Since when do orks swear?
I always thought it was stinking, not fucking.
Since when do orks swear?
I always thought it was stinking, not fucking.
They're degenerate creatures so of course they would swear.
We're in the Berenstain universe.
Is that edited?
why do orgs have northern british accents? they sound like wank instruction porn girls
English swear words are lame. "Fuck". Really? Sounds like something a teenager high on sugar would say in order to look good.
They seem so willing to eat each other that it's a wonder they even have an army.
why would maggots be in bread?
what did he mean by this?
I just checked my DVDs from when LOTR first came out and it's legit. How did Jackson get away with this?
When will this meme die? When?
Do you think they fucked Pippin and Merry?
No. Their master specifically said he wanted them delivered alive and with virgin assholes.
Dubs, that voice makes him sound like a cartoon character.
When will this shit meme die?
The "fuck" sounds really unnatural with the rest of it. It's louder than the rest of the audio and the quality is lower too. That's gotta be an edit. It doesn't even sync with his lips.
When will this shit meme die?
2bqhf best post of the day tbchfamggjgg
>When will this shit meme die?
When will this shit meme die?