What's with his obsession with selling absolutely useless products? FDA non approved pills, grinded coffee crap to "wake up", no "autismo for me" water filter, like what the fuck?
Tfw i have nothing to talk about now and will have to come up with new conspiracy theories to keep my retarded audience...
This is the mental level of the average Drumpftard. Take not people, it's insane Christian redneck's like this who secured power for Drumpf.
Do you think these sub 80 IQ hicks deserve the right to vote? I'm not so sure.
When will you Drumpflets get the message and FUCK OFF!
Your b8 is so low-energy now, it's not even funny.
who is this cum sock?
Obama and most his supporting people in the office will be out soon so who's he going to rant and sperg out about? Trump is president and the republicans took the house and senate seats. Well Alex finds a way I guess, maybe he'll go out for more irl shitposting.
It's just some CTR sperg not knowing if he gets fiered or put six feet under to cover up any tracks left.
Wait a bit, and the problem should solve itself.
wild guess here…money?
oh there will be a lot of themes to cover. obama is already pushing laws in the last minute and you have all those new organisation and left wing militias poping up