GOP "Establishment" propaganda rag National Review endorses the Cuban-Canadian rat, commands other candidates to drop out, & threatens voters to fall in line "or else"



As a bonus, when you view the article on the National Review site, you get a pop-up which says
which includes a collage of Fiorina, Ryan, Trump, Haley, Kasich (by the way did you know his father was a mailman?), El Rato, and Mitt Romney in the center. pic related

Unbelievable. Even their pop-ups are GOP propaganda.

How will Ted Cruz fight "the establishment", when he's been tied to them all his life and are the ones helping him get elected?
Time to rev up the memes.


Other urls found in this thread:


I love going on NRO and shitposting in the comment sections of their articles. I *surprisingly* get regular upvotes.

Shill this to "Cruz isn't establishment" retards hard.


nro publishes +10 anti-Trump articles a day

just browse here:


they can't say he's an "outsider" and "anti-establishment" now. if he gets elected, he would owe "the establishment" favors. no getting around it. you arent the beneficiary of public endorsements and millions of dollars in support for nothing, whether you like it or not.

No goyim, he's an outsider, Trump is the ZoG establishment candidate!


Like I've always said, Cruz has always been establishment. If Trump's immigration policies are so harsh and "problematic" then why in the hell are they backing someone who claims to adopted them (and acts like he came up with them)? People should throw this shit in the GOPe's face as well as Cruz and see who buckles first.

Somewhere Trump is laughing his ass off since this puts the GOPe in a bind now. How can they back Cruz when he's agreeing with all the supposedly inflammatory stuff Trump said? Does this mean the GOPe agrees with that or is it because Cruz is bought?



I know. When I saw this, I couldn't believe it. NR just handed Trump the best gift imaginable. I do think they are genuinely fearful and panicking, because this move proves they don't know what the fuck they're doing. How fucking retarded and inept can they be?

Only out-of-touch political elites who have no handle on the needs of their constituents would make so many bone-headed mistakes in a row.

Holla Forums should really make the most of this. NR just gave Rafael the kiss of death.

Indeed. Either Cruz is a weaker version of Trump, does not mean what he says, and is a good establishment boy, or the Establishment are hypocrites out the ass.

Bump for interest.

just push his wife's commitment to the north american union

• Establishment embraces Cruz

• Somehow doesn't understand this is the kiss of death this election cycle

el rato fans never explain how he can fight the corrupt system when he has billionaire special interest donors


Do they ever give their reason behind hating trump, besides not ((("working within the political process")))?

That article is hilarious.
And since none of us here get laid or would sleep with any leftie women, that move is a hollow threat.

What is the Savings and Loan scandal? What is Silverado Savings & Loans?




Oh my god, if there ever was a sign that Ted Cruz is really the anti-Christ and will rape our Republic in the name of international finance it is having Neil fucking Bush on his finance team.

We need to fucking Crusade these silver spoon niggers into the fucking stone age.

We need Memes of Mass Destruction, total fucking war, von Clausewitz shit. Bring the whole rotten temple down on their heads!

furthermore, anyone supporting rafael is delusional if they think he's more electable than trump

if i were hillary, i'd just bring up el rato's father as evidence of cruz being a far-right kook who thinks he's anointed by God to defend the Holy Constitution

that aside, once again
as the vid related reveals

You'd be surprised how many regular viewers of NRO got completely blind sided when the supposed "conservative" magazine went full establishment shill.

Mind you, this entire election has been an eye opener as to the amount of controlled opposition on the right.


Dangerous, unstable, crazy, Hitlerian, Stalinesque, racist, sexist, misogynist, "stentorian", rube, jingoist and small fucking hands.

The GOPe cunts have thrown everything at us and Trump. Everything.

And all it does is make us stronger.

Victory has robbed them of their strength. They grew complacent, to used to being obeyed when they used their trigger words to reinforce their indoctrination.

The sleeper has awakened. The corrupt little heart of their treasonous shit tries and disenfranchise me of my vote, of my candidate and it will be time to start hunting motherfuckers at the country club, Fight Club style.


Neil Bush has been in the education business ever since he got bailed out of the S&L business. He's a big name behind NCLB and now Common Core.

Where the fuck did cucks pick up the Cruz is anti-establishment? Only Trump is not a part of the establishment because he's a citizen not a politician running for office.

Cruz cucks are the worst. They're constitutionalists without even knowing what that means, and are more than likely voting for him to beat dat ebil racist Trump.

Those are totally not reasons to not vote for him.

We know he isn't dangerous to us (unless he is baited to war), and we like his tone and ideas. The only thing to be wary about is whether he can make it actually happen or whether he's just totally wrong. But these articles never attack on that, the media is completely blinded by being [triggered] 24/7 and focus on superficial shit we don't care about.

Nevertheless, he is the obvious choice and has my full support, just saying.

It's Cubanadian. Also when is the news going to bring up the rat's support for the North American Union, or does Trump have to make them do it?

yeah i thought that was more up marco lubio's alley. but perhaps w/ the latest bruce "caitlyn" jenner endorsement and it wanting to be cruz's "transgender ambassador", maybe this is not so far off.


Three little words.


Why Conservatives Conserve Nothing

a lot of these faggots also listen to mark levin and glenn beck, who drill that into their audience's heads. both were speakers at CPAC, with the mormon glenn beck being the keynote speaker. they're conservative cultists who worship the Constitution as holy scripture (Beck has actually said that the Constitution was chartered from God), and they brainwash their audience w/ pro-Cruz, anti-Trump propaganda day after day

hannity has also been pushing the "cruz is anti-establishment" narrative in every other sentence but in a more subtle way: he packages cruz w/ trump EVERY TIME trump is mentioned. he refers to them as "the insurgent candidates". it's very sneaky, but i know what he's doing. he's trying to separate cruz from the pack by lumping him w/ trump, so that by comparison the conservative goyim can easily be tricked into picking the more pure "conservative Constitutionalist" of the two "outsiders". without fail, if trump is mentioned, he makes sure cruz is also mentioned as being "on the same side". his audiences hear that several hundred times a day and just accept it.

they're all fucking shills. rafael and his shill GOP propaganda ministers

more people hate read NRO than actually read it at this point

I've read shitposts that were more literate.

Ohhhh, spoopy, will they write an issue against voters next?

do you like hairy armpits and stupid haircuts?

What these guys said and also because no one likes Cruz.

I've been behind Trump all the way, but saying Cruz is an "establishment candidate" is pretty fucking stupid. You'll win over more people by saying he cut a deal with the establishment.

You realize that during Cruz's entire legislative tenure he was among the least willing to "play ball" with the RINOs, right?

Please don't disappear up your own assholes with this kind of nonsense.

The results of the poll thing

poor Jeb!

Bill Burr

He's a race mixer but he's funny at least.

Who has a screenshot of the article where they defend the pedo Salon writer? We need to make some meme magic with that: picture of the pro-pedo article, picture of Ted Cruz, National Review logo at the top, text read "The National Review, endorses pedophilia, endorses Ted Cruz".

Hi Ted.

he actually always was an establishment shill. all you have to do is look at his donors. his voting record is very conservative, but his peers didnt like him not bc he wouldnt "play ball" in the sense that he wouldnt go along w/ their policies… its bc he wouldnt wait his turn and stepped all over everyone so he could run for president way before he was supposed to. he just spins that as being "anti-establishment", but between his connections to big banks, the Bushes, the CFR, his support of TPA and him sharing the same donor network as all of the establishment candidates, it's pretty clear he just wants the conservative Evangelical vote. but he will push globalist agendas under the guise of a Constitutional scholar. it's all very slick

but besides that, he is in fact now an establishment candidate. they've thrown their full weight and support behind him. meaning, whether he likes it or not, the establishment is pumping money into getting him elected. so if trump is establishment, and el rato is an outsider, why is the establishment backing him? how can he fight the people who are getting him elected? if they ask him for a favor once elected, do you think he can say no?

We shouldn not, because that whole controversy was a tempest in a teapot. The Salon article was only saying that non-offending pedophiles shouldn't be persecuted. Is that really such an outrageous viewpoint? It's not, people just get worked up into a lather whenever pedos are mentioned and fall to over-topping each other with extreme rhetoric. "If you don't think all pedos should have their intestines stapled to their earlobes, you're a sympathizer" etc.

He's not a self-funding billionaire. We don't get those every day exactly.

He was a consistent fiscal conservative. The establishment wants to spend, spend, spend the country into insolvency. Establishment Republicans spend as much as establishment Democrats. Cruz was clearly not one of them.

It is in the west, yes. People go out of their way to harass (male) pedophiles and murdering convicted sex offenders will get you called a hero. It's a stunning contrast to say, China, where you have huge child porn topics stickied on mainstream boards and nobody really gives a fuck.

It's all just virtue signaling. Big government types also promote it because "muh pedophiles" is a ready excuse to shut down free speech on the internet. I mean, just look at Holla Forums. This very board was almost forced out of existence by weaponized moral outrage about pedos.

Without struggle and real conflict, they've become soft, decadent, weak, meanwhile most of us have been in a state of constant struggle for most of our lives.

"or else"

That makes me want to hit the schmuck that wrote it, it doesn't make me want to vote Cruz.

there is a reason everyone hates him.

Yes it is among the normies. For decades the powers that be have whipped up pedo hysteria and witchhunts and false accusations to SHUT. IT. DOWN. It's about time we fucking used that particular weapon of their's against them.

Take your little fetish for jacking it to lolis over to /hebe/.

Fuck off, freak.

They'll never stop being so arrogant that they might see the only way they can stop Trump is to endorse him.

bump…Rato just signed his death warrant

Yeb! was was only beat by Mike Lee, literally who?

Also, do yourselves a favor: don't believe any polls from now on

That's evidence in favor of this plan.

Meghan "Titties" McCain & Carly "Greyhound" Fiorina Endorse Rato

Let's awaken the body of Christ and take down the Washington cartel you stupid fucking goyim!


This would be like if Jeb endorsed Trump

so how does he fund his campaigns? if he's not self-funding or mostly accepting small donors like bernie, he is using the donor class for support. and that support is not free.

there's no point in having a fiscally conservative voting record if you have big bank and globalist connections and donors

he's an opportunist. the establishment needs his conservative Evangelical voter base, and he needs the establishment to herd the entire party behind him.

his principles and voting record are worthless once his donors call in a favor. notice how he rails against the "Washington cartel", yet has no problem accepting tens of millions of dollars from special interests and SuperPACS.

the establishment just commanded everyone to drop out and support cruz, and threatened voters to vote for cruz "or else". will rato disavow establishment support because "the people are tired of washington insiders telling them how to think"; he's "not one of them"; and "will fight them once he's in office"? no. of course not. he's gonna milk the shit out of this.

he is quite literally the establishment's choice
and always has been

It appears they are assuming Cruz is the lesser of two evils.

They know they cannot get away with stealing the nomination.

More Rato oppo dump



Robert Mercer bankrolled Cruz's campaign but had a side pot going for Carly. The guy was actually controlling both candidates. Oh, and just like everybody else surrounding Cruz, he's CIA-tier tricky, apparently knows enough hi tech trickery to hack code. I

Cruz has to be genetic experiment to create the most untrustworthy human face

Goodness there is no loyalty in that family.

Like Paul Ryan? Your dad should've pulled out.

Exactly, no one can figure out how the GOPe missed the voter anger this season and the hate people now have for the "establishment". Well the truth is if the average idiot can see it then they can too. They saw it and planned for it. They simply hedged their bets, the hedge itself served a dual purpose as a camouflage as well.

They ran their 1st lane Establishment candidate Yeb. If he wins, great. If not, no problem because Rubio is there. Ideally Rubio was just training for another election, getting his name out there, doing some debates but if he's needed he's there. But, if the anger was so bad that neither Yeb nor Rubio could make it then that's fine too because we have our GOPe Approved Anti-Establishment Candidate® Ted Cruz.

So that covered the nomination, then during the general of course whichever patsy was "chosen" by the voters with a healthy dose of Fox Jews manipulation and narrative pushing would have lost and Hillary would have been elected to continue the Obama Agenda.

This was the plan, Trump is the Aryan Monkey Wrench thrown into the machine.

I got blindsided when the usually level headed globalist economist went Tumblr on Trump. TRUMP=KKK, Trump will turn the GOP into a white nationalist party (not kidding here).

So I stopped paying that 'Rothschild owned' magazine my shekels and felt good about it.

Heidi & Ted Cruz Exposed

Heidi Cruz was:
“SPECIAL” Assistant to Ambassador Robert B. Zoellick? Do you know WHO he is??? Mitt Romney put Zoellick on his team and caught great criticism over it but we didn’t hear about that through Fox or any one else now did we! Google it!! Just type in Romney and Robert B Zoellick.

Robert Bruce Zoellick is a former U.S. trade representative, deputy secretary of state, president of the World Bank, and vice chairman of Goldman Sachs (2006-2007). As U.S. trade representative, Zoellick played a key role in the passage of the Central American Free Trade Agreement, the U.S.-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement, the Jordan Free Trade Agreement, and the restoration of fast track negotiating authority via the Trade Act of 2002. He was also a top U.S. negotiator during the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) negotiations that lead to the formation of the World Trade Organization (WTO).””U.S. Trade Representative Prior, Zoellick was appointed United States Trade Representative and assumed office on February 7, 2001. As a member Bush’s Cabinet, he served with the rank of Ambassador. Zoellick is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, as well as the Trilateral Commission, and was one of the signers of the January 26, 1998, Project for the New American Century (PNAC) letter to President William Jefferson Clinton.[10][11]

We can meme this to Republican Twitter. The term "climate change" should give them pause


pic related is a draft image from earlier in the race

there's not much chance of losing when you're betting on all the horses

on the topic of brokered conventions: a lot of cuckservatives, especially right-wing talk radio hosts, are hoping that will be their fail-safe if their cruz surge falls short of winning the nomination outright. so the narrative they're pushing now in preparation is
etc etc.
they're mentally preparing everyone by brainwashing them with this day after day

what they don't realize is the precedent this sets. do they not realize that if this becomes acceptable, any time one faction of the party wants to throw a tantrum bc they can't muster enough votes for their own candidate, the GOP will simply force a brokered convention every single time. once you open this up, if i were running the GOP, i'd flood the field with 30 candidates and fund them as long as i could, and then every single time it would go to brokered convention where i could install 1 of those 30 i backed.

they're willing to accept this preposterous level of manipulation just because wah wah i dont like trump and i dont have influence anymore because nobody's obeying me wah wah

but all of this wouldnt matter anyway, because if it gets to that point, what's left of the party will be irreversibly ripped to shreds and they can kiss their cushy DC jobs goodbye

I'm convinced Heidi Cruz is the key to Lyin' Rafael's true purpose

He is the front-man who co-opts the Tea Party / grassroots / Constitutionalist / Evangelical demographics, which the GOP specifically identified and targeted after Romney lost. They knew they needed this ~4-5 million voting bloc who stays home unless the candidate is super conservative.

Why do you think CPAC suddenly changed its target audience, and then shilled Mark Levin nonstop, not to mention Glenn Beck for fuck's sake. I mean, Glenn Beck, really? That's going to be the face of your movement? Well, they're not trying to be legitimate and attract fresh blood… they just need that voting bloc. Levin and Beck definitely has them captive. This is who they're convinced they needed to control. Cruz is the perfect candidate for them

Cruz himself plays the game pretty well, that's why he's a solid conservative on paper. it's all the people around him who need to be documented so we can confirm the full extent of what they're planning w/ him

More ammo against the Canuck. They just love their "free trade" agreements. And they continued to shill for their love of the TPA. They don't respect national sovereignty and would rather have our trade managed by foreign entities. If that's not a traitorous position, I don't know what is.

Senator Jeff Sessions is the only senator who read the entire TPP and gave a report on it. He endorsed Trump and advises him on policy. NOT CRUZ. There's a reason why.

Literal cuckoldry



That's the red flag, the Bush clan is now behind Ted Cruz the lying rat.

Jeb! is dead, Rubio is drowning so now they're rallying behind Ted Cruz.


A prominent Houston businessman, Neil Bush joined Cruz's fundraising team along with his wife, Maria.

Cruz, who has long been one of the top fundraisers in the crowded GOP field, added 13 new bundlers who will help him raise the cash to compete with Donald Trump, who is largely self-funding his campaign. Also joining as new Cruz fundraisers are Don Huffines, a Texas state senator formerly backing Rand Paul, and Dick Weekley, a Republican powerbroker in Texas politics.


Reminder that Ted Cruz the Lying Rat stole Donald Trump's immigration policies

Im banging a leftie on the side. She hates me because i am outspoken about trump.
Fuck her childish views i just want to get off

McCain is a cuck. She should be thankful that she doesn't have black dna.

t.Rush Limbaugh

Why does Rush always get a free pass, he's also largely to blame for the "Cruz is anti-establishment" meme.

He uses the same technique as Hannity. Whenever he mentions the establishments hatred of Trump, he makes sure to add on "…but they hate Ted Cruz even more" its fucking disgusting.

And it's been going on for quite some time now.
But all you need to do is look at who is donating bribe money to their PACs and you can easily see their owned by the same people that own the establishment puppets.

Only Trump is not.

And Rafael Cruz also backpedaled on his 500% increase in H1B visas for the duration of the election.
After the election, win or lose, he will return to fighting for that 500% increase…because that is what his owners are paying him for.

Their faces fit better on the opposite face.

So what is Trump waiting for to sue this little spicanuck shit for not being eligible? That will shoot his ass down for good and there is nothing they GOPe can do anymore to deny him the nomination without setting itself on fire

I had Rush on in the car recently and he said "Cruz is the closest the Republican party will ever come to the second coming of Ronald Reagan"

That's some top tier shilling. Probably the greatest irony of all is that the only radio "conservative" that's been consistently pro-Trump and whom regularly shits on Cruz is mega kike Michael Savage.

I wonder if the (((establishment))) will openly support Clinton when Trump wins the nomination.

My guess is they actually will, but in secrecy because the left/right lie has to be maintained for future generations of goy

bump for exposure


Rush has been good to Trump but I am getting sick of his bluepilled view on Cruz. I don't know if he just doesn't get it or if he's actively pushing a known wolf in sheep's clothing. I hope it's the former.


Ted Cruz, A Bush By Another Name
by Roger Stone

Neil Bush, the son of President George H. W. Bush, who defrauded U.S. taxpayers out of $1.5 billion dollars in the savings and loan scam, and later peddled influence for the Chinese government, (who plied him with Chinese prostitutes) has formally endorsed Senator Ted Cruz for president. You can’t make this stuff up.

This endorsement says much. Since the other, more politically involved Bush men have a distinct dislike for Mr. Cruz, I suppose Neil Bush is better than no Bush. Let’s look at the wonderful memories that Neil Bush has left us with. First there is that little banking charade he steered us into back in 1985.

Back in 1981, Neil Bush was director of Silverado Savings and Loan in Denver, Colorado. Neil was very generous, lending millions to pals Kenneth Good and William Walters. The $250 million in loans went into default, S.S. & L. went bankrupt and had to be seized by the Feds. Neil Bush walked away with a cool $100,000 personal loan which he never paid back. Documents released by the Office of Thrift Supervision detailed the conflict of interest charges against Neil. Federal regulators described him as “unqualified, and untrained” to be a director of a financial institution.

It seems Neil miscalculated just how much he knew about directing a mega financial institution like Silverado Savings and Loan. By the summer of 1990, the cost of bailing out the savings and loan industry would cost at least $500 billion! Neil’s Silverado adventure cost U.S. taxpayers $1.5 billion.

Neil actually got fraudulent loans they knew would fail, use the money to short the stock and crash the bank and collect millions according to CIA cut-out and Bush family associate Al Martin in his seminal work The Conspirators: The Secrets of an Iran-Contra Insider.

Oh, and let’s not forget his lies to the press immediately after John Hinckley Jr. allegedly shot Ronald Reagan. At first he and his wife admitted to knowing the Hinckley family, that they donated a lot of money to the Bush endeavors … yet the next day he recanted and claimed he actually didn’t know them, and wasn’t even sure if they donated any money! In fact John Hinckley Sr. give heavily to George Bush Sr., in 1964, 1966, 1970 and 1980 and Neil and his wife were scheduled to dine with John Hinckley Jr.’s older brother the very night Jr. allegedly shot Reagan.

This is the same Neil Bush who was sent Asian prostitutes by the Chinese conglomerate that was using Neil to peddle influence to the U.S. government for a multi-billion dollar Semi-conductor deal, according to his own deposition.

The Bush-Cruz connection is clear. Ted was George W.’s brain when he ran for president. A top policy adviser, Ted maneuvered for Solicitor General in Bush World but settled for a plum at the Federal Trade Commission. Ted’s a Bush man with deep ties to the political and financial establishment. Ted and wife Heidi brag about being the first “Bush marriage” – they met as Bush staffers. Cruz was an adviser on legal affairs while Heidi was an adviser on economic policy and eventually director for the Western Hemisphere on the National Security Council under Condoleezza Rice. Condi helped give us the phony war in Iraq. Heidi then went to the Bush U.S. Trade Representative as a top deputy to U.S. Trade Rep. Robert Zoellick, who wired Heidi’s membership in the Council on Foreign Relations and job at Goldman Sachs. The bailed-out bank then loaned Cruz $1 million secretly to finance his Senate race. Cruz would also borrow an undisclosed $1 million loan from Citicorp.

Cruz has become quite adroit at saying one thing while his history shows him doing the other. Rather than the outsider he claims to be, Ted Cruz is the ultimate insider, former top Bush 41 policy aide and globalist, Ivy Leaguer, and establishment insider. There is no better example of this than Calgary Ted’s actions surrounding the big Wall Street banks and their secret funding of his political ascension. Oil and Gas Millions fund this guy Cruz has been gorging at the table of the ultimate insider of all insiders – Goldman Sachs and Citibank. His TPP support is the proof in the pudding.

Cruz and his establishment puppet masters are engaged in an aggressive strategy against Trump. The false narrative of course being that Cruz is the outsider while Trump is the insider. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In its most simplistic terms – the power elite have no leverage over Trump – nothing. Cruz, on the other hand, is the establishment’s quisling, spawned by the Bushes and controlled by Wall Street, who became a strident “outsider” only four years ago.


If my gf did that to me I would dump her.

My people and country>>>>>>>muh dik

The brain that lost him the popular vote, won with scummy Electoral College focus, the terribly unpopular war on Iraq, and led to (arguably) one of the weakest and worst Presidencies in American history? Alright then.


it happened last week, that was the first sign that the Bush clan was supporting Ted Cruz:

Former Bush Finance Team Members Join Ted Cruz
Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) says that eight former national finance committee members for Jeb Bush’s failed presidential campaign have joined Cruz’s finance committee.

and now Neil Bush has joined them.

the ultimate cuckservative faggot Lindey Graham endorses Ted Cruz:

Why even Lindsey Graham might be a Ted Cruz voter now


Choosing between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, as Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) once said, is like choosing between being "shot or poisoned."

But after Trump's near-dominant showing on Super Tuesday, Graham appears to have made his choice. In an interview Tuesday with CBS's Charlie Rose, Graham said: "Ted Cruz is not my favorite by any means, but … we may be in a position where we have to rally around Ted Cruz as the only way to stop Donald Trump."

It's only a matter of time before Jeb! endorses Ted Cruz


pic related is a wider view of the site - he's hitting all the right places to stop rafael's perceived "momentum

"Ted Bush" should be memed into existence. Rafael's establishment ties are becoming more visible now that all the donors and globalists are publicly getting behind him… might as well nail him to the Bush name. Since public acknowledgment of the "establishment" supporting Cruz is becoming accepted, it opens an opportunity to red-pill by planting the seeds of doubt:

Not only is Rafael acceptable to the establishment now that they want him to win, but if you look deeper, his policies and connections were always acceptable to the establishment. What they didn't like is how he conducted himself; he was a opportunist who would throw people under the bus and didn't wait his turn. Being "too principled" didn't matter too much.

The guy hardly ever got anything done… mostly show votes and Supreme Court wins to pad his record. He was overzealous and added too much flourish when he made a big show of "taking a stand" for his conservative cult. It was too much and unnecessary for most in Congress. It's like, okay little Cuban guy, you made your point, no need to call me a liar for the cameras so Mark Levin can suck your dick tomorrow. I don't talk about your fracking and banking lobbyists, so don't overdo it.

But he still plays the game. He still takes near-zero-interest loans from big banks and special interest superPAC money to get into office. He still consults w/ Bushes, career politicians, special interests and "free" trade, open border, CFR-style globalists. People need to be bombarded w/ the glaring conflicts of interest. El Rato should not be able to escape who he is any longer.

Thorough dissecting of Rafael by Sarah Palin

Your voice annoys me, and it makes me cringe, but you did good, Based Sarah.

She continues to completely dismantle Rafael and his Mormon propaganda minister Glenn Beck. Must read.

Let's go deeper:

Ted Cruz Worked With Religious Right Founder Paul Weyrich, To Elect George W. Bush

As Goeglein recounted in his book Man In The Middle - An Inside Account of Faith and Politics in the George W. Bush Era (2011, B&H Publishing Group), with book forward written by Karl Rove, George W. Bush had already sent a powerful message to conservative evangelicals that he was theirs when, during the December 14, 1999 Iowa Republican Primary Debate Bush stated that his favorite philosopher was "Christ, because he changed my heart."

But, reveals Goeglein, then-Bush campaign aide Ted Cruz helped play the inside track, by arranging a meeting between Cruz, Goeglein, and Paul Weyrich. Starting on page 34, Goeglein begins,

"In addition to the strong support Governor Bush was garnering in those early primaries, he was also gaining the support of key social conservatives in a systematic but off-the-record outreach effort where I was spending lots of my time. One of the most important such meetings occurred a month after I arrived in Austin. My friend and fellow campaign aide Ted Cruz, a former Supreme Court Clerk for Chief Justice William Rehnquist and later a candidate for the U.S. Senate from Texas, phoned me one day and told me Paul Weyrich, one of the leading traditional conservatives in the country, was in Austin and wanted to have breakfast to discuss Governor Bush's record and the campaign. Ted asked me to join him. Paul, who later became a close friend and ally, had a reputation for blunt talk and core, unswerving convictions, and so I knew the meeting would be foundational to our coalition efforts in the Bush campaign.

We met for a breakfast all of us thought would last an hour or so. It ended up going nearly three hours. Paul queried me and ted on nearly every issue possible in a spirited, lively session. I came to see the repartee among the three of us was rooted in common principles and values; and by the end of the breakfast, Paul told us, in all his years of following presidential politics, he had never felt more comfortable with the core convictions of a candidate on the issue he most believed in, the sanctity of every human life, the foundation of the traditional family, and American sovereignty. The breakfast ended in unity and common purpose. This kind of one-on-one outreach was a cornerstone of the first Bush campaign, and conservative support was one of the keys to victory."

In other words, per Goeglein's account, Ted Cruz helped create the Bush Presidency. It's astonishing for an almost endless range of reasons, not the least of which is that it doubly true as well - Cruz also served on the Bush campaign's elite legal team that fought the legal battles over the vote recount in Florida which in turn led to the wildly controversial Bush v. Gore Supreme Court ruling that installed George W. Bush in the presidency.

But Cruz' ties to Paul Weyrich are nonetheless even more jaw-dropping than that considering who Weyrich was. How did Cruz earn the friendship of the man who helped create the Heritage Foundation, the Moral Majority, and the American Legislative Exchange Council, ALEC ?

Let's go deeper:

Ted Cruz Worked With Religious Right Founder Paul Weyrich, To Elect George W. Bush

As Goeglein recounted in his book Man In The Middle - An Inside Account of Faith and Politics in the George W. Bush Era (2011, B&H Publishing Group), with book forward written by Karl Rove, George W. Bush had already sent a powerful message to conservative evangelicals that he was theirs when, during the December 14, 1999 Iowa Republican Primary Debate Bush stated that his favorite philosopher was "Christ, because he changed my heart."

But, reveals Goeglein, then-Bush campaign aide Ted Cruz helped play the inside track, by arranging a meeting between Cruz, Goeglein, and Paul Weyrich. Starting on page 34, Goeglein begins,

"In addition to the strong support Governor Bush was garnering in those early primaries, he was also gaining the support of key social conservatives in a systematic but off-the-record outreach effort where I was spending lots of my time. One of the most important such meetings occurred a month after I arrived in Austin. My friend and fellow campaign aide Ted Cruz, a former Supreme Court Clerk for Chief Justice William Rehnquist and later a candidate for the U.S. Senate from Texas, phoned me one day and told me Paul Weyrich, one of the leading traditional conservatives in the country, was in Austin and wanted to have breakfast to discuss Governor Bush's record and the campaign. Ted asked me to join him. Paul, who later became a close friend and ally, had a reputation for blunt talk and core, unswerving convictions, and so I knew the meeting would be foundational to our coalition efforts in the Bush campaign.

We met for a breakfast all of us thought would last an hour or so. It ended up going nearly three hours. Paul queried me and ted on nearly every issue possible in a spirited, lively session. I came to see the repartee among the three of us was rooted in common principles and values; and by the end of the breakfast, Paul told us, in all his years of following presidential politics, he had never felt more comfortable with the core convictions of a candidate on the issue he most believed in, the sanctity of every human life, the foundation of the traditional family, and American sovereignty. The breakfast ended in unity and common purpose. This kind of one-on-one outreach was a cornerstone of the first Bush campaign, and conservative support was one of the keys to victory."

In other words, per Goeglein's account, Ted Cruz helped create the Bush Presidency. It's astonishing for an almost endless range of reasons, not the least of which is that it doubly true as well - Cruz also served on the Bush campaign's elite legal team that fought the legal battles over the vote recount in Florida which in turn led to the wildly controversial Bush v. Gore Supreme Court ruling that installed George W. Bush in the presidency.

But Cruz' ties to Paul Weyrich are nonetheless even more jaw-dropping than that considering who Weyrich was. How did Cruz earn the friendship of the man who helped create the Heritage Foundation, the Moral Majority, and the American Legislative Exchange Council, ALEC ?

[2nd try come on let me post]

Trump did good tonight at the boring debate

el rato was looking at him silently. no response of course. they moved on to the next question real quick.

Trump is meming into existence exactly what we've wanted ITT: for normies to start digging for themselves, and take a look at who funds each candidate.

el rato knows he's fucked once people find out he's really RATfael Bush

they're all getting behind the lying rat in a desperate attempt to stop Trump:

JONAH GOLDBERG: Anti-Trump Conservatives Might Need to Swallow Their Pride and Support Cruz



Chuck Norris isn't jumping on the Tedtanic:

Chuck Norris bows out of Cruz event

Action movie and television star Chuck Norris has dropped out of a Ted Cruz rally sponsored by a super PAC at Charlotte Motor Speedway on Saturday, saying that he was not endorsing any candidate for president.
But Norris, a well-known Republican celebrity who has a ranch in Texas, then shot down any appearance or endorsement of Cruz in a Facebook post that provided a link to a statement he made to World Net Daily, a conservative news outlet.
In a statement to WND, Norris said, “I would like to clarify for the record that I have NOT officially endorsed any candidate for president, contrary to what has been widely reported in the media.”


Fucking cucks

Ted Cruz, an Ambitious Conservative With Sharp Elbows

" WASHINGTON — Back in late 2000, Ted Cruz found himself with one of the hottest tickets in town. As a former clerk to Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, Mr. Cruz, a junior aide on George W. Bush’s presidential campaign, had scored a seat inside the Supreme Court for the oral arguments in Bush v. Gore, which would decide the election.

But when his superiors asked Mr. Cruz to give up his spot to Donald Evans, a close friend of Mr.Bush’s and the campaign’s chairman, Mr. Cruz initially balked, refusing to hand over his ticket. He backed down only after an angry phone call from a senior staff member. But the incident, which a Cruz adviser declined to discuss, has become lore.

To those who knew him as a young domestic policy adviser in Mr. Bush’s headquarters in Austin, Tex., the moment was classic Cruz — reflecting a brilliant and unusually ambitious upstart who chafed at orders from superiors and often rubbed people the wrong way but always saw himself destined for a lofty place in history. "

[2nd try come on]


He's got away with his recent Bush ties flying under the radar. Too many Trump smear campaigns going on at once… everyone's busy attacking the Emperor.

Yea I didn't notice Trump's bar at all until you pointed it out.

This is going to be the last US election.

Pin him to his Bush ties and let's put Lyin' Ted away

Bump. Keep spreading the information.


He stole more than his immigration policies. Almost everything that lying fuck say's he's going to do, Trump said first. The only thing original that he says is that he's going to do it on the first day in office.

I even have normies talking to me in disbelief about how Rato says he's going to have an "import tax" like it wasn't the same thing as Trump's tarrif, and that now Rato is saying he wants to abolish the IRS all of a sudden, right after Trump said it during the last debate

How many things has that lying rat said he'll do first day in office now?


He's doing a good job of fucking his own campaign, but let's stomp him out once and for all

Meme him out of existence

Cruz = Bush

Why can't we just assassinate him?

robot pls

the two people to the right of me are greek-american

They both look better.

worth a bump

Hannity is still desperately claiming that Cruz is not establishment and lumps the Cruz and Trump campaigns together as some sort of bulwark against the powerful elites.
What a fucking retard.

Hannity is pure "muh Israel", which is the only thing Cruz has going for him in regards to people like Hannity.

Yeah, they both look more attractive that way.

Ted Cruz finds new allies in GOP establishment he rails against


"“For a lot of supporters I think it comes down to this sudden reality of a Donald Trump nomination,” said one of the Jacksonville door-knockers, Paul Dickerson, a Houston lawyer who supported Bush but is now backing Cruz, whom he considers a friend. Trump, he said, “would be a disaster of the country and embarrassment for the nation, and Ted is the best chance to defeat Donald Trump.” "

"The establishment world is hardly foreign to the Texas Republican. Cruz, his wife, Heidi, and his campaign chairman, Chad Sweet, all worked for George W. Bush and are making overtures to people who supported Jeb Bush, Cruz backers said. Foster said Cruz called him, while Dickerson said the campaign has been quick to extend a “welcoming hand” with no hard feelings. (Cruz’s campaign said there is no concerted effort to woo Bush supporters.) "

hi 45 year old man who is paid to be here

pre-emptive bump just in case I wake up too late and the thread is gone

More neocons from the Bush era join Ted Cruz's team.

Cruz announces national security team

Elliott Abrams was an assistant secretary of State in the Reagan administration and a deputy national security advisor in the George W. Bush administration; he is a senior fellow for Middle Eastern Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations.

Stewart Baker served as assistant secretary for policy at DHS, as general counsel of the National Security Agency, and as general counsel of the bipartisan commission that investigated intelligence failures involving WMD and Iraq.

Ilan Berman is vice president of the American Foreign Policy Council, and an expert on Iran, Russia and radical Islam.

Lt. General William G. “Jerry” Boykin is a retired US Army Delta Force and Green Beret commander and the Executive Vice President of the Family Research Council.

Fred Fleitz is senior vice president of the Center for Security Policy and a former Central Intelligence Agency analyst.

Randy Fort has served in the Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush administrations in senior positions in the intelligence community, and is currently an executive with the Raytheon Company.

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. is the President and CEO of the Center for Security Policy. He acted as the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy under President Reagan.

Nile Gardiner is a former aide to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

Mike Gonzalez is a senior fellow at The Heritage Foundation, a former speechwriter for the Bush Administration and editorial writer for The Wall Street Journal.

Katharine C. Gorka is the president of the Council on Global Security.

Steven Groves is a Senior Research Fellow at The Heritage Foundation where he concentrates on the protection of American sovereignty, treaties, and international law.

Mary Habeck is a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute>>5291599 , where she studies al-Qa’ida, ISIS, and jihadi-salafism, and an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).

Kristofer L. Harrison is a co-founder of the China Beige Book and was an official in both the Departments of Defense and State in the George W. Bush administration.

Jerry Hendrix, a retired Navy captain, is the principal director of the Stoneridge Group, a national security consultancy.

Michael Ledeen is freedom scholar at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, holds a Ph.D. in Modern European History, and is the author of more than 35 books, including the forthcoming The Field of Fight.

Clare M. Lopez is vice president for research & analysis at the Center for Security Policy.

Andy McCarthy is former Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, led the prosecution of the “Blind Sheikh” and 11 other jihadists for waging a terrorist war against the United States that included the 1993 World Trade Center bombing

Robert C. O’Brien is a partner at Larson O’Brien LLP; he was a senior foreign policy advisor to Gov. Scott Walker and Governor Mitt Romney, and was a US Representative to the UN General Assembly.

Michael Pillsbury was a Reagan campaign advisor in 1980, served as assistant undersecretary of defense for policy planning under President Reagan, and is the author of three books on China.

Charles “Cully” Stimson is the senior legal fellow and manager of National Security Law Program at The Heritage Foundation; he is a former deputy assistant secretary of Defense for Detainee Affairs.

Jim Talent was a U.S. senator from Missouri and served on the House and Senate Armed Services Committees for twelve years; he is currently a senior fellow specializing in military preparedness at the American Enterprise Institute. >>5291599

Daniel P. Vajdich is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and was Governor Scott Walker’s deputy foreign policy director and lead staffer for Europe and Eurasia on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Christian Whiton was a State Department senior advisor and deputy special envoy during the George W. Bush administration; he is the author of Smart Power: Between Diplomacy and War, and is a principal at DC International Advisory.

Romney is now endorsing Ted Cruz!

Mitt Romney: Vote for Ted Cruz over 'Trumpism'


" Former presidential candidate Mitt Romney will vote for Texas Senator Ted Cruz, saying he is "repulsed" by Republican front-runner Donald Trump.

Mr Romney said in a Facebook post that the only way to nominate a Republican is to have an open convention, in which party officials choose the nominee. He campaigned with Governor John Kasich in Ohio but said voting for Mr Cruz is the only way to stop "Trumpism". "

Cruz Finance Committee Member Neil Bush Admits He's Supporting Him For 'Strategic' Reasons


SMERCONISH: Neil, is yours a full throated endorsement of Ted Cruz or are you engaged in strategic voting?

" BUSH: I'm engaged in strategic participatory politics. I made it clear that Ted Cruz wasn't my first choice. I admired and was heartbroken that my brother Jeb's lack of success. He had a track record and the temperament that proves he could be a great leader.[LOL!] Ted Cruz wasn't my second or third choice. I don't particularly like his style.

He went to Washington to be disruptive and he clearly did that and he has lost a lot of friends in Washington. He'll rebuild friendships when he becomes president. So mine is a strategic move to try to bring our party together. I think it would be a disaster to put up the most flawed candidate as the head of our ticket. Donald Trump has proven - yes, go ahead, please."

DJT Vs The Club for Growth:

letter here [PICTURE]:



"Club For Growth tried to extort $1,000,000 from me. When I said NO, they went hostile with negative ads. Disgraceful!"



" So far, donors have funneled more than $520 million collectively into campaigns and outside groups supporting Republican presidential candidates who have now dropped out — and the primaries are far from over.

Only U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Trump remain in the Republican presidential primary, and they’re aggressively courting those who once wrote checks to their opponents. But some GOP megadonors with millions of dollars to spend haven’t selected a new date to the presidential dance. Others are on the arms of their second and third choices. "

You realize there's only Trump or hillary? Mistake by Trump was not ridding of rafael for not being eligible. If rafael is run, the result will be Hillary from splitting votes with an independent Trump run or Hillary from her suing to disqualify rafael.

You realize there's only Trump or hillary? Mistake by Trump was not ridding of rafael for not being eligible. If rafael is run, the result will be Hillary from splitting votes with an independent Trump run or Hillary from her suing to disqualify rafael.

While Jeb! endorses Cruz, some neoconservatives of the Bush era are saying Clinton would be better than Trump:

'Consider Clinton,' former Bush official tells hawkish Republicans


"A former Bush administration official said Wednesday that single-issue Republican voters, who plan to select a candidate based on their foreign policy, should consider likely Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton if Donald Trump is her opponent come November."


And here's another one for those who missed it, our favorite cuckservative:

Rick Wilson Would Take Clinton Over Trump

"NYT: You also tweeted at Ann Coulter, asking if Trump ‘‘pays more for anal.’’ What do you think it is about Trump that drives the conversation toward sexualized language?"

"I will not vote for Hillary, and I will not vote for Trump. At the end of the day, I believe that President Clinton would be less damaging to the Republican Party than President Trump."

NRO is for cucks brah.

Does anyone even read it, except us?

Their only point at this stage is to be pointed and laughed at, granted, they haven't realized as much just yet.



and a bump

Fall guy against Hillary. They were probably holding onto the information about his affairs to use against him in the election. Trump might actually win, which is what they're afraid of.

I think the strongest argument you can make to Cruz supporters right now is that a vote for Cruz is a vote for Romney. He may be an establishment pawn but that doesn't mean that they actually like him (no one likes Ted Cruz, because he's personally vile and repulsive), it just means he's willing to play their game in return for whatever scraps they want to throw him.
There's no chance he comes out of a brokered convention with the nomination.

Why the fuck is Nikki Haily on there? I'd never vote for that self-serving cunt.

Worse than damned Rato. She directly stabbed the people she represents in the back because she was looking at a presidential bid.

Honest to God hope she's voted out of office next time her name comes up.

Yet again a hilarious example of women trying to have power by using the only thing they have of value.

I guess this just means I'll order an onahole and laugh at them.

I was just about to say this.
Instead I will only add that I'm using a professionally calibrated display and it took me 5 or 10 seconds to see it.


Walker was a joke candidate, it's why he dropped out on like day 2.

YEB! was meant to be a sacrificial candidate. They didn't expect Trump and they didn't expect Trump to destroy them all so handily.


That's why they're so scared. They wanted to paint Rato as the big guy.

But what they failed to realize until it was too late is that Rato is a small guy.

Jeb was sacrificial, yes, but he was supposed to get the nomination, lose to Hillary, and get comfy as professor emeritus of cuckoldry at Wellesley.
Conservative Tree House explains how the GOPe changed the rules for delegates going in to this election cycle to favor Jeb and stifle movement candidates.


What if I told you that Yeb was actually meant to win, and may have even squeaked out a slight victory against hillary so the republican establishment could claim that the base wanted amnesty?

These people are completely out of touch, as are the democrats. Hence why shillary is the democratic nominee.

Hopefully Cruz will finally stop claiming to be the "anti-Establishment outsider" who just so happens to be funded by Goldman Sachs, or at the very least people will stop taking him seriously as an outsider.

When you've received endorsements from Jeb Bush, Lindsay Graham, John McCain, Mitt Romney, and probably every other GOPe chucklefuck whose name I forget, you couldn't be a more obvious member of the club.

How can people seriously contend that el Rato is more anti-Establishment than Trump when the entire Establishment is throwing everything and the kitchen sink at trying to sabotage their #1 frontrunner?

Honestly I don't think the Washington uniparty cared whether Hillary or Jeb won. They're both funded by the same kikes, and even though they differ on superficial issues like abortion, both would not only continue the open borders status quo but push for amnesty.

Trump's evisceration of Jeb was a commendable victory, but just like any other puppet, there are a hundred other replacements like Rubio and Cruz who can be called up to serve the same role.

Yeb is so damn low energy though.
Hillary, for all her faults, clearly WANTS the job. She has the will to power or whatever you call it.
Yeb… he's like if /r9k/ pulled jury duty. "If they pick me, I guess I'll do it. I mean, I have to do it then, right?"

"Fuck, I hope they don't pick me"

and a little bump

Ted Cruz And The Wall Street Connection


" It was disturbing enough when Senator Ted Cruz announced that Neil Bush, brother of Jeb and George W., would be a Finance Chairman of his campaign.

Neil defrauded U.S. taxpayers out of $1.5 billion dollars in a savings and loan scam. Now however, Cruz has announced a key appointment that should disturb voters even more.

Cruz named Former Texas Senator Phil Gramm as his economic guru. This guy virtually crashed the U.S. economy. Gramm is largely responsible for two bills which led to the speculative bubble which popped in September 2008. First was his Gramm-Leach-Bliley bill that repealed Glass Steagall, which separated investment banking from commercial banking. Its repeal — which was signed into law by President Clinton, with the backing of Robert Rubin and Larry Summers — opened the door for a flood of money, from commercial banks, to flow into mortgage-backed securities and other funny-money schemes, which blew up in 2008.

The second bill was the Commodity Futures Modernization Act (CFMA), which totally freed derivative trading from any regulatory oversight. This was another Phil Gramm bill, and was central to the bubble creation from 2000 to 2008, and then again today.

Following the crash of 2008, the Dodd Frank bill was backed by Obama and teams of Wall Street lobbyists, who mobilized to make sure that Glass Steagall was not restored, and that the CFMA was kept in place. As a result, when combined with bailouts and Quantitative Easing, a new bubble has grown, allowing Wall Street speculators to continue the Ponzi scheme, while depriving the real economy of credit.

Phil Gramm is now an official at UBS, the Swiss bank which has been under fire for its protection of tax-cheating U.S. corporations and the upper echelon of financial speculators. Gramm would be the architect of the Cruz economic model, great for Wall Street but no so hot for American taxpayers. "

They're funded by the same kikes but are still different groups

The Republicans want cheap mexican labor without them becoming citizens, turning America into something like the UAE where there are hordes of non-voting non-citizens. This means republicans are viable as a party and most donor money and lobbying money goes to them.

Democrats want amnesty because 90% of illegals will vote for them and then they get all the donor money.

It's a competition for who gets the power and therefore the money, and we get screwed in between.

Yebber also wanted the job, he's just shitty as a candidate

David French said that Trump is the true establishment, and Cruz is the anti-establishment, because Trump is against privatizing social security and medicare


nigger please


Yes, it’s True – Ted Cruz May Have Violated FEC Rules With Super-PAC Coordination…


"Despite rather outdated FEC rules -which are supposed to block such coordination- Carly Fiorina ran her entire campaign almost exclusively through Super-PAC financing. We noted a few weeks ago that Senator Ted Cruz had shifted to a similar financial model as Fiorina.

Essentially both Fiorina, now Cruz, are pushing the boundaries on what is allowable in a post Citizens United campaign operation. While it is against federal campaign laws for Super-PACS to fund or coordinate with candidates’ campaigns, the rules are very ambiguous as to what constitutes “coordination“.

Most political observers have resigned themselves to see clarity only in the financial coordination aspect. Meaning it’s directly unlawful for a Super-PAC to give money to a campaign, but all other “in-kind-benefits” seem to float amid a rather grey area fraught with corruption.

However, that said, the Cruz Team may have officially crossed the tenuous legal threshold when their Keep the Promise Super-PAC coordinated an event, paid for 100% of the event, and then filmed the candidate at their event – turning over the footage for the official campaign to use in its campaign advertising."


"In order to determine whether or not the coordination broke FEC laws first a complaint has to be filed. Anyone can file a complain with the FEC on such matters. We are currently doing the research to determine if we have enough evidence to support such a filing.

In addition, the primary Super-PAC of Ted Cruz, Keep the Promise, is now managed / run by Kelly Anne Conway. Conway is trying to position KtP as a pro-Cruz Super-PAC and draw a distinction between being anti-Trump.

This nuanced political obfuscation is increasingly being used to create plausible deniability since the anti-Trump (GOPe) forces and Pro-Cruz (GOPe) forces have merged to try and destroy the candidacy of Donald Trump.

Senator Ted Cruz was never outside the “establishment”. Cruz was/is an establishment candidate no different from Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio. The Pro-Cruz sycophants are working earnestly to try and convince the electorate the only reason the Romney, Bush, McConnell and Paul Ryan clans are supporting Cruz is because he’s not Trump. "

The Paid DC Shills Continue – Erick Erickson [Redstate.com / Theresurgent.com] Now Attacks Paul Ryan Primary Opponent…


"Erick Erickson’s new faux-conservative media enterprise “Resurgent” launches a defense of House Speaker Paul ‘Omnibus’ Ryan, with an opposition research effort against Ryan’s opponent, businessman Paul Nehlen."

"Erickson formerly of Red State launched Resurgent to provide a new mode of attack against any political insurgent who doesn’t fit the Washington DC approved definitions of “conservatism”. A principle highlighted within his own establishment bona-fides as Erickson proclaimed: “Governor Jeb Bush is the most conservative governor I know“."

Trump knew they were going to run a spoiler, its why he left some wiggle room to the right. Cruz played into his hand by taking it, and after cucksolidation, NRO just admitted what everybody knew: its not about policy, Trump just hasnt been initiated and wont keep the gravy train going.

Mitch McConnell’s Attorney PAC ‘Stand For Truth’, Sending Money To Ted Cruz PAC ‘Keep The Promise III’…


"We previously shared how Mitch McConnell’s attorney, Eric Lycan was heading a PAC called “Stand For Truth”. That PAC was spending money attacking Donald Trump and Supporting Ted Cruz in Jan/Feb, in Iowa and on National Radio Shows – SEE HERE.

The eye opener was the revelation that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was supporting Ted Cruz all along. Which, against current information, solidifies the basic principle the entire Cruz -vs- McConnell dust-up was a staged event for public consumption in order to hoodwink conservatives. (more on that later)

[he's referring to Cruz's very vocal last minute 180 degree turn on the TPP after having supported the TPP & the TPA for months when he called McConnell a liar ]

However, in the most recent filing, Lycan sent Ted Cruz Super-PAC (KtP III) $100,000 which was part of a massive pro-Cruz campaign expenditure on Facebook and Google.


The “Stand for Truth” PAC is more mysterious. It’s essentially a bunch of insiders in Washington DC contributing, and the attorney for Mitch McConnell overseeing the expenditures. All expenditures are ANTI-TRUMP:


The “Our Principles PAC” is also exclusively an anti-Trump super-PAC with every expenditure exclusively targeted to purchase and distribute: on-line, digital, print, radio and broadcast attack ads against candidate Donald Trump.

Note, the amount of money the Ricketts family has spent on negative attack ads against Donald Trump is gobsmacking. In two months of filings the Ricketts sent over $5,000,000.00 just to this one PAC.


So that explains why Mitch McConnell is indirectly paying Erick Erickson for the hashtag #NeverTrump campaign, and the non-stop anti-Trump campaign waged by all of Erick’s contributors and writers. Previously outlined HERE " (…)

The GOP is kill with anyone but Trump, and (((they))) know this.

He's been establishment's choice since day one.

YEB! was always a patsy fall guy.

If YEB! somehow did well and beat Cruz they wouldn't care because both are owned.

He's been establishment's choice since day one.

YEB! was always a patsy fall guy.

If YEB! somehow did well and beat Cruz they wouldn't care because both are owned.


Just got back from my county GOP caucus.

The Cruzcucks were out in force and they sincerly believe he is an Outsider.

Seriously, I had to explain what the Council of Foreign Relations was to the Cruzcuck and take them step by step through the CFR shit from the Iraq war. And the Cruzcuck still thinks invading and occupying Iraq was a great idea

They have drank the purple drank of Jim Jonesesque Christcuckery. They don't care about his lies, his ties or anything other than he spoke about Muh Baby Jaysus.

Too bad my district was cucked with Cruzcucks.

Guess what? All Big Box Megachurch fucks, each and everyone of them. They had a guy wearing a yarmulke so I sidled up to him

For fucks sake, LARPing as a fake Jew. If this country doesn't elect Trump it deserves to burn to a cinder and hit a hard reset.

Don't forget anti-Christ. One publication threw that out after the Pope made his 'building walls in unchristian' comment. About they only things they haven't called Trump are homosexual and pedophile - though they have said he wants to fuck his daughters.

Why did George W. Bush endorse David Dewhurst instead of Ted Cruz for the vacant Kay Bailey Hutchinson Senate Seat…

Why? Cruz, as a long time Texas Republican, worked on George W. Bush's Presidential Campaign, was even a hired attorney in the Florida debacle, but still the Bush's were always sour on Cruz…

Here's why…

In 2003, Jose Ernesto Medellin was on death row for his subhuman crimes a decade earlier: the rape and murder of two young girls, ages 14 and 16. Medellin was an illegal immigrant and sought to have his execution stayed, claiming that during his trial he was not notified of an international law through which he could have obtained legal aid from the Mexican consulate. Mexico then sued the United States on behalf of Medellin and 50 other illegal immigrants that were incarcerated in the U.S. for crimes they committed on US soil, citing the same loophole.

District and appellate courts threw out Medellin’s requests, but the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case. Before the case could be argued, however, the Bush administration stepped in.

Bush took the position that as president, he had the authority under the Constitution to order states to review the convictions and sentences of foreign nationals in order to advise them of their rights according to international law.

Prompted by the Bush memorandum, Medellin re-filed in Texas state court. Who was the state's solicitor general? Ted Cruz.

After the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals dismissed Medellin’s second appeal, the Supreme Court once again said they would take up the case. Ted Cruz argued the case before the Supreme Court in what was a quite contentious back and forth, recounted below from a summer 2014 issue of the New Yorker:

He (Cruz) argued that the President could not order Texas to reopen the cases without the specific authorization of Congress. Cruz duelled with Stephen Breyer and other skeptical Justices for well over the allotted thirty minutes. Breyer ribbed Cruz: “As I read the Constitution, it says all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States shall be the supreme law of the land, and the judges in every state—I guess it means including Texas”—the audience laughed—“shall be bound thereby.”

“Certainly, Justice Breyer,” Cruz answered. “Texas, of course, does not dispute that the Constitution, laws, and treaties are the supreme law of the land.” But, he went on, the President’s order, in this case, was none of these. The questioning of Cruz became so raucous that, at one point, Justice John Paul Stevens felt compelled to interject, “You said there are six reasons. . . . I really would like to hear what those reasons are without interruption from all of my colleagues.” Cruz won the case, six-to-three, with Stevens joining the Court’s conservatives.


On July 16, 2008, the International Court of Justice asked for a stay of execution on behalf of Medellin and four other Mexican nationals who also did not receive consular notification.

Medellín was executed at 9:57 p.m. Central time on August 5, 2008, after a three-hour delay while the Supreme Court heard a late appeal, which was denied.

(Waste of Dubs)

Kill every last pedo. Break every last liason. No sex. Ever again. Sex is degeneracy! If nobody ever had sex everyone you hate would have never been born!


the Cruzbots are crazy

Cruz, Rubio join forces in Arkansas to block Trump delegates


"Ted Cruz's and Marco Rubio's supporters have teamed up in Arkansas to pack the state delegation with individuals who'll turn against Donald Trump in a contested convention.

Since Rubio ended his presidential bid March 15, his network of party insiders has lined up behind Cruz to win delegates who'd vote for the Texas senator once they're no longer bound to Trump in a floor fight. Trump won Arkansas' GOP primary March 1 with 32.8 percent of the vote compared to Cruz's 30.5 percent and Rubio's 24.9 percent. But Cruz's canny operatives, with Rubio riding shotgun, is likely to thwart Trump in the delegate election.

Trump's organization is as sloppy in Arkansas as elsewhere, just as Cruz's is an efficient machine in state after state. This could ding the Donald, costing him as many as 25 delegates after a first inconclusive ballot. Cruz, who finished with 15 out of the available 40 delegates in primary voting, stands to gain all 16 Trump delegates and the 9 won by Rubio.

Bart Hester, a top Rubio organizer in Arkansas, said he's filling Rubio's delegate slate with individuals committed to opposing Trump in Cleveland. "I would certainly hope it would be someone who has a leaning toward Cruz rather than Trump," Hester, a state senator, told the Washington Examiner on Monday."

I'm just glad I'm not the only who notices the trump/cruz bunching together thing.

FUCK. I didn't go out to vote for him here for this BULLSHIT!!!

Flashback (4 month ago):

Carly Fiorina: Ted Cruz says 'whatever' to get elected


"Ted Cruz is just like any other politician. He says one thing in Manhattan, he says another thing in Iowa," Fiorina said Sunday."

three months later:

Carly Fiorina Endorses Ted Cruz


"My fellow conservatives … you have a very important job on Tuesday and I say to you it is time to take our party back," Fiorina said, referring to the upcoming Republican primaries in Ohio, Florida and Illinois among others next Tuesday. "It is time to take our government back. It is time to take our country back and so it is time now to unite behind the one man who can beat Donald Trump, who can beat Hillary Clinton."

"It is time to unite behind Ted Cruz," Fiorina said.

Flashback (4 month ago):

Carly Fiorina: Ted Cruz says 'whatever' to get elected


"Ted Cruz is just like any other politician. He says one thing in Manhattan, he says another thing in Iowa," Fiorina said Sunday."

three months later:

Carly Fiorina Endorses Ted Cruz


"My fellow conservatives … you have a very important job on Tuesday and I say to you it is time to take our party back," Fiorina said, referring to the upcoming Republican primaries in Ohio, Florida and Illinois among others next Tuesday. "It is time to take our government back. It is time to take our country back and so it is time now to unite behind the one man who can beat Donald Trump, who can beat Hillary Clinton."

"It is time to unite behind Ted Cruz," Fiorina said.


I don't quite understand, has Trump ever been anti-constitution? Is being a constitutionalist a bad thing on Holla Forums. What's the general consensus on this?


Been pondering this idea for a while: What if Trump gets Bernie to run independent?

Four way free-for-all?

On what grounds would she have to Disqualify Rato?


I know there's already a thread but:

Let me ask America a question


"Mr. Cruz has toured the country bragging about his voterless victory in Colorado. For a man who styles himself as a warrior against the establishment (you wouldn’t know it from his list of donors and endorsers), you’d think he would be demanding a vote for Coloradans. Instead, Mr. Cruz is celebrating their disenfranchisement.

Likewise, Mr. Cruz loudly boasts every time party insiders disenfranchise voters in a congressional district by appointing delegates who will vote the opposite of the expressed will of the people who live in that district.

That’s because Mr. Cruz has no democratic path to the nomination. He has been mathematically eliminated by the voters.

While I am self-funding, Mr. Cruz rakes in millions from special interests. Yet despite his financial advantage, Mr. Cruz has won only three primaries outside his home state and trails me by two million votes—a gap that will soon explode even wider. Mr. Cruz loses when people actually get to cast ballots. Voter disenfranchisement is not merely part of the Cruz strategy—it is the Cruz strategy.

The great irony of this campaign is that the “Washington cartel” that Mr. Cruz rails against is the very group he is relying upon in his voter-nullification scheme.

My campaign strategy is to win with the voters. Ted Cruz’s campaign strategy is to win despite them. "

except Trump

he's for the NSA and patriot act, and a few other things like that

Why Is the Media Not Reporting the Truth about Ted Cruz’s Miniscule Crowds?


Ted Cruz + Carly Fiorina = not even 200 people.

Oh and Ted Cruz needs teleprompters, he hasn't been able to memorize all of his lies:


keep studying for finals kiddie

Rough Night for Ted Cruz – Even Ben Carson Beat Him in at Least One NY District


Fuck off Kike and/or degenerate


She always tries to talk shit about the trump sign on my wall in my room. She doesnt even know who she's voting for so I usually rip into her about that.

I know a Messianic Jew. He's actually a flat earther too. His eyes were crossing when I was explaining some basic astronomy.

To them, it's not LARPing, it's just back to basics christcuckery.

Good thread. I'm insanely worried why I haven't seen this until now. Must have slid off hard but it's good that you guys managed to keep it alive this long.

The rat's unwarranted and phony outsider/anti-establishment status has to end. Also as another user mentioned, it's disgusting how Hannity keeps bunching the rat in with Trump everytime someone compliments Trump. It's so obvious what he's doing that it's like a compulsive tick. But he's still doing that and the time for people to do that ended more than a month ago.

Again, how the hell did this get slid by so fast?

Good thread. I'm insanely worried why I haven't seen this until now. Must have slid off the board hard but it's good that you guys kept it alive this long.

The rat's unwarranted and phony outsider/anti-establishment status has to end. Also as another user mentioned, it's disgusting how Hannity keeps bunching the rat in with Trump everytime someone compliments Trump. It's so obvious what he's doing that it's like a compulsive tick. But he's still doing that and the time for people to do that ended more than a month ago.

Again, how the hell did this get slid by so fast?

I think almost no Republicans or Democrats really expected that both their parties were interested in selling out America.

It's because Sanders and Trump are running that it's brought everything out into the open, because these nationalistic issues are not ones we almost ever have the media addressing. They usually focus on globalist concerns which people can often go either way on because it doesn't seem like it should affect us directly. But then we have Trump/Sanders both talking about how the government is needing to do more for its citizens, which pisses the globalist establishment right the fuck off.

Are you saying his "father" is a cuck?

and yet another bump

what the FUCK is with this kike shit being allowed? It's the job of some fucking jew or a bot to sit here and bump all the fucking trash clickbait threads to the front and slide all the quality content off.

Obviously the mods here are real, honest to goodness kikes, but WHY don't any of the fucking retard users take issue?

It looks like I'm one of the very few people here who checks the bottom of the catalog every two days to keep good threads alive.

What the fuck are you talking about? There's a couple of Cruzbots in that thread about Trump and the North Carolina law about toilets & transexuals so that's why I bumped the Cruz threads.

Are you mad? Are you a Cruz fan?

You're saying this thread is clickbait trash? A thread in which Cruz is exposed as an establishment friendly rat posing as Mr. True Conservative, you think that's clickbait trash?

Let me just assume for a second that you are a real person.
Now I will translate:

This is what you should read every time you something like this where some one objects to a post without actually responding to anything the post is saying and then accuses them of some polarized ideology.

This is not a good thread. It's just another play-by-play circlejerk of shit that does not even remotely matter to anything. It's fucking blatant jewish clickbait.
"Politics" does not matter. Politics matters. You do not see naked politics in the news. The elections have almost nothing to do with real politics. This is just a side-show distraction to bait out people's YES/NO opinions about things to help decide policy regardless of whatever puppet takes the stage.

Yes you fucking retard.


Addressing one case at a time is myopic and is counterproductive to exposing this pattern as being ubiquitous and pervasive in "politics"

That is my issue with this shit

Go be butt-blasted somewhere else. This thread has good shit.

Nigger, you said this thread is clickbait trash. A thread that contains a lot of information about Ted Cruz's connection to the GOP establishment is according to you "clickbait trash" and "blatant jewish clickbait." and a "circlejerk of shit that does not even remotely matter to anything".

Your reply here was posted 3 minutes after I bumped the thread. Are you telling me that in 3 minutes you were able to read the whole thread and conclude it's just trash?

Do you actually think people are going to look at your two replies and conclude that you're absolutely NOT full of shit?

And you didn't even Saged your replies.

It's probably the same shill that has been in various threads trying to stop people from talking about Cruz.

Archive of this thread thus far. Make a point to save.

A particular case.
Is the fucking topic.
Of this fucking thread.
You fucking moron.

Assuming you're not a Cruzbot who's just trying to sound like an edgy nihilist to try to fit in, my advice is: don't complain about a thread you didn't read about a topic that's kind of important because you just look like a moron.

If you want to shit on all politicians no matter who they are then guess what? Nobody is preventing you from starting a thread. So just do it and don't post anymore in this thread, OK?


the establishment whores at RedState.com are praising Ted Cruz's 'Twitter game'

Is National Review now going to say there's no difference between Trump and Clinton?


Uh…is he selling us out?

Ted Cruz Seeks to Mend Fences With Republican Elites


"Ted Cruz has made few friends among Republicans in Washington during his nearly four years in the Senate, but his message to GOP elite as he looks to build support to the party’s presidential nominee is that he would bring more Republicans along with him.

In a private meeting with members of the Republican National Committee, the Cruz campaign’s high command, including campaign manager Jeff Roe, strategist David Polyansky, and delegate-hunters Ken Cuccinelli and Saul Anuzis, made the case for Cruz as the party’s stronger choice for the general election and argued he’d help down-ballot GOP races. Mathematically eliminated from winning the GOP nomination on the first ballot, Cruz is betting on Donald Trump failing to reach the 1,237 delegates required to win the nomination on the first ballot, and plotting to secure as many of the then-unbound votes as possible."

Your picture doesn't match your link, your link is about Rubio possibly supporting Trump.

EXCLUSIVE: Republican D.C. Delegate Who Would Support Hillary Actually Lives In Virginia


Bharara made headlines on the right last week when she said on Fox News that she would vote for Clinton rather than Trump.

wrong thread, she's not a Cruz supporter, she's a Rubio delegate

Pat Caddell: A Vote For Cruz Is A Vote For Paul Ryan (Or Another GOP Establishment Choice)


IT BEGINS: you are going to see many cuckservatives discreetly or indirectly endorse Hillary (i.e. Clinton is bad of course but Donald Trump could be just as bad!)

It's 'Possible' Hillary Clinton Could Be Better President than GOP Pick, Charles Koch Says


"It's a nightmare scenario for Republicans, but conservative billionaire Charles Koch says "it's possible" Hillary Clinton could make a better president than the remaining candidates in the GOP primary.

Koch, one of the most influential and controversial forces in Republican politics, said in an exclusive interview with ABC News to air Sunday on "This Week" that he believed Bill Clinton was a better president "in some ways" than George W. Bush.

"In other ways, I mean [Clinton] wasn't an exemplar. But as far as the growth of government, the increase in spending," Koch said. "It was 2.5 times [more] under Bush than it was under Clinton."

Democrats have long vilified brothers Charles and David Koch and their multi-million dollar political network, but both maintain they haven't yet spent a dollar for or against any candidates in the 2016 presidential primary.

In his interview, Koch said that is a result of his disgust with the rhetoric in the Republican primary, and he even suggested Clinton could be a better choice for the country than the remaining crop of GOP candidates. "

Ted Cruz and John Kasich team up to stop Donald Trump


The campaigns of Ted Cruz and John Kasich announced an agreement Sunday night to coordinate their efforts to prevent Donald Trump from winning the GOP’s presidential nomination before the Republican National Convention.

“To ensure that we nominate a Republican who can unify the Republican Party and win in November, our campaign will focus its time and resources in Indiana and in turn clear the path for Gov. Kasich to compete in Oregon and New Mexico,” Cruz’s campaign manager Jeff Roe said in a statement late Sunday.

The Kasich campaign sent its own statement minutes later.

“Our goal is to have an open convention in Cleveland, where we are confident a candidate capable of uniting the party and winning in November will emerge as the nominee,” Kasich’s chief strategist, John Weaver, wrote.

Trump responded on Twitter late Sunday, tweeting that “Lyin’ Ted” and Kasich were “colluding” against him. Trump later released a statement calling it “sad” that “these two Washington insiders have had to revert to collusion in order to stay alive.”

He also reiterated his often-repeated claim that the GOP primary is “rigged.”

“When two candidates who have no path to victory get together to stop a candidate who is expanding the party by millions of voters, (all of whom will drop out if I am not in the race) it is yet another example of everything that is wrong in Washington and our political system,” Trump said in the statement.

Cruz’s and Ohio governor’s partnership is a recognition that Trump has a legitimate chance to earn 1,237 delegates through the primary process and clinch the nomination. The alliance came after Cruz was all but mathematically eliminated from winning the nomination outright.

For weeks, Cruz has framed the campaign as a “two-man race.” Now, with Kasich conceding Indiana, Cruz will need to prove that he can beat the Trump in what will effectively be a head-to-head matchup.

Preventing Trump from winning outright would force the front-runner to persuade additional delegates to his side on the convention floor to reach the magic number of 1,237. And a convention battle would give Cruz and Kasich the opportunity to wrangle delegates away as they become unbound in subsequent ballots. (…)

Makes sense.

be prepared to see and encourage the death of the GOP

Or else? OR ELSE?



he's saying he's going to be less aggressive when he becomes president.

First on CNN: Who's giving to Carly Fiorina's super PAC?


"The largest donation to the Fiorina super PAC – close to $1.6 million – came from Jerry Perenchio, the former CEO of Univision and national finance co-chairman for John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign with deep ties to California."

Republican Donors Deny Cruz, Kasich Needed Funds to Take on Trump


"Still, this critical stage of the race has called for extra outreach, particularly with expensive contests such as California coming up and Cruz in need of better primary performances to derail Trump. Cruz has stepped up his requests of donors who might not have otherwise considered him. He and his wife, a Goldman Sachs manager on leave, talked to New York financiers last week at the Harvard Club of New York City."

Well, I sure am glad they finally picked the guy that we get to watch trump absolutely CRUSH.

definitely bought. Hell Fiorina has no reason to be in the race still, but her being picked for VP basically confirms the dumbass really did knock up her campaign manager.
Cruz's dick is basically the establishment's greatest weapon against Ted Cruz
He is literally the Republican Bill Clinton. Everyone has access to Ted Cruz' balls except Ted Cruz.

believe it or not utilising loli as weaponry is exactly what will save them
See for example what havoc social "jewstice" is wreaking on jews and israel at rallies and college campuses across the nation.
Don't just send one of their frankenstein monsters back.

Depends on what exactly made them lefty kooks in the first place.
Environmentalists are usually the safest bet, unless they've gone to some place like Oberlin

Meme that "Yeb married his aunt" heheh

Lets see… Goldman Sachs… goldman sachs….

where oh where have I heard that name before?



I just saw on the news this morning a video of some young kid heckling Cruz saying "you suck", fucking gold.

But real talk, if there hasn't been more solid proof of a hidden motive for the GOP, it's the endorsement of Cruz over Trump. Trump has been leading the polls since the beginning and he's a regular target from left wing (((publication))) and (((media))).And Cruz is predicted to lose Indiana, a state that is a big deciding factor. And even if Trump wins the primaries, the GOP can deny him as their candidate. That either will holocaust trumps campaign, or make America run by an independent.

Pennsylvania GOP senator on collision course with Trump



" After a local radio host told Toomey that Katie McGinty, his Democratic opponent, said she would be running against a Toomey-Trump “bigotry” ticket, he fired back that her suggestion was “pretty outrageous actually.”

He then noted that he initially endorsed Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) for the GOP nomination, before voting for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in this week’s Pennsylvania primary after Rubio dropped out of the race.


Toomey will likely have help trying to carve out distance with Trump.

The Club for Growth—formally headed by Toomey— has made Trump a top target throughout the presidential primary, arguing he’s not a true conservative. It also released its first ad against McGinty this week.

Toomey could also try to distance himself from Trump if the unpredictable firebrand becomes a liability for down ballot Republicans, as Democrats hope he will. The two Republicans differ not only in style—Trump is brash while Toomey is known for his caution—but on policy.

Trump pressured Republicans to reject Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), legislation that allows trade deals to get fast-tracked through the Senate with 51 votes, saying they should “protect the American worker and manufacturer!”

Toomey backed TPA. At the time, he said it’s a “commonsense measure will ensure that America can negotiate and approve the best possible trade agreements.” "

Reminder: Ted Cruz was also a big supporter of the TPA until he decided to officially change his mind at the last minute

mini bump I'll post something later

i wonder what they are saying now that cruz is out of the race

I think the Bush Clan is going to discreetly support Hillary

Neil Bush: I have a great deal of angst about Donald Trump (VIDEO)


Bush 41, 43 Have No Plans to Endorse Trump


"For the first time since his own presidency, George H.W. Bush is planning to stay silent in the race for the Oval Office — and the younger former president Bush plans to stay silent as well."

What are the chances that the GOP will still have a brokered convention and name Mit Romney as their candidate?

Zero %. The corporate sponsors of the GOP will now try to get Hillary elected instead of Trump.

Top GOP donors tell party to legalize illegal immigrants


Apparently 70% of Cruz supporters hate Trump – and they still think Ted Cruz was disliked by the Republican Party establishment because of his ideas.

I know Cruz supporters aren't the most open-minded people but in case you meet one this thread is useful.


Just where was this graph screencapped from?

I think it was Politico but I'm not sure, I'm not the one who posted that screencap.

I don't know what to think now.

Preservation bump. In case there are still Cruz fanboys.

Conservatives United for Cruz and Kasich

Grandpa dracula was played by Jew Al Lewis, just more proof that cruz is a crypto kike or maybe a dracula.

Shows you how much of that was an act and telling readers what sounded right. Proves they aren't above lying when it suits them.

Ted cruz's father used to work for the Bushes as well.

I want to kill myself

You mean that oil company in Alberta?

What kind of 'key changes' ?

Ted Cruz Says Fight Not Over With GOP Convention Nearing


"According to another report in Politico, Cruz and his allies in the Republican Party are eyeing to continue their fight to run the party. Despite his failure to win over Trump in the presidential nominee race, he is still hoping that when he attends the National Convention in July, he will be able to bring about key changes in how the party governs itself and picks its presidential nominee. Aside from changes in rules, the party will also be working out its "official policy platform" as well as "determine how much power the Republican National Committee has to make new rules of its own." "