New season with the Trumps when?
New season with the Trumps when?
>>>Holla Forums
You can give up anytime, preferably now. At least I'm speaking about an actual TV show unlike everyone else here.
Wouldn't Cory have to go gay for Barron, in that case?
Nah, he'll be lusting after Ivanka and doing everything to break up the marriage between her and her jewish husband by making his life as suffocating as being in a gas chamber.
Anime goes on >>>/a/
Anime is allowed on Holla Forums
Even Trump has a black sidekick with him.
Are you asking because they're making a Fuller House for That's so Raven?
January 20th, 2017
Why does Donald have black arms?
Unfortunately, Kiefer already got the role.
Heavy tan mixed with bad light work and shitty makeup.
He would.
Oh shit how the fuck did I miss this?
It's time to stop posting Chris Evans pics.
He's showed his true colors.
What are you talking about, he's been openly leftist for a long time bitching about his fag brother and "bullying".
The supposed butthurt caused by the "she's a slut" thing seemed to make some people think that he's some sort of anti-feminist.
I'm just trying to clear the air here.