Why is there a social stigma attached to watching tv cartoons but for some reason nobody has a problem with adults watching animated films?
Why is there a social stigma attached to watching tv cartoons but for some reason nobody has a problem with adults...
Fuck what other people think, you do you.
lmao only hipsters and numales do that shit
Please tell us more of what hipsters and numales do, since you're so knowledgable.
Everything the normalfag believes is arbitrary, and poorly thought through.
Dunno, both the films and television animation is largely kiddie shit. Kind of creepy that people watch them. Makes me think they're pedos or child molesters of some sort.
The difference in quality.
People still think it's odd to watch a lot of kids movies. It is relatively more reasonable, but it's because movies typically have more effort put into them to make them fun for the family whereas tv shows are aimed purely at kids.
>>>Holla Forums
Because western animation is shit. Thankfully there's an alternative.
Woah those digits.
Can this be an Elsanna thread?
Endorsed by THE MAN himself!
How come everyone that works in animation is some creepy freak
You have to be a little autistic to do a job as meticulous as animation.
who cares what Holla Forums and other normies think?
TV cartoons are meant to keep the hyperactive little shits sedated during daytime so it's mostly flashy garbage.
It's all about context, user.
No one takes issue with adults watching cartoons they enjoyed from their childhood.
No one takes issue with adults watching cartoons meant for adults.
A small segment of the population takes issue with adults watching anime either from lack of familiarity with it or because the most popular examples of it are heavily geared towards men. This is evaporating because it's also extremely popular with women and has opposite media catering exclusively to them.
Most people don't have an issue with adults *watching* cartoons, but due to a combination of the increasingly politicized nature of them, the simplistic ADD-riddled writing and pacing, cheap flash animation quality and overall shittiness of it along with it being meant for children 8 and under, if you care enough about the day time offerings of Nick, CN and Disney to consider yourself a fan of them, such as Steven Universe, MLP, Gravity Falls, Adventure Time, etc, then you'll do fine in tumblr circles, but everyone else will quietly know you more likely than not have severe autism.
As for CG offerings like what you show, they're shallow, simplistic, poppy, cheerful and require rarely even a two-hour investment, and due to their higher rate of neotenous features it's largely seen as socially acceptable for women to retain childish behavior, such as using coloring books, reblogging gifs, having a Totoro or Stitch phone cover, having a bed covered in stuffed animals, dying their hair unnatural colors, wearing a tiara and so on.
tl;dr: Society only caters to the cute, even if they're only cute on a completely superficial barely surface level. You are not cute.
Were these guy's autistic?
The one in the middle certainly shows the hallmark signs of social ineptitude, and the second one from the bottom right side is an obvious sperglord.
Tfw the incredibles was a massive success with everyone, but ((they)) hated the idea of a functional, happy white family
its fucking kiddie shit, exactly like videogames. if you watch animation or play games ur a kid and should kill yourself.
they post on imageboards
Speak for yourself.
You sound like a faggot tbh.
What makes you think this is the case?
But it is frowned upon by sane people.
I think its an American thing. In America cartoons are seen as something for children while in the rest of the world they're not. That may have something to do with it. That and the censorship of cartoons prevents us from really getting newer cartoons that can explore deeper themes despite the progress that has been made by lowering censorship in some regards (They will allow certain things we could never have before but something like Blazing Saddles would never be allowed to be made).
tldr; we should make a Warhammer 40k series.
Only when they bring their kids you manchild.
They're both for children.
The difference is that you take a kid to the theater to watch a film as opposed to watching children's entertainment by yourself in your basement.
Also there is no stigma with adult cartoons, like South Park.
and how you envy them weebshitter
There's also no problem with adults watching kiddie shows with their children. The problem might appear when you watch them alone in the basement.
The quintessential animation in America is a cartoon where cartoon animals living in a flat cartoon world engage in cartoonish physical comedy. It's for children and makes no attempt to challenge them or be of any serious interest to older viewers. Television animation draws from the same well and looks even more crude. That's not to say it's all like that, but it's common enough and it's what people associate with television animation. Shows like South Park are an exception, but they are treated like sitcoms.
Then there's the Disney fairytale musical archetype. Based on cartoons but more sophisticated, you can at least safely enjoy them out of nostalgia or while watching them with your children. But they're still overwhelmingly for children.
Modern 3D animated movies break away from some old patterns and associations simply by being 3D, and seem more determined to appeal to adults with their humor and themes but without compromising the children's demographic. They might not even have any singing in them. But they aren't a radical departure from the past, and there's a limit to how seriously they're taken or should be taken. They're still for children.
Anime causes nuclear levels of butt frustration and anal exasperation because it disregards all of America's unilateral "rules" for animation and doesn't stay confined in the "children's cartoon" or "it's a comedy/musical/fairytale for kids, but adults can enjoy it too within reason" categories like it should.