Reddit spacing

No the rulecuck was the board owner of Holla Forums who got so assblasted by a picture of a nigger getting his dick cut off that he made a thread on /sudo/ demanding that codmonkey give him ownership of Holla Forums. he claimed he would make sure all the spam got deleted and that users would be banned for not following the rules and derailing threads.

Here we go. I found an archive of his attempt.

oh, it's the bogeyman that people spout when someone disagrees with their political shitposting, got it. was wondering why i see everyone call each other "rulecuck" seemingly at random.

No it is literally referring to a single person who was trying to convince Porchmonkey to let him take over Holla Forums. The same person who the Holla Forums board owner confirmed as being the cumskin/drumpf/cuck porn poster and that meido confirmed as the autist who globally reported them for TWO HOURS for insulting their waifu.

Does anyone have a screenshot of the glorious salt from when the drunk bitch got insulted?

Furthermore here is a thread from them on /ameta/ complaining about a series being allowed to be posted because it has a nazi character in it.

And here is the thread they responded to with their two hour report tantrum

It's a handy meme, because it shows you which of the Summerfags from Reddit stayed. They see something they recognise, and think "Durr, imageboards hate Reddit, so this must be bad" not realising that post formatting has no impact on the feelings of antipathy towards the user base of Reddit.
