SU BTFO cumskins who voted for Dumf

SU BTFO cumskins who voted for Dumf

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What the fuck Is wrong with his face?

Andy is racist liken dumf


you have to go back >>>/reddit/

This fag actually likes this garbage? Fucking failed abortion…

I thought that was 9geg


Can we have all these "reactionist" shot? Followed by the people who enjoy watching "reaction" videos.

why would you do that? and why are there people who watch it?

drumpfcucks btfo

>>>Holla Forums

Because mental illness is very real, and we are no longer allowed to try and treat it because that's not very progressive or some shit.

The origin of the Trump surname is of the Germanic *Drumpf* surname, you fucking moron.

Forced meming of *Dumf* just makes you look stupider than you already are.

i agree, using that forced meme makes you look very stupid

What does SU stand for?

It wasnt even drumpf, that shit was completely made up. Drumpf is not a german surname

Some Untermench

Steven Underwear.

this show can be funny sometimes


Steven Universe threads go on Holla Forums.
Or better yet, /trash/.

You have to blame John Oliver for that because he wanted to stick it to Trump for questioning why John Stewart changed his name from Leibowitz. In his mind, Oliver thought this was clever but it's just not the same in context. Stewart seems more like business decision while Drumpf was memed because it sounded funny.