Which trilogy is worse?
Which trilogy is worse?
both of them are worse than the other, figure that out
The Hobbit. Someone post the "Star Wars Prequels Were Smart/Required Reading" meme!!
The Prequels are actually great movies with a lot of original stuff in them. The Hobbit movies are Peter Jackson taking a shit. This thread is bait.
Nothing worthwhile or memorable, just pointless awful.
High fantasy is automatic garbage.
Prequel trilogy was mostly boring, Hobbit was Hollywood taking a shit on Tolkien's head in the name of diversity and money.
both are terrible, but i'd say the sw prequel at least doesn't rape any piece of literature
Hobbit. SW prequels had Sheev and that is more than enough
The Star Wars prequels spawned all sort of amusing content, while the Hobbit movies are just plain boring and uninspiring in their shittyness.
The Star Wars prequels tried to do something interesting and largely failed. The Hobbit movies were competently put together pieces of bland nothingness, made by people who didn't seem to want to be there. The Hobbit movies are probably the better movies overall, but I respect them less. It's the difference between a shitty crayon drawing that your five year old autistic son worked his ass off making, and a landscape painted by a professional painter who knocks out ten of them every week to keep his bills paid.
But Lucas decidedly didn't work his ass of making the prequels.
The only truly good Hobbit movie was the first one.
The only truly terrible Prequel movie was the second one.
The Hobbit could have easily been one movie
No, the first one was terrible too
except the hobbit is shit too
Competently made shit. Like a pot noodle made by a five star chef.
You wouldn't believe what kind of delicious foods a competent chef can make out of trash incredients.
shit chef tbh
shit chef tbh
The Hobbit trilogy is far worse.
It also has a change in quality that is like a reversal of the prequels.
SW I-III progressively get less shit (though they're still shit), while The Hobbit trilogy starts off as watchable shit, goes to just plain shit, and at the end winds up being a crime against humanity.
Seriously, everyone involved with the last movie needs to be thrown in prison.
Phantom Menace is the best one though
Only ironically.
No objectively it is.
The acting is better then the other two, the Villain is only a dreadknight, nothing more, and it shows the issues with the Jedi council.
yes but that fucking kid ruins everything
Nah, the second movie showed political issues and shit too, and count dookie was a better character than Maul in general.
The ending fight in PM was also garbage, and the only reasons anybody remembers it is because the music was top notch, and Maul decided to be a retard and play with Obi-wan instead of killing him.
I could also go for the easy targets that were Anakin and Jarjar, but I'll point out how low energy the big battle between the droids and the Gungans was. There was no suspense, no memorable action moments, and neither side seemed to do much besides amble around aimlessly while occasionally taking potshots at one another.
The only good parts of Phantom Menace were the pod racing and the final duel. Everything else was pure, unadulterated shit.
the pod racing was shit
You're wrong. You're also a no taste faggot.
Bald faced liar.
The Star Wars prequels aren't actually bad at all, that's just a RLM meme some people took seriously. The Hobbit trilogy was awful, real rushjob and terrible fanfiction filler inserted to stretch it out to three movies.
your the meme
People were saying they were shit long before RLM
The Hobbit was shit, but it was based on something great, so it was wasted potential.
The prequels were shit, but they were based on shit ideas, so you can at least say that they were as good as they could possibly be. Plus they're more appealing to look at, and have better music.
Every scene is so dense!
John Williams phoned it in
And still shat out a better score than the Hobbit trilogy.
well yeah, one's sir christopher lee and the other is ray park's stunts with a voice actor. dooku has actual character development, maul a shit.
not sure that maul could do much more with obi-wan hanging on for dear life
it was a distraction from the palace invasion, and purely two things: 1) a line battle 2) a battle of numbers
u diddit boyo
You know, I've unironically come to believe pic related is 100% true. At first I just wanted to get a rise out of people but now that my RLM blindfold is off I really do think the prequels are cerebral masterpieces compared to the OT.
He actually did, he just wanted to be with his family but the unfinished series hung like an albatross on his shoulders. All three prequels were huge undertakings.
you're not fooling anybody here chaim
Kek bless you user.
What the fuck did you just say about spices you little bitch?
Prequels would have been better had Lucas taken on the advisory role he did with Empire and Jedi.
Weird how Star Wars was the last thing he directed for 20 years before the prequels.
he did a bunch of producing between the trilogies
this, only adults can appreciate the prequels, if u dislike them your literally a child
The Hobbit, hands down. Prequals tried to go somewhere new with it's own lore and was shit. The Hobbit, on the other hand, opened it's asshole all over my favourite childhood fantasy book. Fuck them for adding stupid hollywood love triangle bullshit into a fucking kid's adventure fantasy. I could go on.
Also, the prequels actually had a lot of practical effects and props for what they were. Meanwhile, The Hobbit had cgi out the ass with the main orc dude being the worst offender.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about spices, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Tōtsuki Culinary Academy, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret shokugekis, and I have over 300 confirmed food orgasms. I am trained in aromatic warfare and I’m the top chef in the entire academy. You are nothing to me but just another rival. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in Japan, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spice traders across Asia and your palette is being calculated right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your tongue. You’re fucking defeated, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can defeat you in over seven hundred different shokugekis, and that’s just with my weakest spices. Not only am I extensively trained in blindfolded spice knowledge, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Designated Indian Spice Trade and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the academy, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking nose. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re smelling the spice, you goddamn idiot. I will shit curry thunder all over you and you will drown in it. Your life at Tōtsuki is fucking over, kiddo.
Even if that was the case he still put out a better score than anything The Hobbit trilogy had to offer.
The palace invasion was also lackluster even compared to the shitty Gungan/droid battle.
You're not really giving anybody much of a reason to unironically enjoy PM tbh.
I will concede that the pod race and the underwater chase were fun as shit though.
I never said PM was 100% irredeemable shit.
Hell, I enjoy going back and watching it from time to time, which is far more than I can say for any of the Hobbit movies.
People fucking hated the prequels years before cucklasa and his sodomite friends started their shitty reviews.
This is a fucking fact, you can look up older reviews before cuck letter media was a thing and see just how full of shit you are.
*you're are, dumbass
The Hobbit. At least Lucas was making the prequels because he wanted to tell the story and just happen to fuck it up. Jackson just phoned it in fo money.
There were a lot of positive reviews too, kinophiles loved the prequels.
Not enough to give the prequels a generally positive image at all.
How fucking new do you think the average Holla Forums autist is?
Most of us are old enough to have at least been able to appreciate the OT with our parents and then personally witness how fucking stupid the prequels wound up being.
On top of this travesty you're trying to imply that The Hobbit trilogy (which even normalfags fucking despise) is somehow even comparable to the worst that Star Wars movie adaptations has to offer.
I get that you're playing Devil's advocate here, but when the fucking Devil is pounding shit covered children in the ass while your opposition is pretty much giving out mediocre vanilla ice cream that nobody particularly gets mad about then maybe you should question your own taste in movies.
if that were true, the other two films wouldn't have outgrossed the OT films as well
Are you really bringing normalfag bux into this shit?
We're talking about actual quality of the films here, not whether or not Chad and Stacy thought they were good enough background noise to disguise their public sex.
Give me an actual reason the prequels weren't fucking garbage in general, you low energy faggot.
Amazing aesthetics, a grand chiastic story that connects with the OT in meaningful ways, innovative use of technology and experimental storytelling. It's an epic trilogy of the likes we probably won't see again in our lifetime.
It's a great cultural work that will forever be burnt into the fabric of American culture, it's the mythos of modern America essentially.
Jackson is a humongous faggot for reinventing that one dwarf as his self-insert character and revealing himself as a beta who suffers from Whedon-syndrome "I need a stronk woman savior."
you do know jackson cameos in it, right? that's his self-insert.
Episode V was legitimately fucking great although marred by the so-ebin-comic-relief c3po (this complaint applies to the whole series, especially Episode I). Episode VI was so-so. Would have been better if not for the ewoks. Episode IV was trash. Episode I was ok, at least by Star Wars standards. Episode II was ok. Episode III was reasonably good.
Special effects of the originals, even the shitty IV, were really impressive and hold their weight to this day. Visual direction was also really nice, I forget the name of the concept artist who designed all that shit but they really made a great call there.
V >>>>> III > II > I > VI >>> IV
I'm sure I triggered the nostalgia crowd pretty hard but I'm still right.
My bad that should read Episode IV.
i'm meme
nu-reddit can go
Imagine a few years from now autists justifying how the hobbit shillogy is actual amazing because of how it connects with the lotr and all sorts of halfassed bullshit and it has great aesthetics and romance and Bloom. This is how you prequel autists sound.
Which of these childrens fairytales is less shit you ask? Well the prequels have some good ideas covered in shit. The hobbitses has no good ideas and is also covered in shit. Honestly things would have worked out if the directors were switched, give lucas the hobbit and give jackson the pt.
Fuck it, I'll bite.
Go fuck yourself.
They had no idea what the fuck they were doing and the acting was shitty even by Star Wars standards.
That image isn't a meme, it's a reality.
I got through the first one to when the meet Beorn. It's a terrific scene in the book where Gandalf has to find a way into the bear-man's graces without appearing as beggars at the door with 12 dwarves and a hobbit. So he starts telling his tale to Beorn and tells the dwarves to come two at a time at five minute intervals.
I turned the film off in disgust when Peter Asscan just drains the fucking charm out of the affair and ignores it completely, jumping straight to them all brooding by the fire. That joyless fat fuck. It's a wonderful scene in the book. I couldn't bear to watch how he must rape the thrilling Bilbo darting to and fro saving his companions from giant spiders and being a hero with the barrels and freeing them from their jail cells. He probably sapped all the joy from that too.
He's probably like, 'oh people don't want to see that joyful, whimsical stuff. This is a different world now. People ABSOLUTELY want to see that shit you wanker. You go into the book/movie to ESCAPE the drudgery and nihilism of everyday life you fat fuck.
I'll have to say the Hobbit Trilogy is worse. For all the Prequel's faults they had interesting concepts and tried to be interesting though failing at the same time.
The Hobbit trilogy while competently made is so souless. It's especially apparent with the 3rd one where the battles feel like a chore to watch while in the LOTR trilogy you gave a shit about the characters in the battles. I'd rather watch the Rankin Bass movie than the Peter Jackson one.
Orlando Bloom and a female elf who is better than him in every way rescue the hobbit and float them down the river inside barrels while single handedly fighting off an entire army of Orcs.
SW prequels are literally patrician kino with cutting edge visuals, great sound effects, and a unique premise and execution that only Lucas can pull off, like it or not. The Rebbit came out much later, felt generic, and used PS2 tier half assed CGI.
MOTHER FUCKER. Bilbo does ALL THAT and it's FUCKING AWESOME. I mean, did he SET OUT to assrape the corpse of J.R.R. Tolkien or was it the natural byproduct of Fran Walsh's and Philippa Boyens' monthy flow. That pasty fuck's two whore writing partners need to die.
Oh and you missed out on Gandalf's epic wizardry duel with the witch king where he goes super saijin and they are flying around in the sky shooting energy blasts at each other.
Don't forget Saruman tipping his fedora at Galadriel.
that would have been better than the actual scene
only cool part of that was the cgi for the wraiths
SW prequels were terrible but The Hobbit is a whole new level of terrible.
Didn't even provide any good memes.
Are you serious? The (copious) CGI was on par with Episode I and the writing was atrocious, butchering the book. What part of it was competently made? They already had the story to follow, but they managed to fuck up even that.
And the third one too.
I am the master patrician. I am the king of good taste. I am a god. The unwashed masses are all looking to me and begging me to save them from their own shit taste. I'm not sure if I want to oblige them.
My mom took me to see TPM in theaters. While I loved it, of course, she spent the whole drive home talking about how there was no emotion in the movie and everything was just hollow special effects and kid shit. It was like ten years later when I heard Plinkett say all the same things.
Like what? He comes out of nowhere at the end of episode 2 with zero of his motivations or backstory explained.
It was all just kind of bland grey cardboard. Nothing stands out as being particularly bad. The acting was good enough. The script was never jarringly stupid (regardless of how you feel about changes to Tolkien's work). It all seemed at least technically well put together.
Is this the power of crystals?
Fuck, wrong thread. Delete this post.
I sat and thought for a good ten minutes about this and you're absolutely right.
How can a movie be so shitty that not even a bunch of imageboard autists can come up with something meme-worthy about it?
Are they really trilogies?
What the fuck, does he have toes for fingers on his left hand?
You wanna fight about it?
It's in that terrible middle spot where it's not even bad enough that you can make fun of it.
I think you phrased that wrong, because anons made plenty of jokes about how shit they were, and harped on the last movie in particular.
"it was shit" isn't a joke. It's just criticism.
No, I distinctly recall jokes being told about the barrel scene and the gay matrix shit that legolegs pulled when the bridge was collapsing in the last movie.
we don't waste memes on legitimately shitty movies. only films that are in the "so bad it's kind of good" category apply.
100% accurate post.
Hobbit was a pretty good single movie to be honest, don't know why everyone's shitting on it.
Prequels were good on a level too
Strangley appropriate
Hobbits had genuinely good moments, some of them were better than majority of the original trilogy. The Star Wars prequels didn't have any of those. Every moment was worse than even the fucking Ewoks.
1. Two Towers
2. Desolation of Smaug + BoFA until Smaug dies
3. Fellowship of the Ring
4. The Hobbit
5. Return of the King
6. Rest of Battle of Five Armies
Never understood the appeal of RotK. Thought it was absolutely fucking boring with no apparent stakes. Just a big long lazy slog to tie up the series with no apparent payoff.
Oy vey, that can't be true. Dragons are an allegory for the Holocaust and the gas chambers, you filthy goy.
The dwarves are Jews and the dragon is the embodiment of the kike greed bringing their downfall. When they stop being so greedy, they get to go back to their homeland. Too bad that wasn't how it went in reality.
Normalfags are automatically >>>/out/
You will not live long enough to finish your series, GRRM, and it was always garbage.
criminally underrated post with underrated trips. kek approves, friend.
reddit leave, please and thank you.
Such as?
Not that guy, but the first 1/4 or so of the first Hobbit, before Radagast was mentioned , was great.
it was good, but none of it was above any of the lotr trilogy.
When can we get a remake with real dwarves?
Best Hobbit movie.
The Hobbit.
Wouldn't been better if Smaug had a better design. Don't know who thought it was a good idea to make him look like a fucking cat.