post your best examples of animated QUALITY

Other urls found in this thread:




G1 Transformers is a goldmine of QUALITY.

Cells layered wrong so character that's suppose to be in the background is in the foreground and appears tiny

Characters in places they shouldn't be.

Multiples of the same character in one scene.

Character talking with the wrong voice

Scale issues all over the place.

that shits hilarious


What the fuck did they do to Mojo?

Reduce the size of his "weapon"

They filed off his edges to make him more child-safe.

But that makes his body look smaller than it actually is! Did these CalArts fags even watch the original show?

If you have to ask, they probably didn't

No. Its just squash and stretch is no longer pushed for in Art Schools. The character more then anything is less dynamic.

Its more shit animation then "SJW". And by that I mean it has SJW soul, not SJW voice.

Literally looks like a parody from fucking Family Guy. That is atrocious.


those teenage powerpuff girls look like living blow up dolls

this is my fetish

These are fantastic. I'm amazed any of them made it past QA.


Why does she have fingers?


so if i get this correctly

a T-Rex just opened a breach through time and space to eat some salad

No, it came for the plate. The salad was just collateral damage.

Vid related and those Phoenix movies/movie games are pretty much QUALITY the movie.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 3


Part 4

Bonus: Dalmatians 3 by Phoenix Games / Dingo Pictures


Fucking weebs.

I don't see anything wrong with pic 1, but pic 3 shows how these little personal touches to the redesigns the reboot crew talked about in the interview can fuck shit up.

Lets assume the context for both pictures is Mojo Jojo being on the offensive, he draws first and shit.

In short, a sadistic and competent villain.

A villain trying hard.

fingers nigga

also dont forget how static mojo jojo's cape looks in the second pic

holy shit I didn't notice that before



how the fuck

the whole point was that it wasn't well animated but the exaggerated takes were exaggerated enough for it to work, unlike steven universe that's always too soft and controlled and thus just looks like someone drew wrong when they try and do the exaggerated takes


Gainax not only went under for a reason, but they tended to run out of money halfway through any given production so that the quality nosedives so hard you'd think they're Muslims targeting the world trade towers.

The new mojo looks like something from family guy.

again, the point of that half of the image wasn't fluidity, it was about how steven universe tries to do exaggerated anime takes but doesn't push them far enough

is the image really this obtuse or does everyone just have a hard-on to be able to come here and go >LEL KILL LA KILL? Can´t tell, since I did catch the original thread it was from and thus read the post it was in

You can't cherrypick scenes from a cartoon and then bash it with Kill la Kill of all things. There are some gorgeous sequences in it, sure, but the show quality is so erratic the comparison falls to pieces.

I don't know enough about SU to say if the comparison's fair, but you certainly can do the comparison it's trying to do, since it's not about the animation quality at all, just that specific kind of scene. The fluidity, animation styles, etc. in KLK are erratic, sure, but the comparison there is specifically just of "exaggerated anime takes", and how SU's just look soft and dumpy because most of the people doing it seem to just be aware of "oh cool anime does really stylised wacky poses sometimes" but then doesn't dare to actually take things far enough to make it work, unlike KLK or similar shows where it'll suddenly go painted, or very sketchy linework, or whatever.

Put another way, if the fact KLK's animation is so inconsistent is triggering you too much to see the point being made, imagine the image's comparing those shots to when Simon goes drawn only as sketchy pencils with exaggerated posing near the end of the 2nd TTGL movie.

SU deserves nothing. The artists occasionally breaking the model because they are lazy hacks (Or for a brief gag because their characters designs are not expressive enough, nor is the writing strong enough to make the gags work on their own), is not impressive.

Its backgrounds are nice, but in animation that is the most worthless thing. 60 years of animation has taught that a focus on more expressive characters is more important then the detail level of your background. You draw a good background once. But it takes actual skill to animated a fluid character.

SU is the one show that truly and completely deserves to be called cancer. Its a tumor in our collective social consciousness.

And as for the asshole who complains about cherry picking: Thats what Quality threads are all about dipshit! Finding parts of the show at its worst!

Hey look I can draw random lines too

In all fairness, Mojo was always meant to be a joke of a villain. McCracken himself said he envisions a scale of completeness for each villain, with Mojo being right in the middle.

Some context


nigger didn't i already told you the last one is an in between frame of a scene were steven shrinks and not an "exaggerated animu face™"
i don't think you have to outright lie to prove your point

But isn't it still one, just one with reason?

According to user's picture the line of action is supposed to be on the entire body/parts of the body not the face or just the face.

your argument is beyond invalid
now get out and go rejoin your people, you obviously don't belong here.

The user who made that image wasn't bashing WoY, idiot.

user, just because you personally do not understand line of action doesn't mean nobody else does. Go get fucked. The original image is right.

i don't think he's saying action lines don't exist, he's saying image poster is wrong

Scribbling like a retard isn't much of an argument.

but by image, then this user would be right about SU , just saying

also, before you start sperging out, no im not that guy

Exactly, the original post isn't an argument.

Glad you've finally come to the realization user.

Right about what?

What's right about it that is wrong about?

That SU doesn't follow action lines according to the pics on the macro. That was the original point.


From what I can see, the reason Lord Hater looks "good" while Steven looks "bad" is because Hater's lines of action share a general curve, while Steven's are all over the place.
In all the bits picked in the image here there's always downward curves, while the lines drawn over Steven don't have a shared curve between them.

What the fuck are you talking about? Have you actually watched an episode of Kill La Kill? The animation is fucking sub par at best and cheap at worst.

But shows there is lines, except original poster didn't bother drawing them or purposefully ommited them

Nobody is talking about the animation of Kill La Kill you retard, we're talking about character expressions.

And they're really shitty lines.

Oh so we went from no lines to shitty lines.


Yes. There were no apparent lines drawn, and when someone did try to draw lines on them, they were shit, which just reinforces the original point.

form a side view the eye falls back pretty far into the face. Maybe not halfway, but damn near. If the eyes were to look like the side view from the new series they would be a cyclopes when looking forward.



I am not the original poster but How is it now?

Bottom-left pic actually looks better than the one you drew it over, only proving the second part of the argument it's true origin made: that the animators/artists behind SU don't go far enough when going off-model.

Beautiful Job user.

You should work at CN.

while i appreciate the effort i think you're all going too far with this argument

I hope you niggers aren't talking shit about Kill la Kill.

sorry we're not a faggot like you user.




How did that happen?

If you fap to this shit you deserve to have your dick cut off.


Kill la Kill was great but don't elude yourself, user, it wasn't well animated. Or rather, wasn't consistently animated. It had moments of great animation, but mostly it was a spectacle of stylisation covering cheap animation. Which is a skill on its own that western stuff has lost the ability to do since the 60s, hence this discussion.

The sad thing is that the only real difference between Europe and Japan during these eras is Europe had a small group of aristocrats who were willing to take the time to study form, tone, and perspective while it wasn't on the top of Japan's priority list

It really shows how much influence a small group of talented people can have on an entire culture, especially one as large as Europes

Pretty much this.

Fucking hell we do need this. Anime is the art of looking as good as possible but as cheaply as possible. All we have is looking cheaply as possible now.

I have heard that Jews, during the entirety of the XIV century criticized European men affinity for art as a time waster, is that true?

Wubbadubbadubba, is that true?

Kill me, Pete

seriously? like, I knew that the new artstyle was shitty, but it's this bad? he made Wander Over Yonder & Foster's home, both of which were actually pretty decent in terms of art and animation, but he can't make a PPG reboot that looks better than the original?

Jesus christ that's horrid. I mean necrophilia is never good, but this is particularly heinous.

I'm pretty sure craig isn't in charge this time.

He has to keep saying on Twitter he isn't involved

The lines drawn weren't action lines, you fucking autist. The person who made the original picture drew action lines. You just drew lines that sort of kind of fit the picture but made it even more obvious what they were saying.

If I were Craig I too would be on Twitter 24/7 denying all culpability.

I honestly can't tell if I'm mad or depressed. It's kinda like a dull rage or passionate sadness. I don't like it. I don't like it at all.

That's just plain horrible, but then again art schools these days are mere shells of their former selves, and a joke.

Example, this is a collab from students who attend Massachusetts College of Art and Design.


The 1986 animated Transformers movie


GOAT soundtrack too

Holy crap, now they accept Youtube poops! Call the youtubers.

love youtube poop

What year is it, 2007?


I don't like your attitude user

Considering they love to subvert and destroy every artistic medium, I wouldn't doubt it.

wow rude

no u

holy shit hotwheels fix the servers

I fucking hate what they did to PPG.

I don't think it is that bad, but you are right

I've chosen to ignore it.

2D art wasn't one of their strong points though it was on par with the other eastern civilizations at the time as far as I know. They did excel in nearly every other measurable aspect of societal growth and development including the other arts, even if their industriousness had stagnated

Me too and at scale this is what kills a show

Look at the far right


Yeah, no one talks about Asian paintings, but people sure fuckin' love Asian sculptures. Jade, porcelain, all that fancy shit.

Ah the American Street Fighter cartoon….where they make Akuma go after Ken for some dumb reason.

That's fake. There is no way this is real.

I do, and I'm glad because speaking as a classical libe… oh, you mean the pic.
Yeah, that's shit.

Yo dubs! Is that pic your property?
I bet it's your property.


From animation error to draw your own face template.

…fucking really ?

Kill la Kill's animation is fucking incredible in precisely every scene they gave a fuck about animating. All the others are a bit "'eh."

That said, their understanding of colour's fucking impeccable. There's scenes in that show that have film level quality. Compared to contemporaries, it's real fuggen gud.

Japan was fucked, they have so little natural resources it's unreal.

At this point I'm not even surprised anymore. Thanks Cartoon Network, you hired a bunch of incompetent fuckwits to reboot your show.

you know we can give the exces hell over this


New Mojo looks like the evil monkey from Family Guy

thats some shit right there

I want to keep pointing out these errors so these people get self conscious and end up making worse crap until the show has to be canceled

I just know there's a joke in here somewhere


I'm not sure what it is about the "art style" of the reboot in general but it really reminds me of Family Guy for some reason.


it's because there's no fluidity or style to the way the characters are posed. they're just standing there, straight as a board, with almost no body expression aside from basic movements like lifting a hand while speaking.
it's cheap/easy/bad animation 101

We are going through a Clutch Cargo phase, I bet if Dexter gets rebooted we'll be back to using SyncroVox




Denmark was virtually a sandbar and it did absolutely nothing to stop them from making Sweden their bitch tho.

They used shortcuts because they didn't have a huge budget, which is why they included so many of those gags

Japanese aren't wasn't shitty by any means, you've just been fooled by a few cherry picked examples


Consider this my résumé.

The second one was missing one crucial detail that would have made it make sense: he was supposed to reach through the hole he punched and undo a latch. They just sort of forgot about that part.

I remember someone argued to me once that this chick is poorly animated on purpose to highlight the fact she's an alien freakazoid abomination.

"It's bad on purpose" never really sounds like a justifiable reason though.

How sad is it when your character is wearing an Illuminati shirt and that's the least disturbing thing in the image?

Is that why they had to kidnap korean artisans and displayed korean chamber pots as prize?
and why their cities were a scaled down model of chinese cities?
and they stuck to their shitty swords when the rest of the world moved onto blast furnaces?
and they'd literally beg korea to culture them?


'Cause it's shit.

How does that even happen? How? What god would allow it?

Solomorus Juntronorius, the many infinite tounged.

Secret patron saint of Social Justice.


I can't draw at all and even I wouldn't fuck up perspective that badly.

Top wew gook




OK, this is beyond incompetent.

Now is the time of the critic.
Society is failing to produce decent artists, and people are throwing their money away to learn ridiculous degrees of failure and develop habits that will inhibit them for life.
We need to do our part for the industry as consumers to shame and harass these people until they learn what they are doing wrong, because god knows they aren't going to learn otherwise, even if they're fired the failure of the show will likely be blamed on the audience to protect the higher ups.
Big business is just that stupid and sloppy.

well fuck, big business isn't the only stupid and sloppy thing around here.

I'm a pilot of plane, and switch off the engine is the procedure when in an emergency situation.

Reason is that will avoid fuel movement and chance of fire plump. but I think the artist where just bad

pretty sure a boat in the middle of the ocean with no engine power's more screwed than a plane without engine power. you can still glide down iirc, but the boat's basically going to need a lot of rowing

And if both are about to crash into a rock at full speed, turning the key probably isn't gonna help shit.


Well, PPG Reboot is still garbage. Wondered if anybody had that disappearing dog leash?

is there something im supposed to be seeing in the first pic other than the ball being in front of the foot on the trophy and the bottom left splotch not have its perspective or whatever right on the side of the book?

Forgive halfchan webms, I couldn't find any with sound for most of them.

Blossom has fingers.


For second one pay attention to the clouds at the very beginning. It's easy to miss.

not sure how I missed that, maybe the gloves made me not notice



It's actually pretty easy to miss. It's just not something you process when you see it.

Fucking hell. This is bottom of the class barely made it out of art-school quality. Just….HOW. This rapid fire of basic errors on powerful software with powerful tools on a professional budget with a team working with you.

Also if the assholes actually watched the older show they would know that the girls did indeed not posses fingers, They lifted things telekinetically. Was a running gag even.

They were wrong. Trigger had about as much budget as is spent in the west on television animation and yet seems to have a better grasp on character expression, character design, character voices, anatomical draftsmanship, art direction, and musical score.

I have no experience with animation. That said, it looks to me like Japanese animators like those at Trigger do what they do out of passion and recognition for good work. It's probably the paycheck first and foremost like it was for the best and the brightest of the golden age, but it's clear that they're working at Trigger because they're good artists.

The CalArts cancer that forms the cornerstone of today's Cartoon Network got where they are by reblogging the right shitposting, having the right entries in their address book, and sucking the right dick, and it shows in every aspect of their production. They have their ego in their portfolio they sent to admissions and went there to connect, and not in a good way, like learning from a 60-year-old veteran of Don Bluth or DePatie-Freleng, but in an obsessive, sociopathic, BPD way.

Just remember that japan has their own cancer as well, like Toei. Thanks to them Dragon Ball Z Super's animation is terrible.


While the finger gloves on a PPG "fingerless" hand is weird, I think the only reason they are there is to indicate they are gloves to the casual viewer.

Without the fingers on them she would be putting on yellow rubber "bags." Which also might end up unintentionally looking like bright yellow condoms which could cause some sort of parental outrage over nothing.

Gee, where have I seen that character before?


Also consider that the PPGs are the only characters which don't have fingers. Why would anyone manufacture fingerless gloves for only three people?

Also, I think people are ignoring the actual quality with that shot, which is Blossom's absurdly long arm.

First point here is that he's right, that looks horrible. And it should have been self-evident to the hacks making the new one even if CN apparently threw away all the design materials from the original run and forbade the new artists from communicating with the old creators.

Second point is that if you ask me, simply never drawing a character from the angle they look wrong isn't really a solution in the first place. If the design fails that horribly at an atypical angle, then the design is fundamentally broken in the first place. Merely not drawing them from the side is a solution like finding out there's a landmine in your yard and simply taking care not to step there. Even when Power Puff Girls was new I never liked that highly stylized borderline Cubist geometry thing where the characters only worked at certain angles, Dexter's Lab and other old CN shows all had that problem too.

So yeah, it's a special kind of awful when the new crew managed to take something I didn't like all taht much in the first place and make it look significantly worse.

Wow, did they hired some animators from Deviant Art?

is that another Jewniverse character? God, that fucking nose

To be fair, she's supposed to be Indian. So unlike most cases of Tumblr noses, hers is actually justified somewhat.

Did they just ripoff the episode with Sedusa seducing the professor to get the upper hand on the girls? What a bunch of lazy fucks, can't even come up with their own plots.
Oh well, not like I'm gonna watch this shit, I'll just rewatch the original.

that doesn't sound like Buttercup. did they get who said what confused or some shit?

It would have been a joke if she put the gloves on and the fingers just flopped around, but even the most basic humour eludes these idiots.



Isn't she also half-japanese or some retarded bullshit like that?

No, just plain Indian-American, surprisingly.

Wait doesn't she say eatataconowsue before eating like the japs do? What the fuck is Sugar some weeb with a racebent self-insert cuddling up to the retarded midget?



I just remembered she's the one who did EEnE porn so I suppose it's no great shock that she wants to fuck pudgy midget kids. Sad world though that men can get drummed out of CN for any old bullshit and she can be one of the worst fujos in the industry and be praised for it.

delet this-___-

So drink bleach Rebecca you disgusting hamplanet



I'm surprised they brought Him back. I would have thought the character would have been considered too "transphobic" or something.

Teen Titans Go brought Trigon back.

It'll turn out the same way.





Pay special attention to the police.

Not Exactly the same. The indian chick turns into a spider monster whenever she feels true love.


Why the fuck would they spend so much time making distinct cop models if they've goimg to copy-and-paste like retarded fucks? It makes no fucking sense, why didn't they must make faceless models with no details? It would be far less jarring that way, do these stupid fucks think their average viewer has an IQ of 50? And before you say it's for children that's still a weak excuse for lazyness when there are shows for toddlers on Disney Jr. With a higher-caliber production than this piece of trash. At least Johnny Test didn't pretend it was polished, CN should be fucking embarrassed that they greenlight this


holy shit they're flat in the car chase scene. why. how do you make the same fucking mistake twice i don't understand

so TWO sets of twins are working at the same police station

How the fuck does this even getting through the "checking" phase of animation. Surely someone must have seen these sets of cops twice when the episode was being made?

Was someone trying to promote a diverse police force and lazily went too far? Or is there someone behind the scenes trying to sabotage this shit instead?

It seems odd they just didn't tint the windscreen on the police cars so you wouldn't need to see the driver, or even just a silhouette of a driver instead.



It could be an easy-mode golf course for people bad at golfing :^)

Only if user….only if

In the show she's a massive weeb.

Editors? What editors? Fuck editors!

every time i see a screencap from this show i instinctively look for the animation errors

someone's going to post a screencap without any and it's going to freak me out

Shouldn't she be sprouting sets of limbs at the same time?




Don't worry guys I think I figured this out.



The cop on the right looks like a goanimate character

Another noticeable thing. The new show is very action flaccid. Through tactical use of sound effects, decent reactions, and the occasional loose tooth or gore, PPG was aggressive and had occasional sadistic streaks in it. This show even when it tries to portray somebody "Going too far" is flacid and weak.

God damnit, I looked at that image for two minutes trying to determine what was wrong with it.
