How is television allowed to be this bad?

How is television allowed to be this bad?
Do people really laugh at this shit? Honestly, who wrote this? How is it even a joke? It makes no sense whatsoever, its completely arbitrary. The point of this thread is to try and get a conversation going about television in general and what its becoming.

Im using psvue
I make a new psn account every 2 weeks and use a gift card to get the free trial.

That's funny in a horrifying way.

The joke is that his babbling about being thirsty is set to the tune of Lawrence of Arabia's musical suite. Of course no one has seen Lawrence of Arabia so of course no one fucking gets it.

Essentially people might laugh at it, but they have no idea what the fuck it's making reference to and they don't dare ask anyone nor admit to it because then they wouldn't be cool so they just play along ignorant.

It's the Big Bang Theory effect, most of the audience doesn't get references so they are trained to laugh on cue with the laugh track.

Reference aside I'm specifically asking how anyone thought it would be humorous to have homer salt the sea to decrease salt content. What the fuck is that?

kid shit. homer is just le funny stoopid guy now

I understood the Lawrence reference, I just didn't find the thing all too funny.

Its adults watching this shit right before the late night talk show circuits come on with segments about mean tweets and how trump is mean etc

American Dad did it already, and funnier.

That actually had a comedic direction, what did homer salting salt water have? It was a completely pointless action with no comedic pay off. What is he gonna do? cringe over salt water again?

Because salting salt water only makes it saltier. It's the WORST thing you can do. Get it?

I dont honeslty see how its funny, its more face palm and eye roll than anything else but its obvious the writers think the people watching it are mentally retarded

it's a misinterpretation of homer's character.

I think the writers are mentally retarded



deal with it

The Simpsons is the real Walking Dead.

I guess it's a take on attempting comedy toward chef shows. Without going into a political tirade about how Americans can't cook, but love cooking shows yadda yadda.
Every cooking show, every recipe, every chef will always add a little salt to make stuff taste better. So salt water from Dead Sea is implied to taste better, becasue "adding salt" makes shit taste better. But since Homer is le stupid white male, he doesn't understand what adding salt is, the concept of adding salt, and what he is really doing. So by adding salt to salt water, he makes it taste good, becasue that is what chefs do. And that's the joke.
Hah fucking hah.

You're giving nuSimpsons writers far too much credit.

That joke might have worked if homer said something like: "I know I'll do like they do on my favorite cooking show, just add a little salt!" Instead it came across as LOL HOMER IS SO STUPID LOL HE ADD SALT TO SALT BECAUSE HE'S THAT DUMB LOL XD

The writers' room that once had Conan O'Brien and John Swartzwelder chainsmoking cigarettes is now full of diversity hires and nu-males.

You probably gave that joke more thought than the writers have given the last 5 seasons.

I was watching the marathon too and saw that criminally unfunny clip over a dozen times.
Its testament to how awful the zombie Simpsons are if that's the joke they're choosing to advertise it with.

Sucks that the good seasons are over with.

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