Was b& from 4chan's Holla Forums for posting this and I don't know why:

Was b& from 4chan's Holla Forums for posting this and I don't know why:

I work in Hollywood. This is based off my everyday personal experiences and what I'm seeing happen to the industry I've spent my life working for and loving. For some reason, this post has been silenced on 4chan and Reddit:

If you read the Hollywood Reporter, it's very likely you've seen this alarming story: hollywoodreporter.com/features/wanda-chairman-wang-jianlin-plans-invest-billions-hollywood-942854

If you've been paying attention, you've noticed the subtle propagandist themes in recent Chinese-funded movies. Everything from Iron Man 3 to Transformers 4 has had Chinese government propaganda. It's creepy. Dr. Strange removed Tibet from the plot. Star Wars hid Finn in international marketing. It goes on and on and on.

Well, folks, it's about to get a lot worse. With Wanda buying Legendary, and plans to invest in all six Hollywood studios, massive Chinese co-productions like The Great Wall, propaganda is about to get huge.Hollywood isn't innocent: American films have had propaganda issues as well, but Hollywood has historically been allowed to criticize the US government. Not the case with China.

All of this on top of corporate consolidation is murdering the low to mid budget studio film and we are in for a toxic brew:

-Say goodbye to the adult-contemporary drama.

-Say goodbye to the R-Rated comedy.

-Say goodbye to films that place characters first. (They can be on TV after all. rolleyes)

I work in the movie industry, and what we are witnessing is a soft corporate takeover by foreign interests. People are losing jobs by the thousands while Chinese money is being given to Hollywood's richest. Films are being intentionally dumbed down/censored/softened for the Chinese market. It's a horrible time to be a creative in the mainstream film industry.

I don't know what needs to be done, but someone's gotta stick up for the film workers of LA against this hostile takeover.

Other urls found in this thread:


We already said goodbye to these a long time ago. Except for R-rated movies, which now came back because le reddit Memepool was a huge success among normalfaggots.

In lieu of being censored for the Jewish sensibilities? Maybe that's an improvement, since the chinks at least aren't a bunch of greedy special snowflakes.

Oh noes, what will become of all those SJW fags who leave their shitholes to "become big in Holywood"? If they all starve to death and the Holywood kikes all get replaced by sgook kikes, I think that will be an improvement.

woh thats pretty interesting

i will make sure to tell my friends about this, and i will send them a link to the wonderful Hollywood Reporterâ„¢ article

Literally "Reddipol: The Post"

Literally "The Guy Who Cried to Codemonkey on /sudo/: The Post"

Why don't both of you autists shut the fuck up and focus on the task at hand, which is a foreign hostile takeover of the entertainment industry?

The puppets, yeah. When was the last time you saw a Hollywood film criticise zionists?



we must work together to correct this problem immediately

remember to send the Hollywood Reporterâ„¢ article to your friends/family, we must redpill as many people as possible

Well, you see, since I'm not American, I grew used to have an hostile foreign (in this case, American) takeover of the entertainment industry of my country, so I think it's time for you to man it up, burger. If it really happens, it will just be karma.


It still pains me that of all places that produced film that kikewood would become the dominant one. German, France, Soviet… just about anyplace else other than the US would have been much better.

I love how someone took the time to make a reasoned and logical post about a real concern and got ignored/silenced by memespouting poltards.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe not everything is because of DAJOOZ and that you might be controlled opposition?

4 u

I will be glad when amerika will finally collapse

This is why we have to make sure Trump wins.

So what, all this means is that more people will stop watching Hollywood productions alltogether. And when San Angeles finally slides into the ocean the chicoms will have lost all of their investment.

If there's one thing that will open consumer's eyes to the shittiness of globalism and Hollywood, it will be seeing one of their prime methods of escapism aimed to alien (asian) sensibilities and propaganda.

This isn't a bad thing. At all. Except 4u . But that's just because you won't be in charge anymore. I won't lose any sleep over pampered californians losing their jobs. I'd say this is karma and it's been a long time coming.

Good night, good riddance, and good luck.

BTW this:

Is like, your opinion man.

Isn't rogue one catering to the chink market? Not the first hollywood film to do so, either. Chinks might as well grab that shit altogether.


They haven't gone away completely

Name examples. I can't think of any. At least not produced by Holywood hack frauds.

Welcome to 8ch. Here every single discussion gets slided by Holla Forums retards.


Just like the good old days on 4chan, before moot got pissy and deleted /new/, and started hanging out with other cucks and feminists on XOXO Fest and Dashcon.

I'd take you seriously, but if you don't find Hollywood movies to be dumbed down then you have some serious issues.

Yes the chinks have taken over a lot of things, from Ford to hollywood, but you have actively allowed them to do it for decades.

Better the chinks than you kike loving race traitors. I hope they round up all you filth and shoot you.

Because they weren't aimed at Jewish sensibilities before, right?

They should all be killed, nuke LA yesterday.

And San Francisco, and Portland, and Seattle.


But there was tons of hippie shit in the 80-s as well.

Yikes, I hope you kids aren't Americans. We're all in this together, that's what this country is all about.

So Hollywood is that exception?

Niggers and spics aren't human.

Bwahaha! With all the anti-white hate in Hollywood?

That puff piece article had this creepy sinister undertone if someone knew what the Chinese have been doing. They own a major theater chain in America now too, AMC I think. They have been buying meat packing too. This is different than when the Japs were buying up stuff in the 80s. The Chinks are trying to use "soft power" to rule America and the rest of the world. Japs were just after shekels. Won't work because everyone can see through the propaganda. Soft power only works because you actually follow through with what you say. Like the ability the criticize the government or economic freedom. The Chinks will have to learn that controlling white people is a lot more difficult than the ants that make up China. If Trump gets elected I hope he puts a stop to Chinese "investment" in America. For a fun read google, "China buys the great lakes", this type of stuff goes back to the 90s. infowars.com/obama-allows-great-lakes-water-to-be-sold-to-china-as-half-the-u-s-faces-extreme-water-crisis/

In California 100 years ago there used to be a government job called "Chinese Inspector". The main purpose of the job was to insure that the Chinks were not brining in more Chinks into the country. Commiefornians 100 years ago knew that Orientals had to be kept out.

And now are busy handing the state over to Mexico.

China is cool

Im cool with that

Exactly the point.





The Chinese make their money off slave labor and government corruption and then come to the West to escape the hell they create in their own country.

CIDF go away. Chinks aren't as bad as kikes, but they are bad, period.

t. chiang wang

Good. Hollywood and the industry deserve to burn. You're ground zero for the absolute worst corruptions and degradations of western culture. I have no love for China, and I won't be seeing their propaganda films, but so long as you media kikes go out of work, I'm happy.
Ha Ha Ha. No.

but hollywood is being bought out because the jews are taking chink money
so in the end it really is the jews fault

You keep trying, Chaim?

My thoughts exactly.

Good fucking riddance, hollywood deserves aids and its already in its death throes, whether selling out to the chiners will prolong or shorten the path to their demise is irrelevant, it will make it lulzier either way.

if youre telling the truth that too is hilarious doesnt suprise me though either nor do i particularly CARE NIGGER LEAVE NOW YOU HAVE TO GO REEEEEEEE

This board needs a Chinese Cartoon Inspector

If the trade-off for less niggers and racemixing in movies is chink propaganda, I'll take that deal gladly. Cheery on top if it costs most of the Hollywood filth their livelihood.

They are buying up shit in Europe too, a large chinese "family" will buy a whole middle class apartemnt building and just kinda take over, nevermind all the business aquisitions.

Controlling pretty much any people is more difficult than controlling orientals actually, I think its a buddhist thing there is very little concept of the individual for them.

I fucking depise the rampant "individualism" of the west on some level but china and asians in general are the opposite side of that spectrum, you are often the merest cog in a machine

this is also their biggest weakness however, especially were it ever to truly come down to it militarily. They are too dogmatic, too fixed in their ways, there is no space for initiative or the spark of momentary genius. Im sure its gotten somewhat better but it seems to still be a huge factor

China is WAY better than you muricucks, you degenerates will be just another third world shithole in a decade



I seriously hope no one falls for this.

It's funny you say that while replying directly to the OP.

It's only going to get worse if the TPP passes. We already get foods from china both under and not under the organic label. Not even chinese farmers eat their own crops. That's how cancerous china is. Chinese people know their government isn't even "Chinese" to begin with.

Allowing them was part of the plan for globalization. Drive up the costs in non-communist countries while blaming capitalism, import products from communist and other countries that pay slave wages. If you want to blame anyone, blame the people actually doing it.

The chinese learned all their tactics from jews. I wouldn't be surprised there's even a caste of jewish-chinese rulers like there is with the house of saud's Dönmeh which explains the connection between Turkey, Israel, and Saudi Arabia.

The British and French cuckolds were saying the same thing about the Nips back in WW2, right until the Japanese came out of the "impassable" rainforests and stole all their colonial holdings away. Then again, Japan is a different beast altogether from most East Asian people.

Also, you're forgetting the Mongols. Any race that can do what they did with what they had deserves respect.

China hasn't fought a war since Korea, which close to 60 years of no activity. They're a paper target, at best, not that it really matters, because any idiot that thinks China is actually going to try and expand their territory is an idiot. Historically China has never been expansionist, virtually all their conflicts have been internal succession wars. If you look at the landmass China held 1000 years ago, and what it has today, it's nearly identical.

Also, the same shit as with Japan in 1980s applies to China. They're gonna go into a slump sooner or later, all this fearmongering of them taking over the world is a complete joke.

Not that I blame the Chinese leadership for what they've done and keep on doing. After Mao shat the bed they were handed over a very ugly legacy. Industrialization, especially on mass, is never a pretty thing (just look at England in the 19th century), moreso when the geopolitical situation demands it be done quickly. Any people that can crawl their way from a GDP per capita of less than $200 to close to $7000 in less than 50 years are doing something right.

Currently, China's biggest threats are the bursting economy bubble, automation motivating corporations to move their factories elsewhere (back to the West in most cases) and the demographic nuke the one child policy has created.

at least they are building shit and its gotten a lot better for the average pleb but you are fooling yourself if you think youd wanna live there, youd have like a 50/50 chance of being a peasant, nevermind all the fucking corruption and a host of other issues. The chinese used to live like rats, now they live like dogs.

The chinese may be bad but jews are ten times worse, at least chinese propaganda doesnt advocate the ruin of western civilization

Is there a Cosmo Group?

Like that faggot would ever actually move there. It's easy to talk bullshit.

For example?
Implying these exist at all. Shit like Ted and Seth Rogen films doesn't count
Again, what was the last movie from a big Hollywood studio that had done this?
If we say Israel is foreign, then it has been done already…
They have done this for YEARS now
Choose one


European cinema still exists, and sometimes they can make something really cool, like Victoria


Really? Who demanded sequels for 300?

Every European film from the last decade was just some guy trying to pass off his masturbation fantasies as high art.

Just like with indie games you have to dig through mountains of hipster/SJW shit to find the good stuff. You have to dig through mountains of shit in any form of media

This thread is full of daydreaming

Well, maybe you have to, but I can see the good stuff from miles away

And how do you get into the position to see the good stuff?

This delusion…

I know myself enough to know what I will love. At least 70% of the time when I finally decide to watch a movie, I'm gonna love it. There are very few ones which are compltly disappointing. It's an instinct, something like predicting the future.

I think you and I have different meanings behind the word digging. How do you get to know about the movie? Its not like it suddenly alerts you of its existence, you have to find out about it somewhere.


Oh, you mean that? Well, I used to write articles about movies, and when I saw a movie, I checked nearly everyone's imdb database involved in it. Actors, writers, directors, composers, sometimes producers too. That way I got to know about the future projects they are involved in, and I've kept in mind the stuff I've found interesting. Also I'm a subscriber of movie magazines, they also report stuff like this.

You will probably think imdb is unreliable and magazines are shit - yeah, that's true, but they still contain lots of useful information behind the propaganda and the false information.

they are moving up, you are moving down

It will be funny seeing fat spoiled gook kids shitposting on the ineternet 24/7 like muricucks do now and saying muricucks live like rats

it will happen in just a few years, better secure your rat hole

Dont fuck with the mongols, theres no denying that one

hahaha but yeah, sure

The japs were vicious and headstrong, hell theyd been chopping off each others heads for hundreds of years, when it came down to it however they didnt have the foresight to realize what they had gotten into with the burgers and were strategically overwhelmed, outproduced and of course fucking nuked, my case in point.

Asians can be brilliant, theres no denying that, look how well they often perform when they come to the west. Look at the Indochinese they harnessed their inherent autism and btfo the burgers

Also yes china is first and foremost a land empire, I wouldnt consider them expansionist either although they sure as fuck are looking to spread their influence. We will see about that slump, theyve got some pretty big shit in the works, the whole "new silk road" thing, whatever the fuck exactly BRICS is, Africa. Any speculation about escalation with china would definitely be in the pretty distant future

Theres just something about their culture and the underlying buddhism/mysticism, nevermind a bunch of maos crazy shit, but yes theyve made an insane comeback, theres no denying that either, just hope you hit that coinflip so you can at least live like a city dog I guess

you might not be wrong, and yes it would be kinda funny. Not quite in a few years though. Thankfully im not a burgernigger, nigger.

Where are you from?

That has nothing to do with the fact that Western cucks underestimated them and were made to pay for it. Japan's WW2 problems had less to do with any delusions of their prowess and more with a string of bad decisions reaching decades into the past, institutional problems and plain bad luck. Still, for a nation that only a century before was still stuck in 16th century feudalism, that has the least resources of any first world nation, they gave a good fight. They forced the Americans to actually nuke them because the prospect of a land invasion was so costly to the Americans.

No denying that. We already see their influence in Africa, and I couldn't be happier. Niggers deserves to be treated like the filthy animals they are.

It's guaranteed to hit sooner or later. Sure, the Chinese know this as well and are trying to create contingencies and ways to soften it, but it will happen. It's the nature of modern capitalism.

And that's not accounting for their demographic imbalance. Things will get ugly when millions of bottom tier men realize they can't find a mate because there are none to be had. China will either invest heavily into virtual waifus or start buying up women from elsewhere, or just be unable to deal with the problem and face widespread social unrest.

I don't think anyone in control of China today is actually a believer in communism. When that shit kills 50 million of your people it kinda makes people take a step back and think shit through. It's why they actually have a hybrid open market economy in place.

China will experience the rise of an educated middle class that will eventually gain enough numbers and momentum to demand more than bread and circuses, and sooner or later they will mount enough pressure to make the government relent and chip away at them. It's what always happens.

Still, it's kind of hilarious to see what the former East Asian colonies have turned themselves into in mere decades and then compare it to the shithole Africa keeps on being.

Japan was already going to surrender when the US nuked them

A good fight that they probably didnt have to fight, a fight that lasted about a year tops and was henceforth doomed to failure. Yamamoto pointed this out beforehand from what I remember

Dont get me wrong the japs were probably one of the fiercest foes of the 20th century, along with the Krauts, the late-war Ivans, and probably throw in the Perkeles there for good measure as well. The Imperial Japanese were so heavily indocrinated, just downright vicious and yes competent that it was a nightmare to fight them, some of the descriptions of the pacific campaign are fucking dark

Its interesting why they were stuck in feudalism for so long, people have pointed out that it seems like firearms technology was restricted intentionally by the shoguns and the emperor because they saw it as an obvious threat to their power, I guess a /k/ommando would say here told ya so

anyhow I hope yer fuckin right about the chiner, that they change and become more like us to an extent at least in regards to the important things, not that the west doesnt have its own cancers

oh god thats really going to happen isnt it, on the other hand the thought of some kind of massive..female import program is pretty fucking lulzy as well on some level, how would you even pull something like that off nowadays, I guess theres always Ukraine.

Debatable. One could argue that (((they))) would have eventually come after them so they could expand (((their))) dominance across the Pacific.

Japan really had to strike before America started rearming in earnest.

Christcucks are responsible. Being kike worshipers and kike lapdogs, the moment Japan encountered Westerners in the 16th century the Jesuits immediately set about undermining and subverting the shogunate, hoping to plunge Japan into another period of civil war to make it easier to conquer by a Western power. When the shogun got wind of it he kicked all the cockroaches out.

Keep in mind that Japan had only recently come out of a century long period of civil war, they wanted none of the Jewish shit. And predictably the christcuck minority that managed to gain a foothold chimped out a little while later.

More than likely, seeing how the modern woman is seemingly doing everything in her power to repulse males at every level. Feminists can already smell the change in the air and are preemptively trying to ban sexbots and waifus. Not that it's going to work with China since they view feminism as the cancer it truly is.

Subsidize the shit out of it and market it in poorer parts of the world.


Glad that industry is dying.

They already are

and nothing of value was lost

If California sinks into the ocean I'll start believing there is a benevolent god out there.

China is expansionist. They are using immigration as a weapon. In fact, immigration is the weapon being used all over the world right now. White people need to start learning the phrase, "Your skin color is your uniform".

No one wants you here, you 4chan cuckold.

China is also starting to make their presence known in the anime industry.


There have recently been several co-productions too.

You're trying too hard.

Will China become the new power? I mean I know they are rising in power but I don't know how long it will last. I hear they tend to fudge their own financials a lot to make themselves look more powerful than they are. Is this true?

China has a worse financial problem than America. They built a huge number of ghost cities simply for investment purposes. China poured more concrete from 2009-2015 than America did in the entire 20th century. The Chinese are getting old and do not have enough young either. They have the same demographic problem times 1000 the West has because of their stupid one child policy. Their entire country is a polluted wasteland. Their businessmen get rich exploiting slave labor or government corruption. They cheat like crazy to get into good schools. China will become a power simply because of its size. They are also sending out huge number of immigrants to "colonize" foreign countries. They are just as bad as Jews are. People who race mix should be shot.

So if they suffer a financial crisis will the take the rest of the world down with them?

Did Tyrone steal your oneitis again?

Probably, who knows. The next financial crisis will probably happen in Europe first and spread from there. Once American spending collapses in a big big way, goodbye China. The economic numbers in China are junk too, much worse than the lies our government puts out.

Thank you for Caressing The Rectum. $0.02 Shekels have been deposited in your good-boy account.

If you've hated Jews, then China is 10x worse than them. Mainland Chinese movies are more SJW than Jewish hollywood films, except that Mainland China constantly rims the ass of Chinese authority figures and Chinese law.

Prior to the repeal of the one-child law, they had films where they portrayed couples with multiple children as being criminal or kooky. In the Viral Factor, there were two sons. One was a cop and the other was a robber. They both became criminals and killed the main bad terrorist who wasn't a cop.

At the conclusion of the film, the cop brother died and the other waited for a long time and turned himself to the cops. The latter brother smiled at his family and told them comfortably that he was going to be alright spending years in prison. There are so many films like that.

I'm not talking about HK or Taiwan, their films are good and uncensored, but they target Mainland China because of their high population that would literally buy anything. Unfortunately, Mainland China has SARFT implemented which heavily censors violence and sex. SARFT has censored so many eastern and western films out there.

If you were more of a cool and attractive guy like Tyrone women might be interested in you.

Nothing wrong with race-mixing. Bruce Lee and Anthony Wong were the children of a race-mixing family.

Reina Triendl also came from a race-mixed family.

And I've never seen a Hollywood production criticizing Israel.

Hollywood was/is a foreign hostile industry from the start.

Of all things that's free from Jewish influences, unfortunately Hollywood is not one of them, mp4 related.

One difference between Jewish and Chinese is that chink's propaganda is painfully obvious as if it was target towards their own citizen.

he is 1/16 russian. If you consider him to be race-mixed, then you have a skewed definition.

Why are hapa grills so cute bros?


Out of curiosity, if a hypothetical nation of half-Japs and half-Germans existed that all mixed together, in four or five generations, would the people look more Jap or more German? Which DNA would take precedence?

autism dna

Shit user you described 2/3rds of my ethnicity. Though I'm actually half jap and quarter german.

Four or five generations? It'd depend on the individuals, but, most likely they'd look like Germans with thin, slanted eyes, and more slender and shorter builds. Interestingly enough, they would probably still have naturally blonde and red hairs and blue and green eyes. For some reason Nip DNA doesn't seem to overwrite hair and eye color.

Syrian's, white blonde german is already extinct by the 2nd generation.

His mother was white+chinese, his father was chinese.

Were the Ainu a Caucasian race? Maybe that it why Jap DNA does not override hair eye color.

No clue, but here are more mixed raced celebrities.


You should've used a pic of Kylo Ren instead of Elliot Rodgers.

For every Elliot Rodger out there, there's a Keanu Reeves, Halle Berry, and Bruce Lee.

I lost that image in a hard drive crash between backups.

More like for every Keanu and Halle there are 1 million supreme gentlemen politely tipping their fedoras before a blaze of hapa glory.

The pic I attached is what every hapa wants, no white people.


He's not really wrong. Nearly all people in burgerland are mixed euro white-looking folk. Charles Bronson was one of them.

posting fake quotes like that makes you look like a retard fyi

Like humans?

Putting aside Holla Forums LARPing, all humans are mixed to a degree. There is no pure, "untainted" race anywhere in the developed world. And most mixed people are generally quite normal if raised in a stable home, where there is no "I don't belong anywhere" mentality hammered into them 24/7.

Hi ((( reddit ))). I bet none of you are h'white.

That was your first mistake.

Actually if the chinks completely ban race-mixing and gay shit so prevalent in kikewood films today I'd support them,

Independent movies are the future of American cinema.

the amount of money the original made.

1. Chicks hate niggers
2. Chinks hate interracial shit
3.chicks are traditionalists
how is this a bad thin again?

Gee I don't know.


yes, propaganda without fags.

Which magazines in particular?

Jesus, that is a woman? She looks like Ricardo Montalban

You didn't saw that one, am I right?

They are not English language magazines


So real life anime girls.

What films do they make?

What's about?

Holla Forums in charge of seeing the big picture.

The big picture is to take back culture from (((them)))

So you'd rather have Chinese overlords than Jewish overlords?


The Toxic Avenger
Srgt. Kabukiman NYPD
The Class of Nuke 'Em High
Redneck Zombies
Killer Condom
and so on.

Here's their website,

I love that one.

You can see a lot of parallels between the movie industry and the manufacturing industry.

I'd imagine future American films will be shot in beijing with realistic American sets and place holder actors, Popular celebrity's face will be CG'd on to the place holder in post-processing.

I guess a lot of hipsters will be jobless in the coming decades but for now you'll only see forced chinese dialog for chopstick points.

Like clockwork.

Like lefties and communism, you faggots will be the first ones up against the wall when ching-chongs own your street, your house, your car, your PC, your money and your ass.

That's not gonna happen you underage cunt. People were saying the same shit about the Japanese in the 1980s, how they were gonna take over the world and shit, and here we are today.

I have less to fear from the Chinese than I do from Jews, niggers, spics, mudshits and leftists.

They're prevalent in Canada and they will be prevalent in the future.

Better them than the Canadians.

Kek, you reap what you sow kikes.

do the kikes fear that someone might take over their propaganda machine?

The kikes always fear the goyim. The question here is why we should care someone is going to steal it from them.

The chinks hate niggers, hate ugly women, hate homosexuality. That's already three massive things in their favor. No more negro monkeys in suits earning millions, no more Lena Dunham or Amy Schumer, and no more faggots.

Hong chong na ching chong.

lol, vid related, it's you


L O L, don't forget to give your monthly stipend of gold to the pedophiles you lecture you on morality.

Part of being a good christian is never thinking too hard about anything.

And especially not about why your moral shepherds champion giving $20 billions to Israel, or why they are all busy fucking little children (like the kikes in Hollywood) and then threatening, blackmailing and paying off the victims and shuffling the guilty priests around so they won't go to jail and will be free to rape a few more white children.

But that's okay, Christianity is the true faith of the white man it's not, the bedrock of Western civilization it's not and we would be spear chucking pagan savages if it weren't for its enlightened, Semitic views on the world at large.

I mean, Jesus was so against the Jews he went and made half his holy book Jewish. This is clear proof Christians in no way worship a Jewish deity.

Nigger, how the fuck do you think they got all that land in the first place? 'China' is an invention of the Han rulers and consists of different kingdoms and peoples conquering each other constantly.

>different kingdoms and peoples conquering each other constantly
No shit nigger, hence I said they are not expansionists. They very rarely looked outside those established borders to go on a landgrab. China was always at war with China, and the few times it was at war with outside cultures was when they intruded.

You incredible double nigger.

What part of this don't you get? "China" is the land and peoples one culture, mostly Han, was able to hold onto into the present day. China was not fighting China, Han was fighting Cantonese was fighting Koreans were all getting raped by Mongolians. There were many different, separate cultures and lands that would laugh at the idea that they were somehow 'internal'.

Incidentally this is why the modern PRC keeps making insane claims to territory since you can say huge chunks of south east asia were at one time 'China'.

They can laugh all they want, truth of the matter is that they were part of some Chinese dynasty or other for most of their existence.

I think you're joking/trolling. It's possible that the 50 centers are here, but that seems unlikely.

But just to be clear, "Chinese Dynasty" is defined after the fact to include whatever the PRC wants. For the vast majority of these peoples, none of them would claim to be direct descendents in a straight line. Some did at different times depending on your definition of race and state, again, guess who, the mongolian rape babies known as the Han.

Your retarded logic can then be applied to anything and everything. France wasn't France before the rise of the nation state, yet we regard it as such because these disparate territories, that sometimes went at war with each other, were all part of a central authority for so long.

You're just being a nitpicky cuck with a chip on his shoulder. You're likely some butthurt Asian that came here to bitch and moan the chinks are being meant to you and yours.

*Tibetian monk furiously typing*

Guess I won this one, just like the chinks won over your people.

Unlike China, most of France shares a long history of similar culture and rulers. There are disputes on that front in specific territories on the borders, like Alsace-Lorraine, but that's what the World Wars were for. And really, that's the point.

I don't think you thought that through. You call somebody a cuck for espousing nationalism.

You say I'm a different kind of Asian who doesn't like chinks. Which goes against your red army bullshit from the start, since you say there are JUST chinks.

Are you what they call Lefty Pol? I assume so since your keyboard smashing is all over the place.

I am not the person you are argueing with and I was making a joke, get your head out of your ass faggot.

That is also not the person you were arguing with, he decided to jump in there.

That's not a meta-joke.

Addendum, "France" claims maybe a thousand to 1.5 depending on who you talk to of history in a specific area.

"China" claims SIX THOUSAND uninterrupted years of territory spanning continents.

It's about a heist, but the cool thing is, it's happening in real time, the action is as long as the movie (2 hrs), and they have shot the whole movie in one take. Not like Birdman, this was really one take, the camera never stopped

It's fucking intense, you really feel like you are there with these guys

That sounds awesome.


PLEASE PLEASE CN MURDER all the weebcucks and their moe, please

The ainus are closer to aboriginal than caucasian.

That's funny, considering you're the one worshipping a dead kike on a stick.

The slanted eyes, yellowish skin, and stocky hips remain, so no.

But the kikes got their name for refusing to draw the stick, so the one dying on the stick can't be a kike.

He was for sure a jew. As much as you try to explain that away, you never will be able to.

They would look like finns

You niggers really don't know shit about the movie biz do you?

In reality it fucked the nascent japanese movie industry since companies would rather invest in hollywood studios that gave bigger returns over domestic studios

These days most japanese movies are made entirely for the local market, even kurosawa before he died talked about this

Whats happening here is the same: chinese richfags are escaping the collapse of the real state bubble in their country to invest in foreign companies that make more money. Add to that that foreign money is money they will never bring back to china so the commies there can't force them to exchange their dollars to shitty worthless yuan at low rates with constant devaluations in the middle, let alone they wont have to pay taxes

The chinks will do the same than the japs did: just let the kikes run the show for them

In other words, gay romance drama shit will go away. Sounds good.
In other words, DUDE WEED MAN will go away. Sounds good.
In other words, insufferable tumblr cunts quipping thier quirky personalities will go away. Sounds good.

I, for one, welcome our new chink overlords. Bye Jewlywood!

So will the Chinese hit a recession like the Japanese and be stuck in it for 20 years?