The Wizard of Oz: Current Year Edition

This isn't just them spitting on L. Frank Baum's grave, this is digging up his corpse, anally raping it with a rusty shovel, pissing in its mouth, and then setting it on fire.


And WTF is this supposed to be, a prequel, sequel or a reboot? Or all three? The trailer is a fucking mess.


Laughing is all I have left for this shitshow.

friendly reminder that muppets wizard of oz had a nigger dorothy and was still good

It's been done before, remember the Wiz with Michael Jackson? Probably not. This movie will be forgotten within a month of its release, while the original will continue to be watched and adored for generations to come.

I can't believe they made a Wizard of Oz series worse than Tin Man.


because nobody's seen wizard of oz before, amirite?

what's next? a citizen kane remake with ashton kutcher?

I know what you're implying, but Citizen Kane isn't as flexible as the Wizard of Oz series to adapt.

don't care, tbh

Who asked for the Wizard of Oz done in a Game of Thrones style show?

Cancelled after 3 episodes.


here is toto


It must be a great time to be a movie/television executive. All you have to do is take an old show or movie, toss a nigger or two into it, that, or replace the men with bitches, and shit it back out.

There was the Tin Man on the sci-fi channel. Was that GoT-ish?

It was a mess.

How so? Im curious

Five bucks the flying monkeys get replaced with KKK members with wings.

Watch it and see.

I'm worried that they'll start work on a "flight of the navigator" remake, but the ship will be voiced by cedric the entertainer or Kevin hart, and the kid will be, of course, a nigger.

I'd probably actually pirate and watch it if that happened.

Prove it.

Also does it make you feel big using racial epithets? Fuck you, you vile little worm. Shouldn't you be sucking daddy Drumpfs dick right now?

Return to Oz and the Oz anime are the only real Oz tv/movies.



Fuck off, nigger.

reported for using the n word.

I think you mean Citizen Kanye?

Apparently The Wiz just wasn't enough.