Excuse me, what the fuck

excuse me, what the fuck

Is this from the "the setting is so retarded not even the people in it believe it's real" show based on that pointless book?

i don't understand what i'm looking at.

Shang Tsung is obviously flustered by his surroundings.

How did the Axis powers conquer America? I could never see them doing that. Britain maybe but America?

That's never explained. The point of the book wasn't believable alternative history, but making a 2deep case about oppressions and sheet.

Was it just to show oppression was bad in general or an allegory for a specific group of people? Also, Dubs confirmed.


Nazis opened up the barriers between realities and mr Japanese Man slipped through due to Chinese meme-magic. What's so confusing about that?

It's from the TV series The Man in the High Castle. It's based off a book. It's set in a future where the Japenese and Nazis win and occupy America. It's not a bad show all things considered. The Japanese gas a jewish woman and her children in the first few episodes, and one point it rains ash in the country side due to the daily incineration's of cripples and degenerates.

Germany and America fought it out to a stalemate in Europe while the Japanese depleted America's forces successfully in the Pacific, and then the Nazis developed the Nuclear Bomb first and Washington DC to force the end to the war. That's the basic jist of it from the books.

It's also possible that Nazi Germany made landfall in Canada unopposed and swept down the eastern coast, with France and Britain being under Nazi control and given that Canada hasn't changed in the slightest implies some sort of working relationship in favour of the Nazis.

Also I think it is believable that the Nazis invaded successfully when you figure out, not that it remains much of a secret might I add, that the Nazis manipulated time and space to give Hitler the cheatcodes to WW2.

lol they can't help "diversity" casting even in their muh ebil nazi shows.


user, that screencap is when he's in a timeline where the Nazis and Japanese lost and America won, you fucking retard.

That is exactly the kind of stuff that makes the show shit. Namedropping trivia from American high school history classes. It's just mindless pandering when Japanese import German delousing agent that has been made completely useless for its purpose just to execute some kikes. Doesn't make any sense in the context of the setting, but it tingles the audience primed with Holocaust horror stories.

Why would he be the retard? You're the one who wasted your time watching a shit show.

oh, so in that timeline they're promoting cigarettes, chocolate, sheboons, and pedophilia. better stop those evil nazis.

The Japanese and Nazi Germany sign a treaty in which the Japanese would enforce Germany purity laws in their land, because they couldn't abide all the niggers and jews fleeing to Japo States and the Kaifeng Jews existing at all. They mention it in the show, maybe you should pay more fucking attention you spastic.

Why would you be a retard you mean? Because you made a moronic mistake that's why.

If you're operating under the assumption that I think the Germans in WW2 were ebil nassiez then you can shut up, because I don't, you presumptuous fucking faggot.

Yeah, gassing the kikes was what I was complaining about. You are fucking uneducated, even for a Holla Forumstard nazi fetishist.

What he's saying is that the holocaust didn't happen and it makes no sense in any case that they didn't just shoot these niggas rather than using an elaborate and arduous process involving chemical products designed for delousing that require a lot of oil to manufacture, something the Germans had in short supply.

Even if the holocaust had happened in the story, it wouldn't make any sense that Zyklon would have been used because even in the official narrative it was a desperate measure to get rid of the malcontent quickly. What makes even less sense that there the stuff would gain enough notoriety so Germans would brand their designated execution gas with the name and insist the Japs use it too.

user, you haven't made it clear what the fuck your problem is.

The Japanese agreed to exterminate jews. They found a jew that had important information to him so they threatened to kill his jew sister and her children if he didn't tell them the information they wanted. They ended up killing them because he waited too long.

I don't know what you consider pandering or out of context.

In this timeline it did. This is an alternate timeline. Both the jewish holocaust and the slavics superholocaust were perpetrated in this alternative timeline.

I would think the obvious answer to that since the goal wasn't to actually kill anyone then gas is a special threat against jews and more likely to get them to comply quicker because they have stories of the mass executions using gas.

The war ended like two decades ago in this timeline, Germany has more resources that she needs.

It did happen in the context of the story. You hear them talking about killing all the jews. You see another one happening in America in the show. It happened in this timeline.

Am I the only one who's watched the fucking series here?

I still don't get why they shaved their heads, buried the bodies, dug them up, put them in ovens, then hammered the bones to powder and buried the powder.

You are the only one stupid enough to give a fuck about this shit heap, yes, being an uneducated American.

I guess

You are a fucking child.

I guess you really like being wrong about everything I guess.

Cry more, faggit. Maybe you will some day graduate from getting your education from tv shows to atleast reading Wikipedia articles or maybe blog posts. Even Holla Forums infographics would be an improvement for you.

Props for being consistent, at least for a retard baby.

because it fucked up with soldiers, humans are not able to just kill people like that especially in 50s they werent so conditioned to kill like we are today
also there were some cases of mobile gas trucks, mercedes truck being reworked to pump exhaust fumes into back where prisoners were, funny its the soviets who came first with this

You'd think the monsterous Nazis who used to play football with Jewish babies would have no problem shooting people

or just make some mechanism that will do it for them

That video started really odd, but it turned out to be great

Firing squad solves this problem. Nobody knows who fired the kill shot.

Except you do know you fired the shot, blanks and real bullets feel different.


Because bullets were scarce, and also what he said
Gas was cheaper, quicker, and it could be "operated" with a lesser crew.

Nazis are bad and the holocaust is real.

To prevent spreading of diseases
>dug them up
Not everyone was ovene'd, it depended on your sentence and ability to work

Get out.

Nobody was gassed in concentration camps.

I will never forget the 12 million jews that died.

Do they explain how they defeated the Soviets?

No, but they mention that the US fell in 1947 and that Stalin was executed 2 years later in 1949 (probably signalling a rapid collapse of the Soviet resistance), which implies that the war was a more drawn out process on all fronts even with nukes than in our timeline. They also mention that they started, and maybe completed, the extermination of Africans within German parts of Africa, Europe and America and that soldiers of the Reich were on the ground fighting in the area but I'm not sure to what extent and if that takes place during the war with the US and Soviets or after a period of recovery.

They don't go into much depth as to what Fascist Italy is up to but it implies the main world powers are only the Reich and Imperial Japan so it's presume they aren't a major power anymore. And for some reason Canada survives unhindered during all of this and no explanation is given as to why.

They also proceed with the Atlantropa, and have a colony on the moon, Venus and Mars (although to what extent is vague) by 1962 for what that's worth (thanks to having all those nazi scientists working together instead of split up between the US and the USSR like in our timeline).

How is gas quicker when it could take up to an hour for a room full of people to die and then each and everyone of them needs to be dragged out one by one presumably not by the guards but the starving prisoners at a rate of over 1000 prisoners an hour to meet the 6 million figure.

i'm touched, guys.

I really don't get alt-history where it shows the Nazi's colonising space and no niggers. It just makes them look better.


I'm a huge fan of Philip K. Dicks earlier novels and short Stories but it's pretty obvious that he pretty much lost his marbles at the point he wrote Man in the High Castle.
The entire premise of the Novel simply didn't work.

I had a lot of fun both reading and watching Fatherland though.

Anytime bb.

Actually that screencap is from the end of the last episode where some kind of magic happens and the jap guy gets transported to the real timeline where America won.

It does not get explained. He falls asleep on a park bench and then wakes up in Reagan's America. There is no precedent or explanation, it's just weird.

That sudden and weird vision of our Version of history is in the novel, so ican't blame the show to include that.

It was pretty much a typical twist you see in every story written by Dick where close to the end he wants the reader to question his own perception of history, or of reality, or of humanity,or whatever the fuck else Dick was interested in at that moment because of the crack he was smoking.

Once you read a couple of novels from Dick you see this twist that i guess is supposed to blow your mind coming from a mile away, every fucking time.

Weird how in general I just never hear anyone talk about the gas chambers and furnaces in detail.

They killed millions of Jews! They put them in the gas chambers!

Like, weren't they fighting a war on multiple fronts? Who in the fuck wastes that amount of money and time on these gas chambers and people to man them and burn bodies and dig graves and shit? People don't have time for this shit, if they were truly trying to kill Jews, if you found a Jew, you shot him where he was, and then went home.

I mean look at the Phillipines right now and their war on drug dealers and shit, people just get killed in the street when they are found out.

you cant have soldiers killing people like that it makes them PTSD mess, 50years ago man was so less conditioned to killing

>I have an internet degree in social psychology and historical economy and logistics, I know these things better than those fucking commie kike academics



nazis hated the jewish people so much that they happily wasted war resources in murdering millions of them efficiently, this is all fact that millions of historians of the world agree and only /pol is dumb enough to doubt.

Nice blog, faggot.


It's about several alternate timelines and universes.

There's one where Britbongs were far more prepared for war, beat Rommel in Africa, link up with the Russians at Stalingrad and kick Kraut ass all the way back to Berlin. UK becomes very nationalistic and secures it's hold over it's Empire, goes into a Cold War with US and wins making the whole World essentially becomes ruled by the British Empire, leading to peace, prosperity and tea and crumpets for all.

You know, I really feel confident in an explanation when it's outlawed in most countries to even question it. Unlike most sound and provable scientific findings, this particular narrative must not be scrutinized, but fear not, it is true all the same. And what I am even more confident in is that you guys are taking me for a ruse cruise. Good night to you glorious faggots.

he is least cucked from holy trio


what a Dick

I'll take things that never happened for 500

Hahaha fuck off.

He's meditating on that piece of jewellery that the jew made. That Chinese magic is earlier explained to be focused into objects by people who are extremely sad.

You do fucking realize all country had camps to keep or kill people?
Holocaust deniers jump so many mental hoops forgetting the rest of the world

You should be ashamed that it's foreigners who care about your country instead of your people, yourself including. Tells you a lot how pathetic once the greatest nation has become. Can't blame you though, unlike Japan you took Nuremberg trials way too seriously.

except only the nazis killed so many people.

Germany doesn't exist anymore bro. Literally any man that was worth being called a man died on the eastern front. the whole nation is a nation of single mothers who got raped by Russians. that's why they're so fucked in the head. tbh the best thing for them is they get destroyed by the arabs completely and then we kick the arabs out and colonise the land with proper people again

That just proves they were better at it than everyone else :^)

Alright m8, then it was not quicker.

It was based on his writings?

First thing is that the people to man the camps could be from the country's population or even from the captives. Second is that Hitler knew they had to keep these things from the German populace, because if they found out, it would have outraged them and caused them to turn against the party.

Why? To kill 100 men you need only a certain amount of poison, instead of at least 100 bullets and a group of volunteers who have to shoot them. If you put them into a sealed chamber, the executioners doesn't have to see what happens inside, and then the rest of the captives could be tasked with hauling the bodies out. Or you have another alternative that's more effective?

Underrated comment.

stalin killed terrorists just like obama, hitler killed innocents.