

That was enough, thank you

>>>Holla Forums is not the place for this

Now I know it's a joke article.

"Big guy, for me" is normal language to you?

I lol'ed pretty hard.

Oh lawdy


Yes, i banepost irl all the time too

Did some simpleton really think this letter was real and then go on to post it on their site? It's literally 90% memes, the language doesn't even sound like a real person.

Well duh, muslims and women aren't real people either.

Listen here hothead, I take baneposting very seriously.

Did you mean to reply to ?

This thread is cancerous anti-humor, regardless.



You can tell President Trump is a great man by how lying muslims and jews keep trying to frame him.

It isn't for you?

And yet there are people who fell for this.

Of course

We look at this and immediately spot all of the memes, but how riled up do you think normalfags get over this kind of shit?
I find the that the thought of people shitting their pants while I laugh makes it even better.

Judge a man by his critics. Trumps critics are the most pathetic breed of scum to ever spawn. I don't know the truth of whether I love trump or if I just hate his enemies and enjoy watching them suffer.

well, yeah. the only people who treat women as badly as Muslims are other women.


Can't wait until admission of Trump support means you are beaten or killed on the street. Day of the rope is coming, trumpcucks. America is about freedom, not fascism.

What did he mean by this?