wtf i hate tim and eric now
Wtf i hate tim and eric now
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I don't get it, is he saying having loads of new jobs is a bad thing?
Tim, John C. Reilly, and Zach Galifianakis are all pozzed as fuck. One of the best and worst things about this election cycle is how all of these cucks who I previously liked have finally shown their true colors.
I thought (((Eric))) was okay at first, but he's just as bad as the rest.
literally who the fuck is this?
Stay mad, cuck. That attitude is exactly why you lot lost on Michigan and Pennsylvania. Good to see that you still won't learn from your mistakes.
what is this imaginary bubble these fuckers live in?
Everyone should have a comfy desk job that doesn't produce anything or be on welfare while all the real work is done in China or by robots or something
Are we preparing war? Or Stalin is back with his five-years plan?
And I hope you still get stuck doing the same menial job of hack comedy of late night Adult Swim, while you choke trying to respond to every mean tweet you see, Tim. You'd die from actually doing hard labor for once in your life. Not many can lay claim to say they make comedy shows without lifting a pencil.
It's a scheme of patriarchy to widen the gender gap by only providing work for men.
So let me get this straight, if you are a tolerant libtard and you care so much about illegals and minorities, how can you shit on people for hypothetically having to do factory work when illegals and chinks do dirty factory jobs?
What I wanna say is, if you are a libtard, shouldn't you be glad that you will take away those shitty dangerous jobs from minorities away and make white people work on them instead? If you are such a self loathing liberal shouldn't you be glad that white people would allegedly have to suffer through these crap jobs?
I don't know how to wrap my head around how retarded this frame of mind is.
They'll get jobs? The horror.
It's bizarre how people who came to prominence due to using cringe as an aesthetic can be so fucking elitist. I mean WTF happened to them? Did the libshit Hollywood machine convert their brains? Or was Tim and Eric always two people sneering at average America? I could tell their shit had some anti-capitalist bent to it, but I thought they were more grounded in reality than that. Jesus fucking christ. That's the kind of tweet you would expect some sneering Washington DC lobbyist to type will sipping champagne. I hope twitter is burying him, because he fucking deserves it. These are a couple nobodies with 3 dollar budgets for videos that rose to prominence due to the internet. Turning your back on those people is beyond arrogant.
It happened to south park and some of my favourite comedians too, once non-PC and trashing the dumb average population, and now being part of that dumb population.
Here's a follow up. This guy is an amazing prick.
where do I go to get these kinds of jobs?
You apply for them.
do I need skills?
Obviously not it's a factory job. (I actually don't know, maybe you need to be at certain physical conditions to join. Google it or ask designated company hotlines.)
Uhh, this is not funny. Why would he even post that?
Modern mining and factory work is highly technical in nature and requires well trained professional. This isn't the 19th century where random dregs get sent into pits until they die.
Because he hates coal miners which is why he called trolls coal miners, because he has a vendetta against coal miners because one day he walked in on a coal miner fucking his wife.
He's been a cuckold ever since.
He was never a comedian honestly. He does "anti-humor."
So you need to know how to operate machinery?
Highly technical machinery. Plus all the safety protocols and shit in addition to your specialization.
Shit they're better craftsmen than most other careers.
How does he feel about coal burners?
Anti-humor, what? I'd just call that simply pretentious people with no humor.
Is he married to a black woman?
No you're thinking of the South Park guys, I forgot which.
oh he loves them
Give that man a medal.
So you're saying I have to go to school for 4 years and get my degree before I can go in the coal mine? Is there anything that doesn't require a 4 year degree?
You need to sacrifice your right to independent thought in exchange for a job that'll get you less than 1 million dollars in your life time.
Being a shit "comedian" mouth piece of Jews.
Hollywood limousine leftists consider honest work an insult.
Someone tell him to stop wasting electricity Tweeting. Tell him to become Amish and renounce coal forever.
How can they be coal miners if his wife is white?
One of them is a coal miner I forget which.
Well, Jimmy Fallon looks like a cool guy now
What logic is this?
why do trump supporters hate freedom?
Hey, goon boy, how does it feel to have Trump's enormous cock of freedom shoved up your communist ass until you broke? Maybe someday, years from now, you will recover from this butt hurt.
Shit taste
An anger born years ago has suddenly surfaced
Salty cunt.
Yet I'm sure he's a big fan of coal burners.
You guys don't understand. A nation runs on a people like him wandering around doing ironic post ironic goofy facial expressions as they collect checks from multibillion dollar entertainment corporations. Without this vital part of our economy we are doomed.
Is that, like, something that poor people in China do for fun?
Move to a coal mining town and apply I guess.
Not sure about steel factories since those really do seem to have been outsourced to the point of being rare as fuck.
If that user wants to do manual labor maybe he can try the trades? You just go to community college for that and get certified I believe.
I thought Tim and Eric were commies. I figured they'd love the idea of going to work in the steel factory for the party.
Nowhere because industry is bad.
**I think you need a degree to work in the mining industry here now. Only friend I have in that field had to get an engineering degree to work with the drills.
Jews hate work.
Somebody should post that pic of the Russian explaining to the commies that Rednecks and Blacks would rule over the hipster commies.
There's this thing called trade school.
But yeah, you can go to a trade school for a couple of years, get an apprenticeship, and work your way up until you can live a comfortable life without having to sink tens-hundreds of thousands of dollary doos of debnts into a degree that won't even guarantee you a job anymore.
The thing is you have to have a decent work ethic and the willingness to perform manual labor at all, which most millennials seem to lack completely.
There's your problem. Tim and Eric was always unfunny stoner bait.
trade unions imo the only real function that unions can provide is OJT, and should really be limited to skill-trades are also good about training.
Tim is an expert troll.
Most of the labor isn't even really that "manual" anyway. I'm a tool and dye maker now after I dropped out of ((COLLEGE)) and we aren't working like fucking landscapers/construction workers manually hauling around a load of shit and doing really heavy physically intensive work. Most of the time I'm just secluded off to my corner of the workshop working for hours on end detailing small metal objects in multiple machines. Hell alot of the time I just create a program with mastercam and then plop a piece of metal into a machine and the machine will do the work for me and I'll come back in about a half hour and then repeat the same process.
Yes user. Thank you.
That sounds pretty cool user. Do you find the hours to be manageable?
Well if you work under someone else then yes. If you work for yourself and own the means of production then prepare for hell on earth. My father is the person who got me into this and he owns his own tool and dye making business and he literally works like 12 hours a day.
I also might of made the mistake of making it sound really simple. You have to be extremely meticulous it's not as simple as "plopping a piece of metal into a machine" you have to use micrometers to zero out the piece and you have to have the machining know how to not fuck up programming because one little mistake and you could break your tools(which are extremely expensive) or even break the damn machine(in this case you will probably get chewed the fuck out harder then you ever have been in your life). If you are smart and able then you will do great also there appears to be no shortage of weirdos and autistes involved in this business. We even have this one gary johnson obsessed Autiste working in the shop.
oh ok then. I keep hearing people saying that college is a waste and they should go into the trades so from those people it comes off as easier or less bad than college.
I don't think you understand just how lazy people are nowadays.
Even what you described is too much for them.
For instance, I work for a beer distributor where most of our work involves using ride-along pallet jacks and forklifts with very occasional moments where you actually have to get off your ass and pick shit up yourself.
It pays fairly well starting off, it requires zero education, it requires the bare minimum of physical effort, it provides benefits, and it provides raises if you do more than the absolute minimum of what you're asked to do.
Yet I'm somehow the youngest person there at 25 while I regularly hear younger people than me bitch about not being able to find a job with their degrees despite "working so hard" to find a job.
I think most of the unemployment problem America has is just pure laziness. There are alcoholic bums that are more willing to work than a vast majority of our college educated youth.
I honestly wouldn't know if college is a waste or not because I left because of alot of personal reasons IE Pozz, Insane libshit girlfriend I met in college, and libshits would routinely shit on all my creative writing. I mainly left because I was uncomfortable in the environment it was like taking a huge redpill suppository in my ass. I bet if you were to take STEM classes you wouldn't get such a shitty experience. My brother went for engineering and he fucking loves it.
Honestly I don't think it's just from sheer lazyness. Most millennials(I am one for the record 90s kid reddit LULZ MAN) feel unsafe in the workplace for many reasons mostly psychological. They are simply too psychologically weak to handle real life. Which is why whenever you see alot of these weirdo faggy modern office complexes they have all these gay extra amenities and petting zoos and shit gotta make these eternal toddlers feel comfortable.
Holy shit blue collar middleclass jobs that will secure your future?
Sign me up famalam. (does he think we stopped having coal mines at some point????)
How does he think the third world powers their electric systems?
And America does indeed have some of the cleanest burning coal in the world. The coal in China for instance has a lot more impurities in it making it have a drastically higher effect in illnesses and pollution.
So if you hate American Coal you hate all the niggers/spics/chinks in the world.
Which I agree with but I don't think this cuck had the same intention behind his statement.
Our coal mines have been going down due to EPA regulations which cause coal companies to import from China which is even worse than American coal due to how impure it is like said.
Hard work builds character, I prefer working on the steel factory with other hardy fuckers (and anons) than rotting away in a goddamn office or cubicle surrounded by gossip and having to learn "subtleness".
t. Oil rig worker.
My buddy went to work on an oil rig when he left college doing comsci, and after his first shift (Which was long as fuck) he bought a new car with cash. He said it's hard as fuck work, he progressed fast because he was dedicated to making more money, but he doesn't want to do anything else with his life because the atmosphere is great. He described it as the copter scene in Predator. Maybe he just got really lucky, but I'm genuinely jealous of the dude.
It's a great fucking life and I'm still mad that my parents convinced me to work in an office because I'm an engineer and I don't deserve working on the rig blah blah, despite returning to work on the engineering side to the same rig.
Really depends on the crew, but like everything, there are bros and there are cunts. Even if you're not that sociable or want to have BFFs, you just need to have a lot of teamwork and communication while you work, and then you can fuck off during your rest hours, at least that was the case with me, 12 work hours, 12 rest hours, no matter what; they won't wake you up or make you work overtime, your mind and body are tired after 12 hours. If you get to work on a modern rig, especially offshore ones, the living quarters are air conditioned and there is a mess hall to eat your meals, depending if you have good cooks you will get some pretty tasty stuff. It's up to you to get fat, you can eat somewhat healthy and they sometimes have gyms, so no excuse. No need to wash your clothes either, just dump your coveralls and dirty laundry and the personnel will clean it.
Depending on the company, you can bring your phone/portable vidya/tablet, so you can entertain yourself during the off hours too.
And it just feels satisfying. You may be dirty and tired as shit some days, but with enough patience you'll endure and enjoy 21-28 days off so you can fap/do stuff/call people cucks on the internet with no worries. That and the pay is good, so if you're a bachelor you will be saving decent money.
College is not a waste of money if you know which degree to pick.
My friend was a guy who went into nursing. If you decide to go further into Anesthesiology nursing or other specialization like that, you will be making better money than most other college graduates. Even if you don't, you won't have a problem getting hired and climbing the hospital administration ladder. Before you know it, you will be bossing bunch of female nurses around. Not to mention that women will fight one another to be your lab partners and getting laid will be stupidly easy.
If you can handle stress, you might also try to get a job at the airport as an air traffic control. Money is very good, and all you need is a high school diploma. Due to stress there is quite a bit of a turnout there, but that also means that they are a lot of spots open.
There are also many jobs that people have no idea exist, but pay rather decent. CAD draftsman, waste water treatment, piano tuning, working on towboats, HAZMAT cleanup, QA software testing, land surveying and more.
That still sounds a lot like laziness to me.
Just because it has the extra "petting zoo" coddling factor doesn't make it any less lazy.
Honestly just fuck my life at the moment trying to study hard and break into middle class wages, and I say this as someone very educated. If miners and factory workers were paid well again, I wouldn't mind being one. I'm not sure how this is an insult.
Holy fuck I can't think of anything more comfy than doing your job out in the middle of the water then retiring to your quarters at the end of the day and watching the waves before you fall asleep.
Considering how I'm pretty much the embodiment of the simpleton workhorse, this sounds like a fucking dream job for me tbh.
Is there a specific process for getting an oil rig job, or is it just some apply and try shit?
Working in a steel mill probably wouldn't be that bad tbh
steel mills are some seriouisly ballbusting places. what you want to do is work in power plants.
fucking LMAO
t. 350lb manchild with one facial hair and a high-pitched voice
since we're talking about trade work, i figure i might as well bring up the near invisible building trade: millwrights.
millwright work is
most millwrights work from September to april, and take the rest of the year off. weant to work more than that? good news! if youre good you can work year round.
-highly varied,
millwrights work in just about every industrial industry requiring complex machinery: power plants, car plants, paper mills, bottling plants, and a bunch of other shit that i havent seen because it wasnt in my area. ive heard of some guys working for boeing making expirimental jet turbines. Power plants are universal though, every state has at least one, and those things cant get sent off to china. serious job security right there
-good pay
you can make anywhere from 22-52 dollars an hour as a journeyman, and thats just straight time, and most contracts have anything over 10 hours as overtime, and a lot of millwright work is maintinence overhaul work, which in car plants is pretty much only done on the weekends or holidays, meaning that you could very well make 1248 buckaroos for one day's work.
-lots of travel
do you want to see everything this great nation has to offer, and get paid while doing it? that is entirely possible as a millwright. hell, if youre good enough, theyll even send you anywhere in the world.
but if travel's not your thing, you can stay local and still make good money
-great expierence for engineerfags
millwrighting is the sister trade to mech-e in that millwrights are the ones who install and overhaul most heavy industral machinery out there. you'll also be working directly with mechanical engineers in the firld (who will be slightly jelly because you get paid more than them for less hours.)
honestly its the perfect job
Would you really prefer them to be office workers that sit around and slap rubber stamps on dumb shit for a living?
How does this benefit anybody?
the robots do all the work. the worst part about it would be the heat
theyre also generally dangerous as fuck and explode all the time due to lack of maintenance, because steel mills are super jews about being shut down for maintenance for more than 10 seconds.
speaking of maintenance, they'll also do shit like make you work super lng shifts on a shut down (which can make you bank if thats your thing.) its not uncommon to work 16 hour shifts, but ive heard of people working as high as 36 hour shifts before.
also dont wear clothes you like to a steel mill and do not attempt to wash clothes worn in a steel mill as it will ruin your washing machine.
This tweet is the perfect excuse to ask "what did he mean by this?"
Well, you're not really sleeping next to the ocean, most of the crew cabins have no windows at all, they just have the bunk beds (only 2 so that you can sleep without anyone interrupting your sleep while he works outside), the closets, the shower and sometimes a TV and a small table. The bigwigs do have a window and they have a single bed, because they're the bigwigs.
But before going to sleep, you can take a shower and go to the smoking area outside, many people are there shooting the shit and you can hear the ocean and what have you. It's beautiful to be working the night shift when you can see the thunderclouds in the distance, or of it's a clear night with a full moon, nothing but pitch black darkness and the moon.
If you want to enter as a grunt, you have to look for a company. There are a lot of people who will want that job so it's not like they let you in because you asked. You also need the permits and pass, but that depends on the company, sometimes they will get it for you, or you will have to get them yourself.
With enough patience and good work you will get promoted, but it's not a fast process, you won't be a driller or toolpusher in 2 years.
What makes air traffic control so stressful?
If find working in the ER to be relaxing, would air traffic control be an about equal switch?
That's what I thought until the last few months when he started just sperging out and screaming FUCK YOU at everyone on his social media.
At first you say it's a bit, but how can it be when he actually does hold these opinions? He really is a liberal. So…explain the joke to me.
And more importantly, where do these guys get off trying to be taken seriously? After all the self-deprecating shit they've done? lol Just look at them. Pull up any screenshot from the show. It'll be like watching Anthony Burch in his bikini.
Another lesson here, don't get married, folks. At least, not if you're an artist.
So buy a lot of shitty clothes?
Still sounds good to me.
So hes admitting that trump will revitalize manufacturing and give all these sad neet bastards a decent job that isnt sucking someones dick in the service industry.
Good, theres hope
I am not defending commies by god, but there arent any commies in hollywood they are all a bunch of delusional pansexual wine sipping yuppie western liberals, if the fucking pinkos ever came to power they would be hanged as quickly as if there were a rightist push.
They are liberals, "petite bourgeoisie", they dont undersrtand economics or industry so they arent even at that level yet where they can make horrible economic decisions like the commies
Well said
Well, no. Petite bourgeoisie was Lenin's term for Russian peasants, who were religious, monogamous, and traditionalist.
Hollywood would in general be the 'Vanguard:'. The self-styled leaders of communist revolution because the masses are still asleep. They are and always have been communists in good standing, because communism has always been a game of privileged people with wealth.
The faggy creep is ADF, long story short hes a loser cosplayer that got into communism over watching hetalia and has been thrown the fuck out of every household hes ever been in, including his own mother's.
is this what statedrones literally believe?
He's saying you virgins aren't actually going to get work, even if it was available. Personally, I work from home, so I don't need neetbucks.
is Tim the only comedian to out troll the trolls? Holy shit
TRANSLATION: "I have herpes and am a camwhore."
Why did they allow a horse into the oscars?
It's probably very complicated. You have to constantly monitor the movements of multiple airplanes at once while making sure they don't get too close.
i am of course pulling this out of my ass, but i dont think it is really that stressful or difficult, jobs like this with so much on the line have heavily established protocols which may not be deviated from. like the dude who works in the ER; you dont make any decisions so much as you go through the process every time in exactly the same way.
Steel mills are important and rewarding work but he's right and you're lying to yourself if you don't think it's hard.
Nigger what? Statistically low skill blue collar work is what's on the rise.
Minor fuckups can lead to hundreds of deaths instead of just one guy dying in the ER because you did something retarded.
Explain yourself.
How did you come to that conclusion exactly?
Pretending to be retarded isn't trolling.
>implying he's even pretending
There's nothing to get about T&E, it's post-irony cringe and randumb.
user's comedy is post-irony, but without the emphasis on cringe or randumb.
i.e., we're actually funny. They're not.
He probably means that Trump is just going to give a bunch of subsidies/support to coal and natural gas and fuck everything else.
For power generation, we badly need nuclear, especially newer gen reactors. Alternative energy doesn't work, sure, but most of this alternative energy is pushed by oil & gas companies because they know it doesn't work.
Nuclear is safe, and it'll only get safer when gen 3 reactors reach commercialization stage within the decade. Not to mention that rush to commercialization is what made them unsafe in the first place. The technology has been held back thanks to Eisenhower sharing sub-standard LWR reactor technology with the rest of the world under Atoms for Peace, instead of breeder types.
At least natural gas is better than coal. Coal is a fucking disaster.
That doesn't seem bad at all. :^)
better to see all you nazi frogs marched into the ovens where you belong. #KeepYourHateSpeechOutOfOurCountry