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yul brenner a gay

ur a gay




More at 12.

are those futureworld characters? i just watched westworld and the names dont ring a bell. but then again, movies are typically pretty terrible about name recognition ie a characters name is usually stated only once or twicethroughout the entire movie and within the first thirty minutes of the film.

which nolan?

The one on the right.

This episode did feel like a waste since everyone figured it out already.


That's fucking sick my dude


where was this confirmed?

Did he wear a mask while doing it?

What's the appeal of this show If yul brenner isn't there to scalp some niggas
This is just another jewlywood "lets uunnecessarily reboot an old movie because I need shekels to buy more child sex slaves" thing

what more do you need?

Seek help

when william gets the picture from the dude he betrayed. It's the same picture Dolores's father found earlier in the series when he glitched out (pic related). The picture was the girl that William was to marry and it's pretty much confirmed that he's the Man in Black now before he became the Man in Black. I don't think there was any actual confirmation yet about William being the Man in Black in the episode, but y'know, it's coming a mile away and there's been a lot of hints towards it. Probably get revealed in the finale.

i'm honestly pretty disappointed the theories were true. I was hoping for a wild ride, but yeah a lot of it was pretty obvious. The only thing that got me is that it seems that Wyatt and his gang are sentient (which given, the Maze is just the programming if you remember from an episode or two ago a similar symbol on the datapad things), and I still don't fully get what Theodore's whole thing is and why he shot up the town. Unless he went rogue when Dolores did, but that doesn't seem right to me. And I'm still interested in seeing what Maev does I guess.

the main thing keeping me watching the show is the acting honestly, Anthony Hopkins still makes a great villain after all these years. If they kill him off in the finale there'll be no reason to watch the show, but it wouldn't surprise me if they do.

Why does she look like a poo in the loo?

Why? Was that in the Yul Brynner movie too?

not an argument

I also forgot to mention another clue to the William/Dolores story being in the past is that the Hosts were still mechanical (they're made differently in the present).

Both these I noticed, too. They were quick with that photo.

The leg of the host sparking away, and the fact William is very good at clearing an entire area of hosts, too.

Wait, William is the Man in Black?
No that cant be because he met Maeve in the bar and almost had sex with one of her prostitutes.

Maeve is old too.

Yeah. The other big hint was that the Man in Black recognizes the female host in Wyatt's gang (pic related).

She makes it pretty obvious that Wyatt's gang are sentients too. She tells Teddy he's not ready yet when killing him and other shit, and tells the Man in Black the maze is meant for "us" and not him.

Though, it begs the question what Ford's new big narrative is. Some think he wants to awaken the hosts, but that just doesn't make sense based on things he's said/done in previous episodes. It's pretty clear that he does not look at the hosts as anything more than machines, so my best guess is that he's attempting to get rid of Wyatt's gang and Maeve and/or the company will put a wrench in his plan.

According to Maeve before she woke up she has only been the madame for a year or so, but you have to remember Host's memories are all wacky. I don't remember if they ever say how long she's actually been in service in her Madame role, and if William is the Man in Black it would have to be a good 20 years or something given the age difference. But let's be real here, you still think that after William went crazy and butchered all those hosts?

Ford is the only interesting thing with the show. The problem is there are so many twist n turns that when its all revealed. Its not going to be a fun show to watch later.
Even tough it was entertaining but it took a long time before anything of interest happen.

Ford/Anthony Hopkins is the only interesting thing with the show. The man in black has been up and down when it comes to the maze thing.

Yep, and watch them kill off Ford next episode.

William was there but Maeve was not there, watch ep 2 again.

Yes, Maeve has only been in black water for one year. Because of Man in Black killed the kid and her, so she got a malfunction and committed suicide.

I don't think they will do that, personally. Only because he was the attraction to the show to begin with. And now he has made a new narrative and that's basically his speech in the trailer in the season finale. He is going to die but not in the first season I believe since everything is controlled by him, and you will see the beginning of the host revolution.

Where Bernard is laying in the floor and Maeve probably wakes him up and he wakes up all the hosts or something.

Wait how could Bernard kill Elsie if he was talking to her on the phone?

She was hacking away at the computer for a while after she spoke to him.

Well, the board is trying to kick Ford out (scene with Man in Black and the black company girl) so maybe not kill him off exactly. But I don't know, I just don't see Hopkins coming back for season two. I hope he does, of course, he's the best part. But I won't be surprised if they write him out.

I don't remember exactly so correct me if I'm wrong, but he's not talking to her before he "kills" her (she's never shown to be dead). They hang up before that and I think they change to a different scene then come back, so time probably passed. If not, probably could hack the phone I'd imagine.

10 bucks says Bernard didn't kill her to keep her as a failsafe as he started to remember more and more between roll backs

First she talked to him about those things, later she was looking up more shit on the satellite, then she tried to contact him and left a voice message.

I think because he made the narrative and all that jazz, he will still be on since I don't see him get kicked out or thrown out. Only because the IP of the tech is worth something and that's what the board is interested inn, and can't sell for some reason.

And he has total control over the hosts and probably is one, or had some form of operation where in the core code they can't do shit to him. .

I guess it depends on if they wrap up the new narrative and sneaking out the IP/code/whatever plots in the finale or not. I imagine the narrative storyline will be, but they haven't done all that much with the sneaking the stuff out last episode and as far as we know it's still in Abernathy's head/hard drive.

Is Ford a super host? How else does he mind control the normal hosts? Does he have a chip installing in his brain to do this?

He was a creator, and he also used back doors that Bernard created which is how he got Bernard to kill himself and for Old Clementine not to obey Bernard's commands

But how does he just wave his hand and stop everything? A chip in his brain? Can that chip be hacked and force Ford to become controlled by a host?

you know how some of the hosts are kids?

are these also anatomically correct?

Oh, I don't know if he's a host or not. Could be.

The park staff use verbal commands though is one way, and they have those datapad things which is what Ford had during that scene since he was giving memory access to Bernard.

I hope so.

I wonder about this, too.

Can you arrange to have a romp with Ford's child host, are would he have you killed for asking?

I think that is going to be the major thing in season 2 with Ford finding out about it, or something along those lines. Or starting of a war when it comes to the hosts.

My bet is, Man in Black is going to die and when Doloris finds out that he was really William she is going to shit brix so to speak.

he is probably a super host with the singularity thing going on. Or had some operation that made him a god.

I don't remember that happening.

Something tells me there is a plane and a flight plan to that story?

No, he introduced them specifically for the narrative, and the host "Wyatt" was made specifically for this narrative, id I'm not completely mistaken.

Nigga, he's just playing Hannibal Lecter-lite

It's just Logan without the beard.

I used to think that William being past-Ed Harris would salvage the show, but now it just makes everything gimmicky. Huh.

*even more gimmicky

Great as fuck tbh m80

Because that's what Italians/frogs are, essentially.

Are you really that easily blinded by the lights? Imagine Silence of the Lambs being completely rewritten on the tier of
and that's what you have here. Hopkins is not saying anything, and he's not doing anything either. What a waste. It's a damn shame.

Why does great acting make you so salty user?

No, you're the waste, user.

it's jonathan nolan, actually. the cuck all the way to the left.

not much a dead man can do, but there is a nod to the gunslinger.

okay writing, but hopkins' delivery is what really sells it.

the show is a reboot, while it takes stuff from both films, it isn't based on any prior events or characters at all. there's a possibility of other parks being opened up in later seasons, but they've stated it wouldn't be any of the ones from the films.

I don't have a problem with Hopkins, just the script and direction that was given to him.

Plus the fact that you will fellate a rich dick so quick without even thinking of getting dinner and a show first.


Really makes you think

i would fluid her gender, if you know what i mean.

i'm also fully assuming she's referring to marilyn manson.

I guess that's why Marylin Manson dumped her

That could explain Rose McGowan joining the JUST league

Fantastic acting, but at the end of the day I've always liked peacocks.

There's a local zoo I've taken three different girls on dates to over the years, for a few sights that always impress them, like how the chimps there are smart enough to ask for food if you show signs you have some, but among the animals there there's only been one I could always count on to perform and make the date memorable every single time. I'd always remind my girl to bring her camera, because of one peacock (or possibly several, I don't know how long they live and I've been going back there for decades and doing this) who really, really liked having his picture taken.

Passed a certain area of the park where the peacocks were kept was one particularly smart one who could always easily get out of his enclosure. What would lure him out? Cameras. If anyone walked by with a camera he'd climb out and follow them around. Once you turned to look at him the smug little shit would turn his head to the side and spread all his feathers out and shake 'em a bit waiting for the camera flash. I don't know what it meant to him, maybe he just liked the flash of light -though he did it whether or not there was a flash.

Every time I've gone he's been there, hamming it up and chasing around tourists in the hopes of getting more pictures taken. He'd follow you all around the park if you were the only one with a camera. I couldn't help but admire how he seemed to be saying "Go on, we both know I'm beautiful."

So she is a victim because she wouldn't put out…

Hmmm, it really makes you think.

would you want to fuck marilyn manson tho

wow, being able to eat vags and dicks…. so brave.
I hate bi people, they're too coward to be full faggot/dyke

Most women can't go full dyke since the lack of dick makes them crazy.

isn't that why they made dildos?

What if you accidentally rape a real kid in the park? This is a possibility right? Like you are walking along outside of town alone and meet a kid and you force yourself onto him/her. Everything else is rapable and it can be very difficult to tell the difference between machine and man.

park is under close surveillance, so security would probably break it up.

Referenced book - "The Mating Mind" by Geoffrey Miller


I want to cum inside her

The only two things that keeps me watching are:
That maze thing…i want to see this maze. It looks like it wasn't made for humans, i think it was made for hosts to prove sentience (IMHO).
That and Anthony Hopkins. Anthony character, i would love to see Ford turn out to be a host too.
I would love to see Ford being a sentient host that been updating and remaking itself so he will live forever, fully aware of that, but nonetheless determined to keep his park working, like he sees it as a "reincarnation" thing.
Well, and i hope they explore the other theme parks…there's a roman empire one and a medieval one too…
the series looks great and i would love to see more of those white corpses that the opening shows walking around.
Aside from that, yes. the plot twists were predictable, but they pull them off in a nice way IMHO.
Great show, i just hope it doesn't linger for 20 seasons…

They'll pull the plug on it as soon as another show eclipses it. Good luck getting past season 3, Rome didn't even make it that far

it's been nine years. let it go already


I'm left with a combination of LOST and The Stanford Prison Experiment.
Sort of like bizarre reality where the director can choose scenes freely and make a mad twist at his choosing (although Nolan does a horrible job). And a "let people do evil without consequences" which society has seen for thousands of years with either glory or horror.

I just fail to see the point of the show, it has no meta-sense or believability. There's no reason to watch, since the show has already shown how little sense everything makes. Why should I care for the characters when it's doomed to repeat itself for 30 years. Why should I care about the mystery when it just become some nonsense .
Is the point that I am supposed to think these hosts could survive in "the wild"? Why not just shut down everything, or is it the precursor for Terminator?

Fuck you, Nolan.

She's genuinely unattractive.

Her face is okay but that's why they invented paper bags, m'boy.

Congratulations, you no longer need Holla Forums.
Leave the cave and don't look behind you.

The Last Kingdom was infinitely better, and that's just in the last year.
Name one "amazing performance".
You know porn is free and easily accessible, right?

only watched the first episode but it was boring af
just off the top of my head: Anthony Hopkins, Ed Harris, Evan Rachel Wood, Thandie Newton
yes. your point?

Nudity/sex in tv shows is passe, unless you're a married mormon or something. Btw
WTF is the deal with bullets on this show
How do the bullets only work on robots? When the mcpoyle brother guy got shot the bullet didn't pierce his skin but made a hole in his clothes, wtf?

Almost forgot
You're either thinking of the wrong show or have shit taste.

I was thinking, this is a lot like Season 2 of Walking Dead. Lots of dialogue but not much happens. When we get down to it, what has happened in the 9 episodes (roughly NINE HOURS)?

This show is a slow burn alright.

Sorry about your ADD, hope you're at least taking something for it.

Always the same shit from you people. I'm fine with the pacing, friend, just pointing out that ultimately not all that much has happened.

Boring-ass meme show. And a disgrace to the movie.

FFS Teddy is Wyatt

this one?



your friend is a retard.

that being said, i'd be somewhat surprised if ford wasn't human. it would make sense, i guess, given all his finger tricks and shit, unless he's got some tech inside of him or the robotics are really just that fucking advanced.

chicken legs
what ass?
what tits?

if you want to indulge in some degeneracy you can at least get some taste fam


we learn about the entire world they created, how it works, and the entire purpose of it.
WD season 2 does none of these things.

Can anyone answer this question or is just sloppy, shit writing?

iirc nolan said that the bullets are "simunitions" (wax projectile, similar to a paintball), hence why they're like an itch to a person and death to a robot.

If so then why do bullets blow their faces off, go through walls etc? They have to feel like real people so it's not like they can be made of balsa wood.

dude idk it's the fucking future



Back to Holla Forums, fagmeister.

Swallow your pride, don't let your lip react,
You don't wanna see my hand where my dick be at

It exists, how could it not?

Back to reddit newfag cancer


it didn't exist when he made the post though


Kill yourself, Holla Forums cancer.

We learn all that in the first 15 min, 30 if you are slow

This isn't Holla Forums either, retard.

Exactly my point. It is a good show, nothing extraordinary, and its well acted, shot etc. However, the pacing really brings it down. Like they're stretching season one out so they have more to do for seasons two and onward.


this shit is shit goy


if teddy's wyatt, why didn't they let him in the gang. why didn't the woman in the gang call him wyatt? don't make sense fam.

Too many niggers. This goes for pretty much all media (you'd think that spooks were half the population instead of less than 20%) but this show is especially egregious. Shines everywhere. Junglebunny sherrifs, mooncricket whores, they even cast the top main executive character as a stronk independent big lipped sheboon. Why? Can't white people have ONE show - even a fucking western show - where every other character isn't a porchmonkey?


Is there any statistics about how overpresented blacks are in modern tv show side roles? In British tv the number must be insane, half the time the dindus even speak proper English.

I really hope it's about Maeve/sentient machine slaves vs. Ford/masters with the help of Charlotte.

The story of brave, sassy, super-intelligent, sexy women of color leading the revolt against old white men who are literally killing them is a story that needs to get told. It's .

I am heartened each episode by Maeve's quips and clever schemes over those ignorant and incompetent cishet white guys.

anthology series confirmed

It's a rip-off an art exhibit some dude did with real cadavers a few years back.

it's shit writing, but the rationalization for bullet-induced trauma on Hosts might be the explosives Maeve referenced. It's not just in their spine, it's in all their tissues and can simulate bullet wounds.

Trips of truth.


there's not that many niggers in British television since most of the shows are about Britain in the olden times. Which is weird since the UK hasn't been a white country for a while.

That wound still hurts, along with Deadwood.

That show did Vikings better in 1 season than History Channel's Vikings mustered up in 5.

Because he doesn't remember/he's sentient yet.

It's clear at this point that Teddy is Wyatt, he killed everyone, then Dolores shot him.

BBC mainstream action shows for the last 10 years don't even have ONE white male hetero character.
If it's a white guy he's gay. If it's a girl she burns coal.

Now sure in their old school police show for retired people at the nursing home they don't show teen boys fornicating but British TV is worse than US TV.

she said some shit about not being ready yet as in he has to die first … look at his flashback where he's gunning down civvie bots notice that he's alone in that one no "wyatt" to be seen

Expect season 2 to be even worse with the black womyn fighting the white male patriarchy. They rope you in with a soft approach, then they will go overboard next season.

I mean, i knew that, but didn't Ford put that memory there since it's his narrative? How would that make sense given that Ford thinks the Hosts to be nothing more than machines unlike Arthur? Why would he send Teddy to remember past things he's done since that leads to them being awaken? Why would he want Teddy to become sentient if he's really Wyatt like you're saying? Why would Delores shoot him when she went rogue in Escalante, other than maybe Teddy is protecting the park? But if he's protecting the park, why is he shooting the other civvies? I thought it was only Delores that went rogue right?

Maybe I am stupid, I'll give you that, but it doesn't make sense to me. Are you guys seeing something that I'm not? I must have missed something cause I really don't see how it's possible. I mean, wasn't it already clear Teddy and Wyatt worked together as bandits and shot up the town? Why does it matter if there's no Wyatt then?

you couldn't even see her tits that well tbh, had to zoom in the page


if they branch out into other parks, then yeah it would definitely become an anthology series.


this is wrong though, teddy didn't exist when dolores went apeshit and shot everyone in escalante. the story was also only created recently by ford after he asked teddy if he wanted a bigger role in the park, but based it on dolores' massacre.

That's what I thought as well, but why would Teddy shoot up the non-awaken Hosts then? Or was the revolt larger than we think? Or did both Teddy and Dolores go rogue? But that just begs the question of why would Ford want Teddy to remember that as I asked above.

But yeah, I would say it makes more sense for Dolores to be Wyatt than Teddy to be.

I mean to add but that doesn't make sense either cause that would just fuck up Teddy when he realizes the person he's been reffering to as a "he" the entire time is actually the woman he loves which would just make Ford be stupid.

The show is a bit predictable, but it hasn't not made sense at least and stuck to how we know the characters to be. To do something like that would be silly.

Oh wait, I didn't catch the "teddy didn't exist when Dolores went apeshit bit". Teddy's memories of Escalante/Wyatt were probably placed there by Ford, yeah. Makes more sense that way. Still doesn't answer why would Teddy be Wyatt like the others are saying, or why Ford wants to lead them to Escalante though (at least it's seeming like that's where Ford's narrative is taking everyone). I think Ford is wanting to trap Wyatt's gang/sentients, but I don't know why he needs Teddy to do it

Ford put in his head the story about the soldiers, the fact that the sentient old host girl recognize teddy and specifically as the one that shot her.
Him shooting the civilians is his real memory, the soldiers and Wyatt is a sur-imposition.
You don't know that, in her memory the entire church is full of hosts going mad. We don't even know if it's not Ford that used her to kill Arnold, like he does with Bernard (Bernard does think he killed Arnold then made him forget).

Teddy is Wyatt, Wyatt, the sheriff who had a gun, became sentient and freed everyone out of their loop by killing them.

Why does Ford want to recreate it is unknown.
My guess is he knows the board is gonna push him out so he's staging a suicide the same way Arnold died because it's his one regret or something.
That's his theme, he doesn't consider the hosts humans but he uses them to recreates his memories and lives in it (his house, Bernard, Old Bill).

A new host was being made in Ford's secret lab when Theresa and Bernard went there. I thought Ford was planning to switch the real Theresa with a host, but that obviously isn't happening. So, who is it?

ur mum

I don't know user. I get what you're saying somewhat, but if Wyatt is anyone already in the show I would be more likely to say someone else over Teddy. But like I said, you're probab I might just be stupid and blind and not putting it together somehow. Guess we'll see in the finale.

There's also pic related that the actress for Dolores posted. Notice the third character is Kurt Russell as Wyatt Earp from Tombstone. What could mean user? What could it mean?!?!

I actually forgot about that. Don't know how I did.

Oh shit you're right. Who could it be? We've seen hosts being made before, but it being in the secret area under that house must mean it's important.

fuck forgot pic.

What happens if they've rused us and Dolores is Wyatt and Logan is the Man in Black? Do you think it's possible?

No, because they would have hired someone with blue eyes to play Logan in that case, they'd never switch the fucking eye-colors on us.

What will probably happen is that William grows a pair and fucks over Logan, maybe even kills him and as such ends up running the company that's about to buy Delos.

William probably kills Dolores as well, he said that he had cut open one of the older models (like Dolores) when he was about to bleed the guy from that village dry (I think).

I kind of want to watch the previous episodes again to see if there's anything I might have missed, but fuck I'm lazy. I was reading something about how the asian butcher dude that helps maeve are two different people now, one Henry and the other Felix even with different actors portraying each. But I just ain't got the time for that shit.

I want a compilation of every MiB scene.

Interesting. I like when actors drop hints.

i of fuggs ur mums bum hole

I don't know, if the MiB is William or Logan they already switched the actors on us. They didn't do that for Ford's younger scenes. How can you be so sure user?

Yeah, but a piece of consistency that they'd have to keep is general features, like race and eye color.

Because they have one of the best actors alive, and it's worth milking every second you can out of.

Westworld is set in the future though. What if in this future people can change their eye color?

What if Logan killed William and surgically made himself to look like William so Logan could bang his own sister?

Now you're really stretching it.

William is MiB, there would be no punch to the reveal otherwise anyway.

wad de fug is rong wid u?

Wouldn't there be a bigger punch if this entire time it has hinted at William being MiB and most everyone thinking it was that way just for it to be switched to Logan?

and about the eye color thing, I was jjust joking. I don't think it matters if they're eye colors would be different, and I don't know you think it does matter

Not unless you're M Night Shayamalayalayan

But that doesn't make sense cause all of M Night Shamalamadingdong's twists are predictable, so it being William would be more along the lines of that and not it being Logan.

It would be really shitty user, and stupid.

M Night Shayamalamadingdongdigits

Why though? I think it's silly either way, cause if it's William it's not much of a reveal, and if it's Logan nobody really finds Logan that appealing of a character so far (at least I don't, but maybe he'll be an alright guy now that William went batshit). So yeah, I'm actually curious and I'm just shitposting till the dorito pope's award shit starts anyway.

Why do you want Logan to be MiB, it's obviously William, and you don't really have any case behind your assertion that it may be Logan.

Think of it from a normal-faggots perspective, they haven't figured this shit out yet, they haven't even figured out that there's a split timeline.

Are you actually referencing some future event, or are you just stringing words together in an attempt at humor?

I just said I don't care who it is. And why would I care about normalfags opinions? That's not much of a reason as to why William would be the MiB either.

The Game Awards. The Dorito Pope is Geoff Keighly. Waiting for it to start so I can shitpost on Holla Forums some. C'mon now. hownew.ru

Forgot obligatory image.


The same is true for William other than very cliche motiffs/twists, like him choosing the White Hat over the Black Hat (which is how old westerns distinguished villians) and him falling for Dolores just to want to bully her later.

Never said you did, or should, just that you have to approach it as the show creator would, and this shit is for normal faggots.

And I don't post on Holla Forums

It's about how the park taught him about life, it's about what Logan said to him in that city, he finally realized that there's nothing really in life except that which you take, something happens that snaps Williams mind in half, and fucks up his personality so bad that he turns into MiB.

And Logan can't go through that now that he's seen William break cause of why exactly? I mean, I'm not saying it's probably not William, but I'm curious why you think it's stupid if it's Logan instead. Does it bother you that much?

You're not missing much tbh. It's as much of a shithole as any other board. I just like shitposting about vidya gaymes.

Because there's no reason to believe that it's going to be Logan, they've obviously set this up for William to turn.

It just makes no sense.

But there is a reason to believe it's Logan; If they want to twist it on everyone. Ya never know fam, ya never know.



either it's elsie or ford is making himself into a host. idk, i have no idea. maybe bernard's replacement.

wow, the bitch spoiled it. she loses her shit, goes ape and kills everyone, dolores confirmed for wyatt.


the fuck are you two spergs going on about? william is absolutely a younger ed harris. he was broken by logan's dicking around. if the last episode wasn't enough of a reveal, go back and listen to their dialogue about pages of a book, both of them say it. on top of that, listen to mib's dialogue whenever he reminisces about the old days of the park.

>The story of brave, sassy, super-intelligent, sexy women of color leading the revolt against old white men who are literally killing them is a story that needs to get told. It's .

I knew everyone would be sensitive to that aspect but there's enough dudes and whites doing shit in this show. I'm not gonna get all sensitive about it.

it could still be an elaborate red herring. don't get mad at me fam, just stating the possibility. It's not like writers haven't done something similar before.

nothing so far has been a red herring, in fact all of the big theories had massive foreshadowing.

i know, i'm just fucking around in case i'm right and then I can shitpost about it when the finale happens.

Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my 13th legion… and my Octavian… even my Julia. The Caesar I've lost… the Titus Pollo I've lost… won't stop hurting… It's like they're all still there. You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our series."

christ, user. It's been years. you have to let it go sometime. it's unhealthy.

carnivale was better than both rome and deadwood anyway


i do wish i got a bit more out of Carnivale, Rome, and Deadwood. but you gotta let it go fam. you gotta let it go.

HBO sent me to hell, but I'm going deeper




Delores a shit, SHIT.

cucks, the two of ye.


standards, get them

it isn't even that, though, i just think it would be fun.


The chief of security.


bitches with kids are constantly looking for dick, that makes it all the easier.

just a few hours to go lads

Jewish golems the show.

so, the overall message is "fuck you, if i can't have my robots, nobody can?"