why is every porn board on 8ch dead
Why is every porn board on 8ch dead
They're just like your brain
because fapping to pics or 20 second video clips isn't a good experience
Because watching 3DPD porn is degenerate, user.
higher standards
owner of /wx/ was an autist who destroyed his own board by introducing a shitty CSS that made it impossible to browse
lel that was hilarious, and
Because it is a dead website for dead posters.
Because 8ch hasn't had OC in like 6 months now and serves no purpose any more. People are just here because there is no where else to go, those who want porn just went back to 4chan which has active porn boards.
I just found my own damn porn sites and stick to them now.
You don't like trannies and people shitting on each other!?
Sup, cuckchan.
Porn is degenerate.
This, and then /vx/ completely failed to take off.
Fucking shithead, why did he think that was a good idea?
i think this might be it.
being weeb neetsoc is one thing, but being into (((porn))) is irreconcilable for anons.
what ruined it for me was a remark about porn being the evolutionary equivalent of a caveman in the bushes beating off while watching on others have sex
don't even hoard porn as much i used to anymore
because all of you cucks have moved to Holla Forums.
because Holla Forums can't contain its autism about >muh degeneracy
pornography goes against g-d's law.
who is this
Jenna Jameson is a Trump supporter lmao
Because we want all these porn stars hung from lamp posts in the streets.
when was that?
Why do board owners keep doing that? They are completely self destructive. Now Holla Forums is fucked up with that retarded background. Do board owners just want attention? Do they sabotage and fuck everything up so that people will complain to them?
Maybe because people realized that watching Chad's bleached anus over his sweaty balls giggling for an hour wasn't exactly what they wanted to see in (((porn)))?
(((porn))) sucks circumcised dicks.
because we all found God
porn is worse than crack fam
porn is for cucks tbh
the fuck is wrong with you man
She's also a Jew now.
the 2d porn boards on 4chan are too slow
sad panda doujinshi rarely have good art AND my fetishes, danbooru has too much sfw shit
/gif/ has too much gay trap shit, /s/ and /hc/ aren't depraved enough
pornhub and other sites have too many niggers and I don't like navigating the sites for the rare video I like
It's like porn WANTS me to use the deepweb
I fap to cars but even I wouldn't stoop that low.
They're also 99% futa therefor complete trash.
Then use gelbooru.
What kind of sick fetishes do you have that you can only get from sonic and ponies?
It must be sure fun to get shiny bits of metal up your cunt.
big puffy anuses, gape, prolapse
if the 2d art is really really good, ahegao
gelbooru has a lot of gay shit. how do I filter it out?
how many layers of fuck are you on
If you have an account there you can add the tags for gay shit to the tag blacklist. If not, just add a minus sign next to whatever the gay shit is (like -trap).
Or rule34.xxx
I am an advanced degenerate. You can find more here >>>/o/4896
It's not hard to find 3D of that stuff man. No problem if you prefer the 2D lifestyle but you're lying to yourself if you think you have to turn to 2D to find what you want.
Hey tile pattern dude.
I honestly don't understand what would drive a man to fap to tiles.
I mean, cars aren't that weird when you think about it. There's a lot of people like me. But fucking tile floors?
Doesn't this sort of thing usually happen to people who look at too much porn? They get bored of the normal stuff, move on to weirder shit and eventually even the weirdest porn does nothing for them anymore.
I don't how you do that, but I wont judge.
Not really.
I know, 3d actually has more prolapse stuff. The problem is I can't stand a dick in my porn. It ruins everything else on screen, so like 50% of gape porn is out. Also I feel like I've seen almost everything. When I go to pornhub I type in "gape" or "prolapse" and filter by most recent videos to get the newest content.
You'd be surprised.
Why do you like those things? And do ponies and sonic have so much of it?
Do you really need to ask why those contain his autistic fetish?
It could be worse lad.
It's because friends of Hotwheels don't have a dick. They're only pretending to have.
Why the fuck was Ariel Rebel so fucking hot?
Shes a jew.
Because >>>/s/ is better in every way, no niggers allowed, no penises allowed, no traps allowed.
Consider visiting >>>/vx/
And then the newest content is reuploads of shit you saw years ago.
There are two reasons I quit porn and this is actually one of them.