

Wouldn't that work better on reddit?

if enough redditards gathered here and thought that there wasn't any of that shit going on, then yes.

Torrents, or a site like vodlocker if you use the search feature.

How hard is it to do a 5 second search on the internet? They can easily shut the sites down, more would come up anyway.

Just checked my bookmark. Has me on .ch. Also 123movies is an ok back-up site.

the mirror sites are all up
the main site changes from time to time, just like piratebay

people in america may or may not be aware, but products are sold for however much the companies think they can get

so products sold for $5 in the states, might be sold for $7 in Australia
even on itunes, and other online sale platforms

many countries have small media markets, that can't compete with the US
and US companies are taking advantage of that by price gouging

What are you, retarded?



Putlocker was good while it lasted but it went to shit 3 years ago.