R rated Sesame Street movie moving forward

Considering Disney thought people wanted to see a muppet reboot dealing with Miss piggy having abortion. I can't tell if this is satire or not anymore.

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dear god, it's been so long since I've heard that song

That would be stupid. Would they be that desperate for cash that would risk losing their image to make some shitty r-rated film? This cannot be real.

Nothing really indicates that

It's just a shitty clickbait article

I am getting fed up with this degeneracy.

More stoner-bait
Apparently Sausage Fest did pretty well so I can't blame them for wanting some sweet shekels.


Like op pointed out. Miss piggy aborted kermit child. They why he was so depressed in the reboot he divorced miss piggy.

You mean the memes were real?

I'm sorry what?

My childhood is literally being raped!

ABC did a "more adult" Muppets sitcom that lasted one season




oh ffs




You should be able to tell that this is nonsense that isn't true


The muppets are always trying to be hip. Sesame Street is just for kids to learn shit, it has not other purpose.


R rated sesame street already exists. The Fuzz is about Muppet drug gangs and is a really enjoyable 6 episode series.


What are you implying?


I never watched Forcibly Funded by Taxpayer Dollars Jew York Street when I was a kid, so I don't care for myself, but I'm annoyed at the continuing corrupting innocence in order to appeal degenerate adults. I wish more people cared about little ones and protecting their innocence while they still have it. But this is what happens when pedophiles run Hollywood.

Remember when that old bitch Betty White was famous for playing sweet old ladies and then the left thought it would be funny if she was acting edgy, so she would pop up in random shit acting like a gangster. Fucking cancer. This is what entertains idiots.

I thought they already did that.

Oh, you!

This definitely wont be jewish at all

It was already done and I bet this is ten times better than anything they can make today.

