the spin-off series featuring Dejah Thoris, John Carter's wife and princess of Mars. You are probably aware of the SJW version published recently, but that is not the one I am posting. Its a spin-off version that was published simultaneously with the comic first made in 2011 that ran up until 2013.

I will dump the comics here and lets see how we can enjoy a female protagonist that isn't a stronk feminist for once.

Other urls found in this thread:










goddamn, it's so easy on the eyes. It's sad that comic women aren't allowed to look like this any more.


Comics with sexy women are now a niche, anything mainstream right now needs to appeal to feminism.














Wew… That was kinda mean-spirited ending.
How did you like these adventures Holla Forums?

Well I certainly not going to bitch about titties, thanks user..

It's already better than 90% of todays comics.

All those curves. All that skin. It's so… problematic.

I love it.

Now to balance out this
storytime, you have to do the SJW approved version.

I will probably do it later, there is still more problematic issues to be dumped on.

OP, do you mind if I post some of these pics over in the "Female Characters" cheesecake thread?

Go ahead, user. Spread Dejah's love wherever you pass.

That was a nice read, even if I'm not that familiar with Warlord of Mars

Its not like you needed his permission to do so anyways.

OP here… I am going upload more issues later so I am just bumping this thread so it doesn't get buried.


This is just your regular strong womyn comic book, except with more tits and less clothes.


Its still an significant improvement over Hellcat, Spider-Woman and Whor, I gotta say. At least Dejah is doing shit, fighting bad guys and its not revolving around in grll drama.

Dynamite books have always been lucky to break 10,000 units.

Not surprising for a very niche company.
Also how much has the current SJW books have sold recently?

Yes, but you see now they've completely ruined their company by telling those 10,000 people who read their books to fuck off.

The latest Dejah Thoris sold just over 9000 copies.

For comparison, the first issue of this series here sold double that.

Social justice not even once


That's amazing. I'm enraged at comics being torpedoed but seeing SJWs fail so spectacularly is just so damn satisfying.

better than average art for a dejah comic but as usual it's a bunch of dudes

like idg why they can't make a comic about dejah and her sexy girlfriends getting into a misadventure with the race of purple-skinned women with three tits.

Would be more interested in a Dejah/Teela crossover, personally.

They made a massive crossover event called Swords of Sorrow featuring Dejah, Vampirella and Red Sonja. But from the looks of it, it may have underperformed and made Dynamite panic and decide to appeal to SJWs.

I am thinking on storytiming it sometimes.

No, they'd already gone off the deep end with that series. They hired the likes of Gail Simone and Marguerite Bernette of [UNSOLICITED OPINIONS ON ISRAEL?!?!?] fame to write it and it turned out to be a completely aimless and vapid venture, like nobody really knew what they were doing with it.

Oh shit I am so looking forward to storytime that garbage to see how bad it is. Anyways, back to Mars.




I think some clarification is in order…
The Red Martians are the most civilized people in the planet, the Green Martians are inhuman savage brutes that live in the fringes of society. While the Black Martians are pirate supremacists that are believed to come from one of Mars' moons, but in reality live underground beneath the South Pole, where they are in locked in eternal war with the White Martians.






This is just compounding the problem?

I don't want the chicks who are all like, the one actual chick in each of their comics to be crammed into one comic.

I want like, more hot chicks in comics

Like these newer pages op is posting with the sexy blue Martian in them are pretty
better. Why did it take this long to get a second girl in this comic?

What if having all hot chicks being all alike? Wouldn't that be the same problem?

Also this new Martian chick won't be a regular if you are expecting to see her often.
















Wow its a little sad that this storytime isn't having much of attention. I will resume posting it.




















got a mega co upload OP?

It's comfy man. Keep going.

No, I don't sadly.

You are welcome, mate.





Preferred the art style of the initial couple parts but the story still delivered.

How much more you got?

Man I got some really bad news. I have more comics to post, but the artwork takes a massive dive in quality. If you didn't like the artwork of the latest chapter, you will certainly love it compared to the following chapters.

Long as we aren't talking Tumblr tier with alky noses I think it's survivable.

Thing is, sales of this comic eventually dropped down to about 6000 copies and that was at a starting point of over 18,000 copies

So you can just imagine how low sales of the new Social Justice Dejah Thoris are going to fall.

I'm guessing 2000-3000 if the 50% drop holds. They made a big mistake, especially since the whole Barsoom setting has a fairly limited audience these days and certainly not one prone to hipsterism.

Its not necessarily Tumblr-shit you will find on Squirrel Girl or the Sensational Wonder Woman, but think like the inverse - poorly drawn cheesecake.

SJWs wouldn't want to come near a work where Martian niggers abduct and rape white Martian women, and their leader being a crazed old woman because that is sexist and racist. And the way the average Martian woman is supposed to look like was absolutely lewd for the time period it was published (you'd think we would have more tolerance for that by now).

In general, the Barsoom series is very outdated in other areas and hasn't aged very well (arguably a good thing since it means it will be harder to twist it for modern audiences), so people who enjoy it do it as a product of its time.

Well, Holla Forumsmrades… I warned you in advance that Dejah's artwork took a turn for the worse. While Carlos Rafael does come back eventually, this is the art will have to handle for a couple of chapters. Enjoy


Oh fucking lord… I am not wincing at it because of the sexy art, but how poorly drawn it is.



Wew lad, somehow they managed to insert vampires into this series.




To give credit where credit is due, this is a particularly exciting sequence where you see flying beasts trying to escape space ships. If only it had better art.





Wow what a shocking betrayal… This tragedy is undercut by the ridiculous poses.




That is the end for now. I will upload more chapters later since I had some problem with 8ch crashing.
Tell me how you like this art?

Not good, but I like the action and how Dejah is not only sexy but also courageous and warm-hearted.

I know, right? Female characters can be brave and feminine.

Glad you enjoyed it somewhat. I promise the following chapters will have better art.
I am giving it a bump to prevent the thread from getting buried, but I will resume posting more.

Please do. This is a great storytime of a comic i probably never would have picked up. But now im considering it. At least the ones before the sjw era.
Also you are brave for weathering the storm of Holla Forums not letting you post

Is there honestly a comic company in existence worse than Dynamite?

Perspective on this art has the quality of being done by some who hasn't been sober for about 20 years.

Still, this could go on for quite some time for all I care. Well written and entertaining.

How about a comic starring the Kings of Youtube Comedy?


I like the tits but the comic is mediocre at best.
and there is this part where she puts a cloak to herself from the cold (?) even if it doesn't really cover her and she is totally naked underneath it.
It made me laugh

Yeah this was definitely traced.

How fucking far they have fall so low they make comics about this shit?


Bump to save it from being buried.

My apologies, friends. Some stuff in real life prevented me from updating this but it doesn't matter. Back to the storytime.















Glad to have been back. I'd hate to leave this hanging. I hope you enjoyed this recent update.

I have plans of updating other Mars series.

OP, please tell us who you are and where you live so that we can assemble a search team and go looking for you.

Ever since last year the user who had story-timed Spider-Man issues disappeared I am getting paranoid if people suddenly stop posting.

I thought you were arrested by the thought police or lying in a hospital bed ridden with cancer.

It's just you bring so much joy to my life with these story-times.

Thank you for your concern, user. I know that can be a problem to leave a storytime open without finishing it.
In any case you can find it on www.comicastle.org and read the rest in the event I go AWOL. Its where I found these scans.

Oh just for the record I am the same user who storytimed the SJW Dejah Thoris comics and I will storytime the Red Sonja and Vampirella comics in the future.








This last storyarc sucked.


At least the art was largely alright, except for a few bits.

That link OP posted seems to have a few more stories. Hopefully he'll post them here soon.

I love how exploitable this comic is

too bad I don't know the font they use, or how to change font in gimp



Man, I wish some memes could be made out of these comics more often.




I wonder if any anons remember the time I storytimed Warriors of Mars, the one series that featured Dejah's mother Heru.

Best Dejah.

OP, do you know how close you came to losing this thread to the abyss?

For shame.

Yeah my apologies… I nearly lost interest in storytiming it because I think only 2 or 3 people were intersted in reading it. At least someone bumped it.










Oh yeah with 8ch fucking up in this week didn't help matters.





No, can I just voice my appreciation for the cool dudes who created this? They go out of their way to make sure the reader get's a good view of Dejah's tits and ass whenever she appears.

Real champs, these big guys.








Man this art's quality is a real rollercoaster. This art is fine because the author can draw some really saucy females. But this artist makes an absolute mess

Why do they keep changing them so often?

Maybe it's cheaper to keep rotating them?

Maybe the first guy was unavailable?

Maybe they hate us and want us to suffer their horrible art?

Dynamite is cheaper to work than Marvel or DC, if you seen their other Warlord of Mars comics, you know they change arts so frequently, even during storyarcs.





I suppose I'm getting ahead of myself when I hope to see some Dejah Thoris selfcest.

Now that last page is true work of art. Real thought provoking, emotion inducing stuff right there.





Okay anons, just to let you know that the upcoming arc will be the closing one in Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris.
There are other Dynamite Comics that I want to upload however.

Uhg, my brain…

Keep it up, Big Guy.

Okay lemme get this straight… They send Dejah back in time with the plans to prevent Earth invading Mars… But they wipe out her memory?
How is that supposed to work?

How else are they going to fill the storyline with conflict and tension?

It gets even worse when you remember this is a prequel series and this bad future was introduced in a miniseries where Dejah is already married to Carter. So basically, this future shouldn't exist because Dejah already travelled in time to prevent it from taking place 400 years in the past. So what the fuck?

My brain is raped trying to figure out what the shit just happened.

Best not question it. Enjoy the ride, guy. Because it's a ride that never ends.

This is OP, I will upload the final arc soon enough but regrettably, the art won't be drawn by Carlos Silva anymore, but by Debora Carita.
Fear not though, I have other Dejah Thoris and Mars comics to upload and I will start another thread for them.

Blessed OP warns us of possible quality dip.

Praise be unto him.

Personally, I'd prefer mother-on-daughter.

Yes, Mars Bro, I remember. I remember oh so well.

Is there a download link for all of this?

I am glad people remember Warriors of Mars. And I am not the only one who got a incest vibe from that book

I originally took these scans from another site but you can find the other Mars comics here on idoc.co/ too. Just type Dejah Thoris or Warlord of Mars and have fun.




















Okay guys here comes the final issue in the series.






And this is the end, my Holla Forumsmrades. I hope you enjoyed this storytime and I look forward to see you again on the next WoM storytime.
Until next time.

Huh I didn't expect to see John Carter again.

Now the art wasn't as horrible as I thought it was going to be, but if you pay attention closely to these last issues, you will realize that the art style changes from page to page. You can tell which panels were drawn by Carlos and the ones drawn by Carita.


Are the actual stories by Burroughs good? Is Dynamite doing their usual business of taking good properties and fucking them up or was the source material never good to begin with? I have a difficult time taking any sci-fi setting where the men get into sword fights buck naked with their cock and balls dangling out freely too seriously.

See for yourself


Hollywood is too cucked to make a movie out of this.

They did make a movie out of it.

Problem was, it was marketed horribly and nobody saw it.

Modern western society itself is too cucked to make anything unironic out of this.

I liked the movie though - it could have been better obviously, but as it was it was okay. I feel a little relieved they haven't made a sequel, because there is no way in Hell they would be able to adapt it faithfully.

Now this made me depressed.

Don't forget the Asylum knock-off.

By the way did you hear that the new SJW title was apparently cancelled?

What are the best cheesecake comics similar to this ?

Lady Death comes to mind. I haven't heard of her in a while though. Last I checked, her creator managed to recover her rights back, and since he is a based dude, she is relatively safe.

Boy, do I love good news.

Reminder that Dejah Thoris squatted down and squeezed a slimy egg out of her vagina after being impregnated by John Carter.