The Origins of White Greatness


How did white Indo-European peoples attain such strength and beauty to start with?

If we can know more precisely how we came about – or which biological, environmental, sociological, philosophical, mythological, and religious factors brought forth our preeminence – then we can know an essential key to our reinvigoration.

Any ideas, theories, or suggested readings you want to share would be appreciated.

Other urls found in this thread: e Uniqueness of Western Civilization.pdf uniqueness of western civilization aryans,160_&refRID=0FHBZKCJJ00KV9MG8YKT europe religions uniqueness of western civilization;jsessionid=B69C394D2D4E6C831A1D754B06E216E4?doi=;jsessionid=EE970A48FF4DF9F1E96B1C1F767E9B28?numfields=1&field1=docId&field1val=Panama-178289&field1Op=AND&advanced=true&hq=true&important=Título:[email protected]

These are two sources I like:

Сантии Веды Перуна (Perun's vedas)

Nicolai Levashov - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors

The Aryan race seems as a shining beacon to the world. A conduit of innovation and inspiration to the physical world from the other side.

The Aryan race has created or discovered almost all of the breakthroughs in the understanding of our world and ourselves, whether through science or philosophy.

Ironically, even their greatest existential threats were in part created by them, it was a part Jew part Aryan that wrote down Marxism. It was their ability to create safe, secure, and prosperous lives that led their offspring to possibly become decadent and lazy.

Wherever the Aryan race has wandered, the other races ALWAYS inevitably become drawn to the societies and culture the Aryans created. Drawn like fireflies to a light.

The Aryans were seemingly able to create wondrous, prosperous, lucid kingdoms on earth almost wherever they settled. The unfortunate thing was, whenever the other races became drawn to their creations, they always seemed to become lesser and overwhelmed, and always ended up pulling back these newcomers drawn to their light.

"White flight" is not a new concept at all. Aryans have been on the run since the start.

What we need is a re awakening of studies into our archaeological origins and to study in depth into our current DNA, whether through blood, genetics, neurology, biology, or chemistry.

Also, the discovery of Spirituality and how it exists along the Material World.

The DNA of God is within us, that's the missing link in the line of evolution, blacks and darkies like that are lower orders of humanity. We were at one time very close to the gods as well, not so much anymore, we've become estranged and materialistic.

Oh boy, I guess there goes the thread.

And just to clarify, obviously the Ahnenerbe had a Germanic outlook being founded on German soil, but a reminder that Slavs are Aryan as well. The eastern Aryan cousin to the western Aryans.

Read up of the Gnostic texts, if the thread becomes boring and this reality is too solid and your spirit is hungering.

No thank you, I get more out of Grimm's fairytales.

By not calling themselves "White".


But you're not going to get it by being on Holla Forums all day. It's wasted if too much time is spent on here.

Get money, get /fit/, GET OUT and make moves happen either in the spotlight or out of it.

I wear suits due to my job and I can red pill almost anyone with a bit of charm and how I dress, not hard to do.

we got the secrets at the temple of Solomon

you can thank the Knights Templars for stealing the secrets from the Jews

Mate, your argument is flawed because if it were God within whites, how do explain Adam and Eve? They would have been a mahogany kind of colour based on the approximate location of the garden of Eden

Agreed. Escapist versions of "spirituality" are as damaging as rigid materialism.

Also, out mythology is the only one worldwide that focuses on the male deity over the female deity, which means we focus on individualism as opposed to the collective (the female being the person who runs the family, or collective)

Yes, even Islam is a goddess female based religion which is why they gravitate to group think.

Pre-Christian society came with a kind of pluralism that allowed mankind to express themselves more freely, to investigate topics of a higher knowledge, and not to fear the unknown but to attempt to unveil it. Look at today and what restricts us: it's "political correctness" for lack of a better term. Well, that just means a tyrannical orthodoxy imposed by man. Yesterday it was the church, today it's the Liberal-Marxist state.

When we aren't allowed to expand our wings, we never break out of the shell, and so we begin to die. The shell in this case is conscious and doesn't want to allow our freedom, so it imposes upon us a set of doctrines to keep us from bursting through it. It fears our ability to create and destroy once we are free, but while trapped we cannot do anything but be our own ruin. Men are born every now and then that come to try and liberate us but the majority of us fight against these men. Our slavery here has made us fear liberation and to fear the truth because the truth is unorthodox, just like today being a racialist, a nationalist, a fascist, and so on, is heretical behaviour and so most people avoid it. When we avoid it, we cannot spread our wings, so we begin to die, and so everything we do in such a society has the acrid stench of death upon it.

This modern society forces upon us a reverse of natural law. In the natural world, the stronger triumph; in this delusional world, the weaker triumph. This is in stark contrast to an evolutionary strategy. If things persisted this way, we would de-evolve, we would become more animal, and eventually the other animals will destroy us. Today the third world is ravaging us, tomorrow it will be beasts we conquered not too long ago, and eventually we would end up not much different than Africans, living in fear of lions with full bellies.

Besides where do you actually think Eden was?

it's probably a combination of natural selection and geographic location. yurop is uniquely suited to give rise to great civilizations

You're absolutely right, the biggest step is going out and seeing what is you're capable of and actually making things happen. There needs to be a balance of a healthy body and mind.

But I did offer a solution as well, I said we could use new scientists to study our genetics.

The idea of physically weak intellectuals is a modern concept, in the past most philosophers and scientists were actually out trekking in the world and actively engaging in it, not holed up in a dark lab. One can be /fit/ and Holla Forums, if anything that's the ideal.

I mean, no one can know for certain, but based off what you can get from the bible, you can say it was ROUGHLY around Ethiopia area

It seems more like you're the one trying to do that

A perfect mix of Cro Magnum, Human and Neanderthal.

I don't mean to sound too "closed-minded" or whatever, but a lot of responses here seem to be flirting with pseudoscience and fantasy. But look, I won't argue with you over that. I'm sure you've got lots of uber redpilled anti-establishment responses to criticisms of pseudoscience. However, I appreciate the suggestion to read up on the Ahnenerbe. I hadn't heard of that before.

But I think what I'm looking for and what other people are looking for is something that is more solid and grounded in evidence that is accessible and undeniable.

As you guys were making responses, I had been doing a bit of searching through bibliographies, and I found a few interesting titles. Some of them are quite old and taboo. Let me know if you're familiar with these and what you think of them:

– The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans by Hans F.K. Günther

– The Uniqueness of Western Civilization by Ricardo Duchesne

– The Indo-Europeans by Jean Haudry

– Mythology of the Aryan Nations by Sir George W. Cox

– Aryan Worldview by Houston Chamberlain

Are these books any good? Are they accurate? Are they helpful in any way? Let me know.

I would say IQ and genetics. If you look at Europe, it really kind of sucks. Winters are harsh, and there's not an abundance of resources, therefore, you have the higher IQ people being more successful and have more children.

Also, Europeans don't have a culture of conformity that East Asians do. East Asians are perfectly capable of building good societies, but they're not as accepting of new ideas as the West is (which can be a bad thing, i.e. Cultural Marxism)

I don't really know how to explain the difference in Individuality vs. Conformity, as the IQ difference between Whites and Asians isn't as large as say an African and a White. Maybe it's philosophical? Maybe it's because Asian countries are small with massive populations. For example, Japan is the size of California, but with only 20% usable land. Whereas Europe, while still fairly small, isn't as populous.


Spirituality refers to Morality, Values, Virtues, Appreciation of the Beautiful, Hunger for Knowledge, Caring for the Future and for your Descendants, Aptitude to Innovation and Creation, Seeking Emotional Satisfaction (Love, for instance) instead of Material (That shinning Ferrari).
Now, tell me how do you not value these, or how don't you see the crisis our civilisation is passing trough as a consequence of the abandonment of these.

Kill yourself.

Stop it, you devalue European diversity and accomplishment by boiling us down to the abstract concept of 'white'. Sure, we share that one feature, but it's like referring to us as 'high nasal bridges' or 'blue eyes' - senseless generalising which detracts from the true depth of history and heritage.

On that same note, please stop using 'cold climates made us think to survive innit' as a one-stop explanation for all European accomplishment throughout history, a peoples don't become and maintain greatness because of a freak act of evolution. You're taking the humanity out of the process.

Forgot to add this, but also people would think that being a hunter would imply that you've got a high IQ. Well, actually, that's not true.

I can't remember the name of the series but there's a set of based Norwegian documentaries that cover controversial topics. There's one on race and IQ. Sasha Baron Cohen actually has a brother who's an evolutionary biologists and probably does believe that IQ and race are highly correlated. But, I don't think he goes that far in the film.

Yeah, well the main problem with studying our past history through archaeology and legends is that those can be interpreted easily, or distorted from their original form.

That's why I think we need a revival of the Ahnenerbe with our current advancements in genetics. Our DNA has all of our ancestors' (that procreated) history built in, we just need to understand how to read it.

No. In Mesopotamia, after the end of the Ice Age, around 10000BC, and in the Arab Peninsula, A LOT of rivers and lakes appeared due to the Ice Melting - this region became a paradise for living, and was named "Eden".

Well, okay. Thanks for the criticism. But why don't you contribute some helpful ideas of your own rather than just trying to beat up on other people who have attempted to contribute something?

The cold climate and ice age were likely a big part of it, but success tends to lead to decadence and laziness, in truth the struggle should never end. A never ending struggle against ourselves, our environment, and our neighbors. That is what progress truly is, struggle.

Indeed, this is something I'm extremely suspicious about. So much can be lost in translation. The Eddas, for example, were written down in the 13th century by a Christian monk. Who knows how much might have been lost or reinterpreted in between the time the myths were developed and when they were written down.

And by insisting on European alone, you are discounting all the areas that were just as Indo-European.

All the -istans were once primarily made up of IE peoples. They were just as white. The only difference is eventually they lost to non-whites in battle. In Europe the only people you could lose to are other whites.

We should make those areas great again as well by removing kebab, and Islam.

Lots of anal

I see a large amount of Mexicans or mix-raced here. non-white DNA and degeneracy are more strongly interlocked.

*tips sombrero*

Why are you posting gaybait?

But now that I see this … nvm
Is this in latin america? what a fucked up continent that is


However lost and muddy our past becomes, we should remember that we are what remains of them. To understand ourselves is to better understand them. The best way to do that is through struggle. We must look to ourselves.

By being complete fucking dicks to each other for several thousand years.

Like, seriously. That's why.

Germany isn't even a great country, my country kicked the shit out of them in two world wars, so I'm really not buying the whole "haha we're all friends now but Germany's the best :)" act.

If Nazism ever becomes a thing again, we should carpet bomb those Teutonic city sackers back to the stone age. The Swiss and Austrians do the same thing minus the tendency for autistic, suicidal warmongering.

Older can be better, because it could be before Marxist thought became entrenched.

There's also March of the Titans.

Certainly true, but it would be bad to ignore it. I think they need to be constantly on the lookout for anything which might challenge the accepted, rather than it taking all the old professors to die before anything new can be mentioned.

Are you talking about an Animus?

If possible, I agree it would be ideal. You'd only see the winning side/surviving losers generally.

When Nazism returns one of the first things they'll do is acquire nuclear weapons, so you won't be able to, kike :^)

It has to do with the harsh selective pressures in Europe (and Asia as well).
Long, ruthless winters means you have to stock up resources developing an ingrained tendency for deferral of gratification.
Deferral of gratification is the first step towards civilization.

This is at least one item I can think of out of the top of my head. Interesting stuff though.

meds have always been superior to nords IMO, compare ancient greece and the roman empire to snow nigger viking degenerates

Ask Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer, Ramzpaul etc…. They look huwhite to me.

Oh, I didn't see that. I just assumed latin america because of the skin color and tan of the people in that pic.

I would probably be quite noticeable in that crowd with my pale marble like white skin.

It's amazing how the brownies on the left look almost identical to the turks in my country.

i think the garden of eden was somewhere in iraq

which makes you wonder why the jews hate iraq so much and have been fucking with iraq for so long, getting bush to invade etc

Filtered and hidden. Easy done. I recommend everyone else do the same if they haven't already.

Quick Question for everyone here!

What is really matter? Be white (or aryan if you like) outside or inside?

If you genetically white but believe in left bullshit, deny white values, culture, your heritage, tradition and nation than are you still could be considered as superior?

Meanwhile a non-white who wholeheartedly believe in the white values, traditions and culture and condemns his/her race and it's barbaric traits could be considered as one of us?

And what about the mixed people?

How are you even here? You've just followed the standard belief that they wanted to conquer the planet. It was a Nationalist party. They only cared about themselves.

You're right about the constant warfare part. But today fighting each other is a sure bet to our own genocide.

In both world wars Germany inflicted way more casualties on their enemies then were inflicted on them, despite being outnumbered.

Their autistic suicidal warmongering is what made them so good at battles and tactics, maybe not so much at war and strategy.

The ancient German tribes were constantly warring each other throughout history, it was that struggle that gave them an edge, they just fucked up by blowing their united load in one burst instead of slowly over time.

It was stupid as fuck for them to get into a situation where they were outnumbered, but the Germans did not get the shit kicked out of them. A pack of dogs working together can take down a lion.

There are flutes and statues found in German caves older than that.

Looks like the Aryan is older than the christ-god's creation. Dank.

Tip top kek, Nazicuck. Your escapism is hilarious. I wish trench warfare was still a thing so I could get the authentic experience of my forefathers and shred smelly barbarians with a shotgun so hard they get butthurt and try to make it a war crime like in WW1.

This is why Germans are subhuman, every other human being learns, "Touch fire, get burnt, don't touch fire." But germans can't learn "Start war, get fucked, stop starting wars". Germany's stay in the EU and the Roman Empire proved that the only way for teutonic scum to be useful is if they're kept on a short leash by actual civilized nations.

Here, faggot. You can have the "I'm the only nation in history to get my ass torn open by Lithuana" sticker.

Here are some more titles which I found interesting and potentially helpful. Let me know what you think of them:

– The Racial Elements of European History by H.F.K. Günther

– Racial Realities in Europe by T Lothrop Stoddard

– March of the Titans: The Complete History of the White Race (Vol. I-II) by Arthur Kemp

– The Passing of the Great Race by Madison Grant

– The Aryan Race: Its Origins and Achievements by Charles Morris


The biographies and credentials of some of these authors are quite impressive.

Hans Friedrich Karl Günther (1891–1968) was Germany’s pre-eminent racial scientist in the 1920s, and taught at the universities of Jena, Berlin, and Freiburg. He was appointed to the chair of racial theory at the University of Jena in May 1930 he was appointed to a new chair of racial theory at Jena. In 1935 he became a professor at the University of Berlin, teaching race science, human biology and rural ethnography. From 1940 to 1945 he was professor at Albert Ludwigs University. He was arrested in 1945, and after three years detention, was released when no charges could be brought against him.

The meds were superior in their organizing skills, they could group up and form disciplined and coordinated attacks that became far stronger when united.

The fasces is a good example of the meds, weak individual branches stuck together to make a strong weapon.

The nords have always been superior as individuals, they were taller, longer limbed, stronger, and tended more towards reclusion, dissent, and free thinking. When these strong individuals came together, it tended to clip their wings and greater potential, weakening them.

1 on 1 Nords beat Meds hands down.
Group of organized meds vs nords the meds will likely win.



Mesopotamia is Iraq. Also, there's 2 rivers there today, but by that time, when the Ice Melted, there were 4.
That whole region was Eden - from Iraq to the Arab Peninsula.

Tungsten drills with nuclear warhead that'll lodge into the Yellowstone magma chamber. That's how I'd do it if I wanted some leverage at least.

Yeah the animus is a good world example of what I had in mind.

The most important thing to remember though, is that it only works on people who had children who survived.

So if you want to pass on (y)our story, don't just write a book, make babies. Better yet, do both.

No. Opposite. Claiming "Warrior's honour/Skill" after you lost the battle is being just as autistic as weaboo katanaposters. Winning is what matters, not killing. Germany didn't win.

Suicidal warmongering shouldn't at any point be celebrates as the hallmark of greatness of a civilized european nation, seeing as it is a tactic employed by african and arabian warlords, the same ones you supposedly look down on.

"I killed as many people as I could before being shot" isn't a country-building attitude, it's a country destroying attitude.

The Majority of people here seem like LARPers with escapist teutonic warrior fantasies.

Conquest, not killing. Building, not breaking. Rome didn't become rome by killing off all of its subjects. (Which backfired when they conquered Germany, ha ha. But the point still stands.)


really not .. bad looking if I am being honest

So whites were too successful for their own good?
Something to mention at a job interview, I suppose.

The garden of eden was not a physical place, but a mental state.

Only the Jewed church wants you to think its a literal place on the map.

No. Archeological discoveries tell us: This place was called Eden. This is a fact.

Where did the "Garden of Eden" myth originate? I know that Jews adopted lots of myths into their ideology that didn't originate with them, so it wouldn't be surprising to me if this one isn't theirs either. Are there earlier versions of the Eden myth that originated with other peoples?

I never said it made them the better nation, I said it made them the better warriors, I even said it was stupid for them to get into a war where they were outnumbered.

And fuck off with this division shit anyway, if you want to create a successful society, you need different classes to be able to get a job done.

A warrior class, a priest/teacher class, an artisan class, etc.

Rome never conquered Germany, they never got past the Rhine. The Germans and Nords sacked Rome multiple times though, unfortunately.

The great nation builders lost their nation when they used German warriors as mercenaries and neglected their own warrior class.

If they would have come together though, and united their warrior and nation building skills, that's a different fucking story

The jewed church just throws that shit out there to keep the goyim baited so you don't even ACTUALLY READ THE STORY IN THE BIBLE and discover what is right in front of your face.

The garden of eden was humans prior to discovering the nature of duality, or the knowledge of good and evil.

Its not a paradise of the physical world, but one where humans are one with the creation.

threads just getting ruined by trolls

sorry this was meant for

No. Again, it was an extreme fertile region in the Middle East, that dried up and became a legend.

Yes the garden of Eden Idea shows up in creation myths around the world including India, China, Native Americans, and south Americans, Myans ect.

Sometime almost word for word.

The truth of the matter is we have this knowledge inside us, and it shows outwardly from within in cultures around the world.

The Jews took these stories from older Egyptians stories, and they got it from older Sumerian stories.

Doesn't make it any less true, so INB4

Jewish lies. The truth is right in the book.

The garden of Eden is not knowing the difference between good and evil, and seeing the world AS IT IS and not as you want it to be.

You're talking about sub types.

There are clearly still main types that have more broad inclusions, like Italics and Greeks into Meds.

Rome, it all comes down to culture, whites were the first to collectively stake their own lives for the greater good, they used their bodies to project their minds and ideas rather than the other races.

I don't think whites are inherently great, simply put we can look at Europe right now and how they're suffering poorly from being deluded into these nonsensical ideas, but surely the culture they created is above all others.

take "The Deaths Head" for example to this post.

Wew lad


Patriarchy and martial values basically, which were passed on to European peoples who were large in stature. The original Aryans were actually short Mongolian-type peoples

Funny shit when you think about it, lads.

Fucking christcucks really need to stop with that online missionary outreach shit.

Here's some additional literature on the subject of Indo-Europeans that might be potentially helpful for those who are genuinely interested:

– The Arctic Home in the Vedas by Bal Gangadhar Tilak

– Aryan Sun Myths: The Origin of Religions by Sarah E. Titcomb and Charles Morris

– The Saga of the Aryan Race (Volumes I-IV) by Porus Homi Havewala

– Heaven, Heroes and Happiness: The Indo-European Roots of Western Ideology by Shan Winn

– The Swastika: The Earliest Known Symbol and its Migrations; With Observations on the Migration of Certain Industries in Prehistoric Times by Thomas Wilson


Well, no shit. Almost cultures have traditions of discipline, but we're not the same as. say, Asians for example. We're inquiring into the essential and distinct character of white Indo-European populations. So be more specific.

Almost all cultures*

Thanks for the sources, I've always believed that the closest thing we have to a truly Aryan society and religion is in the Vedas.

Mainly their division of peoples into different classes.

Something that jews have clearly tried to attack and destroy throughout history, with their unnatural views of equality, forced through Marxism in recent times.

1. Brahmin: the seers, the reflective ones, the priests.

a. The intellectual and spiritual leaders.

b. In our society, they would correspond to the philosophers, religious leaders, and teachers.

2. Kshatriyas–(pronounced something like "kshot ree yahs") the born administrators (formerly nobles, rajahs, and warriors).

a. The protectors of society.

b. In our society, the politicians, police, and the military.

3. Vaisyas: (pronounced something like "vy sy us") the producers, the craftsmen, artisans, farmers.

a. The skillful producers of material things.

b. In our society, the merchants.

4. Shudras–(pronounced something like "shoo drrahs") the unskilled laborers or laboring class.

a. The followers or the maintenance people.

b. The so-called menial workers or hard laborers.

Another interesting thing is that the Mahabharata describes the different classes in colors.

Brahmins Varna was white, Kshtriyas was red, Vaishyas was yellow, and the Shudras' black

Mixed (Mestizo) here. I believe the people of early Western civilizations would definitely have differences in their mental capabilities when compared to almost all others around their time, especially when you compare how often they advanced in politic, scientific, philosophic, etc. fields.

There definitely seem to be two very drastic mindsets when it comes to population & societal preservation. The r/K selection methods come to mind. Indo-Europeans were always taking great effort to make sure their descendants were always at least on par with them intellectually and physically when it came to reproduction whereas a lot of other societies were more preoccupied with making sure their numbers stayed high due to decease, harsh labor, common wars, etc.

The r-type societies are more concerned with short term population production due to more grueling environment they with (mostly just fighting to live next to a rival r-type society).

The K-type seems to have advanced their society far enough that they can survive with a much smaller amount of offspring due to them choosing quality > quantity. You can see them temporarily change to r-type selection when they've needed it due to drastic changes in environment that have drastically changed the population, though (black plague era, WWI, & WWII come to mind).

I believe that Westerners thought they could improve the lives of third-worlders by improving the quality of lives for them. By this I mean things live bringing Western medicine to Africa and teaching them how to increase their crops to be able to sustain themselves.
What they didn't account/forgot to do is to teach them to control their population while at the same time educating the next generation on the importance of producing intelligent and self-sufficient offspring.

I believe this has cause a problem that is biting the West in its ass today. It's why I believe that shitskins are so easily to accept the "fuck YT, let's take over the West" mentality that is rampant in Europe and is starting to show up in NA. It's just r-type societies trying to take over the west by infiltrating and outbreeding them due to their shallow mindedness. Can't really blame the scorpion for stinging the frog, it's just in its nature.

They don't care about the fact that if you kill the West every good thing that has ever been given to them (by the West) will be gone and everything will stagnate.
They're preoccupied with the weak state of morality and self-preservation the West is facing and are just trying to conquer what they see as a weakened enemy. I think this is just in their common interest as r-types.

I believe this is why societies always seem to have struggles and die from within. What I mean is they allows others to come into their societies out of good will. They half-assedly integrate them without actually making an effort to establish them as a full fledged productive member of the society. They then are surprised generations later when the small minority turns into a force that can speak for itself and tries to take the nation/empire into its favor due to a difference in mentalities due to never being fully accepting of the host because even though they walk and work among them, they still believe themselves as outsiders.

I can't speak for Europe but I believe the US has 3 major decisions to make in order to survive:
1.) Segregate the entire country and then split it off into multiple states. i.e. Whites in a certain area of the nation, blacks in another, spics in another, etc.

2.)Send every person back to where their ancestral roots are from. i.e. blacks to Africa, Asians to Asia, send spics south. However keep in mind this will open a loophole of sending whites back to Europe and cause a problem for anyone that is, very noticeably, mixed-race because everyone will try to argue on where to send them and if a group will even accept them due to being mutts.

3.) Segregate everyone similar to how it was back to pre-civil rights movement and create a societal mindset that tries to preserve cultural heritage for all races that live within while at the same time promoting unfrivolous patriotism. The main difference to pre-civil rights is that you don't just acknowledge white and black (colored); you must also acknowledge all other races that are also present and establish new races for the mutts (i.e. acknowledging mestizos and mullatos as their own race instead of saying "latino/hispanic/white" and "light-skinned black"). After all, if you mix a Labrador with a Poodle the offspring is neither of these two, it is a Labradoodle.



A strong sense of race and a desire for the preservation of it on all sides is needed if the US wants to thrive. If everyone taught their kids the importance of preserving their culture and race and the dangers of mixing and killing off their race it would be a much better place. This does not mean preaching superiority, however, just acknowledgement of self-identity and willingness to cooperate among other races without hostility in order to keep the nation alive.

Another issue that will arise after bypassing race will always be religion due to many of them preaching supremacy/masterdom over all others that do not belong to that sect of beliefs. Not too sure on how to fix this one without everyone willingly adopting something like the Ubermensch mentality or converting everyone to one single religion.

The problems that have always been present with nomads like the eternal jew and gypsies should be corrected by finding them a home and keeping them there until (if they ever) get their shit together, Madagascar comes to mind. The issue with them is that they ALWAYS see themselves as outsiders and therefore ALWAYS don't have the same mindset as the locals and they ALWAYS work for their own interests and NEVER for the society that houses them. They ALWAYS become cancerous traitors.

I'm not the smartest person so feel free to take my opinion and feedback some good criticism.

convert r-types into K-types and eradicate or isolate the eternal cancerous, traitorous nomads (jews)

I push it one further. Pride in the herd.
Individual success is partially success of the herd. It's not for personal gains, but for the whole tribe to take use of.
It's better to have 5 farms to produce at twice the efficiency, then to lock away technology and sell it to only 2 as a whole.
Naitivity is another. Whites are so god damn naive it hurts them. there's talk about whites taking welfare and "wasting" it on hedonism. But the proportion who wastes it so small compared to the amount of people who feel shame and are humble for receiving social help.
Whites don't care about personal value. If Mr Neighbor has extra food to last your family a month extra in winter, you will accept it and have a friendly connection to Mr Neighbor. While Mr Neighbor doesn't mind giving you food, because it means you will be there next season, and overall as a tribe, you will benefit.

There are no leeches in a "white" society. Nobody to extract resources for personal gain or funnel to an outside tribe. There's this base assumption that it does simply not exist.

Ripe for exploitation.

This are good ideas.

Let me add, in 10-15 years time, we can have fusion energy and 3d printed houses and robot labor.

So if we do it right, moving 100 million people will not be an issue. There will be no jobs, so no reason to stay in one geographical location.

Most people don't come to white countries to be around whites, they come for the economic reasons.

Here's another one of those older, more politically incorrect books on mythology which makes clear reference to race and caste without any beating around the bush:

– Comparative Mythology by Jaan Puhvel

Oh look, a teenager finally moved onto a big boy job and thinks he's hot shit.

When you're on my level you'll be glad when you can ditch the fucking suits.

More literature for you folks. It would seem that Georges Dumézil is essential reading to understand Indo-Europeans and the origins of white greatness. Here are his best books:

– The Destiny of a King

– The Destiny of the Warrior

– The Stakes of the Warrior

– The Plight of a Sorcerer


About Georges Dumézil

Georges Dumézil (French: [dymezil]; 4 March 1898 – 11 October 1986, Paris) was a French comparative philologist best known for his analysis of sovereignty and power in Proto-Indo-European religion and society. He is considered one of the major contributors to mythography, in particular for his formulation of the trifunctional hypothesis of social class in ancient societies.

Dumézil's politics are criticized much more often than is his monolithic scholarly work. Bruce Lincoln has leveled accusations of fascism against Dumézil. The scholars Arnaldo Momigliano, Carlo Ginzburg and Lincoln argue that Dumézil was in favor of a traditional hierarchical order in Europe, that his Indo-European dualism and tripartite ideology may be also related to Italian and French fascist ideas, and that he was in favor of French fascism (none argue however that he was a supporter of German Nazism).

More important literature from Georges Dumézil:

– Archaic Roman Religion (Volumes I-II)

– Gods of the Ancient Northmen

– Camillus

– Mitra-Varuna

Wow, the anti-racism started immediately.

That is the plan. As long as I don't get aloha snackbared or something else random happens, that's precisely what I intend to do.

Yeah that went real well for South Africa and Rhodesia.

Those places have proven that attempting to civilize them only results in your own death. We don't have a good deal left to allow to die.

it doesn't matter
unless ww3 breaks out by the end of the month
there won't be anything worth living for

When they extended citizenship too far. Same fucking thing we are all doing now. Every single set of white people left are facing that now.

That is, other than those already conquered like the ones in the -istans. They should be able to make those places true competitors, but they'd have to get rid of non-white blood and Islam. I paid attention when they had the first McDonald's in Kazakhstan on the news and it looked like an even mix of whites, mongols and Turks.

The European soul, or its form, as crafted by god. The material world bends around it.

You had one job.

anti-racism started in 1925'ish, with coudenhove-kalergi and his white genocide idea.

What should a lion do when surrounded by hungry wolves ready to devour him, who have partially succeeded by subversion and who have an army of 5 million men (5-10x German ww2 pre Soviet invasion)? Hitler decided to go for the jugular. To hit hard and fast, with all of Germany's and the SS strength, a fight to the death wherein Germany's only hope lay in a successful sucker punch.

Okay hearts of iron 3 with black ice if you want to see a fun way that reality has been quantified.


Well put. It is literally our destiny to keep repeating the cycle.

We set up anew. We prosper. We expand and conquer. We rule. We grow complacent. Apathy and general decay take hold. With this weakened state, the dark hordes invade and overrun. We fight, but fall to their numbers. We flee. Repeat.

We were chased out of North and South America. Out of the Middle East, notably Egypt. Out of China and Asia. Even parts of Europe fell.

This is literally how it goes for us whites. The situation of today is nothing new.

More essential reading for you goys:

– The Greek Way by Edith Hamilton

– The Roman Way by Edith Hamilton

– Barbarian Rites: The Spiritual World of the Vikings and the Germanic Tribes by Hans-Peter Hasenfratz

– Ancient Eugenics by Allen G. Roper

Familiarize yourself with the lore, ethos, and ways of your ancestors:

– Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes by Edith Hamilton

– Gods and Heroes of Ancient Greece by Gustav Schwab

– Nordic Gods and Heroes by Padraic Colum and Willy Pogany

– Celtic Gods and Heroes by Marie-Louise Sjoestedt

– Occidental Mythology (Masks of God) by Joseph Campbell

I've been reading about this from mostly mainstream sources, and though I watch out for liberal dogma, I think the mainstream thinking has a lot to offer. Here's my take.

1. Indo-Europeans were not the genetic ancestors of Europeans. They added some genetic material, replaced the language and probably the culture.

2. Indo-European culture was probably special, since it spread so far.

a) they were, hierarchical, glorified war through poetry/song, had access to the wheel, chariot and other inventions (that they did not invent).

b) they mixed individualism with social obligation in a complex way, e.g. words for "give a gift" and "receive a gift" or "guest" and "host" are reversed in many indo-european languages, implying these terms represented a mutual obligation. The ability to form and honor obligations with non-family members is probably an important part of Indo-European success, and certainly a part of European culture.

3. European genetics is at least as important as Indo-European culture. E.g. India has Indo-European language, and their caste system is probably a remnant of Indo-European culture. But they are otherwise very different from Europeans (even Northern Indians).

4. Christianity is probably a major part of European culture. Christianity was of course a Jewish invention, but the character of Christianity is defined by its development in Europe. Christianity encourages kindness and goodness, and even though some on the right might disagree, I think this is a fundamental part of Whiteness and an important part of our success.


here is an example of this
"But I thought you agreed that Spirit was the good - the end of the whole process? I thought you religious people were all out for spirituality? What is the point of asceticism - fasts and celibacy and all that? Didn't we agree that God is a spirit? Don't you worship Him because He is pure spirit?"

"Good heavens, no! We worship Him because He is wise and good. There's nothing specially fine about simply being a spirit. The Devil is a spirit."

(C.S. Lewis, Perelandra)


– The Classical Tradition: Greek and Roman Influences on Western Literature by Gilbert Highet

– "Myths and Symbols in Pagan Europe: Early Scandinavian and Celtic Religions'' by H.R. Ellis Davidson

– Gods and Myths of Northern Europe by H.R. Ellis Davidson

– "Gods and Myths of the Viking Age'' by H.R. Ellis Davidson

– Celtic Myths and Legends by Peter Berresford Ellis

'''Note: these are some of the very best texts. I've been only looking for the good stuff (mostly older stuff written in the 20's, 30's, and 40's). I avoid most of the politically correct stuff. Also, if you haven't noticed already, see all the other texts I've included in the thread. They're all pretty legit:

On Europe and its Interaction with Christianity

I've found these texts to be of particular interest. I think that probably neither most Christians nor most pagans would totally agree on some of the implications in these books, but here they are. Take them or leave them.

– The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity: A Sociohistorical Approach to Religious Transformation by James C. Russell

– Tree of Salvation: Yggdrasil and the Cross in the North by G. Ronald Murphy

The Saxon Savior: The Germanic Transformation of the Gospel in the Ninth-Century Heliand by G. Ronald Murphy

The Heliand: The Saxon Gospel by G. Ronald Murphy

Teutonic Mythology (Volumes I-IV) by Jacob Grimm

Cattle would be a large contributor. The progenitors of the Jews were fond of goats, the Dravidians towards the spices, the Negroes to carrion and fruit, but it was the Indo-Aryans who bred cattle and maintained vast grain farms. The Iberians had cults to their Bull God, reflected today via the Bull-fights of Spain. According to the Tanakh, there were some among Nuwa who worshiped a golden calf, and a bull-headed god called Molech or Remphan. Gilgamesh slew the Bull of Heaven in glorious combat, whereas Samson, his Jewish counterpart, slew only Phillistines.

The Indo-European was born with the Aurochs, raised with it, trained with it. The dog, the bull and the boar are the Aryans of the animal kingdom, bound together by the snake of knowledge, held by the hawk of wisdom.

More on Europe, Paganism, Christianity, and their relation to the World:

– From Olympus to Camelot: The World of European Mythology by David Leeming

– Romance of the Grail: The Magic and Mystery of Arthurian Myth by Joseph Campbell

– Cross and Scepter: The Rise of the Scandinavian Kingdoms from the Vikings to the Reformation by Sverre Bagge

– Pagans and Philosophers: The Problem of Paganism from Augustine to Leibniz by John Marenbon

– The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell

Adverse environment forced europeans to develop advanced civilisation.
Africa is the only continent where you can survive completely naked and have a supply of food without technology. Native african societies are small and primitive.
The Middle East has seasons and food is not available year- round. They came to rely heavily on herding for food, which requires a degree of cooperation. Therefore more advanced societies emerged. The outlier is Egypt, whose people need agriculture to survive. This requires more thinking and planning and deferral of gratification than herding. Egypt will always be the most advanced civilization produced in the Middle East.

Asians are technically more intelligent than Europeans, and their long history of civilization represents it. However Asia is dense with natural resources once you get a little technology established and isn't as hostile an environment as europe is.. They all also seem to abhor breaking from tradition, which would explain why they made so little technological advancement before the world wars.

Europeans are descended from a mixture of Sapiens and Neanderthals, who had massive brains and culture just as sophisticated as the Sapiens. Europe is a rough place to be a primitive human, especially during the ice age. I theorize that these early humans evolved to constantly want more. It is a distinctly white trait to absolutely never be satisfied with what you have. We always need more, faster, better. This mentality is applied to everything. No other culture has domesticated as many animals as europeans, nor grains or fruits or vegetables. Europeans always needed more to make the next winter a little easier.

Bonus: Native Americans had it pretty easy as nomads, but central americans had perhaps the second-most hostile environment. You may not exactly freeze to death in the winter and there were only a couple dangerous predators but the terrain itself made civilization hard. They really had to get clever to get farms to work on jungle cliffsides. The terrain is so lumpy they endeavored to fill a lake just to get some flat ground. Contrary to popular Holla Forums opinion they did invent the wheel, but it was so useless in the cliffs and gorges that the best mode of transportation was still your own two feet or at most a donkey. They're the youngest branch of the human tree but came much farther than Africans, who are the oldest group.



Jews have always opposed and struggled against gentiles – especially Indo-European gentiles.

With the Jews, there begins the slave revolt morality.

The symbol of this struggle, inscribed in letters legible across all human history is "Rome against Judea, Judea against Rome." There has hitherto been no greater event than this struggle, this question, this deadly contradiction. Rome felt the Jews to be something like anti-nature itself, its antipodal monstrosity, as it were. In Rome, the Jews stood convicted of hatred for the whole human race. And that view was correct, to the extent that we are right to link the health and the future of the human race to the unconditional rule of aristocratic values, the Roman values.

~ Friedrich Nietzsche, 'On the Genealogy of Morals'

Important Works on Jewish Influence:

– A People That Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy, with Diaspora Peoples by Kevin MacDonald

– Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism by Kevin MacDonald

– The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements by Kevin MacDonald

– The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit: And Its Impact on World History by E. Michael Jones

– Barren Metal: A History of Capitalism as the Conflict between Labor and Usury by E. Michael Jones

Only time and circumstance. We are not magic. We are only the bearers of the light

Are the other books by Kevin MacDonald pretty good besides Culture of Critique? I can only read it pages at a time already because it's pretty fucking triggering.

It's like re-waking up all over again.

Subversive Jewish/Semitic Worldviews and Jewish Attitudes Toward European Gentiles:

These books and others like them detail the fundamental and irreconcilable differences between Jews/Semites and European gentiles:

– The Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine

– You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel

– Jews Must Live: An Account of the Persecution of the World by Israel on All the Frontiers of Civilization by Samuel Roth

– The Wandering Who? by Gilad Atzmon

– The Track of the Jew through the Ages by Alfred Rosenberg

Controversial Cultural Historical and Racial Texts:

– The Outline of History by H.G. Wells

– Human Accomplishment : The Pursuit of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences, 800 B.C. to 1950 by Charles Murray

– Castes and Races by Frithjof Schuon

– Raciology: the Science of the Hereditary Traits of Peoples by Vladimir Avdeyev

– Race by John R. Baker

The *very first* push in the direction of greatness for the white race began with the consumption of a mushroom.

How and why that mushroom contained psilocybin, and whether it was a matter of unusual coincidence or some deeper divine purpose is the real mystery.

Being really good at video games and masturbating to anime girls

Well said, I only partially understand the neo-pagan criticism, it's obvious that the torah and a lot of the jewish fables are taken from pagan stories, it's easy to ignore the Jewish bullshit added in. What I found really interesting is the book of Esther, what was originally a Babylonian myth of a war between 2 gods is changed into Jews vs the society they're in, as if they think of themselves as gods. Says a lot about them really.

Every serious white person of European descent ought to consider reading the works of Arthur Kemp:

– March of the Titans: The Complete History of the White Race: Volume I: The Rise of Europe

– March of the Titans: The Complete History of the White Race: Volume II: Europe and the World

– From Slave to Emperor: Famous Historians on the Racial Reasons for the Decline of the Roman Empire

– The Immigration Invasion: How Third World Immigration is Destroying the First World–and What Must be Done to Stop It

– Nova Europa: European Survival Strategy in a Darkening World

– Folk and Nation: Ethnonationalism Explained

MOTT has lots of half-truths in it, you REALLY need to take it with a pinch of salt. May as well just read Guenther.

I've archived this thread for anyone interested in saving it:


I've also cropped together all of the books in the assorted reading list into a giant image (on which you can save and zoom) attached above. Or alternatively, you can view the Imgur link below:



Good but next time make the full page screenshot a PNG file




Every now and then. All the other time it is an example of financial ruin, degeneracy and hedonism.

There is a natural hierarchy; whites are kings, scholars, explorers and soldiers. Semites are merchants, artisans and guides. Asians are builders and also the collectors; they will store knowledge and culture for whites to use when they rise again. West abandons Christianity, technology, colonialism and tradition, Asia picks them up. Africans are the servants - a role greatly underappreciated. They may have a role to play yet in the future. What is it you find when you think 'based black man'? Is it not blunt, honest and innocent - perhaps even a tad bit childish?
You might notice that Germans had all those traits before -45… Perhaps each to a lesser degree than others - but that is the nature of man compared to animals. Hawks may have better sight, dogs better scent, oxen more strength and a whale might have larger brain… Yet it is man who rules the nature.

Jews were meant to be a guide nation, but they fell. Their visionaries desire the paths which lead to destruction, their artisans show us ugliness and the life they want for us is a complete and utter death - not physical, but spiritual and divine; we should be cattle and not representatives of the divine. They willingly go against the way they should be showing others - and themselves. {Jesus Christ: I am the Truth, the Way and the Life}

This is also why Jewish rule is always of lies; they can not assume the position of direct leader; their nature is simply that of a guide or adviser. Yet they are blind, and so are the rest…

It is hilarious that pagans hate Christianity for filling the niche which was filled by Jews before; especially since Christianity abolished the hateful ways of swindling. Christianity also

We can rationalize that there are ways in which we should behave, yet we do not see why or what for; we can find the idea of logos but we are blind to what it is. Christianity is in existence to displace / cuck the Jews from their purposed niche; it is the guidepost for all of humanity. This is why Jews will continually distort (for they can not create; for their father is the deceiver) a horrible machine or beast upon mankind. They do it to spite God and elevate themselves.

I will use an example; Haiti vs. Dominican republic. One is syncretistic, one is Christian. Which one has better guide? Which one has a goal in existence? Which one serves a purpose? Which one fulfills the purpose of man better? If there is none, they are equal.

The world is dualistic. For Europeans are the greatest kings, they are also the worst; bread & circus. For we are the greatest engineers, we are also the worst (ways of torture), for we are the greatest of scholars, we are also the worst (feminist biology)..
Asians are the greatest upkeepers and builders, but they are also the best destroyers (Mao, cultural revolution, Pol Pot, NK, Japan, Mongols…).

Even anime was adopted from West, and it has stopped developing. It awaits western innovation to regain itself in order to develop further. The semites as a whole have been highly susceptible to Satanic influences (Allah is Demiurge, Jews worship Satan/Moloch) - are the dealings with demons not trade and pact?

Honestly the most autistic post I've read in a long time.

I find it the opposite. Could be that I wrote it in a way which screams 'outsider' to the context of your life, but honestly, it is the conclusion I've come to. Feel free to point out where I was wrong, though.

civilized stability?

whites and chinks are the only civilizations that can survive "collapse" events and rebuild society, others disappear

I raise you Persia and India.

….did they ever suffer mass crop failures or collapse?

When Islam took them over and destroyed the libraries.

and then they went to shit
I dont really remember a Persian renaissance

Well, they are far better off than most Muslim nations. Surviving the religion of 'Submit to Demiurge' is pretty hard, you know..

Europe "survived" Christianity

religious dogma is no excuse for the shitty condition of a State

It is just a fact. You garner more respect with them on.

As an arrogant cunt. No thanks…

Easy, people immigrated out of the middle east towards central asia during the ice age, the rest literally walked back into africa.

The central asia people went their own ways, but it weeded out the unintelligent.

The people who went to europe bred with neanderthals which gave them more cranial volume and europe was also the hardest place to survive in at the time.

Consequently societies and groups in europe were based on trust, individual merit, and not on bloodlines. It didn't matter if you were from one family or the other, if you personally could not contribute then you were exiled.

Likewise in places in asia and the middle east, life was easy and so you didn't need groups of highly talented people to survive.

That is why in the middle east, africa, and asia most societies are based off of kinship rather than merit.

These low trust societies cannot innovate or grow as they have no flexibility and their inherent low trust nature makes society unstable.

In Europe then we have intelligent people, individualism, meritocracy, democracy, republicanism, etc etc which not only fosters growth and allows people to climb to the top without regards to their bloodline, but gives people incentives to do so.

That is why Europe is superior.

Christianity is essentially Roman or Greek (kinda like the Catholic names imply). What many here consider cuckolded attitude, is actually Roman. Say 'innocent until proven otherwise', and then applying it to even niggers. Then the 'pacifist' stances of Christianity, which are merely ways to end blood feuds and useless infighting (turn the other cheek, forgiveness and mercy).

Most of the misunderstanding is intentional. The purpose is to "test" Christians whether or not they are two faced like so many. Say, evangelicals and rednecks.

'Europe' exists because of Christianity. It was essentially how Greek and Roman cultures spread across Europe. The mass migrations caused Europe and Christianity to suffer schisms; syncretism was widespread. Papacy - despite being theologically on empty grounds - was beneficial every now and then in unifying Western Europe against Muslims.

Advancements in warfare, agriculture and technology were highly competitive amongst the different civilizations. Hittite, Assyria, Babylonia, Persia and numerous others… Many skills were highly cultivated. Although the average wasn't in on it, they were used as "cannon fodder", and polygamy was used to get more men. Effectively weeding out much of the genes.

Of course, now polygamy has raised its ugly head in the amount of in-breeding, especially in Pakistan, where they go the easy route and marry their cousins…

Middle-East didn't favor the ideal society due to the warlike and competitive nature, or perhaps the brutality of their ways… Whereas European wars were never of the same type. Until Dresden.

Stop with this muh germanic holohoax!!1 shit, it's really pathetic.

Tokyo, London, Swinoujscie, etc were sites of bombings equal or worse than Dresden.

And do not think for a second that the germans didn't commit war crimes against the Russians.

People act like these "pacifistic' teachings weren't present in any of the aryan customs or traditions whether they're hindu, buddhist, zoroastrian or wodenism. Of course there's no pacifism and no lack of continuity with pagan teachings, they're all interlinked.

As you say they're purposefully misinterpreted, or are we to believe that for centuries, our ancestors had been practicing and reading it wrong?

tbh though I'm not sure what to make of the Epistles of Paul. I take them with a pinch of salt tbh.

Like islam and judaism make shitty people even shittier because of their belief systems, christianity and all the other aryan religions make a great people even greater. The further we are away from god and spiritual awakening, the worse we become.

To any Christian here
There seems to be a lot of strong believers here.
To all those, I recommend reading this book:

How the Jews Betrayed Mankind, Vol. I: The Sumerian Swindle

It's written by a very strong believer, Gregory Delaney, and it's part of a 3 volumes series.

Do not let the Jews lie to you trough the Bible.

They blended with White people.

Asians do it better, still yet fail long-terms.

Also Whites are among the most freedom loving races in the world.

Good book. Another short pdf written by the same guy (I think) called What they don't want you to know is very good too.

his short textfiles on bamboo delight are very entertaining too, he's a good author.

He's pretty much come to the same conclusions I came to, only I came to them through a different way.

The collective memeplex of Europeans was better. It means religion and values

I just found a fucking goldmine.

When people bring up the cold-adapted features in the higher races that developed during the ice age, they without fail completely forget another integral aspect of the ice age crucible that directly and specifically affect European life: The Ice Age included VERY low sunlight conditions, and because of the apparent boon this condition proved for European life I postulate that sunlight is antithetical to civilisation and abstract thought.

And I know this will seem disrespectful to the sun symbolism found in European culture. I'm not telling you that the moon is a better symbol, since moonlight IS sunlight, just reflected.

Moon worship and Sun worship both belong to the lesser races, choose instead to revere that which obscures both.


I think our proximity to eastern civilization is what made us great. Europeans have struggled against Semitic tyranny for thousands of years. To be honest though, I think the European people are destroyed and the culture has been consumed by Semitic witchcraft. The future of our struggle is in Asia.

Ahistorical nonsense

Greco-Roman culture (i.e. democracy) is the basis of western civilization. You can even trace the struggle back into Mesopotamia and Babylon.

this. March of the Titans is not exactly the most accurate historical work I've ever seen. take it with TWO pinches of salt.

It's just brit/pol/ being brit/pol/.

btw my own theories

the weather and geopgraphy of europe and the northern hemisphere of Eurasian were contributors
this is a funny one, basically, you had the Old European, the Middle Easterner Farmers and the Indo-europeans
they were all caucasians, but certainly and we all know even then they had different characteristics, cultures and selective pressures. the combination of these in mainland europe was probably also important to our success. I could go a bit more into detail about each group but I dont feel like it, since this is just some thread
now, lots of civilizations and races domesticated animals, heck I think all of them did except for Abbos. but the animals that were chosen and domesticated is what matters.
Both Caucasians and Asians had horses, dogs and cats, but the importance and symbiosis that happened in Europe was much more relevant. this goes a bit back to that "race mixing" I mentioned. the Indo Europeans had great afinnity to horses, the Old Europeans probably more to dogs, tools of the hunt, and the Farmers of ME to cats who helped kill off rats and other vermin and protect the crops. I mentioned these 3 different animal species but obviously in general Europeans seem to be much more connected to animals and nature, or at least show it off more. This might be bc somewhere along the line empathy came up, the type of empathy that now might lead us into our demise btw. this made possible our symbiosis with animals and something I'd almost call "co-evolution". if you look at the differences between dogs and wolves and how they evolved and see the newest research that says that dogs have probably been domesticated even sooner than we thought, I think this theory has it's merit.
but this time it's slightly different; Europe is very small but also has very different areas, from southern Iberia to Finland, from Ireland to Croatia, you can find different environments, minerals, rock formations, etc… and to top it all off, you have a mediterranean see below you, that connects to Africa, tons of deserts and then to the right more deserts, but also steppes and several civilizations

basically europe had to trade and fight with itself, and it's many peoples that showed up (still to this day europe has so many countries while places like Asia have enormous countries with 3 or 4 or more different ethnicities and religions - it's interesting bc asia seems more collectivist and obviously our more individualist aspect helped too, but at the same time despite that collectivism, there's a lot of stark differences among one nation/country while europe is more keen to fragment itself - heck, maybe THAT's why, individualism may lead to smaller tribalism while collectivism enforces coexistence among different people). and Europe, besides having to deal with many different peoples inside it's small territory had continuously been in contact with people outside europe, who had very different cultures too.

I think these are the main things that made us who we are. obviously genetics is first and foremost, but genetics are influenced by what happens, what is selected and what is not, and these, with the exception of that last factor which is more cultural, may have proven to have caused our "selection", our breed.


Strict selection through unlimited years living in harsh climate and environments(shifting seasons, ice ages etc) making only the strongest, most creative and hard-working to survive and procreate.

The end result was a god-like human being with exquisite spiritual and philosophical qualities.,wandering the earth with an advanced form of awareness unlike any life form the universe has ever seen. Capable of handling every challenge the laws of physics will allow him to.

His curse was that every other type of human being would ultimately envy the aryan man, having an inferiority complex towards the aryan man and ultimately wanting to destroy the aryan man.

Don't use They're deleting Holla Forums thread.

Based literature dump thread

green pilling christboys one step at a time

what is jewier than atheism i sincerely wonder
at least when you ADMIT to harboring a retarded belief, not just harbor it then pretend it's science, everybody sees your dumbshit for what it is

drink some yuri purge, faggot


even the lack of belief is death
watch yuri
but atheists are scientismist faggots

All of Kevin MacDonald's written works are valuable reading. His books are all essential.

You should also consider reading his many articles over at his classy website – The Occidental Observer – that is specifically devoted to these topics:

I think he also runs the journal called The Occidental Quarterly:

And I think this particular Occidental Observer article from Kevin MacDonald would greatly interest you. MacDonald writes about the habit of Jewish women to demonize European beauty or "Aryan" physical features in fashion, advertising, and women's modeling:

MacDonald also explains the very fundamental and irreconcilable differences between Jewish and European attitudes toward the human body.


You're making the assumption that it's because they can think. This is the basis of your argument. They can't think. They truly think it's just because whites are racist is the reason white people have more things. They truly cannot understand what, for example, maintenance is when it comes to running water and why it is needed. They just think white people use magic.

Check out that Empire of Dust documentary on youtube and also this:

You can say that they are r-selected, and this is mostly true. But also true is that will never change.

This is true. They also always breed much more because they have no ability of self-limitation of offspring. The people who built the society always do.

You could, but you generally have issues with that. Look at the medical problems american blacks have because their DNA is simply not compatible.

It would likely be better to just use IVF to purify to user's choice once this is both possible and legal.

An island nation where it is, as large as that? I'd rather use it for other things.

Once we're talking about that sort of displacement it could be anywhere. How about Haiti? That's a shithole anyway.

Just so you understand, as a mixed person who holds the views you do your brain is very much running on k-selected white genes.

This is also the final revenge against Islam and the retarded arabs/turks who conquer areas. They think they won when they raped people there, but they also committed self-genocide. If the people there ever start thinking, then those victories are hollow. As an example vid related. He mentions having some red hairs in his beard, and there is only one source of that.

Yes, and this is true of any white empire that decides it feels bad about somebody else.


No, it must have been both. Not everyone left Europe/became PIE. Because otherwise when the clearly white Tocharians split off what did they split from and how are they white?

It was a white invasion of Europe and both sides were white when branches of their language spread to all.

Either this or the truth is even more convoluted, and nobody is remotely close to the truth.

That level of bumping is nowhere near needed.

I have to add these books while we're at it:

– Manifesto for a European Renaissance by Alain de Benoist

– Beyond Human Rights: Defending Freedoms by Alain de Benoist

– Against Democracy and Equality: The European New Right by Tomislav Sunic

– Homo Americanus: Child of the Postmodern Age by Tomislav Sunic

– The Shock of History: Religion, Memory, Identity by Dominique Venner

That's because shitskin mind virus is still active, as is shitskin DNA.

It's starting to go another direction, but isn't yet.

India is mixed race, and the current society was built by the invading whites, and everything went to shit when the mudslimes invaded later. They've never recovered.

There may have been a civilization before the whites invaded, the original dravidian, but they're today just as fucked as the rest of the indians. I think both sides should pursue eugenics and see if the mixed people are hurt by similar genetic incompatibilities that black americans have. Or if that is just gone after having been mixed that long.

How many of these have you read?

I think that's the real takeaway. Most of those who profess to be atheists have no way of instilling any values on, and those that have some retained them from when they were in a church of some kind.

The atheists here won't be generally fedoras of that level, but there is still a point to be made.

Take it easy, /fit/.

I'm not in Europe at all, and that's just insane.

We are at a stage where we stand together or lose everything.


what do you guys think about the race mixing parts of the book? they seem to make sense

this tbh

I kind of agree with these roles; However, does that not make the Mid East one of the earliest (if not the first) hodgepodges of multiculturalism?
It also seems you were going to explain something but dropped a sentence altogether with the

I like your explanation, somewhat, but I'd rather you took some more time to explain exactly what you mean for actual criticism on my behalf. It could make good as a short book if you honestly took the time to explain your points with more depth.

If you don't like March of the Titans very much, then I'd recommend The Uniqueness of Western Civilization by Ricardo Duchesne. It's a much more nuanced, complex, academic, historical, and philosophical approach to pretty much the same subject.

Buy the book if you can. He's one of our intellectual heroes who needs as much support as we can give him in his struggle against the PC brigades. However, the book is quite expensive. So here's a free PDF if you need it: e Uniqueness of Western Civilization.pdf

The neat thing about Duchesne is that he's one of those academics who is redpilled as fuck but who is still accepted as an authentic and valid source because his work is solid and difficult to argue with.

Sure, I'd buy it if it helped him out (especially in a hardcover physical copy). Where's his (or publisher's) website so I can get it directly?

The Uniqueness of Western Civilization is published by Brill.

Brill Publishing (link to the book):

Amazon (link to paperback copy): uniqueness of western civilization

Amazon (link to hardcover copy):

Pretty based, tbh. The only thing I don't like is how he's gone out of his way to disown the political movements he spawned.

Haven't read anything by the other guys.

I already saw the Amazon hardcover price and I assumed it was a scalp. I guess I'll buy that one because I have no want to wait for an almost priced EU price + the time of shipping. Guess I'm a snob and want my books to be of good quality regardless of monetary price at the end of the day.

I'll add a suggestion. Arthur Kemp came up. The company that publishes his books, also republishes certain old books. 1800's era usually. Largely forgotten today, but not pozzed.

For example:

This link is a section named homeschoolers, and it is books intended for children. I think using books of that age for our kids when we have them is a good idea because we can be sure it has no 'race is a social construct!' tier bullshit in them.

Or even something like this:
The History of Xerxes the Great. Includes the battle of the 300, from the Persian perspective.
Why do we care? Because they were white until Islam fucked them up.

I like how you made a thread that asked a question about 'what books about whites should we read Holla Forums? Any suggestions?'

Then proceeded to immediately flood it with an entire library of books.


vve wuz vasillias an shiiet!


Anthropologist here, everyone in my department thinks Europeans became dominant as an accident.

I spoke to a biologist once though, and he had a much better explanation using some terms I can't remember.

Thank you for your comment,very helpful.

Yeah, that's some Jared Diamond bullshit. I've seen how modern academics often try to relativize or totally suppress discussions of the relevance of European and Indo-European genetics. They instead try to reduce everything to time, place, and circumstance.

Ricardo Duchesne challenges this view quite adequately in his book The Uniqueness of Western Civilization.

One of the things he points out is that scholars are often too afraid to discuss the strong impact of Indo-European genetics and culture because those discussions quickly get onto the topic of the "Aryan" controversy, and no modern academic wants to risk going there. It's as dangerous as Icarus flying too close to the sun. Duchesne, however, has been able to argue the perspectives he finds most convincing without getting burned too badly.

This is a goldmine. I actually own several books published by Ostara which I bought through Amazon, and I've got a ton more of their books on my reading list. But I never thought to look into Ostara directly because I somehow never noticed that all these books came from the same source.

I can't imagine another publishing group being so based, but do you know of any more resources like this?


Because they would be far too uncomfortable with any other conclusions. They would be too "Euro-centric". There certainly seems to be some creative spark that is unique. Or perhaps simply the most long lasting race that has it. Perhaps some other races that once had it have been utterly annihilated after the cycle of the rise and fall of civilizations. We seem to assume that the races alive today were the only ones that ever did exist.

The guy in this interview:
and his book imply that a few white people brought martial arts to the Asians and perhaps more. That isn't to say the Asians never built on it, just to say where it began. We know virtually nothing about whites of that era and place, but he has some compelling evidence.


I *think* that it's owned by Arthur Kemp, which explains why that is. Given that the views and ideas of the 1800's seem more valid than those of today to us, it seems like a good source of information.

I somewhat can't help but wonder if the fiction that is used today set in such times is just a caricature, because of the way they handle what is seen now as flagrant racism.

Anyway, back to the question, so Ostara is certainly trying to be based on purpose. It may remain to be cheaper to buy their stuff off of Amazon, but looking on their site at least will tell you what they have.

I do know of one more entirely unintentionally based publishing group. Their entire existence is old books lost to time in general. Which somewhat dictates the content. There is some pozzed stuff I've seen, like a woman's liberation book which was just about pro-hedonism. A word I never thought I'd use that way From the era near women's suffrage.

You can look at what they have, but to actually download any ebooks, you need to subscribe.

Several of them have copies on Amazon for sale that they print on demand, and they say they are working to bring that to all of their books. So you can look for stuff there and then go to Amazon to see if you can get a physical one if you want it.

For a few selected titles. Again, they also have children related books. I'm quite glad that I won't need to attempt to filter through modern trash to find things when the time comes.
Stories to Tell the Children

A Selected List With Stories and Poems for Holiday Programs

by Carnegie Library Of Pittsburgh published 1918
"This list of stories, compiled by Miss Edna Whiteman, supervisor of story-telling in the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, contains those selected for use in the story hours conducted by this Library, exclusive of the series of cycle stories. The selection is based on practical experience and is, we believe, sufficiently comprehensive to meet ordinary library needs.

Among the problems of the librarian is that of finding some method by which large groups of children may be directed to the best books, and aroused to an interest in good reading. The telling of carefully chosen stories is one practical solution, and one which has proved very useful in this Library, where story hours have been conducted regularly since 1899, and have been attended by over 900,000 children. This pamphlet is published in the hope that the results of our work may prove helpful to others."
Celtic Mythology and Religion

With Chapters Upon Druid Circles and Celtic Burial

by Alexander Macbain published 1885

"The following work, all save from page 105 to the end, appeared in the Celtic Magazine in 1883-4, and is here reprinted from the Magazine type. Hence it is that it is reproduced "with all its imperfections on its head," and the critic must be asked, before condemning details at least, to note the list of corrections appended to this preface.

The intention of this series of papers was to popularise the subject of Mythology, and to apply its principles to the elucidation of Celtic beliefs, tales, and traditions. I wished to place clearly before my Gaelic brethren the exact position which the religious beliefs of the Celts held in the European kinship, to clear up the misty subject of "Druidism," and to reconstruct, from the shattered materials to hand, the Pantheon of their Gaelic ancestors. This I undertook, knowing that in the last part of my object - the rehabilitation of the Gaelic Olympus - my results must only be tentative, for the material for reconstruction is difficult to deal with, and much of it is in MSS. unedited.

Since these papers began to appear in print, events have travelled with more than usual rapidity both in the field of general and of Celtic Mythology. It was last year that Mr Andrew Lang delivered his lively attack against the "orthodox" school of mythologists, and it was also last year that M.D' Arbois de Jubainville's important works on Celtic Literature and Mythology appeared. Mr Lang's attack has certainly driven the older school from several of their positions, but he has by no means overthrown either the importance of language in the development of myth, or the fact that the sun, the sky, the powers of wind and storm, and the change of day and night were the most prominent factors in the creation of the deities and powers of the ancient mythologies."
The Vikings in Western Christendom, A D. 789 to a D. 888

by C. F. Keary published 1891
"The present volume is concerned with that period in the history of the Scandinavian peoples when they were growing, but had not yet fully grown, into nationalities, and when, therefore, their true national history had not begun. Every historic people has passed through this early formative period, its age of Sturm und Drang; and it may be said that every nationality which is worthy of the name has looked back upon that age with a peculiar affection and with a sort of reverence. It has, in consequence, overlaid the faint traditions of it with a garment of mythology, out of which it is in most cases possible only here and there to separate a shred of historical truth. The result is that the very phase in the development of the people about which we most long to know, is the one about which we are condemned to the completest ignorance. The Viking Age of the Northern Folk differs from the corresponding epochs in the history of other nations in this - that it is illuminated by a faint ray of real history lent from the pages of contemporary but alien chroniclers, the chroniclers, I mean, of Christian Europe."

Some certainly fascinating stuff.

Sauce or fuck off.

I have never heard such a thing. Aryans have always been described as tall and light-coloured.

That's why I just ignored him.


TL; DR Aryans would have looked like southern Euros or darker. They likely got fair features as some of them moved north.

Actually, they were most likely Red-Haired, and Red-Haired people were a majority of White people, with Black-Haired as second, and Blonde as a distant third.
But somehow the tides turned and the Blondes became a Majority, with the Black-Haired second and the Red-Haired third.

Do you have any sauce on the frequency of red hair among those proto-indo-Europeans?
Keep in mind that as they moved west they mixed both in the north and in the south so you can't look at various Indo-Europeans to understand how the original peoples were like.

Okay, for arguments sake, and I don't agree, let's say that that's true. Okay?

So, so what? Even if they were darker skinned, that doesn't mean they were niggers. They would still have otherwise been biologically white. White doesn't only mean skin color, there are some pretty white skinned Japanese and this doesn't make them white. Calling someone a 'white person' contains more information than 'who is the fairest of them all?' and speaking of that phrase, that article claims that skin-tone was changed because conditions in the north, I think it was just the one people preferred to look at.

Now, I don't see why that skin tone would have developed that late. The ice age is when this would have mattered the most if it was solely an Environmental factor.

Also, if that about perhaps the northern Euros were 100% blue-eyed before the people whose language we are speaking invaded, and this is why there are less now, then why are there statues in Sumeria that are all blue-eyed? This is the inverse of what you're telling me.

One last thing, and that's that whatever ancient corpses these are they are assumed to be a representative sample. This is an incredibly bad assumption to make. We know from the archaeologists that finding remains in general is very rare. So let's say that every single person in America fell over dead where they are. All pictures or images of all of them rotted, burned away or were destroyed by EMP. 100,000 years from now, they will, according to the archaeologists, be lucky to find a few hundred bodies. That's something like the maximum possible. They find lots of writing, and it is all in English. They excavate many structures and find they all belong to the same culture.

All the bodies they find are of Japanese or Korean descent, and they were found in a few particular pockets that were not evenly distributed. The conclusion is that America was founded by Oriental peoples, whom once fought in a Revolution against a ruling class of a different race of people.

Sure, that wasn't the point of the response though, it was just debunking the idea that the proto-IE were Nordic looking, and if the Kurgan hypothesis about the urheimat of the PIE is indeed correct, the DNA of those burial sites confirms what I said.
They had barely any genes for blue eyes, barely any for blondism and didn't have white skin genes frequencies as high as modern Europeans.

It wasn't only an environmental factor though.
We have DNA from mesolithic west Europeans and none of them had the two genes which give modern Europeans white skin.
However, the neolithic farmers from anatolia who invaded Europe had already both, and the reason is likely because of the change in diet.
Now it's true that hunter gatherers from Scandinavia had those two genes as well, but they got those differently, because of the environment likely and because of mixing with a very old Siberian-like population.

Keep in mind that developing a mutation is different from selecting the mutation. The mutation was already in Eurasia, but it wasn't selected until recently.

I don't understand how sumerian statues matter here.

Blue eyes were present in Europe since the mesolithic, we know this from DNA. But then Neolithic farmers invaded and those had mostly brown/dark eyes. The bulk of blue eyes probably survived in Northern Europe since they got affected the least by those farmers.
Matter of fact is, the urheimat of the PIE according to the kurgan hypothesis is not in northern Europe, and their DNA confirms that they had less blue eyes than modern southern Euros.

That's science for you buddy. We can only work with what we have, we can't make up shit otherwise.
The kurgan hypothesis is the best we have right now, the only other theory that has some good academic support is the anatolian hypothesis, which doesn't really play in the direction of nordicists either.

Savitri Devi is a must


Yeah the Italians were pretty pathetic in WW2 tbh.

I think National Socialism was such a perfect fit for Germany, it let the Germans explore their full potential through genetics and culture, glorifying individual heroism while still honoring the volk group cohesion.

Maybe Mussolini's brand of fascism in Italy wasn't the exact right fit for their people. But you can't argue that the Latin legions of most of the Roman republic and early empire were overall juggernauts in their discipline and cohesion

The greatest achievement of Mussolini was tricking everyone into thinking Italy could play with the big guys, when in reality Italy didn't have the industry, the resources, or the experience to fight in such wars.
And it could've worked in Italy's favor, the only reason Mussolini joined the war was to get some land as an ally, since he thought the war was almost over. His project of restoring mare nostrum and greater Italy was just at the beginning.

So in the great poker game of World War 2, the Germans had a straight flush, the Italians were bluffing with a single king, and the chosen ones had the whole game rigged with another deck up their sleeves

Italy was greatly cuckfied thanks to the Vatican and the mafia, that is jewish in her roots, plus the new jewish masonic lodges that infiltrated the country (like P2 for example) didn't help either.

"In Gods Name

Tools of the Trade "On September 28, 1978, he had been pope for thirty-three days. In little more than a month he had initiated various courses of action that, had they been completed, would have had a direct and dynamic effect on us all. The majority in this world would have applauded his decisions, a minority would have been appalled. The man who had quickly been labeled "the smiling pope" intended to remove the smiles from a number of faces on the following day."

"The Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Jean Villot… studied the list of appointments, resignations to be asked for and transfers the pope had handed him. He had advised, argued, and remonstrated, but to no avail. Luciani had been adamant."

"It was by any standards a dramatic reshuffle. It would set the Church in new directions - directions that Villot, and the others on the list who were about to be replaced, considered highly dangerous…."

"There was one common denominator, one fact that linked each of the men about to be replaced. Villot was aware of it. More important, so was the pope. It had been one of the factors that had caused him to act, to strip these men of real power…it was Freemasonry."

"The evidence the pope had acquired indicated that within the Vatican City State there were over one hundred Masons, ranging from cardinals to priests."

"Luciani was further preoccupied with an illegal Masonic lodge that had penetrated far beyond Italy in its search for wealth and power. It called itself P2. The fact that it had penetrated the Vatican walls and formed links with priests, bishops, and even cardinals made P2 anathema to Albino Luciani."

"That evening, September 28, 1978, thirty-three days after his election, Pope John Paul 1, "the smiling pope", was declared dead. No official death certificate has ever been issued. No autopsy ever performed. His body was hastily embalmed. Cause of death: Unknown. And Vatican business continues…"

In God's Name by David Yallop "The facts are here in meticulous detail, documenting widespread corruption within the Vatican and presenting a compelling case that six powerful men, to protect their vast financial and political operations, decided on a shocking course of action – Pope John Paul I must die."

[Luciani had been given the list of freemasons by a journalist; who was later found dead in the street, shot through the mouth.]"

The White circadian rhythm more closely matches Mars than Earth. We are the degenerated descendants of a superior spacefaring race. We fled here after a disaster on Mars.


No, that is the point, and you're missing it.

By making the claim you just did, the niggers who think they built the pyramids will think they did this too. Because they cannot distinguish between skin color and race. They seem to really think that skin color is what separates us, not other underlying differences. So saying it wasn't them, then it wasn't us.

Because your argument is that these people moved into Europe, left their language and culture and fucked themselves into oblivion with the locals. I don't care if their skin was purple. We are still the inheritors - literally - of what they achieved and this is the point that is being made when they say they are 'Nordic looking', whether it is literally true or not.

Anything past that is frankly pedantic. Even if that theory turns out the absolute truth, there is a difference between the essence of the matter (it was us) and the blatant literal truth (they looked like 'x').
Enforcing the latter too much can easily undermine the former.

The fact that it's currently only a possibility means it should be raised as such. Not what can (it didn't really here because you just pasted a link) come across as 'nope you didn't build that'.

Or that's the current understanding. If it's the same exact gene, I don't see why the assumption that there is not a heritage link is the natural assumption.

You'd have to explain that one.

People in space or who move to asia don't have a different skin tone after eating there for awhile.

Perhaps it's over a multi-generational timeframe, but….. Because of a lack of certain vitamins in the food?

At least you're recognizing the very possible shortfall. I don't usually get that far
It seems to me that extremely often IE peoples operate in a multicultural society.

They either invade or just sort of immigrate and then make x great again and then are eventually murdered for being too successful. I don't think there is a single homogeneous white society on the face of the planet. Which is a pretty fucking good sample size. That's why it doesn't strike me as likely that they only operated as a homogeneous tribe at any time in history.


Filtered for standard kike Christianity slander. Upthread is the very book that proves Christianity is one in a line of many Aryan faiths. Codeword: it's old enough to use it. Fuck off.

They did switch sides in both wars.

You christcucks are pathetic.

I said I was ignoring him.

If you want to find a "christcuck" go find your local Catholic refugee charity.

FYI, he claimed there was no basis for the faith, I said it already is provided upthread. It's not my fault you can't read.

You only attacked me, and it's not valid.

The selection pressures for forethought, planning, and greater-scale cooperation exerted by an environment that has hostile and unforgiving winters.

the time has come for some links to pdf plox.

I guess nobody on this entire planet is white, then.

In a word: Hardship

And the need to overcome it in order to survive.

Around the equator and below you can get away with living in a pile of twigs without progressing, the environment provides enough.

Try that shit in northern climates and you won't make it past the first winter, we had to manipulate the land, create more resilient housing just to survive.
In times where there was less hardship we turn to fight each other, over and over for thousands of years, then more hardships. It's an upward spiral powered by climate and conflict that has molded the white populace in the northern hemisphere into a position of dominant strength and innovative capabilities.

Unfortunately we have eliminated our hardships and our conflicts and without them we have no momentum.

Thanks user I was about to do the same


Sorry, mate, I don't have those.

That's why I said you'd have to subscribe. I haven't.


Maybe it has something to do with their environment? Europe is a pretty shit continent compared to Africa at least, thus whites were always looking for ways to make their lives easier

great refutation m8
no Italian wants to be considered a white cuck anyway

Not even German, but i just wonder who is behind that video


This man gets it



Whatever, stoopid

Love the Bismarck and Otto/Luther parts but the rest is pretty poor bait.
Charlemagne was a German, btw.

Dogs and Snow.

kekked out loud

The thing is, they were dark skinned by modern pro european (nordicist) standards, hell the Yanma culture was proposedly located in modern day Armenia, if anything they might have looked like the Kardashians for all that we know (they are of armenian descent)

go to Bookzz I found most of the books there

Have you read the bible?

It says pretty fucking clear that Eden is a place, it even gives the location, which is where the other guy said, Mesopotamia.

Genesis 2:8–14
8 The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed. 9 And out of the ground the Lord God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

10 Now a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it parted and became four riverheads. 11 The name of the first is Pishon; it is the one which skirts the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. 12 And the gold of that land is good. Bdellium and the onyx stone are there. 13 The name of the second river is Gihon; it is the one which goes around the whole land of Cush. 14 The name of the third river is Tigris; it is the one which goes toward the east of Assyria. The fourth river is the Euphrates.

Im not even a christian was just raised that way. I do think that region is the origin of the myth though.


Don't worry, the mudslimes and marxist thought are making sure we'll have some.

It is, this time their is nowhere to run to.

I agree. As far as I'm aware this race has gone from the Mid-East region (Indo-Europeans) to Europe, then to the Americas. There is nowhere else to go unless you somehow plan to colonize the Arctic and Antarctic, which sounds almost impossible when talking about moving an entire society.

This is kind of why I never really wanted to look for WW3 ever happening and I presumed the digital age would help in preventing another messy WW. The damage due to us being so technologically advanced would be disastrous not only for the Europeans but also for everyone else on this planet. This war would not kill just Europe and Far-East Asia this time, it will kill off the entire planet.

The initial premise is the same, however, the answers to this age old riddle are not unless you reconsider crusading for your lives (again).

Wake up, YT. Going to miss you if you leave us. Going to hate you if you assist them in killing us all.

Read this book. It's great. And better: it's normalfag friendly.

The starting point was Romania-Ukraine-Caucasus.


Dude who cares about what niggercentrists think? Nobody, not even most niggers take them seriously.

And I said specifically, "Nordic LOOKING", so I'm referring to their phenotype alone.

This is just semantics, "Nordic" can mean various things, I specifically addressed the issue in terms of phenotype.
Moreover, by using the term Nordic in general you risk falling into what yourself criticize about niggers, the historical gibsmedats of Nordicists and their despise for other Europeans who don't look like them.

Sure, but you know how it is with the whole white/aryan thing, with Nordicists often saying that only the Nordic looking whites/aryans are actually white/aryan.
The reason why I made this claim about phenotype is that if these people were to see a member of the original aryans alive, they'd call him a wog and not certainly consider him white.

It's the latter. As I said before, one thing is developing a mutation(like it happened with lactase persistance), another thing is simply selecting a mutation, perhaps through sexual selection in a new environment.

When farmers started eating their new diet, this diet indeed lacked in vitamins that hunter-gatherers in western Europe got from other sources(like fish for instance), so in the course of thousands of years, they selected for fairer traits and eventually got the frequency of those genes to reach almost 100%.

In Scandinavia on the other hand it was the dark environment who selected for those. Same genes, selected in different places for different purposes.
Moreover, Scandinavia also sexually selected for fairer traits in both hair and eyes. It's not that the genes weren't there(hunter gatherers in Spain had those in the mesolithic), there wasn't enough pressure to select them everywhere. So when farmers arrived in Europe(they were mostly brown eyed) and mixed with the locals, nothing similar to Scandinavia happened since the climate is more sunny.



It is vital to understand the ethos of the Indo-Europeans, the high accomplishments of Ancient Greece, and throw in a chunk of Evola for good measure.


or just jump straight to Jung and Serrano

Spaniard here, my grandfather was sent to Russia along with other Spaniards to fight alongside the Axis. (Blue Division)

The Spaniard soldiers that fought alongside the Germans were known to be very capable fighters but less disciplined than the Germans.

Very few came from Russia, my grandfather was lucky to have been captured by the Russians and sent back to Spain.


I think reason ( aka the knowledge of good and evil) has made the white race prevail against adversity.

Succesful societies are build initially with reason as their cornerstone, but something happens along that road.

You see, even white society creates places of power that I will describe as snakes, that have no other meaning except to subvert and control with fear the population from injustice. This snake lives on fear and injustice.

The snake of today are the jews and all those institutions like media and alphabet agencies they control

Justice and reason go hand in hand, as I said reason is knowledge of good and evil, so when unenlightened people ( as the libshits like to call them) start to question the narrative they actually question the reason behind that alleged act of justice ( an equal society that practices affirmative action) the snake mobilizes and stops them.

Despite all that the white race has been saved countless times

The white race born great men and minds like Socrates, Tesla Copernicus and Galileo that brought great change and benefit to our people.

Socrates for example showed the people of Athens how stupid their leaders and philosophers were. And how did those leaders react? They killed him.

Thou he died, and died willingly as we all know, his ideas remained and it created a lot of change in society, and in philosophy.

The same thing happened with many more after Socrates.

So, we can say we have the genetic make up to succeed but we more than ever need strong fearless leaders to show the lack of reason in society and fight a seemingly losing battle. Eventually the kikes who placed themselves on top of us will come crumbling down, but we will be safe.

This is what I think Holla Forums's MO need to be. Show everyone how stupid our "masters" are.

Can anyone compile all or even a lot of these books together for download?





It's germanics, specifically the germanic nordic race. Note how all the pics in the OP are germanic too

Our genes.

Those are 20th century statues by a German artist of the third Reich, of course they depict Germanics.

Nice try, jew.

He never said that?


When Nazism returns, the first thing I'LL do is renounce my US citizenship and join the waffen SS. There is no way I am letting history repeat itself.

One only needs to follow the Swastikas and sun worship to find the Aryan and those descended from him.

Don't call it "nazism", is a derogative word that the jews made up to call National Socialists




hehehe hahaha

wait, is that statue rule 63 of Hercules?

"Omphale and Heracles marble statuette: Omphale, the Lydian queen is nude. In an inversion of their roles, she holds his club and wears his lion skin while Heracles wears a snood and a dress belted with a Heracles knot, carrying a spindle topped with yarn."

The inversion of roles [purushopasripta].
In the Kama Sutra there is the chapter which Deniélou translates as "virile behavior in women" [purushayita], this as an esoteric value too, learn about the principle of gender, read The Kybalion.

Sources for what i said are “The Complete Kama Sutra”
The First Unabridged Modern Translation of the Classic Indian Text By Alain Danielou and Eros And The Mysteries Of Love, The Metaphysic’s Of Sex. J.Evola

I want to commision draw fags to make that now

using toradora



Reminder: this is why you aren't a scientist.

Must be all those peas and carrots



White women are particularly beautiful. Everyone knows this; since some people pretend not to, let’s look at what nips draw when they want to draw the most beautiful woman possible:

Blue, green, purple eyes
Bigger eyes than sand niggers
Blond, brown, or red hair
Straight or wavy hair
Smaller noses than rice niggers
Pale or pink skin
Bigger boobs than Whites, but not big butts

They’re not drawing themselves, and they’re not drawing us. They’re drawing what male humans believe is the most beautiful – that’s male humans, not dirt niggers, because as porn searches reveal, dirt niggers are interested in big butts, a preference that the jewsmedia has been trying to foist on Whites.

Monogamy puts women under extreme evolutionary pressure to be beautiful, since women who can’t get a good man can’t reproduce. Under the various polygamous plans practised by every variety of shitskin, women who aren’t beautiful enough to be someone’s first wife or a great man’s second wife can still be someone’s maidservant and still have their baby looked after.

But the important part is what monogamy does to the men.

A monogamous married man is not in competition with other men for access to women, but in fact has an incentive to help other men be the best that they can, so they can pay his social security and marry his daughters.

A nonmonogamous man encountering that situation responds ‘ficki ficki allahu ackbar, gringo’. In a nonmonogamous society, caring about anything other than yourself and your immediate family means being a cuck.

There’s a reason larger armies of nonmonogamous people are routinely defeated by Whites, and that reason is biological.

I just blogged about this

Before the redpill I was going to take either a white woman, a dot head, or an asian as a wive.

Now, I must *must* have some level of redhead.


This, Neanderthal blood gives us hybrid vigor.

Enough with the LARPy spiritual explanations

Spirit do makes a part of the "job", user, if something seems to meta for you that doesn't automatically mean that is irrelevant


natives and afrikkans were.

your condescending egotistical delusional superiority complex is activated again

in the 1900's when YOU practiced eugenics on Hawai'ians and Indigenous Native American Peoples effectively exterminating those races by genocide. Or maybe it was during the Vietnam War or in Cambodia or Laos


Wot? I dindu nuffin!


My take is that living in the cold and at constant war with one another only the best of the best went forth, that is when wars weren't as destructive and they weren't taught to be retarded, and hadn't means to live coddled lives away from the cold that made them strong.

I'll be honest, i lost my shit.


I hope Holla Forums realizes those statues weren't necessarily a representation of the average body at the time but an ideal and goal to aspire to.

Of course

I am uploading all of the books to libgen, should be up soon

define "all"

All of them mentioned here

That's hardcore

many have been already uploaded

We are the hammer, not the anvil.

Well, yeah, of course. But at least they had the right idea. Although, there were many eras in the past when honing one's body was considered honorable and virtuous. Like in ancient Greek cultures, for example. Jews hated it. Look up the history of Hanukkah:

There is a long history of Jewish hostility to Western concepts of physical beauty, going back to the war of the Macabees against the Greeks commemorated at Hanukkah. The standard Jewish interpretation is that it was a rebellion against the Greek concept of physical beauty as a value in itself, as opposed to Jewish “holiness” as the ultimate virtue (which, being a bit cynical, I would parse as group commitment). Especially abhorrent to the Jews was the Greek practice of honing their bodies in gymnasia.

And I often wonder about this. How can we effectively revive an intensely meritocratic, healthy, fit, and naturally eugenic culture in the West that encourages excellence in all areas of human life? The modernist idea of top-down eugenics sounds disgusting and artificial to me, and a lot could easily go wrong under the wrong authority. I want to explore the possibilities of how to create a civilization that is both efficient and practical - but also naturally eugenic to a fair degree. I'm talking about a culture that is reasonably hierarchical and prioritizes only the best (aristos) – a culture that naturally values excellence (arete): strength, beauty, health, vigor, intelligence, creativity, honor, sincerity, vitality, virility, fertility, fecundity, heroic ambition, masculinity, femininity, family values, etc. I think you understand.

Any thoughts on this? Is it all a fashy fantasy? Can it be done? What can we effectively do?

We can't go on living like this for much longer:


Theory of Pussy:

European genes make the most beautiful women so it makes sense European men became the most advanced to protect their pussies.

But that is about to end though. Because whites turned into cucks and will become mongrelized with shit skin and big semitic nose that makes up 90% of face or the big chimp nose of niggers.


talk about cucks


That's still hardcore

I happened to stumble across this fascinating article from Radix a few minutes ago. It might do well to read it:

Because white people ARE the human species. All other 'races', are of a completely different species, not even subspecies. Sub species would be mutts



lol that's the line Italian bloggers and anthroscape spergs are going with now? After 60+ years of trying to overcompensate convince nordics and anglos that you're white because of your own insecurities, I'm not buying it.

You dagos really are the most sensitive and touchy people ever.

Evola's pretty shit tbh.


Never said that

the italian peninsula has human activity going back 10,000 bce



That's seriously some skill


moar maps plz

Well done edge man.


"The Ukraine" probly means 'borderland' and a country with that name didn't exist before ~Soviet times… Just saying

"Ukraine" probly means 'borderland' and a country with that name didn't exist before ~Soviet times… Just point out.



You're talking about a Jew book. I think you need to take a look at the Eddas - we're created from Ash and Elm trees by Odin Vili and Ve.

This and placing a higher value on your resources because of how scarce they were. The only man with food for 100 miles isn't going to fuck an ugly woman. Hence the attractive genes from the woman and the higher IQ genes from the man created Aryans. Most of the defects were bred out, all this is being undone due to the minority of whites who race mix, 5 generations down the line when you can't tell your woman is 1/64 th African and therefore will pass on her shit genes to your children.

A similar thing happened with the South east Asians. Africa is shit because of niggers not needing to fight over resources meaning the shit genes in Africans didn't die out, a lack of fighting between Africans also prevented them from developing in any way.


Except for the Egyptians, the Chinese, the Hittites, the Mongols (War)…

The connection is skin deep. Complete freedom is either anarchy or indifference.

Of course we want discourse to have rules. Of course we want limits - bindings to those who break them. Or do you want to show pornography to kids in the name of free expression?
Of course we want certain behavior depending on the context. That's all PC is - etiquette. We simply disagree on their etiquette.

All law is such a limit. What we encounter now is the fact that all powers associated with laws and norms
so desire to limit all the good and pursue the evil… It should tell you of the source. It is not the same source, mind you.

I find racial connection to be secondary to cultural influences and even class.

Proletariat is the farthest - even further than the Jew.

You're supposing that there is a clear-cut dichotomy of race and culture. I disagree. They are intensely related. Find me a major culture that doesn't have its roots heavily tied into a racial group in some important way. Even Christianity, one of the most universalist of worldviews, began as a Jewish sect and its overall worldview is deeply rooted in Semitic myth with some additions from Greek philosophy.
Reminder that the libs have already been there.
And reminder that post-modern "progressiveness" is about enforcing anarchy and indifference, not defending society.

Too bad cultural influences are just marginally less hereditary than race.

Spoilered for your safety


Generally I hate all ideologies and religions that get in the way of tits.

What is judaism 4.0? Mormonism? Scientology?

The absence of non-whites.



deletes the other one




saves it

These aren't all the same sculptor are they?


Different sculptors, not modern.

Spoilered for extremely talented gay sculptors

I didn't figure they were, nobody is allowed to take that kind of time and effort today.


This is a modern sculptor

Spoilered for your safety + info

I fucked up, sorry for your safety


The complete and final solution would be for all the leftycuck effeminate males and the sjw feminista females to not breed. In the short term this would accelerate the full genocide because there are no genes for ideology - a type of reeducation is needed. But the state reeducation is constantly pushing people to be more anti white when they are white - suicidal altruism and so forth.

Holy shit, I'm surprised.

How do they make enough money to live today?

Before they were always sponsored by lords or something.

Yes there are. There are twin studies to show it.

Then you've got the r/K-selection stuff.

If we continue to have 5+ kids each, and they have one or two or from abortions have none, they're losing. That's a good thing.

By pushing females to go for careers and not have children until it's too late, they're losing. That's a good thing.

That said, we might have to fight them anyway if they stop Trump and manage to cast us into a dark age when the government collapses under its own bullshit.







We all came from Northern Ukraine/South West Russia near the northern shore of the Black Sea, so goes the currently accepted theory.

Maybe living in isolation in those foothills and mountain ranges just happened to be the perfect storm of natural selection that made us great. There have never really been that many of us, either.









Man struggling and conquering a serpent

it represents the conquering of the risen Kundalini serpent that lies at the base of our spine, spoilered for mundanes safety

I think this one is modern, i don't remember.




that was made by a nip


Same concept



Bluepill thread

What is Sumeria?

Where are da Annuanaki?

Sumeria was a unification of barbarian tribes due to being conquered by Indo-European invaders. The Annunaki weren't aliens or gods, they were white.

Every culture where you see mythological tales of a fair-skinned race appearing from another place with advanced knowledge is a culture that was once ruled by the splinter groups of the proto-Indo-European culture after the Younger Dryas climatic changes toppled their civilization. The flood myth is a recounting of the rise in sea levels at the end of the glacial maximum that caused many cities to be lost (humans have always built their sites along rivers and coasts).

Mind un-bluepilling this thread with your knowledge, then?

No, it was made by a American girl.

that's a good goy

I don't agree. My IQ is very high and I have got really good genetics body/athletics and I have done almost nothing with my life. What made Europe great IMO was Europeans amazing ability to dream and endure hardship, to look out at an ocean and wanting to see what is on the other side despite the odds. Sacrificing everything for knowledge, dedicating your life to become a masterful artist etc. Everything we value about European culture was not genetic lottery winners but hard workers who endured with a goal in mind.

Look at what Hitler did, his IQ wasn't that high, he had a body that did not have amazing strength or endurance but with a dream and willpower he changed history.

Willpower and vision is what set us apart. The Chinese developed gunpowder, we weaponized it and conquered the world. Willpower and vision my friend not pure intellect and bodily capabilities.

Still no refutation. This is the reason no-one takes you people seriously.
And no thanks, as I said no Italian who knows a bit of their fellow Italic peoples history wants to downgrade to white status.

Besides, we got most of the perks of being white anyway, without the downsides like white guilt.

There is certainly that aspect of inspiration and creation that our race uniquely has. The other things are still important, because that is how you actualize things.

Also, if Hitler had a tad more Trump in him, and delegated certain things to certain people, I don't think he would have lost the war. Because there were times when he was asleep or whatever and they had to have the decision go through him no matter what.

Same here. There's a few things in that.

One is that's just an anecdote.
Two that's assuming neither of us ever will do anything. We're unlearning decades and centuries of untruth. That takes more than a few months. It's something that would not have ever been possible at this stage of the downfall of civilization. We just have that kind of ability to see real information.
Three, white people are not currently allowed to work because they are white. They'd rather hire incompetent shitskins and aliens.
Four is related to three, all the real innovations came from people who were able to lock themselves away for long periods of time and think. Were able to shut out the world as it is now until they changed it. Hitler spent large amounts of time in jail. We'll get to that stage after we finish unlearning and relearning. In the meantime the mudslimes will make those who are just going through the motions recognize there is a problem and be forced to do something about it, which is one step in the right direction.

I only started my journey after I was unable to get a STEM job with my degree and asked myself the question 'what has gone wrong in our society that this can happen?'

There are probably others that didn't just pop into my head, but that's enough to show that those things are very vital.

Our frames are how they are because combat used to be very physical. Spears and swords. We're also stronger pound for pound than any other race.

That's because there's no reason to argue that level of shill. You're just going to ignore it anyway.

This is why I'm continually amazed at how much they all just say 'those stories aren't real' and then ignore it completely.

I guess those pyramids under water aren't real. Just like the Bosnian pyramid is imaginary. Also the pyramids in China where all those white mummies have been found. Man, just so much that doesn't actually exist.

I pray we will find corpses buried underneath the ones underwater, and they're all just white like king tut. There is a history before history.

Also, is there a list of those cultures?

Yes because otherwise you would totally be able to refute that..pffhhahahahahahahahah

Your post motivated and depressed me at the same time I am going to start training again and try and go pro again. The best thing about being an athlete is time, training 3-4 hours a day leaves you with a lot of free time to really improve your mind. The diet sucks though.

Thanks user, not that I really believe in synchronicity but I was a combat athlete, with a lot of people believing more in my abilities than I did.


Good, I'm glad. There are times I think it would be nice to deanonymize.

I think the twitter account was/is The Librarian of Hate, who had that article about how we're the strongest race pound for pound if you want to find it. Apparently blacks just end up looking very bulked up compared to us for the same amount of objective force applied. It is clear they have rejected the idea of the races being scientifically different, because when you honestly look at that, it is being shown that the differences are larger than we thought.

I quoted the above, because I match the idea of the modern intellectual very well. After I was about 10 I stopped doing anything physical and now am somewhat amerifat. But now that I have learned race realism, I can tell by looking that if I did start doing physical things my frame is very good for that actually. I'm 6'2 and have athletes and swimmers and so on in my ancestry. This part I always knew, but was never interested in it, and preferred to continually feed my mind instead which is why I went into STEM for my degree. Within the next year I will begin focusing on my body as well, partly because its increasingly angering me now, and also partly because I think and feel that I'm catching up on the unlearning part. Even though I see the future as being full of trials, I'm starting to think we can actually do something about it and am becoming optimistic.

So good luck with your combat athleticism. I will lend you whatever force of power my prayers can have.

What even is dis


But it's okay

Decent thread, lads.

I would like to share some vitally important passages from a couple of my favorite articles:

The Roots of the White Man


- When speaking of “whites,” I mean the branch of the Caucasian race now generally called “Indo-Europeans,” or what used to be known as “Aryans,” whose descendants today constitute the main part of the populations of Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand. The term “Aryan” has, for obvious reasons, gone out of fashion, but prior to the rise of German National Socialism, it was a widely accepted anthropological label, and the great archaeologist V. Gordon Childe wrote a book entitled The Aryans (1926), which remains a useful survey of what was then known of the origins and early history of the ancestors of European man.

- Whether we employ the term “Aryan” or “Indo-European,” however, most anthropologists today use these terms merely as linguistic or at most cultural labels and insist that they do not refer to race. Yet this usage seems artificial. The early Indo-Europeans, no matter where they lived or where their remains have been found, were white, and their physical remains, art, and languages reflect their essential racial unity, regardless of the diversity of the subracial stocks into which they eventually divided in various parts of the world and the mixtures with other stocks and races that eventually absorbed many of them.

- The Indo-Europeans are thought to have originated in the steppes of Russia and began to move out of that area into what is now eastern and northern Europe, the Near East, and India in the third or second millennium B.C. The earliest known written Indo-European language is the Linear B script of the Greek city-state of Mycenae around 1500 B.C., and it was around this time also that the Aryans invaded India and displaced the dying Dravidian civilizations of the Indus Valley.

- In Europe, the Aryan invaders conquered and displaced the non-Indo-European peoples of the archaic megalithic civilization that built Stonehenge and similar colossal monuments. In the Near East and India, the Indo-Europeans conquered many peoples who had created literate, urban civilizations. In some cases, the Aryans were, to a greater or lesser degree, absorbed into the larger populations they had conquered.

- Of particular interest to us are the common features of archaic Indo-European peoples, which continue to shape modern Indo-European-derived beliefs and institutions. As the French folklorist Georges Dumézil has pointed out, one of the principal characteristics of early Indo-European societies is a hierarchical, three-tiered or “tripartite” class structure of priests, warriors, and herder-cultivators. This structure appears to be racially rooted and prefigures many of the societal characteristics we now think of as typically Western or European.

The Indo-Europeanist J.P. Mallory has pointed out one of the central elements of this Indo-European three-class society:

[O]ne of the more obvious symbols of social tripartition is colour, emphasized by the fact that both ancient India and Iran expressed the concept of caste with the word for colour (varna). A survey of the social significance of different colours is fairly clear cut, at least for the first two functions. Indo-Iranian, Hittite, Celtic and Latin ritual all assign white to priests and red to the warrior. The third would appear to have been marked by a darker colour such as black or blue.

The racial symbolism of such caste colors is obvious, with the higher ranks of society being symbolized by the color associated with the lighter-skinned Aryans and the lower ranks symbolized by the darker hues of the conquered non-Aryan races.

Indeed, racial consciousness among the early Aryans was commonplace. Romila Thapar, a modern Indian scholar, writes:

The first step in the direction of caste (as distinct from class) was taken when the Aryans treated the Dasas [non-Aryans] as beyond the social pale, probably owing to a fear of the Dasas and the even greater fear that assimilation with them would lead to a loss of Aryan identity. Ostensibly the distinction was largely that of colour, the Dasas being darker and of an alien culture. . . . The colour-element of caste was emphasized, throughout this period, and was eventually to become deep-rooted in north-Indian Aryan culture. Initially, therefore, the division was between the Aryans and the non-Aryans.

Whatever modern scholars may say about the old Aryans being merely a language group and not a race, that does not seem to be the way the old Aryans themselves looked upon the question.

- It is a widespread feature of early Aryan thought that there exists an objective order that is independent of what we believe or want to believe—in other words, truth. The Rig Veda calls this order rta, a term that may be linked with the word Arya itself, which seems to mean “noble” in The Laws of Manu. The word “Aryan” comes from “Arya” and a number of other Indo-European words seem to be connected—the Greek arete (virtue, the quality of acting like a man, from which we derive “aristocracy”); the Latin ara (altar) and the name “Arthur.” But regardless of the linguistic linkages, the Aryan concept of Cosmic Order contrasts with ideas of the universe found among ancient non-Aryans. For the latter, Cosmic Order is merely the product of will, a creature of magic, and it can change if those who know how to change it wish to do so. If the priests or the divine king did not perform the proper magical rituals, the sun literally would not rise, the Nile would not flood, and food would not grow. In this non-Aryan, magical view of nature, order does not exist as an externally independent and objective arrangement of nature and its functioning.

- Moreover, Indo-European gods are considerably less powerful than the deities adored by the non-Aryans. Zeus, Apollo, Odin, Thor, and the rest did not create the universe and are in fact subject to most of its rules. The subordination of Aryan gods to the regularities of the universe itself points toward a deep Indo-European belief in Cosmic Order, a belief that has major philosophical and ethical implications.

It follows from recognition of the Cosmic Order that some things are true and some aren’t, no matter what you prefer to think, that some things will always be and always have been true or false, regardless of your wishes, and that some things will happen or will not happen, whether you like it or not. Hence the Greek and Nordic ideas of “Fate” or “Destiny,” that some things are beyond the control of the human will and are inevitable because of the very fabric of the universe. The concept of Fate is probably the origin of the principle of causality and the ancestor of such Indo-European ideas as logic, mathematics, philosophy, science, and theology.

- It is no accident, wrote V. Gordon Childe, that the first great advances towards abstract natural science were made by the Aryan Greeks and the Hindus, not by the Babylonians or the Egyptians, despite their great material resources and their surprising progress in techniques— in astronomical observation for example. In the moralization of religion too Aryans have played a prominent role. The first great world religions which addressed their appeal to all men irrespective of race or nationality, Buddhism and Zoroastrianism, were the works of Aryans, propagated in Aryan speech. . . . It is certain that the great concept of the Divine Law or Cosmic Order is associated with the first Aryan peoples who emerge upon the stage of history some 3,500 years ago.

- The concept of the Cosmic Order also has important ethical implications, and it was as an ethical system that the ancient Aryans mainly seem to have understood it. Recognition of a Cosmic Order implies that human action has consequences—that you cannot do whatever you please and expect nothing to come of it—and also that sometimes no matter what you do, you will not be able to avoid the consequences of your Fate, what the Greeks and Norsemen respectively called your moira or wyrd. Thus, the central concept of Greek tragedy is that the tragic hero suffers as a consequence of a “tragic flaw” that may not be the result of his will or intent but that makes his fate unavoidable. Oedipus was doomed to commit the sacrileges of patricide and incest through his very virtue, and there are many heroes in Greek mythology who encounter similar fates.

The ethical implication that Indo-Europeans drew from this belief is not that man should surrender or fecklessly seek to avoid his fate but rather that he should accept it courageously. Achilles in The Iliad knows that he is fated to die young but, as horrid as death is to Achilles, he readily prefers the glory of his brief heroic life to the obscurity of a long and safe existence. By contrast Gilgamesh, in the Mesopotamian epic, seeks only to avoid death and resorts to all sorts of magic and sorcery to prevent it.

- In her survey of Norse myth, H.R. Ellis Davidson notes similar connections between fate, Cosmic Order, and the heroism of both gods and men: In spite of this awareness of fate, indeed perhaps because of it, the picture of man’s qualities which emerges from the myths is a noble one. The gods are heroic figures, men writ large, who led dangerous, individualistic lives, yet at the same time were part of a closely-knit small group, with a firm sense of values and certain intense loyalties. They would give up their lives rather than surrender these values, but they would fight on as long as they could, since life was well worthwhile. Men knew that the gods whom they served could not give them freedom from danger and calamity, and they did not demand that they should. We find in the myths no sense of bitterness at the harshness and unfairness of life, but rather a spirit of heroic resignation: humanity is born to trouble, but courage, adventure, and the wonders of life are matters of thankfulness, to be enjoyed while life is still granted to us. The great gifts of the gods were readiness to face the world as it was, the luck that sustains men in tight places, and the opportunity to win that glory which alone can outlive death.

- The Norse gods know that their race and the world are doomed at the final battle of Ragnarok, but they go out to fight and to meet their fate regardless. The concept of the “Last Stand,” in which an outnumbered army of Aryan warriors faces battle against overwhelming odds, usually without any realistic expectation of victory, recurs throughout Indo-European history and legend—at the battles of Marathon and Thermopylae, Horatius at the Bridge, in the Song of Roland, in the Arthurian legends, at Ragnarok itself, or in the fiery climax of Njal’s Saga, and at the Alamo, Rorke’s Drift, and the Little Big Horn.

- Indeed, Indo-European scholars have recognized a distinctive Indo-European myth pattern called the “Final Battle.” As J.P. Mallory writes, The epic traditions of a number of Indo-European peoples preserve an account of the ‘final battle,’ for example, Kurukshetra in the great Indian epic, the Mahabharata; the ‘Second Battle of Mag Tured’ among the early Irish; Ragnarok among the Norse; and several others.

- Moreover, the Indo-European hero, fighting in single combat, often is killed by treachery or trickery concocted by a non-Aryan or un-Aryan “trickster” figure. Thus, Achilles is killed by an arrow shot by the Trojan Paris, Hercules is killed by the trickery of a centaur, Theseus is pushed over a cliff from behind, Baldur is killed by the jealous trickery of Loki, Siegfried is killed by the treachery of his own brother-in-law, et cetera. It is interesting that in the biblical story of David and Goliath, the latter, a champion of the Aryan Philistines, is killed by the slingshot of David, and in the non-Aryan version recounted in the Old Testament, David’s conduct is portrayed as an act of prowess.

- The concept of the Cosmic Order also has important ethical implications, and it was as an ethical system that the ancient Aryans mainly seem to have understood it. Recognition of a Cosmic Order implies that human action has consequences—that you cannot do whatever you please and expect nothing to come of it—and also that sometimes no matter what you do, you will not be able to avoid the consequences of your Fate, what the Greeks and Norsemen respectively called your moira or wyrd. Thus, the central concept of Greek tragedy is that the tragic hero suffers as a consequence of a “tragic flaw” that may not be the result of his will or intent but that makes his fate unavoidable. Oedipus was doomed to commit the sacrileges of patricide and incest through his very virtue, and there are many heroes in Greek mythology who encounter similar fates.

The ethical implication that Indo-Europeans drew from this belief is not that man should surrender or fecklessly seek to avoid his fate but rather that he should accept it courageously. Achilles in The Iliad knows that he is fated to die young but, as horrid as death is to Achilles, he readily prefers the glory of his brief heroic life to the obscurity of a long and safe existence. By contrast Gilgamesh, in the Mesopotamian epic, seeks only to avoid death and resorts to all sorts of magic and sorcery to prevent it.

- In her survey of Norse myth, H.R. Ellis Davidson notes similar connections between fate, Cosmic Order, and the heroism of both gods and men: In spite of this awareness of fate, indeed perhaps because of it, the picture of man’s qualities which emerges from the myths is a noble one. The gods are heroic figures, men writ large, who led dangerous, individualistic lives, yet at the same time were part of a closely-knit small group, with a firm sense of values and certain intense loyalties. They would give up their lives rather than surrender these values, but they would fight on as long as they could, since life was well worthwhile. Men knew that the gods whom they served could not give them freedom from danger and calamity, and they did not demand that they should. We find in the myths no sense of bitterness at the harshness and unfairness of life, but rather a spirit of heroic resignation: humanity is born to trouble, but courage, adventure, and the wonders of life are matters of thankfulness, to be enjoyed while life is still granted to us. The great gifts of the gods were readiness to face the world as it was, the luck that sustains men in tight places, and the opportunity to win that glory which alone can outlive death.

- The Norse gods know that their race and the world are doomed at the final battle of Ragnarok, but they go out to fight and to meet their fate regardless. The concept of the “Last Stand,” in which an outnumbered army of Aryan warriors faces battle against overwhelming odds, usually without any realistic expectation of victory, recurs throughout Indo-European history and legend—at the battles of Marathon and Thermopylae, Horatius at the Bridge, in the Song of Roland, in the Arthurian legends, at Ragnarok itself, or in the fiery climax of Njal’s Saga, and at the Alamo, Rorke’s Drift, and the Little Big Horn.

- Indeed, Indo-European scholars have recognized a distinctive Indo-European myth pattern called the “Final Battle.” As J.P. Mallory writes, The epic traditions of a number of Indo-European peoples preserve an account of the ‘final battle,’ for example, Kurukshetra in the great Indian epic, the Mahabharata; the ‘Second Battle of Mag Tured’ among the early Irish; Ragnarok among the Norse; and several others.

- Moreover, the Indo-European hero, fighting in single combat, often is killed by treachery or trickery concocted by a non-Aryan or un-Aryan “trickster” figure. Thus, Achilles is killed by an arrow shot by the Trojan Paris, Hercules is killed by the trickery of a centaur, Theseus is pushed over a cliff from behind, Baldur is killed by the jealous trickery of Loki, Siegfried is killed by the treachery of his own brother-in-law, et cetera. It is interesting that in the biblical story of David and Goliath, the latter, a champion of the Aryan Philistines, is killed by the slingshot of David, and in the non-Aryan version recounted in the Old Testament, David’s conduct is portrayed as an act of prowess.

- Many Greek heroes exhibit similar traits of daring and eventually come to grief because of them, and these myths functioned not only as expressions of the Faustian tendencies of the Aryan people to push against limits and transgress established boundaries but also as cautionary tales that tried to warn men of the consequences of carrying their natural proclivities too far. While there is a superficial resemblance between these myths and the Hebraic story of Adam and Eve, there is also a significant difference. While Indo-European heroes often meet their doom because of or despite their heroism, Adam and Eve get kicked out of Eden merely because they disobeyed Yahweh. Neither one did anything particularly admirable or heroic, in contrast to Prometheus, Achilles, Hercules, Theseus, and many other Greek and Aryan heroes.

- It is also the dynamism of Indo-European man that accounts for the comparative absence of “Oriental despotism” in the political history of the Aryan peoples. Both Greece and Rome were originally ruled by kings, but the kings were never absolute monarchs and were elected or confirmed by the aristocratic warrior classes. Very early in their histories, the kings were dethroned, and republics, also originally aristocratic, were established. The Roman historian Tacitus noted similar institutions among the warrior bands of the ancient Germans, whom he held up in part as models of virtue against whom the decadent Romans of his day fell short. The passive proclivities and static tendencies of non-Aryans render them easy to subjugate in such highly autocratic empires as those of Asia and ancient Egypt, imposed by slave armies often driven by whips and ruled by “god-kings” and colleges of priests armed with secret magical knowledge. It is almost impossible to dominate Aryans in this way for very long.

Greece not only gives us the word “democracy,” but also the term “tyranny,” which describes illegitimate rule. There is little in non-Indo-European thought similar to this concept. While Asiatic history is full of palace coups, harem intrigues, assassinations, and uprisings led by one minor potentate or another against a despot, all that ever happens, from the days of the Pharaoh Akhnaton to the assassination of Anwar Sadat, is the replacement of one autocrat by another. By contrast, the histories of Greece, Rome, and Medieval and modern Europe are filled with acts of tyrannicide, political reforms, establishments of law codes and constitutions, baronial rebellions, peasants’ uprisings, and eventually full-scale revolutions in which a dynamic race seeks to resist being reduced to slavery. Those despots who have gained power over Aryan peoples usually never last very long, and those who overthrow or assassinate them usually become heroic figures. The individuality and dynamism of Indo-European man simply does not tolerate one man or institution monopolizing all the power and dictating to everyone else.

- The natural form of government among the Aryan peoples, then, appears to be this kind of aristocratic republic, tending toward democracy but with well-recognized rights and duties for non-aristocrats. A limited democracy thus has deep racial and cultural roots among Europeans, but it properly derives from those roots, not from the rootless ideologies that today have grotesquely expanded it far beyond its natural role. The natural Aryan aristocratic republicanism is a form of government encouraged by the tripartite structure of Indo-European society; by its distinctions and balances between the warrior, priestly, and producer classes; by its tendency to separate the sacred from the secular; and by the apparently innate dynamism of the Aryan race itself, which resists and rebels against any effort to impose autocratic rule or to induce the passivity that allows despotism to flourish.

It is important to note that the despotism that eventually arose in ancient Rome was based on a non-Western, Asiatic, or Egyptian model and that the ancient Greeks always feared and distrusted citizens who became “Medized” (i.e., adopted the customs of the Medes or Persians and other Asians) as people who were alienated from their own institutions and who might harbor ambitions of enslaving their own people. In Rome the great model for despotism was Egypt, after Julius Caesar dallied with Cleopatra, and both Caligula and Nero tried to imitate Egyptian and Asiatic despotism (both were assassinated). Yet the Asiatic-Egyptian model of autocracy eventually triumphed, as Rome’s racial composition altered with the importation and emancipation of large masses of foreign slaves and immigrants, and it was from this model that the Roman Catholic Church developed its own ideas of papal absolutism, which in turn were copied by the monarchs of the Medieval and early modern periods. Despotism, even in its European forms, is not naturally an Indo-European institution but derives ultimately from alien peoples.


- The third important characteristic of the Indo-Europeans is individuality. From their earliest history they show signs of greater variation, in both physical appearance and individual behavior, than most other races. Some physical anthropologists have noted that there is more variety among Europeans than among Asiatics and Negroes, with whites exhibiting more variation in skin pigmentation, hair and eye color, height, and facial features. This physical differentiation is paralleled and perhaps causally related to their behavioral differentiation as individuals, a trait that is closely related to their dynamism as a race.

- Early Aryans, despite their tendency to individuate, were highly conscious of themselves as a distinct group. Both the Greeks and the Romans looked upon everyone else as “barbarians,” and we have already seen the high degree of racial consciousness that pertained among the Indo-Aryans. Aryans were also closely attached to family units, not only the nuclear family but also the clans in which their society was organized, and clan warfare in Ireland and Scotland, family- based political factionalism among the Romans, and conflicts among the many independent city-states of ancient Greece were notorious as forces that tended to keep these populations divided. It was groups such as race, nationality, clan, community, class, and family that established the social fabric of early Aryan life, and individualism in the modern sense of a John Stuart Mill or Ayn Rand—as a belief that justifies the individual’s neglecting or betraying his social bonds—did not exist.

Nevertheless, the Aryans exhibited a high degree of individuation, and this is reflected in their mythology as well as in their art. The gods and heroes of the Greeks and the Norsemen have far more distinctive personalities than such Egyptian deities as Isis and Osiris, and the stories the Greeks and Norsemen told about their gods and heroes—the embittered and wrathful Achilles and the wily Odysseus, the imperious Zeus and the dashing Apollo, the angry Ares and the comic lame god Hephaestus, the jealous Hera and the lascivious Aphrodite—are far richer than the thin tales of Egypt and Babylonia. There is also a greater emotional and narrative range—adventure, humor, love, revenge, divine punishment, and even tragic failure—in the Greek myths than in the stories of the Old Testament, which mainly illustrate man’s obedience or disobedience to God and His laws.

- But the Aryan hero also pays a price for his heroic individuality. He stands as the perpetual outsider, whose distinctiveness usually forbids him from enjoying a normal life with wife and children or living to a ripe old age, and eventually, in the authentic myths as opposed to TV drama, he is slain, usually by treachery. The moral of Aryan individuality is that there is no escape from the laws of the Cosmic Order, even for heroes, whose heroic transcendence of the norms that bind more mediocre men does not exempt them from the iron regularities of the universe. Individuality is not for everybody, an important distinction between the Aryan ideal and that of modern universalist individualism, and only exceptional beings can excel despite the demands it imposes on them.

Aryan individuality, then, was supposed to be a supplement to, not an adversary of, the racial and social bond, and even then it was constrained by the price that those who developed it to its highest levels would have to pay. It was never supposed to be the kind of intellectual crutch for economic greed, social inadequacy, and personal alienation and resentment that modern individualism is. But the ineradicable tendency of Aryans to individualize themselves through singular personalities, achievements, thoughts, and expressions in art and literature no doubt lies at the root of modern individualism, despite the socially pathological and destructive forms the ideology has taken, and it is in part because of his innate proclivity to individuation and individual achievement and creativity that European man has given birth to his distinctive and successful civilization.

- In Aryan society, women have always enjoyed more respect, more freedom, and more individuality than in non-Aryan society, and this probably derives from the structure of their society. The relative independence and freedom that characterized the structured Aryan society would have meant that women could not simply be captured and enslaved but had to be bargained for or won, if not as individuals then as the daughters of other competing warriors. Disrespect for or cruelty to a woman, like discourtesy or injury to a free man, could result in endless blood feuds. Women and goddesses in Greek and Norse myths and legends have far more personality and a far more important social role than in most non-Aryan mythologies. Certainly such practices as foot-binding, clitoridectomy, and suttee, as well as polygamy and the harem, are rare or unknown among the early Aryans. (The word “harem” has entered Western languages because Westerners lack their own word for it.)

But the natural Aryan respect for women does not mean that modern feminism is consistent with ancient Aryan views of womanhood, and despite the honor that Aryans have always paid women, they never confused honor with equality or sameness. The assumption of the Aryan honoring of women is that women are different from men and require or deserve different treatment. It is for that very reason that modern feminists, wedded to the illusion of sexual egalitarianism, despise, ridicule, and try to abolish the expressions of male chivalry, even though, like most egalitarians, they also like to have it both ways—to abolish inequality when it offers an impediment but to insist on it when it serves their interests.

- Similarly, respect for animals no doubt derives from the reliance of the Aryans on hunting and war animals, especially dogs and horses. Horses play a central role in Aryan myth, and the Indo-Europeans apparently were the first to domesticate horses and develop their use in war. There are sacred horses, horse sacrifices, horse gods, and horse burials among the Indo-European peoples. Similarly, dogs and wolves play a major role in Aryan myth, from Cerberus the three- headed dog of Hades (one for each social class perhaps) to the wolves of Odin. The individuation of Aryans may lead them to personify their animals and invest them with personalities, names, and special attributes in a way that no other race usually does.

Aryan Beauty and Jewish Conflict

Occidental Observer:

- This is a fairly routine exercise emanating from the highest reaches of the mainstream media expressing Jewish hatred and revenge seeking against Whites and especially Nordic-looking Whites. One is tempted not to make too much of it except that the issue of physical beauty and health goes to the heart of the long conflict between Jews and non-Jews over the construction of culture.

- There is a long history of Jewish hostility to Western concepts of physical beauty, going back to the war of the Macabees against the Greeks commemorated at Hanukkah. The standard Jewish interpretation is that it was a rebellion against the Greek concept of physical beauty as a value in itself, as opposed to Jewish “holiness” as the ultimate virtue (which, being a bit cynical, I would parse as group commitment). Especially abhorrent to the Jews was the Greek practice of honing their bodies in gymnasia.

- In “The Artful Race” Sunic mentions the Frankfurt School as dedicated to subverting Western images of physical beauty–a theme also of Elizabeth Whitcombe. (My chapter on the Frankfurt School discusses a different kind of subversion of the healthy: family life. Children with strong ties to their parents and a sense of pride in their families are said to be forerunners of fascism and anti-Semitism.)

- Garelick’s little article is in the tradition of Jewish antipathy toward the physical beauty of Europeans and for the value that Europeans place on physical beauty. I suspect that these traits of Europeans are an aspect of European individualism. Peter Frost has argued convincingly that there was sexual selection for traits like blond hair and blue eyes (Peter Frost, “European hair and eye color: A case of frequency-dependent sexual selection?” Evolution and Human Behavior 27 (2006) 85–103). This means that traits like blond hair and blue eyes were seen as sexually attractive—like the peacock’s tail, so the became more common in the population because they were sought after in mates. Frost associates sexual selection among Europeans with monogamy as a marriage system, selected for in the northern areas where Whites evolved because of the need for fathers to provision children. Rather than marry on the basis of known kinship relations and family dictates, marriage is based on individual choice. And one criterion of importance (among others) is physical beauty.

Such selection pressures would also lead Europeans to value love as the basis of marriage–analysed as a trait that makes close relationships between spouses mutually rewarding. John Murray Cuddihy remarked on how love was seen as foreign by Jews emerging from the ghetto, resulting in theories like Sigmund Freud’s where love was analyzed as repressed sexuality—little more than a neurosis.* Nor was physical beauty in marriage partners valued among Jews. A passage in the Talmud says that physical appearance was not to be a critical resource for a woman: “For ‘false is grace and beauty is vain.’ Pay regard to good breeding, for the object of marriage is to have children.” Instead of personal attraction, arranged marriages were common into the modern era.

Hence the culture clash exemplified by Garelick, abetted by Jewish historical grudges against the West.

Ancient Struggle: Indo-Europeans vs. Semites

- Describing the contours of ancient history, the great American Egyptologist James Henry Breasted saw the ancient world in terms of an epochal struggle between “our ancestors,” the Indo-Europeans of Europe, Persia, and India, on the one hand, and the Semitic peoples of Mesopotamia, Phoenicia, Canaan, Assyria, and Carthage, on the other:

The history of the ancient world, as we are now to follow it, was largely made up of the struggle between this southern Semitic line, which issued from the southern grasslands, and the northern Indo-European line, which came forth from the northern grasslands to confront the older civilizations represented in the southern line. Thus . . . we see the two great races facing each other across the Mediterranean like two vast armies stretching from Western Asia westward to the Atlantic. The later wars between Rome and Carthage represent some of the operations on the Semitic left wing, while the triumph of Persia over Chaldea is a similar outcome on the Semitic right wing.

The result of the long conflict was the complete triumph of our ancestors (the Indo-European line), who conquered along the center and both wings and finally, as represented by the Greeks and Romans, gained unchallenged supremacy throughout the Mediterranean world. This triumph was accompanied by a long struggle for mastery between the members of the northern line themselves. Among them the victory moved from the east end to the west end of the northern line, as first the Persians, then the Greeks, and finally the Romans gained control of the Mediterranean and oriental world.


- With the Jews, there begins the slave revolt morality.

The symbol of this struggle, inscribed in letters legible across all human history is "Rome against Judea, Judea against Rome." There has hitherto been no greater event than this struggle, this question, this deadly contradiction. Rome felt the Jews to be something like anti-nature itself, its antipodal monstrosity, as it were. In Rome, the Jews stood convicted of hatred for the whole human race. And that view was correct, to the extent that we are right to link the health and the future of the human race to the unconditional rule of aristocratic values, the Roman values.

~ Friedrich Nietzsche, 'On the Genealogy of Morals'

Listen to Jonathan Bowden speak about this text:


Also, see all of these books I have previously recommended:

The idea of an Aryan invasion is a text book example where a pre-proposed theory leads inquiry, instead of inquiry leading the theory. In fact the explanation for a Varna system is very simple and straightforward when compared to the explanation provided by either linguistics, or genetics.

The claim for an "invasion" initially comes from linguistics, but that does not establish a proper time table, nor describes any concrete historical facts, let alone establishing an invasion, or even a migration. It only establishes there being some kind of Linguistic link among the people of the World Island. But even in that endeavor it fails to conclusively establish the origin of the Indo-Aryan language. Furthermore it fails to even establish a proper link where Sanskrit is an outside language, as even if that link is found, the divorce between Sanskrit, and that mysterious original language is too great for them to even be considered closely related.

When the linguistics fail we get into genetics. Now here you find hard evidence of some of kind genetic migration, or intermingling between different groups of people. But the problem is that the genetic divide happened thousands of years after the genetic markers were introduced into India. So the genetics were already mixed when the idea of Varna came about.

However look at any emerging agrarian society where a sedantary life becomes common and you'll find that the tones of skin color begin to change. Go to China, Japan, Europe, Africa, South America, or virtually any emerging agrarian society, and you will find the elites using this emerging visual marker to their advantage.

A sedentary implies many things, including wealth, and education, as both, in an agrarian society, happen to correlate with a certain skin color, similar to the nerd being characterized as a pale person in modern society, and a tan person being healthier, fit, and more wealthy. The Brahmins were the nerds of their time. Their sole goal was partaking immaterial tasks, tasks of the mind, rather than brawn.

This explanation is very simple, and I believe is better than any other proposed theory. The division based on skin color in any agrarian society is very common, and found all over the world. This coincidence however would be quite advantageous for White Europeans in the coming years as you all very well know.

We can generally say that Semitic man has held a grudge against white European man ever since the Romans destroyed and sacked their Temple after the advent of the Jewish revolts. Today, when the Jew stands at the Wailing Wall (what's left of the Temple that the Romans destroyed), he is lamenting everything the white man has done to him. He laments this ancient defeat of his Semitic ancestors by the Indo-European or Aryan man. This is his greatest motivation for his desire to subvert and destroy the heritage of European man.

This is why Freud and other Jews and even liberal intellectuals like to lionize the Semitic general Hannibal as a great hero who later took on the Roman Empire and was able to secure a notable victory. This was retribution against the white man for antisemitism in their eyes.

Indeed, Freud writes:

"Hannibal…had been the favourite hero of my later school days. I began to understand for the
first time what it meant to belong to an alien race."

"The figure of the Semitic general rose
still higher in my esteem. To my youthful mind Hannibal and Rome symbolized the conflict
between the tenacity of Jewry and the organisation of the Catholic Church."

And of course, as revealed by Freud's letters, he literally proclaimed the Jewish race as superior and really disliked the trait for blondism that was more common among Europeans. He said of blondes, "Let us banish all these will-o'-the-wisps!"

That would be a cute theory if not for the archeological evidence of Aryan migration, namely their elaborate horse burials and the remains of chariots. In fact the horse sacrifice appears as one of the most important rituals in Vedic religion.

Don't worry though, there are plenty of falsehoods put out by Indian "academics" who are butthurt over the idea of Aryan dominance. For instance, the nonsense you mention about the Sanskrit language having an unclear origin.

They don't even know that Hannibal came from a family that became Noble in Carthage during Alexander the Great's rule, and they were 100% European by blood, he was no Semite at all and had Aryan Macedonian heritage.
Hannibal was red haired, light eyed and light skinned. Look at the motherfucker face.

Looks 200% sub-Saharan to me, fam.

The Out-of-India theory concerning the origin of Aryans is very weak. There is scant evidence that the Indo-Aryan Sanskrit language could have somehow mysteriously evolved out of the completely different pictographic script of the indigenous Indus Valley people in India.

That's almost as strange as arguing that the Arabic spoken today in Cairo somehow mysteriously evolved from the pictographic hieroglyphics of the ancient Egyptians. No, not at all. What happened was Egypt was invaded by a dominant Semitic people (Arabs) at the time who planted their language, religion, culture, and genetic influence in the region. That's how things typically worked in the days of old. It's likely a somewhat similar (although slightly more complicated) story for India being visited and dominated by Indo-Europeans.

Furthermore, if you really want to try to argue that Aryans and Sanskrit emerged from India alone and not from any outside source, then you'd have to explain why the Persians father West were identifying as Aryans and why these Aryans shared so much in common with the same Indo-European conquerors who invaded and nearly replaced the indigenous indigenous peoples of Old Europe.

I would recommend these books for people who are interested in this controversy and related subjects:

- The Quest for the Origins of Vedic Culture: The Indo-Aryan Migration Debate :

- The Roots of Hinduism: The Early Aryans and the Indus Civilization : aryans

- Deciphering the Indus Script :,160_&refRID=0FHBZKCJJ00KV9MG8YKT

- Original European Religions Volume I: The Rites of Old Europe : europe religions

- The Uniqueness of Western Civilization : uniqueness of western civilization

And also, there's this:

GENOME RESEARCH: Genetic Evidence on the Origins of Indian Caste Populations


"In contrast, for paternally inherited Y-chromosome variation each caste is more similar to Europeans than to Asians. Moreover, the affinity to Europeans is proportionate to caste rank, the upper castes being most similar to Europeans, particularly East Europeans. These findings are consistent with greater West Eurasian male admixture with castes of higher rank. Nevertheless, the mitochondrial genome and the Y chromosome each represents only a single haploid locus and is more susceptible to large stochastic variation, bottlenecks, and selective sweeps. Thus, to increase the power of our analysis, we assayed 40 independent, biparentally inherited autosomal loci (1 LINE-1 and 39 Alu elements) in all of the caste and continental populations (∼600 individuals). Analysis of these data demonstrated that the upper castes have a higher affinity to Europeans than to Asians, and the upper castes are significantly more similar to Europeans than are the lower castes. Collectively, all five datasets show a trend toward upper castes being more similar to Europeans, whereas lower castes are more similar to Asians."

However, I feel it's worth mentioning – because people often forget this point – that the Eastern Aryans who are thought to have invaded India were definitely not "White Europeans" or even the same group of Indo-Europeans who would go Westward and dominate the European continent. In other words, it wasn't the European white man who gave India their Aryan culture. The Aryans who entered India shared similar cultural, linguistic, religious, and indeed genetic origins with the Indo-Europeans who invaded Europe, but they were definitely not the exact same group. I'm aware that there are some Nazi boys trying to argue that India was invaded by "White European" conquerors, and I think that's incredibly wrong to assert. Moreover, by over-glorifying the Indo-European or Aryan conquerors, we go too far in minimizing the extraordinary pre-Aryan cultural achievements that had already taken place in Old Europe and the Indus Valley civilization in India before the arrival of Indo-Europeans.

I'll give your post a more careful read, but right now I'm in a hurry.
But, I have to say this:
Those Aryans from India were the same "Indo-Europeans" from Europe - yes!
There are written descriptions of them who matches the skin, eye and hair colour of Europeans, their Rituals, Language, Culture and Tools match those of Europeans also.
The thing is: On arriving at India, they mixed with native ex-Citizens of the Harappan City-States.
Their genetic make-up is unknown, but is probably Indo-European from an Older/Different stock, as they "mixed by-product" remained White with Silk hair, while losing the light colour of hair, but the light eyes remained.


It would be more correct to say that the aryans from India had the same proto-Indo-European ancestors as the ones who on the other hand moved west and created the Indo-Europeans by mixing with the locals in various parts of Europe.

If the Kurgan hypothesis about their urheimat is correct and the latter is indeed in the pontic-caspian steppe, from the remains found there they would've looked European in terms of bone structure and such but slightly darker than modern southern Euros.

Except you do find Horse sacrifices in the Indus Valley civilizations. You find the same kind of fire rituals that you do in the Vedic sense. There are chambers found in the Indus valley specially for fire rituals.

Furthermore the Vedas are a very accurate picture of their time, almost like a still photo. So if the Vedic people were indeed conqueror where is their glory? Where is their epics detailing their great conquest of the Indus Valley people over the Dravidians?

Furthermore why mention the Saraswati river, which was a river that vanished before even the claimed time period for the so called Aryan Invasions. How could these invaders know of a river that vanished a 1000 years before they even arrived?

The Vedas themselves don't even talk about any invasions. Surely if the original authors of the Vedas were conquistadors they would talk about the glory of their loot, pillage, and exploits, not unlike other conquerors.

It's very interesting the people her on Holla Forums criticize the Jews for their cunning, and rewriting Western history alien and even hostile to the European perspective, but do not allow the same benefit of the doubt to the Indians.

The Indian perspective was never heard, in fact it is actively disregarded, if not being hostile to it. Where is the Indian commentary of the Vedas that is accepted by the western "historians"? Where is the Indian commentary of the Vedas that has existed for thousands of years in its own historic narrative? Instead we find the West try to dictate, and reinterpret the Vedas by their own standards and reestablish Indian history in its own image. The Upanishads, the commentary on the Vedas, and Sanskrit are all barred from "proper" history. You would be hard pressed to find an authoritative Indian voice that's accept worldwide that isn't based in the Western reinterpretation. Isn't that suspicious?

Only the Europeans, even today, are the authoritative voice of Aryavarta, and Bharat. These Mlecchas now have the right to teach the very Aryans their own history? Is this honestly your attempt to have an "unbiased" narrative?

If so perhaps the West should allow the Africans to dictate their history, because the West reeks of extreme bias, and nationalism.


Image boards are the prophetic murals of the digital age


IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!

Whoa, I've been thinking lately that those people I can't convince of even the danger of Islam will inevitably come back to me after the Muslims have proven them wrong for me. It's not like I want the kind of upheaval we've got coming, but it will happen, and shouldn't be ignored.

Haven't you been listening to black people? They wuz kangz and we stole it all from them.

So what did you think of that Forgotten Books site as a source for books?

It's a fantastic source. I've found plenty of obscure books there which had previously gone out of print and which probably would have went completely down the memory hole otherwise.


Good. I'm glad what I've found so far is helpful to somebody much further along in this journey than myself. In many ways it's like learning things I should have learned in school the first time round.

Any choice selections so far?

Sweet, thanks.

That wasn't the first book of his I was going to read, but now it will be.

I still need to get to my March of the Titans books, which I own both physical volumes.

I also kind of wonder if they're just into preservation of history, or if they're somewhat redpilled themselves.

Because they'd have to read some of it.

Given they seem based in England, perhaps it's just that they think it's just dumb and funny instead.

Interestingly even the abbos from australia have a great flood story. One guy saw something shiny in the shallows and speared it. Then the fish rose out of the water, revealing it was a stingray (their holy fish), and got so mad it started flapping its wings to push the water inland. The abbo settlements were washed away and destroyed in days and they remember the story through the most cancerous and faggy medium known to man: interpretive dance. Current scientific studies say that the sea moved something like 100 meters inland per day during the glacial melting event and the australian shore was out where the great barrier reef is now.

Wtf are you smoking?

Carthage was established by the Phoenicians as a trading port and Phoenicians were Semites ffs.

And even worse, Alexander the great never even conquered Carthage!

If you're talking about all pharaohs of Egypt post-Alexander the you're right, Cleopatra for example was Greek. She was a descended of Alexander's general, Ptolemy.

But Hannibal? Wut…

Not saying he wuz kang but white?

Learn history.
Alexander the Great conquered Carthage and its colonies, in 332BC, and then implanted a Macedonian Nobility to rule there.
Hannibal was from one of this Noble families, the Barca, which came from the Greek City-State of Cyrene and adopted Phoenician Culture.
He was fully white, red-haired and light eyed.

Also, Phoenicians were White-Semitic mixed. from the Canaanite in the South and from the people from Anatolia from the time of the Hittite Empire.

Why is it basically taught in school that Carthage is a total mystery?

They even go as far as to say things like 'maybe if Carthage had won the Punic Wars, we would have learned our civilization from them instead of Rome'.

we also have arms and tactics that make numbers meaningless.

and im not even talking about nukes.

Complete bullshit.

Well sure, but we have to be willing to fight first.

Since I just downloaded a fuckload of the stuff mentioned in this thread I'd like to give one book back:

Slightly relevant. Good stuff. Forget about faggots like Evola, this guy is the real deal.


'Whites', ie. North Europeans made themselves great by throwing off the Catholic yoke of stupid South Europeans. Not having to pay those anymore, N. Europeans were now free to explore the world.

The problem is the Indo-Europeans were swarthy nomads from Ukraine cucking blond North Europeans whose language might have been Finnic or Basque like.

Not at all. There are very nice areas to live in. Even in Mexico there's a huge difference between the frontier areas and the hinterland.

What do you criticize in Evola, and what makes you think this guy is "the real deal"?

cold climate

White people come from areas of cold climate. cold climates require strength, intelligence, and planning to survive. just to survive at the most basic tribal level a man from a cold climate needs clothes, hard shelter, fire, water and food to survive during winter.

The lack of sun is why white people are white. this higher required level of thought and planning grew our brains and gave us a need for aesthetics and beauty.

cold birthed civilizations. civilizations birthed art and spirituality. as well as deeper thought and forms of entertainment.

meanwhile in africa they can survive by eating naturally growing fruit, and sleep in a tree naked while never worrying about freezing to death.

easy environments create stupid people. harsh environments create strong people.

Superficial geographic/climatic determinism a la Guns, Germs and Steel.

To live in the cold required intelligence to be favored over emotion and impulse.

Moving into new environments required creativity and problem solving.

Winter weeded out the weak and foolish every year and accelerated the natural selection.

Almost everything else stemmed from this.

That played a part, but reducing the Aryan race to some kind of locally adapted species of animal is Darwinist drivel.

Good thread. I archived it here:

Then why didn't the inuits build empires? Why were they still living in tents and igloos when the white man arrived with ships and guns?

All intelligent, tool-using animals (chimps, crows, humans) have several things in common: lots of different food sources, both predator and prey, and are social. Where having to remember how and where to get lots of different types of food, know which animals to avoid and which to eat, understanding relationships, and communicating with each other are the main selection pressures for an animal, the ones with the biggest brains survive best.

The alternative is a god and creation which cannot be logically proved.

Therefore the best possible argument is specialization of white man to his environment, which then gave him tools to master many environments and hence he spread.

please prove Darwin wrong and creation right and I'll re consider.

The Divine Mover most definitely can be proved to logical minds.

Infinite regression is not logical; therefore God.

If this is the case why don't you state the case,rather than produce you own infinite regret of "I'm right because I can prove it, but offer no proof."

If white skin is indeed a mutation that some early Cro-Magnons inherited from admixing with Neanderthals as some people have suggested, then it might be that it was developed by Neanderthals because of their actual cold climate adaptation. Keep in mind that Neanderthals were a much older species that spent several hundreds of thousands of years in cold Europe, while modern homo sapiens got to north Europe less than 40000 years ago and was pushed south during that time by the last glacial maximum. We really didn't spend that much time in the cold compared to Neanderthals.
White skin indeed only began to spread heavily among modern Europeans with the advent of farming due to the poor diet of those farmers.
Even in Scandinavia during the mesolithic the frequency of the mutations who are linked to white skin were, while higher than in the rest of Europe at that time, lower than in modern southern Euros even.

So if indeed there is a genetic component to Europeans greatness, I don't think it has much to do with living in the cold more than it has with other circumstances, like our Neanderthal admixture perhaps.

That will change when they have to go back.

Thomas Jefferson considered whites in the United States as the base from which the entire hemisphere would be populated. Sounds like a better plan than the inverse as is now happening.

Except there's research to show that the red hair from neanderthals and from whites are actually different genetic variants.

These are selected entries from Himmler's speech in Poznan:

The Slav is never able to build anything himself. In the long run, he's not capable of it. I'll come back to this later. With the exception of a few phenomena produced by Asia every couple of centuries, through that mixture of two heredities which may be fortunate for Asia but is unfortunate for us Europeans – with the exception, therefore, of an Attila, a Genghis Khan, a Tamerlane, a Lenin, a Stalin – the mixed race of the Slavs is based on a subrace with a few drops of blood of our blood, blood of a leading race; the Slav is unable to control himself and create order. He is able to argue, able to debate, able to disintegrate, able to offer resistance against every authority and to revolt. But these shoddy human goods are just as incapable of maintaining order today as they were 700 or 800 years ago, when they called in the Varangians, when they called in the Ruriks, Vikings called in to settle Russia.

I consider it necessary to speak to each of you about this once again. Whether it's Peter The Great or the late Csars, whether it's Lenin or Stalin, they know their own Folk. They are perfectly well aware that the concepts of loyalty, never betraying, never conspiring, have no place in the Russian vocabulary.

Whatever people may tell you about the Russians, it's all true. It's true that some of the Russians are fervently pious, and fervently believe in the Mother Of God of the Khasans or someplace else, it's absolutely true. It's true that the Volga River boatmen sing beautifully; it's true that the Russian of today, in modern times, is a good improviser and good technician. It's true, for the most part, that he's even a lover of children. It's true that he can work very hard. And it's just as true that he is stinking lazy. It's just as true that he is an uninhibited beast, who can torture and torment other people in ways the Devil would never permit himself to think of. It's just as true that the Russian, high or low, is inclined to the most perverse of things, even devouring his comrades or keeping his neighbour's liver in his lunch bag. It's all part of the scale of feelings and values of the Slavic Folks. It's often purely a matter of chance which lot he draws; and to people who don't know the beast, he is often a very great riddle: what is the fellow up to now?

The Russians themselves know each other very well, and have invented a very practical system, whether it was the Csars with the Ochrana, or Mr. Lenin and Mr. Stalin with the GPU or the NKVD. When four Russians get together, with little father, little mother, and their little children, not one of the 4 or 5 knows who is betraying whom at the moment: which one is the informer betraying the father now: is it the mother, or the daughter? And who, in return, is betraying them? In doubtful cases there may be two, even three, informers in this family. I am not exaggerating. This remark is entirely accurate with regards to the city. In the countryside, our comrades who have been over there in the East can confirm that there are still 20 or 30 NKVD informers and agents in every village, even after the withdrawal of the Bolsheviks. This ensures, to an absolute certainty, that no conspiracy can get started, because everything will still be reported to the top by means of this informer apparatus. Then comes the pistol or deportation, and that is how this entire Folk must be governed.

It is basically wrong for us to project our whole harmless soul and heart, all our good nature, our idealism, onto foreign Folks. This applies to Herder, who wrote the Voices Of The Folks, probably in a drunken hour, and caused us, in later generations, such boundless suffering and misery. That applies to the Czechs and Slovenes, to whom, after all, we brought their national feeling. They themselves were absolutely incapable of it; rather, we invented it for them.

For the SS Man, one principle must apply absolutely: we must be honest, decent, loyal, and comradely to members of our own blood, and to no one else. What happens to the Russians, the Czechs, is totally indifferent to me. Whatever is available to us in good blood of our type, we will take for ourselves, that is, we will steal their children and bring them up with us, if necessary. Whether other races live well or die of hunger is only of interest to me insofar as we need them as slaves for our culture; otherwise that doesn't interest me. Whether 10,000 Russian women fall down from exhaustion in building a tank ditch is of interest to me only insofar as the tank ditches are finished for Germany.

These are selected entries from Himmler's speech in Poznan:

The Slav is never able to build anything himself. In the long run, he's not capable of it. I'll come back to this later. With the exception of a few phenomena produced by Asia every couple of centuries, through that mixture of two heredities which may be fortunate for Asia but is unfortunate for us Europeans – with the exception, therefore, of an Attila, a Genghis Khan, a Tamerlane, a Lenin, a Stalin – the mixed race of the Slavs is based on a subrace with a few drops of blood of our blood, blood of a leading race; the Slav is unable to control himself and create order. He is able to argue, able to debate, able to disintegrate, able to offer resistance against every authority and to revolt. But these shoddy human goods are just as incapable of maintaining order today as they were 700 or 800 years ago, when they called in the Varangians, when they called in the Ruriks, Vikings called in to settle Russia.

I consider it necessary to speak to each of you about this once again. Whether it's Peter The Great or the late Csars, whether it's Lenin or Stalin, they know their own Folk. They are perfectly well aware that the concepts of loyalty, never betraying, never conspiring, have no place in the Russian vocabulary.

Whatever people may tell you about the Russians, it's all true. It's true that some of the Russians are fervently pious, and fervently believe in the Mother Of God of the Khasans or someplace else, it's absolutely true. It's true that the Volga River boatmen sing beautifully; it's true that the Russian of today, in modern times, is a good improviser and good technician. It's true, for the most part, that he's even a lover of children. It's true that he can work very hard. And it's just as true that he is stinking lazy. It's just as true that he is an uninhibited beast, who can torture and torment other people in ways the Devil would never permit himself to think of. It's just as true that the Russian, high or low, is inclined to the most perverse of things, even devouring his comrades or keeping his neighbour's liver in his lunch bag. It's all part of the scale of feelings and values of the Slavic Folks. It's often purely a matter of chance which lot he draws; and to people who don't know the beast, he is often a very great riddle: what is the fellow up to now?

The Russians themselves know each other very well, and have invented a very practical system, whether it was the Csars with the Ochrana, or Mr. Lenin and Mr. Stalin with the GPU or the NKVD. When four Russians get together, with little father, little mother, and their little children, not one of the 4 or 5 knows who is betraying whom at the moment: which one is the informer betraying the father now: is it the mother, or the daughter? And who, in return, is betraying them? In doubtful cases there may be two, even three, informers in this family. I am not exaggerating. This remark is entirely accurate with regards to the city. In the countryside, our comrades who have been over there in the East can confirm that there are still 20 or 30 NKVD informers and agents in every village, even after the withdrawal of the Bolsheviks. This ensures, to an absolute certainty, that no conspiracy can get started, because everything will still be reported to the top by means of this informer apparatus. Then comes the pistol or deportation, and that is how this entire Folk must be governed.

It is basically wrong for us to project our whole harmless soul and heart, all our good nature, our idealism, onto foreign Folks. This applies to Herder, who wrote the Voices Of The Folks, probably in a drunken hour, and caused us, in later generations, such boundless suffering and misery. That applies to the Czechs and Slovenes, to whom, after all, we brought their national feeling. They themselves were absolutely incapable of it; rather, we invented it for them.

For the SS Man, one principle must apply absolutely: we must be honest, decent, loyal, and comradely to members of our own blood, and to no one else. What happens to the Russians, the Czechs, is totally indifferent to me. Whatever is available to us in good blood of our type, we will take for ourselves, that is, we will steal their children and bring them up with us, if necessary. Whether other races live well or die of hunger is only of interest to me insofar as we need them as slaves for our culture; otherwise that doesn't interest me. Whether 10,000 Russian women fall down from exhaustion in building a tank ditch is of interest to me only insofar as the tank ditches are finished for Germany.

To Christians here saying Christianity made Europe great. It didn't! Our race did.

What is the foundation for civilization is race. If what you said is true, that Christianity is what is most essential for civilization to exist. Then why did countless Civilizations, white civilizations, arise and prosper before christianity even existed. Fact is that our race have built countless developed cultures and civilizations without the semite religion of Christianity.

Many of these civilizations are not thought of as being white today, but evidence show that they were.

The Germanic north wasn't the niggerland that christians imply. For example they were excellent shipbuilders, sea navigators, traders. Many of the institutions of the Norwegian middle ages actually came from the Viking era. In fact the Viking era was in fact an age of outburst or age of pioneers, laying the foundations for a new civilization. The same way the tribal pioneers of Rome spread out centuries earlier. And they did this without Christianity.

If it truly is Christianity, then why isn't the Christian nations of Africa and South America mighty industrial powerhouses. Why aren't these nations the heart of civilization, Since they are the most christian these days? Because it never was Christianity! The great achievements you see around you created by western man, were just that. Civilization was and is the product of our race, not a simple faith.

In fact our race. The Aryan race, were much more widespread in Ancient times. Every heard of the Great Indo-European migrations? It isn't a myth. Our race have been confirmed by archeological evidence living in China in ancient times, possibly even further east. For example, all countries with the name -stan in them used to be White. The word "Stan" comes from the Proto-Indo-Iranian sthāna.
Here is an old Discovery documentary on the subject.

Our ancient forebears did not only conquer Asia, but America as well. There are evidence in America that the Solutreans living in today's France traveled by boat along the ice sheet to America. Living off seals and fish the same way as the Eskimos of Greenland.
On America's east eoast. There are several largely unknown monoliths resembeling the neolithic monoliths of Europe.
They are not linked to the Mongoloid indian tribes that were living in buffalo tents when the Europeans arrived.
If they arrived in enough numbers to sustain a healthy population, the only logical conclusion is that they would spread across America.
And evidence shows just that. From the Anazazi cave cities, mounds and monoliths in North America and the cities of Central and South America. The Indian cultures near them all share one similar trait in their folklore. White bearded men that came before them.

The Solutrean migration is not the only evidence of White European migration to America before Columbus. Besides the Scandinavian Vikings, there is evidence that the carthaginians and possibly even the ancient Egyptians traveled to America.

Norwegian Archeologist and Explorer Thor Heyerdahl book on the Native Peruvian and Easter Island Lore. The lore of Peruvian Indians contains tall white-skinned, red-haired people that left their city for the Sea. Lore on Eastern Island contains Tall, White-skinned,red-haired people arriving from the Sea and Proceeds to force the Polynesians to work to make the land fertile.

They are more civilized today than before Christianity, though. Christianity doesn't magic up good genes, but it does create a blueprint for a stable, law-abiding, monogamous society.

Cool, but I didn't mention red hair anywhere in my post.

Indo-European is a language, not a race.

But it has been linked for a while now with a documented migration of peoples who altered the genetics of Europe during the Bronze age.
These proto-Indo-Europeans were a ""race""(an ethnicity would be more correct I guess) who lived in the steppe and according to the latest research were a mishmash of eastern hunter gatherers and an isolated group of caucasian hunter gatherers.

All of Paul's letters are perfectly applicable when considered in the context of a racially homogeneous society. Keep in mind, he was writing to the white Greeks.

Here are available books that goes into that.

Aku-Aku: The Secret of Easter Island - Thor Heyerdahl

Mysteries of Ancient South America - Harold T Wilkins

What I meant here is that the spread of the Indo-European language didn't happen without a movement of people from the urheimat of the original speakers.

I agree with this. Race is an important factor.


Here are other books that I have not been able to find.

Pre-Columbian America: Myths and Legends - Donald A. Mackenzie
Myths of Pre-Columbian America - Donald A. Mackenzie
American Indians in the Pacific - Thor Heyerdahl

A++ post


Ancient India, Greece, Rome were all highly stable and lawful civilizations during their golden ages without the need of a semitic book

The only thing Christianity did was add a layer of religious bureaucracy on top of the existing aristocracies and convinced them over time they had a divine right to rule and answered to no one except the church.

Ancient Mysteries - Rupert Furneux
In Quest of the Great White God - Robert F. Marx
In Quest of the White God - Pierre Honore
In Search of Quetzalcoatl - Pierre Honore
The Shadow of Atlantis - Alexander Braghine

So, hold up, are you saying we were caesers and stuff?

Secret Cities of old South America - Harold T. Wilkins
The White Indians of Nivaria - Gordon Kennedy

Then you have the writings of Miguel Serrano of course.

I think most of you have seen the covers and articles of Jewish publications spreading the fairy tales of ancient black civilizations. But have you ever asked why they are doing it? What their motive is? Some people think that it is a coverup of white history.
In the present mainsream historical narrative, we are thought that the Greeks were the first European civilization and the earlier ones like Egypt, Assyria and the others were brown ones. But lingustic evidence clearly shows that they were part of the Indo-European family of languages. What this means is that the people who built the ancient civilizations of the Middle East and Europe had the same origin.

This is backed up by supressed archeological evidence and finds. Like blue eyed statues, paintings and other artifacts.
I think it is pretty clear that the Jews are blackwashing our ancient history, and are even destroying archeological finds.

I know this sounds like "We wuz kings" - White edition. But it is clear that the Jews have a hand in crafting the myths of black civilizations. Since the Jews do this, they have a motive. Should we at least not get to the bottom of it?

Plus dividing Europe with religious wars and genocide people.

yes, that too.

There was never such a thing as a 'religious war' before Christianity came on the scene.

Here in Norway where I live.
There was a movie about the Norwegian religious wars that was released recently.

holy fuck, that looks amazing

is there a version with English subtitles?

When did curly hair become associated with jews? Lots of Irish and Roman people back then had curly hair and it was never considered a bad feature until jews. I have curly-ish hair, and blue eyes + sandy blonde hair. Am I half aryan or something? Because my dad is german with brown hair and blue eyes, mom is full aryan, so I don't know

seconded, that movie looks awesome and i dont even know what theyre saying

The film and the events were not about religion as much as they were about who would be the next King of Norway, and if Norway would be sovereign or controlled by Denmark and the Roman-Catholic church. Norway was already christian at this point.


Norway was Catholic. so they did not Object to the religious aspect, but the holy Roman church as a political and governing body.

I'm not sure about everything you're saying, but I often do wonder about this exact subject. Jews have been highly involved in the field of archaeology for ages, and as we know, Jews have always had their strong Judaic and Zionist biases. It's now even seen as fashionable and "tolerant" to excuse these biases. Who really knows how much of our ancient history has been destroyed, distorted, misinterpreted, discarded, obscured, or even hidden because of this Judaic prejudice? A lot of notable archaeologists are Jews, and some of the most respected Egyptologists are Jewish as well. They've always been a very politically charged, tribal, and ethnocentric people. So what are the chances that their biases have not influenced the study and interpretation of history and archaeology?

If this is in fact actually going on to a significant degree, then I can only imagine that it has accelerated after the events of WWII and the Holocaust. I've read several articles by left-wing and Jewish archaeologists who say that academics have a responsibility to not allow the discovery of certain artifacts to inflame any kind of atavistic sense of national or racial pride among the general populace.

Jews also have a vested interest in laying claims on a "special" and "chosen" status for their people throughout history. So the archaeology of Israel and Jewish activity in the Middle East is often treated as something quite different. I just saw an article the other day in a Jewish newspaper about how Saudi Arabia was supposed to have originally been a Jewish kingdom. I tend to wonder if this is being used to build up justification for the establishment of Greater Israel in the future.

And that brings us to an interesting problem. It might be the case that anything that gets in the way of Greater Israel would have to be destroyed, relocated, or erased. That's how extreme monotheistic geopolitical thinking works. There can be no evidence of Aryan or Indo-European or other gentile group claims upon their sacred soil. Evidence of ancient non-Jewish civilizations gives credence to gentile hereditary claims upon that land, and so those sites must be neutralized if Jews are to reclaim the soil as purely their own. There can be no monumental gentile architecture (pagan temples) or elaborate sculptures ("idols") in the land of Greater Israel. Not even a "graven" image can be tolerated. All that has to be smashed and cleansed out of the way for the land to be sanctified in the Jewish sense. I can't help but think how ISIS seems to be acting as a geopolitical bulldozer in all the areas that occupy the proposed territory for Greater Israel. They could in fact be a proxy who are inadvertently benefiting Israeli interests for future planning of that land (after ISIS is finally dealt with and removed, etc.)

I am constantly haunted by the suspicion that the destruction of Palmyra might possibly have had other nefarious motives behind it other than just extreme Islamic monotheism. But then again, where did Muslims learn this extreme Semitic monotheism? The roots of this mentality are Judaic. There's a reason why Jewish thinkers have often classified Muslims as true monotheistic worshipers of the One True God (albeit in a slightly "misguided" gentile fashion) while all other peoples and cultures were classed as filthy pagans (including Christians).

So what if all evidence of Aryan/Indo-European and other gentile inheritance in the Near East is being wiped out either directly or indirectly for a larger purpose? Semites, and especially Jews, have been in a long competition with Indo-European and non-Semitic groups for a long time. Why wouldn't they have an interest in diluting us and erasing us from history?

See these posts:

Numbers 33:52 - Drive out all the inhabitants of the land before you. Destroy all their carved images and their cast idols, and demolish all their high places.

Deuteronomy 9:14 - Let me alone, so that I may destroy them and blot out their name from under heaven.

Leviticus 26:30 - I will destroy your high places, cut down your incense altars and pile your dead bodies on the lifeless forms of your idols, and I will abhor you.

Anyway, that's my tinfoil hat moment. But I think it's an interesting question to ask.

This is an interesting old article you might consider reading:

ISIS want to impregnate Yazidi women and smash our blond bloodline': Fears grow for the 300 women kidnapped from Sinjar

To expand on that last link a bit:

ISIS want to impregnate Yazidi women and smash our blond bloodline': Fears grow for the 300 women kidnapped from Sinjar

The minority group is originally Aryan and has retained a fairer complexion, blonde hair and blue eyes by only marrying within the community.

They are unjustly regarded as 'devil worshippers' on account of their unusual beliefs, which derive from the ancient faith called Zoroastrianism, the religion of Persia long before Islam arrived.

But in a furious bid to convert all non-Muslims, ISIS jihadists have vowed to impregnate the hostages.

ISIS have taken around 300 women from Sinjar to give to jihadists to marry and make pregnant to have a Muslim child. If they can't kill all Yazidis, they will try to smash the blond bloodline.

Addressing the kidnapping, Adnan Kochar, chairman of the Kurdish Cultural Centre in London, told MailOnline: 'The Kurds and Yazidis are originally Aryans. But because the Yazidis are such a closed community they have retained a fairer complexion, blonder hair and bluer eyes. They don't marry non-Yazidis.

Dang that's neat. I've always wondered why serpents are such a big deal in art all over the world. Are we supposed to tame this serpent too? If so, how? What does taming it entail? Celibacy?

nice post. thank you for your effort.

You don't have to necessarily believe all of this but I found it to be a very good read on this matter, there's two sections:

I found a copy of Thor Heyerdahl's American Indians in the pacific online on the Norwegian national library. I cannot find a way to download it. But here it is.

Also one other annoying thing about this subject besides the niggers claimning they wuz kings, is the retarded bibical christians and other tinfoilers claiming that it was "giants".

Almost every article where you see the rere pictures of skeletal remains, you see the caucasian/white skull shape and features. And then they write a bunch of retarded shit about fallen angels, nephelim and lucifer.

You mentioned white skin.

It seems more likely it would also be a separate mutation as well rather than something gained from mixing.

I am fuming with rage here.
The kikes are literally destroying our ancestors achievements and our history. Erasing our roots to be left without identity.
God damn it. It is one thing with browns not knowing better dwelling in the ruins.
But these fucking golems are destroying our history on purpose. They do it here in Norway too. A few years ago an unique pagan temple was bulldozed to make way for refugee homes.

I have for a very long time told myself that isolating the Jews will be enough. But the more I read about their crimes, the more ovenworthy they get.

Old archived threads.

The documentary you're looking for is "Brainwash" (in Norwegian) I think. Surprisingly, the interviewer is a comedian.

I don't see any boogas build.



Found this blog to be quite decent on the topic of White presence in Pre-Columbian America amidst a sea of Jewish rewriting of History, niggerism, mormonism and ayy-giantism.


Post your evidence. Assyrians spoke Akkadian and then Aramaic, both of which are Semitic languages. What fucking "linguistic evidence" shows that Akkadian is Indo-European. You people keep pulling shit out of your asses. Half of us Assyrians are Whiter than Southern Europeans but we're not like you. Stop trying to claim us.

Half of us Assyrians are Whiter than Southern Europeans but we're not like you.
First of all. You are not white any more. You are the rape babies of semites, sandniggers and mongols. Those features are just what remains of the original inhabitants.

Here you fucking sandnigger rapebaby sandnigger.;jsessionid=B69C394D2D4E6C831A1D754B06E216E4?doi=

I can't even comprehend the amount of projecting you're doing.

Basically every group that you mentioned went through mesopotamia and raped the asses of your ancestors. Enjoy those mongoloid genes shitskin.


I am White. Norwegian in fact. So I am no rape spawn. You sandniggers on the other hand are.

He was trying to greentext me you idiot.

Akkadian is the oldest "Semitic" langauage. What this proves is only what many Assyrians argue, which is that we did not migrate from the Arabian deserts. Talk shit all you want but all DNA testing shows us to be distinct, without as much admixture from the Turks, Mongols and Arabs who conquered.
As for "white", I meant appearance wise, not "white" in the way Euros identify as white. I have have tall, pale, blonde haired and blue eyed cousins. The majory of Assyrians look just like Italians to the point that we get mistaken for South/Balkan euros.

I should also explain that modern Assyrian is Aramaic with a heavy Akkadian influence. So yes, we would still fall under Indo-European if you were right;jsessionid=B69C394D2D4E6C831A1D754B06E216E4?doi=

Yes I have read this before. It doesn't say anything of significance, especially considering the accomplishments in Mesopitamia happened thousands of years after Whitakers Euphratic peoples are supposedly to have left the region. You don't seem to realise how close Assyria and the Caucasus mountains are. To think there's no exchange in language and even genes would be foolish

Another book.

neolithic white guy's thoughts when he goes to sleep hungry- "oh fuck, I've got no food today, I gotta get shit in gear, hmmm I should figure someway keep the fire from getting drafts too tomorrow after I find food
neolithic non-white guys thoughts going to bed hungry- "meh, ill just walk till I find another tree in this luscious jungle, ohh I should fuck my wife afterwards too, having a kid right now isnt problematic at all"


some asiatics also lived in a hostile enviroment not quite frozen cold forest, bare steppe plains and thats where China and all of east asia comes from
niggers never had to develop Africa's pretty bountiful in terms of fruit, edible plant matter and meat

Does anyone know this?

Literally posts above this, several of those were semitic civilizations. Why can't they have blue eyes also?

Their civilizations just all lost to ours. Here:
There are some other articles that are good above that one.

That's not what's being said at all. It's that Christianity has grown with us as thought and philosophy has done the same. Christianity has gotten us to our greatest known heights, unless you're going to go Ancient Ayylamos or something on me.

We've gotten to the moon, settled many great countries, and so on, all under the cross.

Even if the stuff about the Americas: Round One were all true, then something happened and they all got massacred. That's not an achievement. Also we don't have a single clue what their religion would have looked like. We don't have any examples of their kinds of thought or philosophy and other than maybe some math, have no reason to assume that it developed anything like what did starting in Greece.

You also need to read those articles above, they go into the differences between Aryan faiths and non-Aryan.

Christianity is an Aryan faith, no matter how much you want to claim it's not. It's not the only redeemer/savior faith, and they are all Aryan. Because they come from the same stock of people. Aryan Sun Myths the book is way way upthread and it goes into all the other ones.

That said, yes I already know of the -stan countries.

I want them and Turkey back from the Turks. Especially since these muslims keep trying to claim Europe.


I don't care if you prefer to use some other Aryan faith.

I want to continue Christianity, as my ancestors have for hundreds of years.

Continually claiming that it's also semitic and of desert people just means you can't read, as well as you enjoy being overly antagonistic.

Absolute tripe.

You could even say Ancient Egypt vs Hitties was that.

Or Carthage vs Rome.

It for sure happened before these as well, we just don't know any names anymore if you go back far enough. We know absolutely nothing of the people that built the underwater pyramids, but to say that none of them ever fought a religious war is ridiculous on the face of it.

No, I've commented before about what the curly hair on Roman statues looks like. It doesn't look the same to me at all as any modern kind of curly hair.

I can understand that. They don't seem content with a ceasefire.

Many Jews today see themselves as western.

Which tells me those Jews aren't even aware the rivalry of civilization goes that far back. They may not even know they HAD civilizations that lost to ours. That Hanukkah was about them being pissed about our pride in our individuality. That even that weeping wall thing they brought on themselves. These were both in those previous posts he linked.

All that and combined with The Synagogue of Satan stuff, that they turned away from God and now worship Satan, tells me that the Bible isn't talking about them blowing up the dome of the rock and rebuilding their temple.

It's actually about us blowing everything away and making Jerusalem a Crusader State again, and rebuilding our own temple there.

don't be ridiculous the semitic cancer that subverted our ancestors thousands of years ago has nothing to do with the scientific ingenuity of western Europe in the past 600 years
Thats not a good thing, a religion of forgiving each other for our flaws is pathetic compared to a religion that inspires or commands its adherents to achieve heroic feats like the celtic/norse and hellenic cults did
the sun myth logic is flawed, focusing on only one aspect and attempting elevate the importance of that aspect over all others just like the madman Akhenaten did roughly 4000 years ago with the lord of the solar disk
same, Anatolia is rightful European clay, apart from Constantinople Hattusa also sits in the desert at risk of damage from the fucking semite/turk kebab that infest the region today

in essence Christianity trying to make us the new jews and continue sending men there to die for that scrap of worthless desert
glass the whole fucking area, dome of the rock, temple of solomon and the fucking temple mount
Nebuchednezzar burned it the first time, Cyrus stopped them from rebuilding it and Rome burned it the second time
the city of jerusalem itself is one of the shitholes of history prior the artificial importance placed upon it by semites
although its difficult to learn the history of jerusalem what with zionists and mudshits digging everything up and destroying it if it doesn't fit in with their narrative the earliest unbiased accounts of jerusalem describe it as a strategic fort built by the Egyptians that developed into a city state ruled first by Egyptian nomarchs and then Egyptian puppet kings, hell the first king of what the jews would call Jerusalem was a Hurrian chieftain appointed to the position by Amenhotep the 3rd



White Indians of Darien;jsessionid=EE970A48FF4DF9F1E96B1C1F767E9B28?numfields=1&field1=docId&field1val=Panama-178289&field1Op=AND&advanced=true&hq=true&important=Título:

Absolutely agreed. That should never have been allowed.

At the very least, purely on historical grounds. That type of shit is beyond rage inducing.

The Greeks invented freedom. It's as simple as that.

The pedophile elite have turned America into their new satanic worshiping faggot hole.
Lookup Illuminati matrix channel on jew tube. It's a deep shitty rabbit hole those stupid kike Judean.

Did you even read that one book? Or are you just intending to miss the point?

Yes it does have something to do with science. Christian theology and thought evolved intertwined with Greek thought and philosophy.

You can ignore that if you like and clearly you are, but to claim it never happened is a falsehood.

You're clearly also missing that there's nothing 'semitic' about it. It only becomes semitic if you reject the New Testament and add the Talmud.

That's only true if it's fought like a normal war, not just shooting anything that moves.

If we actually were to take Turkey back, or any of the -stan countries, likely we'd end up doing that anyway. After the rest of it don't pretend it would even be a marginal effort.

The phenomenon of Europeans killing members of their own tribe because they don't adhere to the same religion, came with fucking Christianity

Europeans were extremely religiously tolerant before the kike'd religion made its way into our midst via conquest. There were wars, but not over religious beliefs.

Jesus was Jew
Paul was a Jew
All of Jesus' disciples were Jews

Just because they advocated upending the teachings of the Talmud, doesn't absolve Christianity of its Jewish nature.

The spread of Christianity was essentially the precursor to Communism. It was the first ideology that said that the weak, lowly, stupid people actually had higher worth than the smart and wise people at the top. Just like all communist ideologies, this concept spread like fire among the plebeian mass to the point where they became a political tool.

The stupid Christian mob was then used by Constantine to take over control of the Roman empire via Religion. There is in fact a lot of evidence that Constantine wasn't actually a Christian since he never abandoned his pagan ways. He just used it as a tool for political power, like all religions.

From this point on Christianity was spread by the sword and politics. Local kings were offered political advantage if they swore loyalty to the Pope. One of the requirements of doing so was to outlaw all native religions at punishment of death or exile. By this method, the subversive Christianity took over Europe. It's almost exactly like what we are seeing in cultural marxism today.

I really hope you can see how this is a foreign religion that has been imposed upon us externally and it has been the destruction of our people. All the modern altruistic beliefs are born out of Christian Egalitarianism.

looks like someone is making anime real :DDDD

Europe is the only continent to produce free-will thinkers as a general rule. Individuality is a fairly unique concept to European minds and has been for thousands of years. At least as far back as Greek City-States if not earlier.

If you read the Norse Sagas you'll find the importance of self reliance and self fulfillment.

And since the history of western Europe is the history of the ancient Germanic tribes, I imagine that that is strongly within the DNA of whites.

Don't kid yourself. Those lands rightfully belong to the inhabitants as it has been for nearly a thousand years. It doesn't matter if they were white before since the efforts of making it all white again would take too much resources. Might as well do the same to Iran and India then.

Anatolia is a lost cause. The Turks got it through right of conquest so it's theirs. I wouldn't dare give it back to the Greeks until they prove they deserve it.

Who said anything about giving it back to the Greeks?

I don't see how it would take too many resources, the Muslims are coming for their global caliphate either way. You have two options, push them back out and watch them just continue to build, or to do to them what they're doing to us.

They want Spain because it's theirs in their minds. Two can play at that game. They're forcing the issue, if they left us alone I might be okay with leaving it.

Besides, even the concept of 'they rightfully won it' is a white concept. Nobody is willing to leave white people any amount of land at all.

That's a different case, they were both conquered by muslims, but they still have some of the original, and in the case of India, both original races.

Iran isn't trying to invade anything but Sunni held territory, so it's not comparable to Turkey in any way.

What I think they should do is their own ethnic nationalist revival.

For India, I think certain states should be just Aryan, and they should use eugenics to get there, same for certain Dravidian states in the south of India. The main mixed sets should also be in certain states - their mixing is very old and I suspect some of the incompatible stuff has been bred out. The untouchables should really just be sterilized. The current situation there in general is pretty damn terrible.

One other thing, in Turkey there are some of the original people there still, they just think they're Turks. There's been DNA checks and some remain unmixed, but in a battle to retake it…

The world belongs to the just, all muslims and niggers that can't into morality and justice can fuck off and get off our land.







This thread sliding speed is surreal, even after weeks of it being salvaged by a wild bumper

in what better form are they told? fag

It's never been said where the garden of eden was, besides which north africa was much more white before all the arab conquering for thousands of years.

Whites are pretty accepting of the gay community, especially the women. It doesn't help that some white males turn to the alt-right and think that 'boipussy' is just like a women and 'dickgirls' are equal to that of women.

I had been bumping it, but thought it fell off and died.

So here's another bump


Whatcha Doin', Avi? Came back to shill again since the thread is still alive?



I think we've covered some interesting ground in this thread.

Nonetheless, keep it going some more.

Here's some more based books that should have been mentioned already:


Evola is such a fucking sperg

I think he's fairly insightful. What do you prefer if he's so beneath you?


- The Victory of Mind: The Psychology of Humanist Art, Modernism, and Race by Thomas Martin

- Paideia: The Ideals of Greek Culture: Volume I: Archaic Greece: The Mind of Athens by Werner Jaeger and Gilbert Highet

- Paideia: The Ideals of Greek Culture: Volume II: In Search of the Divine Center by Werner Jaeger and Gilbert Highet

- Paideia: The Ideals of Greek Culture: Volume III: The Conflict of Cultural Ideals in the Age of Plato by Werner Jaeger and Gilbert Highet

- From the Fountainhead to the Future and Other Essays on Art and Excellence by Alexandra York




1 nuke on Israel and USA/EURO will be free to be great again.

Here's some refined historical, academic, and philosophical sources for our bagan :-DD friends:

- On Being a Pagan by Alain de Benoist

- Pagan Dream of the Renaissance by Joscelyn Godwin

- Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance by Edgar Wind

- The Mirror of the Gods: How the Renaissance Artists Rediscovered the Pagan Gods by Malcolm Bull

The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell

Yockey's thoughts are also valuable, I think.

holy moly

I once read a few books which were influenced by Dumezil and his tripartite hypothesis. At the time, reading about how the Indo-Europeans divided society into castes was appalling to my egalitarian sensibilities. However, since then… it's started to make and more sense. It's now plain to see that the most just way to run a society is to have a clearly defined hierarchical structure. It's actually quite obvious, once you stop to think about it.

Even in our politically correct age, people understand that there are cognitive differences in ability from one human to the next. Even if you reject the evidence of racial differences in terms of things such as IQ, there's no good reason not to give those with greater ability a greater amount of power.

Sometimes I like like to think the Indo-European Gods led me down this rabbit hole after I exhibited physical disgust toward the "injustice" I saw within their societies. Then, I remember that Social Justice Warriors are in control of the associated religions. If the Gods are speaking to anyone, it's probably them, and that it's probably better to continue being a fairly irreligious person.



this thread should be archived

Here's To You



Pretty good blog by one of the less spergy TRS guys.

Excellent video



I can't believe this thread is still here.

it's worth keeping it alive.


Keep it alive forever :^)

niggaz be gay

Only Norwegians/Nordics are genetically Indo-Europeans or Aryan.

Most Europeans are however Old-Europeans (neolithic farmers or western European hunter-gathers) who went through langauge-shift to Indo-European but they laid foundations to European civilization way before Indo-Europeans arrived and ruled over them.

Chart related : Old Europe (neolithic farmers & Western European Hunter-gatherers) and Indo-Europeans (Yamnaya)

Old-Europe appreciation post.

Old-European civilizations (Non-Indo-Europeans) who laid foundations to European civilizations before Indo-Europeans arrived from steppe.

Pics related : Vinča civilization, Mycenae civilization, Minoan civilization, Cycladic civilization, Eteocretan civilization, Goidelic civilization, Sicanian civilization, Basque civilization and Iberian civilization.

We are mix of Old Europeans and Indo-Europeans.

More Old-European civilization appreciation post.

When civilization fails, war.

Jews are genocidal racist freaks hellbent on dominating the world. Their motives are clear as day. How can we expect anything different from them?

It must be noted though that the Yamnaya component itself is not a strongly separated component like others but it's a mixed component, mostly of eastern European hunter gatherers(very close to western hunter gatherers) and an isolated Caucasian hunter gatherer population more related to the farmers(via the mysterious archaic Basal Eurasian component). So if you model Europeans with few clusters you risk to overestimate the impact the Aryans had by themselves with their migrations.
For instance the big component in northern Euros might be for a big part due to n. Euros always having part of their DNA closer to eastern hunter gatherers.

Also, farmers as well were not entirely from an anatolian source but had a fairly big western hunter gatherer component.

So in general the old-Euro component you can say it's higher.

Old Europe (neolithic-farmers & western european hunter-gatherers)

Indo-Europeans (eastern european hunter-gatheres + caucasus hunter-gatheres) but the caucasus hunter-gatheres were not "original" Indo-Europeans.

Proto-Indo-European speaking Eastern European hunter gatherers domesticated the horse and invented the chariot, then conquered and assimilated the Caucasus hunter-gatheres who had moved north of the Caucasus before they spread out from steppe.

That's exactly why Nordics/Baltics are good modern representative of what ancient Proto-Indo-Europeans looked like genetically and phenotype.

Proto-Indo-Europeans no longer exist in "pure form" since they have mixed with various populations today but Nordics/Baltics are their closest population.

The "Yamnaya" (Indo-European) component maxs out in Norwegians more than half, which means that they are about more than half Proto-Indo-European genetically. No other population has such high Proto-Indo-European component.

chart source, 2015 genetic study

Blond hair and blue eyes was another physical trait associated with the Proto-Indo-Europeans, it's most common in Nordic/Baltic populations and it's also more strongly correlated with the Indo-European invasion of Eurasia.


I agree that "Old Europe" component is more dominant in most Europeans but Nordics/Balits are still predominantly Indo-Europeans while Southern Europeans are mostly descendants of Neolithic-farmers.

Only the eastern branch though, the western branch, the one who actually drove the invasion westward(mostly R1b), was fairly dark, even though overall they were autosomally fairly similar.


That's ridiculous, if anything the fair traits are more closely associated with the Western branch (which had a mix of R1b, I2, and R1a yDNA) than the Eastern branch (mostly R1a). In reality, the loss of fair traits in the Eastern branch, as in the Southern Mediterranean and Anatolia, is mostly caused by admixture with non-Indo-European people. But the map shows the the countries with highest rates of blonde hair are those with the characteristic "Western" mix of y-haplotypes.

That's literally DNA data from the Yamnaya burial sites m8 who are the candidates for the westward spread of the IE languages, nothing ridiculous about it.

Your blondism map itself shows that blondism is far more associated with R1a than it is to R1b, and R1b was far more present in these Yamnaya people than R1a.

Are any of the book-cover images in this thread e-books, or are they all just images?

What, you mean import a bunch of white guys and reinstate the 4-gamy rule?

The frizzy kind of curly hair that will stand up in an afro/jewfro is associated with jews because it is the semitic genetics (with the close links between arabs/jews and africans) that make jewfros possible. Celts/Thracians etc. had curly hair, but in the sense that the hair bends rather than hanging straight, not in the sense that it is kinked up like a spring. The original Romans and Greeks certainly did not have kinky hair.

Race of heroes tbh fam

Caesar literally means Curly Headed. It wasn't his name it was a nickname given to him by his men because he had a fro.

Then he went bald but kept the nickname

But I mean it is to be expected since Italians have a healthy dose of nigger genetics mixed in with them.

found the assblasted snownegro

There just aren't that many Yamanaya burial sites, bruv. And don't pull "we wuz kangs" shit. Most of the Yamanaya burials seem to be ceremonial burials for chiefs, who could easily have unrepresentative haplotypes (since hierarchy and yDNA are both patrilineal). The Afnasievo mummies, for example, are clearly a daughter-culture to Yamanaya but have yDNA never found in Yamanaya.

If there were an association between R1a and blondism you would see the highest rates in Europe in Poland, which shows up as a big old hole on the blondism map (between Saxony and the Baltics). Instead you see the highest rates of blondism in the areas with unusual amounts of I2 (Scandinavia), the N3 yDNA (Finns and Balts; no evidence linking this to IE) and the very high levels of R1b in England.

Again, if there was one particular IE tribe carrying blonde genes, it was possibly strongest in some tribe with high levels of i2 and moderate levels of R1b. I don't really believe that; I think the R1a tribes admixed a lot with asians and dravidians, so blondism rates fell precipitously. But if data points to anything, it's R1a populations having a lower rate of blonde hair.

Gave me a giggle, guinea

The afanasevo culture is exactly the eastern branch of the proto-IE, autosomally fairly similar but apparently different in phenotype.
As far as R1b being "unrepresentative", I'd rather go with Occam's razor here.
Moreover, this doesn't disprove anything about their very clear lack of fair eye pigmentation for one.
Blondism is complicated in terms of pinpointing the exact mutations, but all traits seem to point to a fairly dark folk.

Also, Y-DNA has of course to be taken with a grain of salt as it's affected by various effects.

Moreover, there is evidence of a fairly recent selection for fair traits all over the place as I've shown with the second pic above, so the current gradient of blondism is also not exactly accurate to understand how it came to Europe.

keep behaving like niggers and I'll call you niggers, nigger

Well I saw a music video once so I can't really blame you for making that assumption. But you are still a nigger.

rather be an Italian nigger than a snownigger then, thanks

There is no need to qualify it with nigger. When you say Italian a white man will know what you are talking about.

thanks, you make me feel less bad about shipping so many niggers in your land, I almost wish we were more efficient

Haplogroups =/= Autosomal DNA

He is right Western European Hunter-gathers were dark skinned but had blue eyes. While, their cousin Eastern European hunter-gatherers had pale skin, blue eyes and blonde hair.

Western European hunter-gatherers (aboriginals) - Dark skin, dark hair, blue eyes.

Yamnaya Indo-Europeans (Eastern European hunter-gatherers + Caucasus hunter-gathers)

"The new study seems to confirm the results of Wilde et al. on steppe groups, as the Yamnaya had a very low frequency of the HERC2 derived "blue eye" allele and a lower frequency of the SLC45A2 "light skin" allele than any modern Europeans. The Yamnaya seem to have been fixed for the other SLC24A5 "light skin" allele which seems to have been at high frequency in all ancient groups save the "Western Hunter Gatherers"."

"If anything, it seems that the "fairest of them all" were the Scandinavian hunter-gatherers, and a combination of light/dark pigmentation was also present in Neolithic farmers and Western Hunter Gatherers in various combinations."

Neolithic-Farmers (S.Euros): both dark and pale skin with dark hair and eyes.

Only Northerners, more specially Scandinavians and Baltics were all three : Blonde, pale and blue eyes.

"But in the far north—where low light levels would favor pale skin—the team found a different picture in hunter-gatherers: Seven people from the 7700-year-old Motala archaeological site in southern Sweden had both light skin gene variants, SLC24A5 and SLC45A2. They also had a third gene, HERC2/OCA2, which causes blue eyes and may also contribute to light skin and blond hair. Thus ancient hunter-gatherers of the far north were already pale and blue-eyed, but those of central and southern Europe had darker skin."

None of these components exist in "pure form" they have all mixed with various populations.

What makes Europeans unique from other populations is our "aboriginal" Western European hunter-gatherers, their component not commonly found outside Europe.

While, Neolithic Farmers and Indo-Europeans (mix of Eastern European hunter-gatherers & Caucasus hunter-gathers) connects us to Eurasians.

Genetic study source : and

Don't worry about it. There have always been plenty of Italians in America. Those kids aren't going to molest themselves, laposta.

oh you're american…
now I feel sorry for making fun of such a freakshow of mongrels, I take that back, no need for our help you're mongrelizing yourself efficently enough already, we'll see who will laugh last

You can see on map three that Baltics/Lithuanians have all three componenets : Indo-Europeans(Eastern European hunter-gatherer + Caucasus hunter-gatherer) and Western European hunter-gatherer without Neolithic farmer. They are closest population to Proto-Indo-Europeans.

Top cuck moolie.

right, you elected a nigger twice, that technically makes you lower than niggers to be precise, thanks for the correction pal

(((They))) elected a nigger twice. Every Italian leader in history has been a nigger. Learn the difference, it could save your life.

this has to be one of the longest threads, over 2 months now

oldest, not longest

nice damage control, at least we elect Italians and when an americ- ehm a nigger got a position of power we threw bananas at her and called her an orangutan
you and your brothers elected you dad, Obama, to the """white""" house, TWICE
pathetic, you are in no position to call anyone a nigger since you're likely one, a spic or some sort of intercontinental abomination inbetween, exactly the role jews gave to you since the beginning, becoming the first truly multiethnic shithole

Yes, you elect niggers. Every election. Unless you allow foreigners to hold the highest office you will never not have a nigger leader. Because Italians.

keep the damage control, at the end of the day it's not gonna change who you are, and you can be damn sure that the average person has much more respect and admiration for Italians than your folk

It's even worse than that. One of the sacred beliefs in modern anthropology is that Asians came to America via the Siberian land bridge. These Asians became the first Americans and the Europeans came along and took it from them.

It isn't true and the paleontology community knows it. They are deliberately hindering obvious evidence that people came to America long before the Siberian land bridge existed. Where did they come from? How did they get here?

From the link at

In a deep sinkhole beneath Aucilla River in Florida, some of the most intriguing evidence to date for these pre-Clovis peoples has been carefully excavated—using specialized underwater exploration rigs. Scientists have discovered an incredibly rare 14,550 year-old hunting site, complete with stone tools, a slaughtered mastodon, and hints of canine companions who might have helped with the hunt.

Called the Page-Ladson site, the sinkhole is one of only a handful of pre-Clovis sites ever discovered, and it dates to roughly the same time period as similar sites such as the Paisley Caves in Oregon and Monte Verde, Chile. It’s also the oldest evidence of human occupation ever found in the US southeast, and it offers solid proof that humans lived throughout the Americas nearly 15,000 years ago, long before the Bering Land Bridge was ice-free. This adds further evidence to the idea that these people’s ancestors arrived by boat from the coasts of Asia, likely after thousands of years of migratory wandering.

What’s ironic is that these discoveries could have been announced nearly 30 years ago in the 1980s. At that time, Halligan said, a diver named Buddy Page found the sinkhole and reported it to local paleontologists. The scientists did an excavation, locating tools and some mastodon bones. The team successfully dated those artifacts to 14,550 years ago. But at that time, the scientific community didn’t accept the idea that anyone had populated the Americas before the Clovis peoples crossed the Bering Land Bridge roughly 12,000 years ago. It’s only now, in the wake of many more pre-Clovis discoveries, that we can appreciate the Page-Ladson site for what it is: a record of America’s earliest humans, living among animals who vanished along with the pre-Clovis way of life.

That's great, but you are still a nigger.

For some reason, I am unable to archive this or the "proof of shilling" thread on Other threads archive just fine, but these two keep timing out. Any Holla Forumsnocrats around who can shed some light?

Someone put complaint on the proof of shilling thread to and so they deleted the existing archive and blocked it from being rearchived. Just save the whole page for valuable information.

pls rember that wen u feel scare or frigten never forget ttimes wen u feeled happy

wen day is dark alway rember happy day


That's over a week old. The latest I can find is from the 12th, and every attempt at saving since then results in "error: time out".

I see, less farmer ancestry you have more Indo-European you are. Estonians seem to have even less farmer ancestry compared to Norwegians according to that chart.

If these urls have been blocked, why was it able to archive this 502 error?
Attempts before and after that, while Holla Forums was up, resulted in the same "error: time out" message I'm getting now.

Also, I remember when blocked Holla Forums for illegal content months ago.
The error message at that time was…
…not some generic time out message. See:

Maybe you would like to check this paper. The part about BNC2 gene, involved in skin pigmentation:[email protected]

I don't seem to find much about it, it could be that it explains part of the saturation apparently, but the bulk of the variation in white skin is explained by these two SNPs.
Both absent in post-LGM west Europe and at fairly low frequencies in Scandinavia.

How do NatSocs reconcile with the fact that Hitler genocided millions of Poles and Russians for merely being slavs?

maybe judaism and christianity, just a guess.

He didn't, that is a lie that comes from two sources:

1. Demographic estimates that attribute every death caused by warfare or Soviet ethnic cleansing to Nazis.

2. A widely reported remark from the late '30s where Goering or someone was ridiculing Hitler's desire to invade Russia. Goering's point was Russia had incredible reserves of manpower and so it was improbable that the German could kill enough Russian soldiers to exhaust the Russian war machine. This gets reported as "Germany planned to kill 40M Russians to win the war" but it would be more accurate to say "Germans disagreed over whether it was ridiculous to find a land war in Russia".

I don't mind Slavs or Meds having lower status in an Aryan hierarchy but obviously there would be no atrocities like the ⋘Holomodor⋙.

Personally I give credit to our spiritual history not christendom perse

Our methodologies were always to "strive as close to godhood as possible" which resulted in a most developed human species.

Great insight. As a christian, I've been wrestling over Christianity's role in the future ethnostate. I do not contest that the universalism and egalitarianism of christianity has contributed to our current liberal state of western society. I think that argument is undeniable.

I do contend that Christianity can be retooled and reframed to support a rightist ethnostate. Western man is already very pro-egalitarian, as we evolved to be this way. Even prior to Christianty, Europeans were far more egalitarian in their practices, which is why I believe Christianty took root specifically in Europe. Yet, as you noted, the use of force and by swearing allegaince to the pope and excommunication were used to spread the religion far more than proselytizing.

Thus, in the same manner, we can use force to reassert an inegalitarian and monarchical version of Christianity. First, by drawing a distinciont between the political and spiritual, we can relegate Chrisintaty's appeal to the poor and moral universalism as purely an individual spiritual matter. In contrast, in terms of political, we can focus on the Bible's ideal nation as the ehtnostate that forbid intermarriage with others and called for the genocide of all outsiders. This is a good model for our ethnostate. Likewise, Christianity at it's core is monarchical. It posits the coming of a God-Emperor in Jesus Christ's return to earth and rule. Therefore, we can stress the need for hierarchical rule and force as the measure of the ethnostate.

Society is already becoming very irrelegious anyways and liberalism has broken forht form chirsitian universalism to such an extreme that it's now attacks christian morality where inequality still exists.

In summation, in a less religous society, where culture is focused on white identity and not religion. Christianity can serve a useful purpose as it allows us to connect with our past and traditions

Time to swallow the Pierce pill, open wide.

I will never understand why you weaklings cling to the past. Christendom is finished, it is a dead religion. Start something new, something ==better==

the answer to the question of what made any race/culture successful is that those people evolved to work together

as modern man left the world of barbarism behind he opened the door to new understandings and unfortunately also new naivetes

the duality of understanding leading modern man to try to understand everything, including the former barbarisms that he evolved from, have left him vulnerable to those who have not evolved

the ideas of equality, acceptance and tolerance are incomplete by modern man, lies that he has told himself to give both meaning to his existence and to justify his ideologies

barbarians care nothing for the ideas of equality, acceptance and tolerance

modern man exists because he has learned to work together, his hubris is that he thinks he can work together with barbarians and survive



It's laziness. Laziness creates illusion and denial as a way to deceive their ego's for their lack of effort. The effort of exploring and applying a better "philosophy" to their lives it's too much.

"Who cares if that "philosophy" is better than mine, when mine just works fine for me (until it doesn't) ?"

"Why trash an entire car for being defective and potentially dangerous when i can just put it on "life support" with some handy fixes i came up with? If it can function for another while, then that is good enough for me. Changing the whole car is too much of a bother."


The other poster claimed Christianity is finished, I refuted the claim. I did not claim that Christianity is automatically right because it is popular; I claimed that Christianity is not "dead". There is no fallacy.

Very well. Let's not turn this into a shit fest

Not under my watch

TFW they don't even know Giza and the Nile Delta was Eden and heaven was in the sun.
Lack of image related, I need some images.

Everyone got so pwned.

These are good for a reflective stance, but do you have any recommendations for non-kosher translations of the actual germanic, celtic, and norse legends?


The most redpilled and explicitly pro-white publishing company I know of that puts out carefully selected English translations of the pagan classics is Ostara Publications:

It's a great source for books. I've listed many of their titles in this thread already. But you should still have a look through all of their categories on every topic. They've got a lot of old and obscure pre-WWII books that more people need to know about.

Very much appreciated!


How new are you? Jews got Bush to invade Iraq because Saddam threatened the hegemony Israel wanted to have over the ME. Same with what they want for Assad's Syria and Iran right now.

I thought it was because he moved to get his country off the petrodollar.

haha benis :-DDDD

That too. Also got rid of Gaddafi because he refused global banks.


Is that image, and that statue, all the evidence we have when people say that ALL of the women in that society were always bare-chested?

The Islamic symbol tells the truth.
The crescent moon and a star.
The crescent moon is Selene, goddess of the Moon, while the sun is Ishtar, goddess of war and fertility.

Why would you need to import anything? I said use eugenics. Which means selective and controlled breeding.

No more clearly closer to Aryan Bollywood actor stock breeding with not that.

There are enough of each variety I was talking about to sustain its own population in full.

Additionally, the closer to full-blooded Dravidians in the south of India are beginning to agitate for independence. Some don't even bother speaking Hindi, if they have to speak to someone not from there they just use English.

But no bodies, and so no DNA.

Where there really no bodies, or were they destroyed?

kek, filtering doesn't even work for me anymore.

But this guy is still filtered.

I still think my favorite section one day will be the kid's books, so that I'm not using (((current materials))).

I got that History of Xerxes the Great now, will get around to it soon.

March of the Titans is really long, and I really just started it. I'm in the most heretical racist section now.

How the fuck did that happen?

Also, is any of that in the Koran, or is it just the cultural heritage?

No need to bother. The Florentines, one Italian city essentially creates the modern world. It's achievements and visionaries will be remembered for 10,000 years.

Meanwhile, half these snowman countries are so insignificant that they need to pursue the "wewuzkangs" nigger method to feel relevant.

Yamnaya Indo-Europeans had brown eyes and brown hair, they din't carry any genetic allele for blue eyes or blonde hair.

They were also noticeably darker pigmented in skin and eyes than contemporary Southern Europeans.

Caucasus hunter-gatherers are "original" Indo-Europeans if we were to go by Yamnaya allies.

They received blonde hair and blue-eye traits after mixing with Eastern European hunter-gatherers, who in this case were not Indo-Europeans.

Scandinavian hunter-gatherers already had blonde and blue eye traits, so it had nothing to do with Indo-Europeans, who mostly had brown hair and eyes.

Exactly, the rivers tells us the location. Euphrates and Tigris are two of them. I'm not sure where the other two rivers were, but geographically they were close.
Not sure if human cultivation destroyed the rivers, Hordes did it, or if nature just had its way. Babylon is known to have fallen to excessive farming and cultivation of land.

Minoans were matriarchal civilization, I think most Old-Europe civilizations were matriarchal unlike Indo-Europeans from steppe who were patriarchal with male-Gods being most dominant figure.

…Hold it.

I just had an idea, a minor revelation if you will;
Angels are not humanlike beings, they are closer to mechanisms with sentience or purpose. Now, the fire wielding angel, preventing man from living in the garden of eden…
Could it be that there is an actual mechanism that keeps the Middle-East in perpetual conflict and war, moreso than the rest of the globe?

The four angels sealed in Euphrates (Rev)

At least the swamp-cultures were matriarchal. As in, Finnish cultures.

—are an intriguing concept as well. Muslims?

Greek thought, which became
Roman might, which inspired
Renaissance beauty, which birthed
Colonialism across the world

And the 20th century of decline. Now here we stand.

shamelessly shilling for this thread

Who knows?

Why does that mean all bare-chested?

That seems to be the only white one I know of that's like that.


Claiming something as a matriarchy–as in the inverse of a patriarchy–is really pushing it.

You might of had a more balanced (primitive) system or mother goddess worship (like some of the Germans) but ultimately, the actual warriors/hunters of any tribe were still the driving force.

The Amazons (if they existed) would be an actual Matriarchy.

Interesting, and I likely have more to google about them. That didn't answer the question I had though.


We don't really know much at all about the Minoans.

But typically "matriarchal" means "matrilocal" or "matrilineal". A council of male elders still runs the tribe and makes decisions pertaining to war, but on a day to day basis children live with their mothers. If couples marry, the man may go to live with his wife, or he may split his time between his family home and his wife's home; typically men put more time into raising their sisters' children than their own biological children.

Long way of getting around to the point that because men have no resource investment in "their" children, getting cucked is less emotionally and genetically painful, so there is less jealousy, and with less jealousy there is more female exhibitionism.



First step is seeing what a disaster Christianity has become for all of us.

christianity, judaism and islam are pure cancer.
So is wicca, satanism and most so-called paganism and spirituality; we need something new and only the strong deserves to be restored from the old times

Seems to be the case about most anything that old.

Not gonna lie, that stuff is pretty degenerate, but at that time this was common place. It's pretty much traditional in any culture to destroy anything that might indicate the existence of your enemy, even though they might not have known that in a two thousand years time others might be wanting to look at the previously built wonders and libraries that should have been left untouched.


You've shilled this shit in other threads. Fuck off.



killing and fucking. we need to get back to that.



There is literally nothing wrong with having curly hair fuck you.

t. curly hair

One word. ==Math.==

Yeah, Europe didn't invent all of mathematics but their governments left individuals alone the most. Jews are only "good" at math, since they have an ethno-state which focuses on teaching its students important concepts instead of keeping them off the job market. Muslims started banning their own research like 500 years ago and still do, Asians have been living 1984 for the past like 4000 years anything they create they destroy. Most Africans don't know how to farm, all of the New World essentially got everything handed to them by the nature around them, so no need to work for it. India once it was invaded by Aryans, did have a chance but as they became a minority so too did their systems and they lost the sense to judge their finest works from their worst.

Europe is all there is and has been to allow our species to accomplish feats never thought possible. And look how it is treated. In nature when a species becomes the best it overtakes the lesser ones, our only chance for survival is to completely conqueror the entire world.

What connection does India have with the Aryan race? I've heard certain parts of India fall under the aryan genetic tree? They were also home to one of the first great civilizations, was there early Aryan settlement?

To my knowledge Europe was invaded a very long time ago by Indo-Aryans

This will help you start, see the references.

Its the reason most Indian, (old) Chinese gods are light skin with many Aryan features. You'll also find the occasional Aryan in their histories of doing some great.

Also Middle-East cultures have respected those with red hair for a very long time, while most likely not an Aryan phenotype, I consider it a white one though. A shame Semitic belief systems have destroyed the core of our beliefs, so we have to do so much digging to figure out anything but much of what is considered "Semtic" now really wasn't once upon a time.

I've heard Eden was the Pamir Plateau and the flood took place in the Tarim Basin valley where I believe the Caucasoid mummies were found

Not exactly 100% convinced or anything but it's interesting


March of the Titans: A History of the White Race by Arthur Kemp

Pagan/Gentile Reverence for Nature is Seen as a Direct Threat to Urbanite Jewish Spiritual Hegemony

I would like to invite discussion and criticism of this article which offers a Jewish critique of the pagan worldview:


The Jewish author writing for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs understandably criticizes several aspects of cheesy neo-paganism and modern superstition, but then he goes on to say some striking things which explicitly identify the traditional and organic pagan/gentile reverence for nature as a direct threat to urbanite Jewish spiritual hegemony (advocating instead the Noahide laws as the correct alternative for gentiles). Here are some key quotes from his polemic:

- "The ancient revulsion with regard to paganism felt by adherents of Judaism links up with the need to take stock of these contemporary phenomena…Nature is not sacred and its laws represent barbarity; the Noahide laws represent civil society. There are many reasons for Jewish observers to watch attentively which direction the powerful, renewed interest in nature will take, and what consequences this may have for world Jewry."

- "Few people realize — and contemporary German Greens prefer not to be reminded of it — that the first major nature-protection laws were issued, of all places, in Nazi Germany…"

- "So soon after Nazism, which proclaimed the same, one has again forgotten what dangers the elevation of nature as a norm brings with it for the handicapped, the sexual outsiders, the elderly and inter-racial societies."

- "Halakhah is the antithesis of the laws of nature. The latter are cruel: there is no charity in nature; there is no mercy. There is no safety net in nature for marginal beings….There is no equality in nature or anything resembling democracy. Nature should be feared." (Oy gevalt!)

- "Furthermore, I postulate that no nation in the twentieth century has lived as much “in harmony with nature” as Hitler’s Germany."

- "Anybody who places nature as the central value in society must be suspect in the eyes of Jews."

- "So what does the return of paganism mean for Judaism? It forces us to focus on the importance of Jewish law and tradition, which proclaims that nature is not the dominant force in the world, nor is it sacred….Nature’s laws represent the world of the savage and barbarian; the Noahide laws represent civil society."

- "The Jewish agenda is a very long one. Many things assimilated Jews consider important should be pushed down the Jewish agenda. The new outside reality should help us understand that propagating the Noahide commandments to humanity should have had a higher place on this agenda a long time ago."

- "Nothing good for the Jews — nor for society at large — can come out of a worldwide strengthening of paganism."

knowing that we all have common ancestors, genetics and probably geography

That is an interesting question.

Beauty is not an absolute characteritic, it is relative to the ethnicity in which you speak about it. "Beauty" denotes characteristics of specimens which are considered beneficial for the specie. Having those beneficial characteristics is a consequence of natural selection.

All people share a common ancestor and it is natural that white people may have more beneficial characteristics than other races may express sympathy towards those characteristics.

Please sustantiate those assertions.


Natural selection is happening by the means of specimens too: they prefer other specimens based on, among other things, how attractive - i.e. having body characteristics which are recognized as beneficial - they are. Those who are most attractive are called beautiful.

Beauty is depicted in most cultures known.

Remember, I speak only about beauty now. All of positive properties of body are result of natural selection and mutations and speciemens choosing best available couple do it as a result of natural selection too (nb4 aliens).

Also, race mixing is only possible if all races have some common recent enough ancestor in evolution.


A neat copypaste from Wikipedia which tells me something new about beauty: