I can't pass the fact that Trump is deporting someone with a green card, but politics aside this is pretty funny

I can't pass the fact that Trump is deporting someone with a green card, but politics aside this is pretty funny.

That's a badass robot.
I do love how they see no contradiction in condemning Trump for his supposed "racism" while calling Americans "fucking gringos."

Not to mention that it decries America ruining Mexican culture when the exact opposite is what's actually happening. Or that the movie fantasizes about Trump dying.

They sure seem desperate to escape Mexican culture. It must be a great culture.

The idea of Trump building a robot and personally murdering Mexicans who try and talk shit about America makes me want to vote for him even more.

If this is supposed to be against trump it's definitely making me like him more.

They're not faggy universalists like most white people, so there is no contradiction to them. They favor their group, and oppose outsiders who criticize or work against them. Totally logically consistent.

Yet they're butthurt when Gringos are going to do the same to them.

That's right. But it's not hypocrisy when you take ethnic solidarity for granted. It's just looking out for your own.

White people might be confused by this because they now treat solidarity amongst themselves as the greatest sin in existence. But nobody else does that. Any group that acts like that is digging its own grave, of course.

Non-whites are not liberals who actually value true equality and fairness, they simply recognize that liberalism serves to advance their own interests for the time being.

liberty prime irl? yes, please.

That makes Trump look awesome. Marxists never learn.

look look I'm fitting in, I hate le niggers XD *holds up spork*

Kill your enemy, that's how you win. Stop whining, cuck. Why are Trump goons always such utter cucks?

That's fucking badass

Just post your Hillary Pepes and get it out of the way.

Is a joke because Trump deported the medic who was going to save his life.
For being in a board like Holla Forums you have an horrible memory and attention, if you can't understand this I can't even imagine how did you managed to understand "The Thing".

As a taco I don't know why some of you are so butthurt.
This is for pure comedy.
If there's a style of humor you learn in Mexico is self-depreciation.
You cannot shit on others unless you aknowledge your own shit and you shit everyone the same, is basic comedy.
Like the charro who got completely fucked up because another mexican just stole his crap.

What if Americans went down to Mexico, murdered you, stole welfare and voted in your elections. Would you still laugh, taco?



I'd vote Trump for that sweetass mecha, tbh.

Looks like anons ITT mostly think the robot was neat.

Chapulin is dead, but his reruns will last until the end of the days, poor mexicans.

But how?

I got to know that guy since Gmod.

He did say he was going to make Anime real.


Imagine all the muslims in Mecca are ackbaring to the cube. All of a sudden the ground starts thumping. The head of a giant Trump robot appears over the wall. "You're fired!"

For some reason that cube makes me think of the Borg cube.

Is it normal that I'm scared of visiting that place?

It might as well be.

Yes, ackbars will kill you.

With the current state of geo-politics I don't blame you.

Don't worry, you can't.

Non-Muslims are forbidden from setting foot in that city.

Except the American government did come down with a broken trade deal that allowed the Mexican feds to seize the lands and businesses of the middle-lower class. It gave the corrupt politicians/military more power over the people and everybody knows they're in bed with the cartels. For all that circlejerking you do from Trump, you might want to listen to some of the things he's said about NAFTA.

Also, comedy is comedy. Don't dish it if you can't take it, amigo. I mean, if your god wins you might take his example and sue everybody that hurts your feelings.

You won't be laughing when we fire your anchor babies out of a cannon back into Mexico. Make America White Again.

Your taco president molested and raped me since age 5 multiple times. He also smeared my good name in the Mexican media multiple times over a period of 10 years. I demand financial and emotional restitution.

No, you may not ask me for evidence. I don't care if your feelings are hurt.

How would they tell anyway?

You should be. People day in the stampede when they start doing the merry-go-round.

Can you imagine muzzies actually pay for this shit?

I think some people have died as a result. That and its hosted by Saudi Arabia.

That was actually kind of funny. The only thing I didn't like was the scene where the mariachi band picks up the m-16 and it fires immediately despite them never touching the trigger.

Last year actually, and it was around 2200 people. Highest death count yet. Apparently a staircase was responsible.

Shit did they do anything about it?

Not much, maybe paid a few people off, apparently a Saudi prince and his entourage were responsible for the bottleneck.

If you mean "Did they fix the problem?", no, they didn't. Not much they can do actually, since the whole route of pilgrimage is sacred and they don't dare fuck with it, considering the general attitude of most mudshits. The problem is that it was never meant to handle this many people coming every year.

I fully expect the number of victims to keep growing in the coming decades as the Muslim population swells all across the globe.

That's a nice bit of knowledge to wake up to. Gives me the warm fuzzies.

fuck year nigger

Holy shit, I haven't seen this one. Did they realize it was backfiring and pull it?

That's cool man

Why don't you people flush toilet paper?
Are all taco niggers retarded or just lazy?