

Nevar 4get


It's funny because Remember rhymes with November, get it?

Reminder that Guy Fawkes wasn't a fucking anarchist.


He was a faggot papist.

Ah shit, it's today? I watch this movie in every year, but I'm too damned tired for it…

protestant scum detected

indeed user, it is the day.

i'll be watching it later.

Oh shit today is November 5th. Anyone have that webm of Alan Moore meeting the Guy Fawkes mask protestors?

Not posting the better version of V for Vendetta.

Heretic detected

It is ironic that a revolutionary fighting a despotic theocratic government uses the mask and renown of a jesuit terrorist that tried to blow up parliament because England was no longer under the control of the Vatican (a despotic theocratic government).

You might have to talk with Alan Moore on that since he came up with it. I think it may have been intentional on his part.

To mock the reader for their stupidity? I only ever seen the movie, so I don't know how the comics go, but it's funny that the Vatican of Guy Fawkes period (or well before it mostly) was way more brutal than anything the government in V for Vendetta did. Imprisoning some homosexuals and muslims pales in comparisson to burning people alive or torturing them with racks till they confess.

Yeah, the movie was more of a criticism of Bush era presidency while the original graphic novel was a criticism of Thatcher era UK.

fuckin million mask march today
Hope some lulzy shit happens.

What's with this finngolian bear meme? It makes your ideology looks dumb.

oh shit, i haven't seen this in years. fucking fantastic stuff.


fakeposting went out of style in 07 my dude

Irony is a style of humor that autistic people are unable to comprehend.

What did you mean by this? HAIL KEK!